« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

The O'Reilly Update, August 12, 2021


Three major airlines will not mandate vaccines for employees, American Express uses Critical Race Theory in corporate training, Nancy Pelosi stumps for Gavin Newsom in California, new polling shows voters increasingly worried about inflation, Pepsi and Coke get into the Alcohol Business.

Plus, Bill's Message of the Day, The Washington Post turns on Joe Biden's border policy.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The no o here, thursday august twelve. Two thousand twenty want you I was into the o'reilly update here's what's happening across our nation, three major airlines will not mandate vaccine for employees, american express using medical race, fury in corporate training, as he policy dumping for gavin newsome in california, new paulie, those voters increasingly worried about inflation pepsi in co git. To the booze business also had the Biden border disaster. but first the ceos of south west american adultery airlines confirming they will not require workers to get the cove it backs in may del, did say that first time, employees, those hired will have to be backed,
but united airlines said everybody has to get the job they want to work for that airline, three others, descent. american express subjecting its employees to a series of critical race theory, training sessions that encourage after rank themselves on a hierarchy of privilege and apply that hierarchy in the workplace. What a bunch of nonsense, leaked documents show amex executives now promoting their anti racism initiative. that separates workers based on racial gender, sexual another identities, not a good look for american express, speaker, Nancy Pelosi, urging californians to keep. governor newsome in office policy was at an event in San francisco. When she said quote, he's been great, reject the recall: it's not good for you
children or other living things. Unquote, is pulling says. Voters are split in California, over whether newsome should be booted from his job. The vote is september. Four. new survey from fox news, says a large number of voters increasingly concerned over rising prices, fifty three percent say higher housing costs or financial hardship that, it goes to sixty seven percent for gasolene prices and seventy percent for groceries price index opera, five and a half percent compared to last year america, who most popular soda brands. Looking a cash in the alcohol business The color recently released hard soldiers. Patsy. A roll out hard mountain do so spirits in the usa of forty percent since covert hit in a moment,
Will the border madness bring down the biden? Administration right back, For adults with ideas de esther doktor about safe access a two week, treatment that may provide up to six months of symptom relief from a domino pain and diarrhoea averaging ten weeks range of six to twenty four weeks learn more. And see the b. I it's I facts and I do not use it facts, and if you have a history of sensitivity to relax a man. Briefer lies in antibiotic agents or any components aside, acts and tell you doctor right away of your diarrhoea worsens while taking some facts and as this may be a sign of a serious or even fatal condition. Tell you doctor if you Pregnant plan and becoming pregnant are nursing or if you have liver disease, taking more foreign or other medications. Son occasions, may increase the amount of Xy vaccine in your body. The most common side effects are nausea and in increasing liver enzymes, facts. Time after the o'reilly update message of the day, president Biden and dangerous southern border, it is his all along you
If authorities had the southern border under control until Joe Biden, signed an executive order that literally blew up border security Biden. Did this to dismiss the trump remain in mexico policy. It was working and irresponsible that policy Biden. Just threw it out with nothing to replace it. and that has led to humans, suffering on a massive scale. Remember these mike it's coming off from central america and mexico are brutalized by the cartels in mexico Now we have about two million far and nationals crossing the border illegally and some of them have called it. The corrupt american pressure.
this has essentially covered for president Biden, but this week the very liberal, washington post, which has now her endorsed a republican for president. In its existence, the post broke ranks in a editorial on august, a two thousand twenty one, the washing ten post wrote in its apparent desperation of fashion, an immigration strategy that will pose order on in Increasingly out of control migration, the Biden ministry China has unleashed a torrent of words in gold on tethered to specific policies and timetable Telling migrants not to seek entry to the united states, while at the same
time relaxing ores. Wrapping, an array of measures that would actually dissuade them Providing relief to migrants on both sides of the border has been a failure. The post concludes its editorial by writing for the most part, the administrations impulses are humane. However, they have driven a policy whose incoherence as you The pressure at the border that may cost the Democrats control one or both houses of congress in next year's mid term elections. So far, There is nothing in the administration, short or long term strategizing. That is likely to shift that Dynamic on quote so there it is the why, can impose that really worried about the migrants flooding into the usa that pay
is worried about the Democrats losing power in congress because You're Biden has screwed up the border so vague. By the way no well either liberal newspaper Allah new york times lay times bossing globe. Dallas morning news miami, Harold a word about the border. The law street journal has been covering it so now on record. We all know the Biden bore policy is a disaster. I'm billow riley. I approve the message by writing it for more honest news. Analysis. Please go to bill o reilly, dotcom you'll, like it there Please read my new book killing the mob you'll like that as well. In a moment, something you might not know. Let me introduce you
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I would build twenty at checkout to get twenty percent off your bill. That's g r. I p six. The number dot com code bill to zero. Now the o'reilly update brings you something you might not know of all the water on planet earth less than two percent is safe for human consumption. Each year at least one billion people lack access to clean drinking water, another good boss double this year, one shortages and our plaguing the northern hemisphere, including here in the usa officials, checking the man made legs at store. Water use throughout the american west will fall, historically low levels by september next month, triggering an special water shortage for the first time, in. U S, history. The situation is very dire in the southwest new mexico's
just what a reserve the elephant reservoir is current at seven percent capacity, which is shocking the drought in the west is also fuelled wildfires. As you know, sir, from the blaze is, can be seen here and there with east canada and even in western europe, dynamic is also affecting food prices, key crops apples, oranges, strawberries, tomatoes are dying on farms across california, causing shortages, the grocery stores and higher price Environmentalists believe the extreme weather is an effect of climate change. Warmer temperature you mean less snow in the rockies, that's no fall melt. Each ring filling rivers, lakes and reservoirs with fresh drinking water, however scientists believe them have a solution to all this.
and its being used in the caribbean right now turn sea water into fresh water. Desert islands like Aruba, have used the price since the nineteen sixties, giant tanks motion. Water are subjected to high pressure than mast through a fine mesh the salt filtered out, leaving the remaining water safe to drink. That could be a solution for the west coast of the usa and here's something else. The largest consumer of water and the golden state is not farming or people, but landscaping. Half of all water used at home is on outdoor plants, lawns and gardens Growing trend in the region is to stop that an use water, efficient landscaping our ditching grass and flowers for rocks, cactus and concrete to reduce their consumption of fresh water back.
After this, this is Brian dean right former cia operations officer by now you probably heard of my podcast. The president's daily brief. We too, around the world talking about the most pressing news of the day and the goal is to take complicated issues both here and abroad, Them really simple to understand. We also about solutions to the problems that we discuss, just like the actual brief deliver to the president each day in the oval office, So download and subscribe to the president's daily brief available on all major podcast platforms, starting at six, a m eastern monday through Friday. It be a pleasure if he joined us fact you for listening to the arriving update. I am below riley no spin, just facts and always look out, for you
Transcript generated on 2023-01-15.