« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

The O'Reilly Update, August 1, 2019


Democrats take the debate stage in Detroit for the second night in a row, Joe Biden’s record on race relations under attack from his own party, Julian Castro says all illegal immigrants without a criminal record should become US citizens, the son and successor of al Qaeda leader Osama bin laden reportedly dead, and millennials feeling the financial pinch are turning to their parents for help.

Plus, Bill grades the performances of candidates during last night's Democratic debate in his Message of the Day.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
the bill o'reilly here thursday august first two thousand and nineteen you are listening to the o'reilly update here's what's happening cross our nation democrats debate in detroit for the second night in a row joe biden record on race relations under attack by his own party julian castro saying all illegal immigrants without a criminal record should become u s citizens the sun and successor of al qaeda leader of some of its land reportedly killed many millennia still relying on their parents money to pay the bills also coming up my message of the day a report card on the democratic debater but first ten of them presidential candidates took two stage in detroit telling the american people their plans on gratian health care race relations and more former vice president joe biden dominating the two and a half hour debate speaking more than twenty minutes while weather
attacks from rivals on deportations and healthcare among other things record on race relations also facing scrutiny with democrats asking the former vice president to atone for his past desmond me president of the florida rights restoration coalition demands an apology his organization led the two thousand and eighteen effort to restore voting rights to more than a million felons critic say in nineteen ninety four crime bill which he co sponsored in the senate led to the mass incarceration of african americans across the usa presidential awful julian castro pledging to provide a pathway to citizenship for every single undocumented worker in the country not convicted of a felony
castro telling debate moderators is immigration plan would also send billions in american aid to central american countries like mala el salvador and honduras in other news yours officials say they possess intelligence confirming the death of hams been latin sun and successor to al qaeda leader osama bin laden a thought these are refusing to say where or when bin laden was killed or if the u s milk i had anything to do with it never ending allowance roughly half of her is a millennium population still rely on their parents to pay the bills coding
study by money under thirty forty six percent of those born between nineteen eighty one and nineteen ninety six continue to accept parental assistance for basic monthly costs like rent sixty per cent say they have less than five thousand dollars in total savings fifteen per cent nothing in the bank at all upcoming a report card for the democratic debaters the message is next americans all over the country are voting with their feet fleeing high tax states i california in new york for states with lower tax burdens including texas and floor
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inside trust dotcom time now the orally update message of the day a report card for the debaters last night so this has been a fairly interesting week for the democratic party on wednesday you had radicals like bernie sanders and elizabeth warren pretty much tearing up the u s economy and many social institutions in america last night was not as extreme as wednesday however the radical left is a force and the democratic party this year
and there is no denying that one person who is not in the progressive camp is joe biden whose stunned the cnn audience by saying he believes american immigration law should be upheld he is the only want of twenty candidates to publicly state his back ng of immigration law there are other moderates but they were not as strong as joe biden i gave biden who is the front runner will remain so in my opinion a bee last night he was more steady he hit back one criticized and he basically showed a personality that will give donald trump a rod
his main rival on the stage is sen kamala harris from california but she looked unsteady last night i give her a c she was attacked by congressman gabbert for her record as california attorney general she was also mocked by other rivals for her health care plan so miss harris who performed well in the first debate did not that will last night said a quarry booker is it confirm progressive i gave him a sea plus he was article it he did go after joe biden but i do not believe senator booker has any chance at all for the nomination new york centre sen kirsten brand was almost incomprehensible last night i give her a d senator michael
then from colorado is a moderate he came across his articulate but with no charisma his presentation was pretty good i'll give him a b but he has no chance new york city mayor build the blog you who has run the big apple into the ground is a communist in my opinion and i dont say that with any ill and but the plaza rio is so extreme it's hard to believe i give him a d last night but he did grill joe biden on the million deportations that happened on president obama's watch that was your state former housing and urban development secretary julian castro gotta see he wants to give every illegal aliens in the country citizenship mrs van andrew yang wants to give every american citizen a thousand dollars a month you gotta see plus he's entertaining no shot congressmen
was see gabbert as i mentioned went after kamala harris she was articulate miss gabbert i gave her a b and washington governor jay inslee the climate change guy well not much charisma gave me see the democratic party could have some problems with open borders reparations punitive corporate taxation and single payer health plans not going to be easy for the dems this year and that's a message for more
basic analysis please visit bill o reilly dot com coming next something you might not now the amazon capital one data breach just hit one hundred six million of us just our names home addresses banking information expose forget credit card theft you're far greater risk is home title fraud tata fraud is rapid because identity thieves figured out the title and mortgage to our homes are kept online there big payday comes by force
your name off your homes title so it appears they own your home then they borrow all your equity till it's gonna forget your insurance bagger identity that programme they don't touch this home title log does and they do it by locking down your homes online title and mortgage the first sixty days after crimes like the amazon server capital one breach are crucial so i got you sixty risk free days of home title on protection claim your sixty risk free days at home title locked dot com and enter your home address see if you're already a victim that's home title locked dot com home title lock dotcom now the rally update brings you something you might not know climb change clearly the most discussed ecological topic at the day with some judges saying humans have just twelve years laughed to prevent a global environmental disaster
but there's something you might not know some of the most endangered animals on the planet are making a comeback india prime minister modi announcing this week that his country's tiger population some of the rarest cats on earth grew to three thousand animals last year that's a thirty three percent increase from two thousand t despite the good news tiger still have a long way to go experts say there are just four thousand of them on the planet down from one hundred thousand at the beginning of the twentieth century tigers also remain a danger to humans in india while four thousand animals might sound like a small amount it's nothing compared to the most endangered species on the planet
there are an estimated one thousand mountain guerrillas living in the wild fortunately for our genetic cousins their population in africa has nearly doubled since nineteen eighties next up the chinese leopard experts believe there are just seventy living members of the species in existence today the animal widely hunted for spotted fur and a victim of human settlement lives in north east asia the endangered cat can run its speeds of forty miles per hour and can jump twenty feet the rarest animal on the planet the northern white rhinoceros there are only three of them left on earth each living in captivity despite a global effort scientists simply cannot get the rhinos to breed so in a plot straight from michael craig
jurassic park geneticists and storing the rhinos dna and may bring the animals back to life as the planet's first de extinct species it is unclear whether climate change has any significant impact on endangered species but there is one obvious factor humans experts a deforestation pollution farming over fishing and construction all have led to a ninety percent drop in species living near people both on land and in the ocean of course it is the duty of every human to protect this planet and the endangered animals that live on it right back well you ve been hearing about gold all over the news and prices keep going up experts warning a recession may be coming and it's time to come
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acts and always looking out for you the
Transcript generated on 2023-01-24.