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The IG Report Is Finally Released; Michael Bloomberg Apologizes For Calling Cory Booker 'Well Spoken'


-Everything you need to know about the Justice Department's Inspector General Report.

-Michael Bloomberg apologizes after press accuses him of being racial insensitive. 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
welcome to the nose venues monday december ninety thousand nineteen fight for your freedom when i was a big nothing so we it it for eight months for the horowitz report the inspector general of the justice department on the origins of surveilling the trump campaign in two thousand and sixteen so i took notes here i have notes but bread thomas i put it all in perspective for so but you know i'm sitting there and i i can't say i was surprised because even though i don't know mr horowitz i know enough that he's a swamp creature and i'm not saying that to diminish him but he's just a guy who's not going to give you anything that's going to come back to bite him in the butt and he testifies on
wednesday farmers senate committee and so he gives us nothing the headline is that the the ice made seven tee that's a lot significant mistakes mission and other things in getting their warrants surveillance warrants to spy on carter page a member of the trump campaign seventeen that's a lie but according mr horowitz there was by its political bias involve in any of the seventeen mistakes and call me i'm a cave the director
drug through the fbi had no political bias from that however he couches that by saying there's no devise a we we could find in our inner views or in documentation so i see well didn't peter straw send a text he was one of the leader fbi agents on the trump campaign didn't send text to his mistress saying that trump was a danger and they're going to derail them i think documentation is biased oh no no no no no that didn't directly affect agents shrugs work says mister horowitz sorry i cut it for me so almost immediately almost immediately after the horror statement was released four hundred and thirty four pages of it
the u s attorney john durham investigating me same thing from a criminal perspective released the statement very unusual and this takes all the energy out of the far left press woe based on the evidence collected to date and while our investigation is ongoing last month we advised the inspector general horowitz we do not agree with some of the report's conclusions as to read diction predication as to predication bread tom and in a moment define that force and how the fbi case was opened on
well let me read it again cause i screwed it up i based on the evidence collected to date mr durham's evidence and while investigation is ongoing last month we advised inspector general we do not agree with some of the report's conclusions as to predication and how the fbi case was open so durant basically saying there's a bunch of bull that's what he said that horowitz thing is ball it's got all kinds of oh well i couldn't do this and i couldn't do that and durham scope is much bigger and i had to stay in the justice but he's basically saying to you the american people the most important aspect of the story is you alright harness when we talk about you i wasn't into a free excerpt from bill o reilly got coms no spin news broadcasts where are you actually see me we'll be right back after this message
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cover him or any of the democrats running for president but you can still bloomberg journalists cover and president trump and hammer the heck out of them that's my column my brand new column called pray for the press i hope you read it and i'm going to do this tomorrow a little bit more but aside from that bloomberg goes on cbs any gives corey booker what he thinks is a compliment go cory booker endorsed me a number of times and i endorsed cory booker a number of times and he's very well spoken he's got some good ideas it would be better the more diverse any group is i thought what was wrong with that what was wrong with that statement very well spoken it's a racist statement
because cory booker is african american cory booker himself said he was taken aback by the comment very well spoken he's got very some good ideas booker was taken aback it's racist it's racist comment all right now i i would have said it i don't think bloomberg is trying to be racist i don't think i include that he's gonna be attacked as raises particularly because joe biden few years ago when we get today february two thousand seven said
go first sort of a man who was right my city leaders talk about brok ababa now to prison of arms credit aided carbineer red arrays put em on ticket vp so clean now they're there i would have been problematic i said it or anybody said clean mindset rocco bomb overlooked it came the second but saying that corrib booker's well spoken as some good ideas is a racist statement
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today as i said the bread you will waste your time if you watch the news programmes than i've on our which report i will not tell you the truth and put it into perspective but if i am wrong if they do if you see someone on tv or even writing in a newspaper that tells you the truth please let me know by email or on a message board alright because i am killing the press that's not going to be my next killing book after graziers but i am doing it again i want you to read please my new column pray for the press alright because it is so awful now is so bad but if you see someone who does something good please let me know we'll see tomorrow
Transcript generated on 2023-01-23.