« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

The O'Reilly Update, April 30, 2019


The Attorney General defies house democrats, Deputy AG Resigns, ISIS mastermind seen alive, the continuing battle of statues of Robert E. Lee.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
the the bill o here tuesday april thirtieth two thousand nineteen you are listening to the o update yours what's happening today in america eternal general defies house democrats deputy attorney general rod roses time resigns from the department of justice i consumer spending its levels not seeing a nearly a decade reclusive we there are behind the ices tara network seen a lot beat all rourke introduces a greener new deal on the campaign trail and joe biden opens up a big lead over bernie sanders in in poland also coming up my message of the day but first a politics warmer vice president joe biden has seen a surge of democratic support days since he announced his two thousand twenty presidential campaign and bide now sits comfortably at the top of a new service
in a cnn at biden is supported by thirty nine percent of the democratic electorate leading his nearest challenger centre bernie sanders by twenty four points biden centres where the only candidates registering double digit levels of support in the pole senator bernie is really up against it as his socialist message has no alternative and it seems most americans do not what socialism attorney general way a bar threatening to skip a house hearing this thursday on the special councils russia report saying he may not appear before a chairman gerald nad lures judiciary committee after the top democratic refused to negotiate the format of the proceedings meanwhile deputy attorney general rod roses stein announced his departure from the department of justice monday nine months after president trump accused him of treason following in new york
article reporting that rosin stein was willing to wear a wire to secretly record the commander in chief inside the oval office roses stein says he was ok the economy is showing no signs of slowing down with consumer spending spiking two levels not seen in nearly ten years economist ay americans are paying top dollar four big ticket items i cars and home construction or to the war on terror the mysterious leader behind the ices turned network is apparently still alive appearing in a new propaganda video for the first time and more than five years there is currently a twenty five million dollar bounty or bag daddy's capture back to the campaign trail better work is unveiling
his new deal to combat climate change urging us taxpayers to shell out five trillion with a t to cut carbon emissions by two thousand fifty coming up my message of the day but first if you are age seventy five or older and if you own a hundred thousand dollar life insurance policy or larger i want you to get a pan and paper to write this information down many americans are making the decision to convert their life insurance policy into cash giving them extra money
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hang the statues our memorials to the civil war and it is against state law to remove more now you may remember that donald trump is caught in a controversy over saying there were good people on both sides in the charlottesville virginia situation where white supremacist invaded the town for demonstration many people who showed up that day were protesting the removal of the statues not endorsing white supremacist would present a trouble is not articulate enough in this case to separate the white supremacist movement from this statue situation
she got into trouble last week donald trump double down as they say by calling robert e lee i quote good general unquote well historically the president is correct but his enemies and they are legion are trying to say that the president is endorsing the confederacy by praising robert e lee now if you don't know much about general lee he was a brilliant tacticians on the battlefield and that is what president tromp was referring to when he said good general liese tactics are studied at places like west point american soldiers are taught
how he for years outwitted a much larger union army during the civil war now robert e lee was a traitor to his country there is no question about that he decided to leave the union and support the confederacy which of course supported slavery you cannot justify generally decision i myself have a document written by robert e lee which explains that he believes states rights were more important than supporting abraham lincoln and the eu he was wrong nevertheless
robert e lee was restored in a vote in congress did you know that congress including then senator joe biden restored liese citizenship as a result of a petition he did not receive a pardon but he became an american citizen in the nineteen seventies very fascinating situation but when you hear about charlottesville white supremacy general lee and other things i know that the analysis is primarily political being used to damage donald trump because i'm writing a history book on president tromp i can tell you
certainty that he was not phrasing white supremacist in charlottesville he was simply pointing out that people are on both sides of the statue debate whether to take the statue down or not and now a judge in virginia has said you cannot by law remove the statue of robert back with more news in a moment bill o reilly here it takes vision and intelligence to protect yourself and your family in this very complicated world and that's why i'm happy to tell you about a company i recommend why foods freeze ride food is a modern day miracle it tastes good is healthy and get this can be stored for up to twenty five years hers during super swarm sandy's i lost power for seven days off
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beneath berlin if you want to know exactly what happened you can read my book killing the s s now days later germany offered unconditional surrender to the allied forces ending the nazi fantasy of a war thousand year regime society forty three motion hitler's inner circle knew the war would end badly america had joined the conflict to soviet union had defeated germany so called invincible army at the back of stalingrad months later the allied army storm the beaches in normandy and hitler's fate with seal but here something unusual right after the nazi leader decided to take his own life in the bunker rather than face the world for his war crimes
hitler demanded his favorite meal begetting with raisins and aside of cabotage the vehement vegetarian horrid consuming me products and was a lifelong fan of spaghetti ironically the dictator responsible for the deaths of tens of millions across the globe with saw a paw by me that he routinely consumed raw mushrooms as an alternative also on this day in history a better story george washington delivering his first inaugural address to the nation he fought so hard to create on april thirtieth seventeen eighty nine washington took the oath of office to become the first president of the united states he took the oath from a second story balcony then spoke to a joint session of congress assembled inside fed
hall in america's recently appointed capital new york city but here something you mind i'd know george washington was the only american president to be inaugurated in two different cities while a founding father was first warning in new york his second inauguration took place in philadelphia at the senate chamber of commerce hall in march of seventeen ninety three on a day washington delivered a very short inauguration speech clocking in at one hundred thirty five words far shorter than president trumps
inaugural address a more than fourteen hundred work and now this many financial experts believe we are in a hidden recession and make no mistake they are worried some of these experts work for the largest banks in the country names you surely recognise it's important to think about ways to protect your family and your finances from what could be another financial crisis many americans are turning to physical go and so on can protect their retirement accounts and life savings and a relatively new law allows you to own physical gold and silver as part of your eye or a to get you started the hartford gould grew is gifting if
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Transcript generated on 2023-01-24.