« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

The O'Reilly Update, August 16, 2023


Trump’s mugshot is coming, the two year anniversary of the Afghan withdrawal, justice in a unique school shooting, and a visitor from Australia gets a strong message from the Governor of Texas.

Plus, Bill’s Message of the Day, the Georgia indictment against Donald Trump.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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ten percent off your entire order. That's fifteen percent off at fast growing trees, dotcom, slash bill bill o reilly year. You are listening to the really update coming up now: the new swift might slater. Thank you wednesday august. Sixteen twenty twenty three years is happening today. In america, trumps mug shot coming two year anniversary, mom pleads guilty and an icy girl schedule. Flummoxed talk about that then they'll, be here with your message of the diverse donald trump is now facing seven hundred and seventeen years in prison and technically death penalty in one. the charges about january sex, but prosecutors never mentioned either way seven hundred seventeen years before county sheriff said, unless somebody tells me differently, we following our normal practices, and so it does. matter. Your status. We will have a mug shot ready for you, my fair,
line from the diamond act. Twenty two third of december. Twenty twenty donald trump tweeted quote: georgia hearings now on one american news, amazing, This was an overt act in furtherance of the conspirators wide him tweeting that the or to hearing was on tv yesterday was the official two year anniversary of the beginning of the body Afghanistan withdraw the tab and immediately took over it actually took over before we we let them control we put the taliban in charge of the security as we were, leaving the town and spokesperson, sat at a statement on the second anniversary, the conquest of kabul. We will. I congratulate the new hungarian nation of afghanistan and ask them to thank almighty allah for this great victory The taliban is banned, schools for girls over twelve, no beauty, salons, no women and parks and almost notes. for women without a male guardian,
murmur back on january sick, they teacher was shot by her first grade student, a six year old boy the data was sitting at a small table reading to the students and she looked up and the six year old had a handgun poindexter you shot in the arm and chest but still was able to show the kids out of the classroom. The mother of that six year old has pledged guilty. Felony child neglect and could serve up to six months in prison a different charge was dropped and she would have seen a six year. Prison sentence. The young, australian woman, possibly tik tok, complaining that whilst he's been visiting america, she seen too many american flax. She said can I say this to many flax there on how there's no cars summer on couch, cushions you're. The the country that another know the I'll tell you what my flag looks like. I know: it's blue we ve got some stars on it, I draw the american flag from memory. Is enough: let's put I got it. Ok, let's stay humble governor of texas, Greg Abbott
a sentiment that perhaps you're saying right now. He rode back to her. Go back to australia already with your message today. Next test,
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make sure you use the promo code bill, because I get you a thirty five per cent discount for the lifetime of your subscription chalk, dot com, promo code bill to now for the o'reilly update message of the day on this wednesday, the georgia indictment against donald trump and nineteen others really studying, and this that it violates all of our democratic processes, so here is a district attorney in full and county jewel. She has no jurisdiction throughout all of the other georgia counties, and not one day in georgia saw and on dirt I bet against trump and his they have and the indictment basically says there was a conspiracy to return illegal election in georgian two thousand twenty nine.
one other de and georgia signed on now when you, look at the state charter, the attorney general is supposed to bring state. Why charges? Not fanny willis again is informed and county. That's atlanta! passion wing woman. So what to do This is going on here and that translates all across the country, because if this is successful in georgia than any district attorney in county could go after any one running for office and charge and we can there is to do something. It's an outrage: Really it I'm not trying to case I'm telling you that democracy is engage. I'm no o reilly. I approve the message by writing it. You can reach me
bill bill o reilly, dotcom bill bill, O'Reilly, dot, dotcom name in town. If you wish to opine now, let's go to the male. jack o day retired. I r s revenue agent, bethany beach, delaware, puzzling to hear about people say such limitations on the hunter Biden case has run out. There is no sexual limitation for tax fraud. That is true jack, but it's not just tax fraud. Here is a number of other things: foreign agents, as we just said, and bear run a clock out on us. That's the over arch on it chris delegation sky philadelphia. I agree. Michelle obama is a strong candidate for president, but I doubt you would want to risk the obama legacy a place in history by returning to DC. The obamas are worth hundreds of millions of dollars and happily enjoying your lives, but you never know all I can do is report. The democratic party would love hurt,
all. I can do julio Rey as bellevue illinois O'Reilly. Why do you want michelle? The run? Americans are not that stupid. Who says I want Michele Bachmann to run Julio. Did I say that. Michael artemus, ward. I hope you are wrong about michelle obama, there's no one more polarizing, then she no one who would so more discord. Bob Ellis Glenn, Bernie Marilyn they'll, please stop. saying present prompts youth every turn. The glass by documents he d classified there, We can prove that he did that. Then the case will be thrown out, but I haven't any evidence of it yet, but these lorries can prove it locate right,
sextant windfalls, idaho. On hearing all this news about the money Joe Biden has received, my question: is they find him guilty of receiving his money can accords to? the money away. All number one. There isn't a credible report. This is Joe Biden received any money, yet we too, if it can be shown, the present bind benefited from his son and brothers rift. The court and Joe Biden was prosecuted for it. The court can find him and enormous
alimony can't take our money away. They can find them in a moment, something you might not know or riley hear. The news cycle can be overwhelming, as you know, but bill o'reilly dot com is here to make sure you don't miss anything as a loyal listener. Of the no spin news audio, we are offering you a way of listening to it completely ad free. You can sign up to become a bill, o'reilly dot com premium. Member today and access all the great audio content we have, including the o'reilly update and much more without commercials premium and concierge members also get exclusive access to special video programming, we'll even send you a free copy of my new best selling book killing the legends so become a bill. O'reilly dot com premium member today and enjoy listening to my podcast ad
free! Please don't wait, learn more sign up today. It below riley, dotcom, slash, ad free, that's bill, o reilly, dotcom, slash ad free! Now the rally up day brings you something you might not. No seven. Five years ago. Today, the greatest baseball, layer of all time died in new york city beloved by fans, all across the usa, he was given a two day: public funeral at the entrance to yankee stadium. Here is the story. A babe ruth The bayer began his career in baltimore during the nineteen fourteen sees it. big personality and unique appear And she was a little chubby made him an instant celebrity babe Ruth Soon traded to the boss, unresolved then to the new york yankees
the time baseball was suffering through a variety of scandals, including allegations of widespread, Option generated by organised crime. Babe Ruth save this war, its popularity, because he broke record after record when yankee stadium opened in nineteen twenty three. It was accurately called the house that ruth built During his long career that dominated like no one else. Has fifty four or home runs a nineteen. Twenty were more than the next three players combined ruth was the first athlete to hit thirty forty Fifty then sixty one runs in a single season reached seven hundred career homers, no, what else had a half as many. the babe actually stole one hundred and twenty three basis, even though he was tsar fatigue
I knew you three more than Joe the magical. He hit one hundred and thirty six triples more than any active player at the time and very few people ever approached. One hundred and thirty six. poles, paper of retired in nineteen, thirty, five, He remained in the spotlight, often visiting patients, a children's hospitals all over the country, babe Ruth, was an orphan. He had a special affinity with the kids. Bambino died from cancer on august sixteen nineteen, forty eight- he was fifty three years old, and here's something else you might not know three months before his death, the new yorker he's officially retired babes jersey, there, will never be another number three up in the bronx back after this.
Thank you for listening to the orally update. I am below riley no spin, just facts and always look out for you
Transcript generated on 2023-08-18.