« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

The Hunter Biden Info Drip, Trump's GOP Lead, Larry Elder on Issues Avoided in the Debates, Disorder in Big Cities, & More

2023-09-27 | 🔗

Hey BillOReilly.com Premium and Concierge Members, welcome to the No Spin News for Wednesday, September 27, 2023. Stand Up for Your Country.

Tonight's rundown:

  • Talking Points Memo: Bill breaks down the latest regarding the Hunter Biden scandal.
  • The latest on Donald Trump.
  • Repubican presidential candidate Larry Elder joins the No Spin News.
  • New video shows police trying to stop orchestrated looting in Philadelphia.
  • This Day in History: The Warren Commission Report
  • Final Thought: Tucker Carlson on X interview

In Case You Missed It:

  • Read Bill's latest column, "Leave it to Kamala."
  • Get tickets to Bill and Sid Rosenberg's live show this October: "A New York State of Mind" at The Paramount in Huntington, NY. They are on sale NOW!
  • Fall Madness is here!  Go to BillOReilly.com to take advantage of the latest deal, including Killing the Killers, Killing the Legends, and mug, all for $42.95.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Before Sarah discovered chambre casino dot com she enjoyed. Community come on Japan and being in PJ's by six. What the new funds thinks about the old boring sarah and and as if that's ever really exist Somebody casino has over a hundred casino style games, so joined today and paper free for europeans to redeem some serious crisis which marketing plus transaction divisive integrity tells you mentioned access to insights tat were once reserved only for the president of the united states, introducing the president's daily brief with MIKE baker. Every day c I a veteran mike bakeries, your personal intelligence officer, your key to understanding global events like never before, with our world changing rapidly, you shouldn't be left in the dark, get briefed stay ahead, new episodes. Every morning
into the president's daily brief with MIKE baker. The bill here. Welcome to the no spin news, Wednesday september, twenty seven, two thousand twenty three stand up for your country crazy day, really is the republic in debating, see me valley, california, song, eastern time, and I have to cover that for now nation and for the nose venues tomorrow, then we have a trump speech. Shhh again I'll, be watching that at the same time or margin, debate, and then thirty removed europe, a half an hour cause it's so good on acts twitter parker Alison O'Reilly
one our interview never happened before, I will show you a little preview of it in the end of the broadcast tonight. That should be pretty stay here, a lot of stuff going on and then killing the witches in qatar, tat an amazon. Thank you all very much and streaking We hope that in its number one So I need a nap to witness in six thirty this morning, but not before the talking point. memo- more bad news for president by so the republican strategy is to use three house committees, oversight, The judiciary and ways and means to put out information thinking president Biden to hunter by Mr Griffin. They go
to do that, not all at once it will be drip drip drip every week. There'll be a new revelation, though This one came yesterday a by james com or the chairman of the oversight committee and here's what he said go well. I can tell you that on the wire that hunter biodiversity from the chinese national. The beneficiary address listed was Joe Biden's home address at a time where I'm pretty, certain hundred Biden was not living in the home of Joe Biden. But if you, if you go back even further than that, this Jonathan Lee, who wired the two hundred and sixty thousand dollars from china to hunter Biden's personal account, he is part of the the chinese.
Families party okay. So it's all designed to link president Biden to the Biden, family. drifting, and I believe that will happen. I could be wrong, but again, the republicans have more information than they have put forward so on vines attorney, ivy laws, a good lawyer and be fair. He says work this was a loan from Mr Lee, the communist china. I support a big load. I I you know, why would you let that americans is two hundred sixty thousand now and then a law says that hunter, because he was a drug attic where something we're losing his father's home as permanent address. Ok, mcafee again, but if anything I am telling you that job I knew about his son and brother
Jim, enabling themselves to make millions of dollars for doing nothing, he knew and it was happening, he help them do it. There is no doubt about it, not know what that information, in the lead to, as far as the vote or other action by congress. I can predict that right now, but there is no new new was that is good for jobs. There is nothing good, it's bad, bad, bad, bad that so by today's in borneo, honoured taxpayer dime we paid for the trip raising money, that money does it go to him, you have to understand because of political action committees, democratic political Ashton's so got to always fun raises going on and we pay for the travel in a lodging and everything the taxpayer as which that should not have to be a law against that
anyway, if you're buying decides not to run for president, which I believe will happen then all the money raises goes to. Whoever will run its poor now understand that, so summing up There is no good news for job. I, it's not gonna get better for him Prices in the grocery store at the gasoline pump insurance premiums Home heating costs this winter are all going to go stock market- is going down every day, nothing good on the vine front, which is why you seeing donald trump rise in the polls, and that is a mammal now on a trump front. This case civil case in new york yesterday judge arthur angor. It said the dog
charms company, aright, defrauded, the new york real estate business or something. Quite sure. I'm a new yorker, I'm not quite sure how I got hurt by all this and I don't. I don't know why my tax dollars in new york are being spent for this. Nobody filed a complaint against the trump organization and donald trump. Nobody. the attorney general of the state Letitia James Arden, progressive, brought this case got it. Of arthur and were in the judge, who is a rabbit democratic, is donated money to the democratic party and the judge, in summary, judgment, said by our trump: did it None of the bank's involve complain and all that calls were paid back with the interest of greater that's. Why sought in a criminal case, because there's no crime
it is. I don't know why it's in the civil arena, because nobody complained under enjoy should said they were New business. We tromp anymore. Ok, but you don't. This kind of a mass of law suiting it it's a witch hunt, which is what donald trump said. So we try today, one on promoting killing the witches by new book correlating. Could we do have of a big component and kill you wish is modern times about? This? Is it this is what a witch hunt it Your people all get hang by the neck until dead, but they get their business in lives destroyed anyway. So that's the latest on trump the next hearing in this case is Monday. I guess trump could get sanction
somehow in new york business circles, but it's just a waste of taxpayers. Money is designed in get witch hunt. Nepal morning consult this is just report. It's thirty five hundred of them and they asked morning council did we want many republicans heard as donald trump. Fifty eight dissenters, fifteen rama, swarming, nine hayley, seven point six scott. To christine to just one burnham one, someone else, one secular, the share of republican prior voters farewell. Federal view? Donald trump, arable and a republic increasing seventy six percent unfavourable twenty two, the looks to me like I gotta go domination. Despite the debate tonight, I dont know how these candidates is republic in canada. Sat in California.
what they're going to do to move your position, because the mega people another republicans are very loyal trump and they know the fixes eating and worse they believe that anyway insecure. It helps get beer and wine delivered in his fast as an hour, so whether you need to fill the pool, Tailgate failure, glass for pino by the fires these and you can save I end by getting false sips delivered in just a few clicks visit instigator or download the app to get free delivery on your first. Three orders offer valid for a limited time. Minimum order ten dollars additional term supply must be twenty one are over for alcohol. Delivery were available in start at life. Descartes Judy was boring alone, then judy discover tumble casino dot com. It's my little escape now Judy's the life of the party, oh baby, mama's, bringing home the bacon love. Take it easy
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we'll be under the baseness. Obviously, because didn't bother. Why am I running I, in america, first guy a mega guy, well married the guy's name, Donald trot also running, because there are some issues that our priorities- talking about is all, for example, will be number one domestic problem in america by far that nobody talking about is what call the epidemic of father business said percent of workers in the world that a father and a home merited the money. from twenty five percent back and maintains that there are now twenty five percent of white the one that a father in the home married to the mother, even rock obama, one sided these debts. time were likely before and commit crime. Ninety I like it, but let us walk in twain I would like to end up in jail. Your raised by my father in the home merited about. What's happened, a given many jobs in the mid, sixty god will be all the more poverty and since then built we cinnabar women to marry the government and the senate.
as man had to abandon their financial and moral responsibility. The left isn't talking about it because they created the problem. Our side is not talking about it because if you're white, like you, are you'll, be accused of systemic racism in europe My guy, I'm really all, as I was the only time the black face away, supremacy Nobody, but nobody is talking about the number to the Democrats or not. Effectively dealing with the lie. We can probably do not affect the beginning with the lie. Democrats have been pushing for decades. That is a lie that america remains systematically raises, just nonsense like reparations at this life, was it is getting people killed his collar it is in effect, or the joints, lloyd and that's a phenomenon of car all over american beyond the last year's pulling. They're not aware lisa. There are thousands of what I call access, deaf people who are killed cabins otherwise not have been killed. By the way black and brown people living in the inner city, who would be alive today. Please do not been malign and therefore pulling back on their normal. Read the policing outside
is not effectively making an organ. Joe Biden goes to enough, and I was left with me now shut up. Joe Biden goes to howard university a few weeks ago. Given them and as the number one went to the whole man is white, supremacy, Are you smoking something the act defamation. They keep track of how many people are killed every year, the lights themis lashes. twenty five out of the over twenty thousand people murdered. You want to play that game I'm homicide is saying race. Commissar most white were killed by otherwise most flash were murdered or money by other black? However, every year that roughly seven hundred and fifty interracial black white homicide, five why people killed by wax even away are just thirteen percent of the population. The black, if you're white, even the white or sixty percent of the population- that, if Donna thought
at a commencement exercise said the number one threat to the homeland with black supremacy you- and I would both denounce him as a race. Hustling demagogue but Biden, says it and gets a path, and our party says absolutely nothing. It was driving thirteen percent of white people devote nearly ninety percent of the democratic party. They didn't have that minors it back this country the button right down the middle class. Not when elections are they do so by telling why people that were victims were where I deserved of of all sorts, the programme because of the white raised white man and are applauding does not. Secondly, deal with that law. I get I got it and I'm not going to challenge you wanted, because particularly in the father holmes, absolutely correct, and nobody wants to talk about it, because the government can intrude in the home no legal authority to do so and as europe I pointed out, if you criticize african american culture
right, then you're, a racist. So no whites are gonna. Do that trumps knock and do it dissent is? Is it going to do it nobody's gonna? Do it, If I were Tromp, I would appoint you do some position where you could go around the country and get that message out, but the realistic political view is this point in history, no republican is going to be donald trump and the primary. Would you agree with that everybody has a commander leaving not happen unless there four issues that come in and with trot every day is a new day have certainly anything good happen, But right now, if the primary vote all of a moral tomorrow trumped you skates in they programme serves who have targeted him a time and time again have lost. Now they say well- will win.
the general election, but they're up against the president. It was the second worst president in history, Joe Biden, but let me take it a step further with you. So what shapes the culture is, not politicians larry and you know that It's the media, the media shapes the way culture is absorbed by we, the and the media will not ever ever criticized any minority for anything and very very few times will criticise a liberal and politicians can't break through that wall. Wrong, you're wrong, a wind rather alarming gotta. Let that he wants you to the ogre glockenspiel, with a seventy percent of whom were ready. even though he got away with little under fifty three percent where it. Wasn't that all of a sudden people who didn't vote for him said you know what I want,
capital gains taxes raised you'll want Obama here is because, at the very least, most americans die That rob obama will put allow The notion that america may systemically raised when he entered the office in the third week of january, two thousand and nine, both blacks and whites start race relations would improve. When you left office, both blacks and whites, thought race. Relations got worse. Why? Because for eight years mentally the race car time and time and time again from became in place at the still believe, who might assigned you, but my travel to raising way I married to saying that racism- isn't america's dna it having an eighty year old, who called for cried the pernicious raises up. He had forgotten the white of over seventy times. I would one time: ok,
enjoy your chance, and if I were president- and I were saying the kinds of things that obama should say, the media would have to respond to what I said. So. Therefore, I wouldn't shake culture, because I would have forced the media to respond to the kinds of things you made a liar. You can't and, and the media went along look. I was at the white house. I work closely. whether you know this with present on my brother's caper that programme right and I were very close were you with him and when he announced it in the white house with the african american case from Chicago. In a background, I was in the second row: ok behind Colin Powell shorter than was on the other side of the room. I told obama was not good to have sharp the net after you gave his speech. The first person who came to
Shake his hand was me, and I knew that was because of my visibility on fox news. I didn't eat like nobody thinks about me. I always gave him a fair cut, but you are correct in this sense, the way too much division. in policy in the obama white out, but it could not have happened without the corporate media agreeing with what he was doing. I, the media, to do anything they are going. To conclude, I don't do that large. Not challenging you on the notion that the media are biased. We all know that, but worse than that, Donald trump won in twenty. Sixteen, with just eight percent of the black vote reelection campaign, he got twelve percent a fifty percent increase and got twenty percent of the black male vote,
Why based economy ever from black people, he did something about the waters, the people that are most heard by illegal aliens economically or black, and brown people with more or less living in the inner city. That is why I put him in an unknown and they'll. Do it again: time around of translating the trump gets the nomination, I believe, maybe fifty percent of hispanic unmarried above all, I now want to get too all glory bank. So this is a new sponsor for the no. We want to be up front about this whole thing. oklahoma based bank, but its investment point although that is when you deposit money in the bank itself, the icy insured, it's open up, I, but there aren't branches everywhere you gotta go. on the internet, to the old glory bank in Oklahoma. People don't understand the difference between old glory, which is why their advertising on our news programmes, the regular banks since
equally Larry. What is that? since your on the board of directors. The difference is, you won't be. And saw for who you are what you are and what you believe right banks, all of america or cancelling accounts of people who belong to the inner re who bought weapons. January safe by the large banks, volunteer, it turned over our records of accounts of their customers, who bought firearms on or near january, even without the subpoena without a court order, you will not so any law abiding business What old glory is all about? Ok, so it's say and it outwardly touts traditional? additional american tenets. That's what a tracker to do right regional american bound, for example. We also have all knowing a donald trump. you put on a out a rally and pay power is used to process it taken because
they did not like to leave the ology we're coming home although in a so you I'd be shut out or shut down because of your political view, so that when all going back all about by the way I am those california, my mission to rescue the golan state and save a nation is all about gave a new summit. The Democrats and last several decades have done california turned dissuade stated with state where about five hundred thousand people aware of the last few years and by the way I think that a job I can follow up a mirror is gonna, be avenues of it will not be. I know you think otherwise go. You are wrong is going, humbling errors. They cannot get rid of her. The gender and raise identity and of cholera. Harrison skipping occur, some other white deal with life. At gavin, newsom, mayor pete, black females, the most you didn't think they will be They won't go republican, they just want
Thereby ensuring that is, it is normal hours. If you are deemed to be correct, shall loose incorrect, probably blow Why did they prided himself into the corner? They cannot get rid of her. Don't forget you, I will read. They lie running green as well. jobs by harris has done so much damage to this country that even the dimness of us Well, I got a robot. I want to give the address all glory back one word old lorry bank dot com. If anybody is interested in checking it out, that's why I would talk gets to proceed philadelphia. Last night, you s united. of disorder. Once again, there was approach. As following a police officer's acquittal in a shooting then hundreds of kids went downtown fairly and looted the apple store, foot locker and a few others
Drink juveniles were involved in the looting another. No other protests usages criminals twice were arrested. Or the police they try to stop. It they'll be charged its philadelphia But this kind alluding situation is spreading now everywhere, and this is the united states of this order. And those looters. Even though there are wrestling, you think, you're gonna be punished, not philadelphia, not new york not delay, not in chicago san francisco, portland Oregon, seattle, washington, baltimore, say Louis punished. That's. Why not do it again.
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thinks about the old, boring sir, and and as if that's ever really exist, Jumbo casino has over a hundred casino style games, so joined today and paper free for europeans to redeem some serious prizes necessary, which he must have sufficient advice about. Everything else target This is as nine stores, including a big flagship in harlem new york because of shoplifting they can operate, distorts eye to new york city seattle to in seattle, three in san francisco, through. portland Oregon. All of those places have no law enforcement. Do so Or on the streets or for those cities, K targets point out, can't do business there, germany. How can you think of germany They and the european union countries have the exact same migrant problem that we have. Did you know that
So our migrants come from mexico, central and south america and then some caribbean islands, haiti, Their migrants come from the middle east and africa sub saharan africa, so they come across the mediterranean sea. They go to greece or italy or spain, They work their way up the eu, because you don't have even have a passport, there's no border protection at the eu when I Sid travel Europe when I was over there to show passed what, if I wanna go from switzerland and Austria, austrian slovenia, wherever maybe get a pleasure passport, not anymore. so with germany is doing is Our pudding border crossings b We germany and poland, and germany and the czech republic, because a lot of migrants coming through the though poland situation is ukraine so
It all has the common denominator that countries cannot afford to support millions of migrants. That's what it's all about here. In amerika I mean this cities. lapsing financially, as they can't how's and feed and educate and provide health care for millions of people. What is by new thing buying cares about that. Not a whit. See this is why I believe the backlash is coming against the democratic, progressive movement, democratic party and the progressive movement people get see this with their own eyes. So I think it's coming you know, but who small life. Ok, this ties in with the everyday we're talking about so we
a programme on bill, o reilly, dot com call concierge membership for a small fee and you get any free book you want of all them. I have written in concluding, kill you witches. You get direct action. It's to me how it works. Is you write me, an email all my staff looks at it makes sure you're not alone and that you're a legitimate concierge member, and if you have a problem, personal problem, whatever we will try to help you to grow, it's an insurance program for you at a very, very low cost, and that, if you need more explanation about the subjects that we talk about here on the no spin news I'll provide that. So it's a it's a great program. It's fabulously success, I get a letter this week from a cause. I urge member in the san, diego california, Eric, ok, She is sixty in the sixties.
Living? California? Almost your whole life are right in thinking about moving, because it's madness, san diego downtown is bad, but the surrounding area is okay, so she says, to me in the letter. What would your advice be to me? So I very worried about staying here, but I of the weather and I got families and around what should I do and where can I find it comparable place to move So Maria here's, my reply- and this is smart- live across the board. If you are happy where you live, even if its political place to oppose its- not probably
ass for you to move so you'll, never duplicate ever anywhere, the weather of san diego, its best, whether in a country never gonna, duplicated kite number one. Family and friends as you get older are the most important things and you app. so you move away from them, give harder to interact and we're too, number three of you have enough assets. You can protect yourself somewhat from the madness, so I told her I would state In this anti I go area, even though you know things are not what they should be in: California, we'll California ever snapped back to where it was twenty five years ago, thirty years ago, now it won't. I know that new york, where I am a lot of my friends- are moving out. But I got family friends, businesses and all of that here,
I've been crazy to see the political climate, but I can't move at this point. I dont want to write on looking up that I can travel I can get around and I can protect myself. So if you are contemplating a move and you over the age of fifty five. Very cautious smart life because is always complications. Now is a report from outside ink about if the happiest place in the united states. What are is the happiest place in the united states is combined. What do you think ready? It is reno atta re known about it? Here's a top tat unhappy Is you I'll tell you how they arrived at this, Wilmington Delaware are buying
New orleans, I don't know no one's is with that crime rate that happy. Alright, I'm not I'm not subscribing to this by the way, Cincinnati charlottesville, virginia hood river, Oregon, nice town, who'd river, outside of portland minneapolis? I don't think they're happy in minneapolis. They can't even get the cops. Take them glenn, which rings that saw bordering on ass, beautiful place, harrisburg pennsylvania, plano, Texas. I live right outside plano when I was working at to eight dallas and so nice. Okay, so too happy places are raised again is outside ink on overall. Well, being ok, so what the areas and then inclusive eddie and climate change. So you know this is a left wing thing now. I, like anything that helps the environment, but not if you're going to destroy the economy.
you got gotta. Have I want you to clean environment up? Why clean air and water, but I don't want to roy. The infrastructure of our system economically might take inclusivity. I don't really know what that means. I treat everybody the same. I don't care about your skin color at all. Never have never will so inclusivity Somebody wants to work for me. They put it in a resume. I look at their resume. We do an interview process with em out care. Watch your collar or your religion. Europe necessity is, if you're the clock over the abbe get so I think this is bs, but reno what my I've been arena? A few times gambling there it's near lake tahoe. Ok, it's not the key capital- is was a catalan about our come on.
Carson city, but right now it's a nice place very low cost living there. You move from San francisco to arena all it's gonna be fifty sixty percent less. So that was the happiest place to stay here. september, twenty seventh nineteen sixty four, the Warren commission was real on the assassination of president kennedy salt The commission was like by president Lyndon Johnson k to senators to congresspeople one cia director one world bank, president word was on it chief justice. Warren was on. It said we already Oswald acted
No conspiracy? It all Warren commission comes out. Fifty six percent of americans agree at that point. I write a nineteen sixty four. Fifty nine years ago saw twenty two years later, just two years, no, not yet two years later what nineties? six. That number jumps right and sixty four percent say you know we don't believe Oswald acted alone now? Sixty six percent of americans think it was a conspiracy to kill J f k including Robert Kennedy Julia, I wrote, I will tell you it's the best book and kennedy assassination ever killing Kennedy. Ah, Finally, we ran down every piece of this. We do
we have it all, and I explained in the book what we could not get but oswald shot, J, F k and governor connally. He did it, but Oswald had associations that are unexplained top anyway. The Warren report put out fifty nine It should go to that mail segment and then I'm clip of the interview, Tucker carlson did with me coming right up when it comes to personal style. It's not just about a signature. Look. You can build your style piece by piece with new colors fabrics and styles, it's the perfect time to add new yours within those chino from classic suits to stylish outer, where get made to measure quality at an off the rack price, at fresh layers to your father. Style within indo chino gotta indo china, common use code. Podcast get ten percent off any purchase. Three. Ninety nine or more that's ten percent off
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view. Jimbo cell plain view. New york after the no spin news are in fact, as for the no spin news tonight, if MRS Obama is given the democratic nomination, would vice president harris maintain her position once she's out so once Biden's out she's out there decided to run for president than she goes from the process you do with michelle obama, Daniel head biggest, California having just read killing reagan going a number of similarities between Nancy reagan and Joe Biden, you betcha, as Sarah Palin used to say you betcha, lot of similarities. Although Joe Biden I mean now, re was a good present today at killing rig eurobonds, bad press,
That's the difference, my murray dollars or again is it? Is it down so that knives So if a certain Menendez resigns would Cassio could turn beheld chilled to run as replacement different states, So initiatives will have to resign he's out and then governor phil, murphy, democratically jersey will appoint. Someone takes place, but that person will have the leg up in the in the vote. That will come after that, but Ocasio cortez congress, woman from new york do with yours. Bill far as woodbridge virginia good? For you hitting back at cnn bill? Are you for taking the slavery quote Allah out of context? Instead of attacking you, they should listen to you. They might learn something you don't want to learn anything is corporate media people, people? Anyone learn anything I can they want to make money, should anything else
weighing concierge member being lay for an appointment. Is a mark of disrespect says you do not value the other person hot right on try to be at the time. If you can't be on time text or call just don't keep people waiting hate to go into a doctor's office, sit there for an hour or something and who gets me patricia. First, happy birthday, holly and second, I look. Do the interview with Tucker cross. I will show you a clip at that moment where's dish, you're gray, learn washington sky audio, of killing the wishes this morning on through the first after I'm already on the edge of my seat, shocking facts I never before, though, all the killing books but chile, witches gonna, learn a lot Kay so, which is in the top ten, I believe in amazon want to make a number one if you want to become a premium or years member on bill, o reilly, dot com. You get the book free
with charge, and if you buy the book from us, we'll go to very, very Clearly, where are they? do not be a rap pro bait or a p r, o b eighty, when writing name in town bill bill reilly, dot com bill is bill o'reilly dyke name in turn. If you wish to apply back with a promo clip from the carlson o'reilly interview, final thought of the day, and here we go Thirdly, they moved it up because it, Mr Karlsson, wants to compete with the gnp debate. So this is on X, twitter. One hour causing interviewing me right and here is the promotion they put, yup to you got can exactly six years before I did almost to the day. What was that like? Why would you fire the guy in your games with dominated the space? That just seems
It gets interesting. How did you keep yourself better off just bitter about everything anyway, so how much more bitter guess? What is the future of? What does the future of news in the media? Today? Problems are off right at eight o'clock on the fox news. Nobody knew we were going to do whether they liked it or they hated us. That matter is that son of a bitch. I want to point out what he's gonna say. I think, there's an active evil. I think he probably runs the television industry we've just seen too the vitamin illustration has updated their opponent four times. Do you think it'd be reading killing trump? At some point, the american people know the fixes we run a risk of entering an actual period of chaos. We are in the chaos now we're there salt If you want to see the interview go to bill o reilly. Dotcom live like a big thing
they are even I could do it you porsche. By an early universe, all come up again in charge. At eight thirty p m the it's evening now. The subject matter is interesting. We talk about the first thing. We talk about his cable news because both carlson and me occupied the eight pm slot for fox news, and we will. Successful. So we talk about that in the state of television news in general, then we anti killing the witches which very interesting, because what caught carlson's attention in the book was the demonic possession of today right now because remember
Witches were executed and sail on because they were in the league with the devil that was the capital offence. Today, demonic, possession, the roman catholic church, believes in some progress and charges as well is active and we get into that that caught his attention. So we discuss a lot of that and then on the third part of it is the witch hunt now and donald trump is the poster boy for the witch hunt now, as we discussed earlier in the program, so weigh that real estate thing should have been brought against from or the stormy Daniels thing. Ok, you can make a case for the documents, but you have to prison bite in the same way it s not happening, and they piracy about and I'll make a phone call to try to deflect the whole election in georgia may come on this is it war dated witch hunt. You don't get it
hanged any more, but you can get your whole life ruin and cross, and I talk about that and we give examples of the progressive love which is a hundred percent driving. They cancel coach. You don't see traditional conserve is doing this all on the progressive, let so anyway, I Thought the interview was very instructive and you will enjoy it. I can guarantee that once again, pops on X, twitter, eight thirty p m tonight wednesday, go to bill. O'riley dot com push the little thing we have and you will see it and let me know all right. I want to know, obviously what you think of
interview, also I'm doing news nation tonight about the debate and trump speech in Michigan. So this is like bang, bang, bang bang, so I I'll be on at eight. I think at the top of the cuomo show and then I'll be back. after the debate and the stay is never going to end never going to end. For me, it's going to keep going. It's like a twilight zone episode. It just keeps going on and on but anyway, it's all with a cliche is all good its work into our advantage here. thank you for watching and listening to the no spin news we will use them clips. Are they We view with Carson tomorrow, honest broadcast, and we thank you again for making it all possible without you, we'd, be nowhere, see one thirsty.
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Transcript generated on 2023-09-29.