« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

The Equity Backlash in Response to Claudine Gay, Mark Penn on the Latest Polling Trends, Bernie Sanders Calls an End to Israel Funding, Ray Epps Facing Jail Time, Airline Shenanigans, & More

2024-01-03 | 🔗
Hey BillOReilly.com Premium and Concierge Members, welcome to the No Spin News for Wednesday, January 3, 2024. Stand Up for Your Country.Tonight's rundown:
  • Talking Points Memo: Bill breaks down the aftermath of Claudine Gay's resignation from Harvard.
  • Pollster Mark Penn joins the No Spin News to discuss the latest presidential numbers.
  • Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders calls for "no more" funding to aid Israel as the conflic in Gaza continues.
  • Controversial Jan. 6 participant Ray Epps faces jail time.
  • Are the airlines being honest about delays over the holidays?
  • This Day in History: Soleimani assassinated.
  • Final Thought: Penn Station
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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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seven: four: four for gold, hiv, seven, four: four for gold or tax gold to six five, five: three to again that eight, seven, seven, four four for gold or tax goal: gold, two six, five, five, three two, the wiley here- welcome to the no spin news for Wednesday january third, two thousand and twenty four stand up for your country. You know, I can't believe we're still talking about racism. Every day www, shame Racism, as you know, is every clear thinking person knows cuts both ways not or what Skin color you are, you can be racist. You can do bad things based upon ethnicity. I hope you don't, but you can.
racism is not unique to any rates, but it's all were hearing about now because of the Israel guy the situation and the equity situation, and that is the subject of this evening's talking point, memo, so I believe, there's gotta be a huge backlash against equity stuff, what is equity is when the government or a school or cooperation or a club any organization There is a human being because of their skin color. or ethnicity gay, so the coup clucks clan favours white peep. That's equity! Don't hear about that because there's not much clout
And activity in this country on the other scope you hear about it all the time. that minority americans are getting preferential treatment you're harvard which is a big story this week, and you know full disclosure, as an alumnus, I have a masters degree in public administration from the kennedy school of government at harvard now I know the school pretty well fact. The first president of harvard was a man named increase mather, who is the top which hunter. in salem. Did you know that a boy they don't want to be reminded of that? In cambridge? It's a fascinating school with a fascinating history, the most famous college. The world, and now it has fallen upon chaos because of equity.
So. As you know, it all begins with the firing of the president's claudine gay. Who could bring herself in congressional hearings to Damn violent speech against jewish students, war, Jews in general. She could not do that. She had to have context that was insane and then right wing people who, despite
is claudine gay investigated or pass came up with an enormous amount of alleged plagiarism. Almost fifty different cases that was it for claudine get the harvard corporation, which runs the college had to fire her. Now, MS gay believes that her loss of that position is because of racism. She lost her job, not because of foolish statements to congress
or plagiarism, but because she is a black woman saw. Oh, you don't have to be a harvard grad to ask a follow up. Well, if that's the case, how did you get that? You have been the first lights? Ok, though its nonsensical, but that does not stop the races. Hustlers led by our shorter and are all path. So also says quote. President gave his resignation is about more than a person or a single incident. This is an attack on every black woman in this country. Put a crack in the glass ceiling on quote yeah. Ok, I'm sure it is to tag on every black woman. I don't believe that every black woman doesn't condemn violent speech against jewish people. I don't believe that every
lack woman plagiarized now short than has been doing this for years and enriched himself in the press. As we all know about sharks it, but what he is spouses is. You can not hold an african american man, woman responsible for anything, and if you do, you are racist, dat's. His game now To borrow my kennedy, who works at boston university and is paid about three hundred thousand, is what abrams says quote, racist mobs won't stop until they topple all black people from positions of power and influence. We're not reinforcing the structure of racism,
What these racist mobs are doing should be obvious to any report who cares about truth or justice as opposed to conflict and collects ok, so it's a racist mob that got claudine get. This is a guy being pay three on uk my alma ata boss, a new of where I have another match history, I'm over educated in that broadcast rail is ok. Then we go to television. You would expect MSNBC, that's what they do all day long they traffic in racial division, and here is the person who does it the most there is this sort of open war on black progress: black history, Claudia gay, the president of harvard university, at least up until she resigned, is the latest casualty of that news, of course,
There is a war on black people in america. How absurd how insane, but that's what debts, and now we have a cnn political analysts got one of the great american phenomenons is the ability for mediocre white man, and what we are seeing is a lot of mediocrity is particularly and conservative ranks piling on to the former president of harvard university at this time, and I just it infuriates pay, because this woman deserves more respect, even though she fumble truth and fail, and that congressional here new media mediocre white men in all Therefore, I know a lot of medio grew white men who have exerted by kid just discount whether another do with their skin color It has to do with their ability not can perform well k, but saw
I believe- and I hope I'm right- I actually pray that I'm right, the most americans. Ninety percent of us liberal people, whatever apathetic people, don't believe that this is a hateful country against black. I dont think people because it is- and I don't think most be- I think it's a ten percent core, but they have enormous power. I just showed you see at an emphasis see both organisations traffic all day long and that stuff racial divisions, and then you have the president of the united states. Remember Joe Biden campaign and when he actually came out of the house, which was rare, that he was gonna bring people together well he's, got exactly the opposite gap,
That's why I issued on the first days my whole govern executive order that will, for the first time, advance equity for all throughout our federal policies and institutions, It focuses on the full range of community issue. been long under certain overlooked people of color america's disabilities, algae bt, q, americans, religious minorities, rural urban, suburban communities facie persist poverty. So what he is done Biden is give favourable treatment at the federal level where he can to my people, gay people, whatever girl he deems to be oppressed, they get favourable treatment. They get move
stop in the lot. It's not a meritocracy was on Sean Hannity's radio program today and talking about this- and he asked me about my son, who just came back from oxford and obviously an irish white kid. He did very very well on a semester there and we're very proud of him and- and he said, look did he have any trouble with this diversity, equity and inclusion business. I said it doesn't exist at oxford, ST they're gay they, these institutions at that level, oxford, cambridge, the high echelon colleges in great britain. They don't have that this is almost
You need to us here this d, I stuff it's really a shape. Now, don't worry about clotting gay. Here's! What I said yesterday got a harvard corporation which runs the school. Couldn't take now show wind up with some cushy job. You wait and see just like the pen woman did for about an hour after I said that it was announced that including gay will stay at harvard teach in classes. Nine thousand algae year, the pair so bad, not bad. Add all right. So, let's sum this up most americans. Don't like this equity, skin color racial divisions, stuff gonna, work against the democratic party which has embraced it is going to work
against Joe Biden. This happens for a reason. All of this stuff happens for a reason, and even a dimness american knows now that racism that preferential treatment is at the highest level of Our government- and that is the memo prison by and did nothing today as predict idiot or you know, at a recover from- is a virgin islands vacation which I don't begrudge him, but I wish he work a little harder, but he does a low. It is Ryan and we could all using extra bright spot in our day. Couldn't wait just to make up for things like sitting in traffic during the dishes, counting steps, you know all the mundane: stop that as well such a big fan of schomburgh cacena schomburgh casinos pour your favorite social casinos thou games. You can play for free anytime, anywhere with daily bonuses, thatcherite day, love actually lock. So sorry,
now, a chump casino dotcom. That's chamber can see doc on nobody's necessarily legally regulated by law, security conditions aiding plus No, it is Ryan and we could all using extra bright spot in our day could wait just to make up for things like sitting in traffic during the dishes. Counting yours steps, you know all the mundane stop. That is why such a big fan of schomburgh cacena schomburgh casinos pour your favorite social casinos thou games. You can play for free anytime, anywhere, with daily bonuses, thatcherite day, love actually lock. So sorry, Now a chump casino dotcom, that's chamber, can see doc on nobody's necessarily legally regulated by law security conditions aiding plus, I knew pull out today. the economist left, leaning you gov. nineteen, twenty one, you ass adults, most of them registered voters. Democrat forty percent republican, do not end up in eighteen. Fair sample do
the favourable or unfavourable opinion of Joe Biden well, thirty, nine unfavorable, fifty eight and that will sink even further, because Biden's policies are not going to page. You know, they'll do some on the border, but it's too late and the economy or pan with japan and in those prices are gonna, come down in any significant way. Calmly. Hearts. Favourable thirty eight one point below Biden unfavourable fifty three, I'm gonna turn around. I mean combo, ours is just not a credible. Vice president, this point history, Donald, try Favourable forty five now for the economist, that's a big number, forty five unfavourable fifty two, that way better than binds numbers governor,
save those variable. Thirty eight seven points lower than tromp unfavourable forty five seven points lower than tromp. It's not a good number for a candidate that has search, and I dont leave the governor well Nicky, highly favourable. Thirty three that surprise me shoot the unfavourable. What do you want for Nicky, Hayley dont know twenty six so that people she has chance to turn out around little chris christie favourable twenty five. That's the lowest number in the survey unfavourable. Fifty two eight doesn't have a chance in we begone shortly joining us now from miami? Not a bad place to be in january? Mark pen Chairman of the harvard errors pole, which some numbers coming out in the middle of this month. We follow that path.
We believe that Paul is responsible MR patten is a harvard grad and obviously is working with harvard now. So are you have any thoughts on the brouhaha that has developed in cambridge I think prison again did the right thing. Her position was really unsustainable at this point. Donors. Churches. Concur. Snow investigations, and ever hunting, allegations of plagiarism that will really written up extensively by the harvard crimson at first and and then you no more was found. I looked at it. It was pretty convincing the current faced with something she didn't dare frequently according to if you just look at it. So So I think this is this had to break this way.
It will be interesting to see whether or not the corporate directors who are sleep in our former obama administration officials is really quite interesting. How they harm corporation became most obama pointed officials who appoint themselves and as a hundred grand, I always thought that the overseers that we vote for actually had the power, and so I was kind of shock to learn that wasn't the case at all. Now what about the people don't go armor they care. God. Are they don't care about harm? holding. As I pointed out my memo today, influence is politics in this country. Does it not well look. I do think this is a watershed. Event here answer
big issues that had been brewing, and when I look back at my my last paul, you know I had a very specific question right question: do you think that everybody in the world heard about this congressional hearing? It's it's really, it's real standing and, and seventy four percent said that present who said that calls for joint silent jews on her campuses are not necessarily violation worse through called a common code of conduct on her for policies, because it depends on the context, should they resign. Seventy four percent sunday should resign. In fact, interesting way, everybody agreed even younger people, who agree with that? But I think that you know when I try to do with the pole is really a lot of questions that I don't think grass everywhere and I said, look you know: do you think that identity politics based on race has come to dominate early university? Sixty four percent agreed with
and again sixty nine percent of eighteen to twenty four year olds. But but- incredible question to me so there's an ideology that white people are oppressors and non white people. Certain groups have been oppressed and as a result should be favoured today at universities and for employment. Do support this ideology. Thirty, five! pause at sixty five, But then, when I look at eighteen to twenty four, seventy nine percent supported that knowledge because they don't know anything. I mean they're not out. Real world. They don't see for themselves which really happening in the market place. They live in a dream world where they get a lot of stuff on the internet from the sites that they favour. Let's talk about, the upcoming, because this is what's gonna, be on,
reilly dot com in the nose of the news we are going to have the best election coverage in your one of the smallest guys in this arena saw the ilo caucasus a lot for tromp. As I said last night because it's full of mega people and maybe He'Ll- do a little bit better than expected, but that's the last stand produce santas. Am I wrong? no. I think you're right about that. I think that the The first of all the I or caucus is now. Really been very predictive on the republic inside when I looked at a few months ago. It turned out that new Hampshire primaries really we predicted where's Hampshire, primary one. The republican domination are winners or the IRA caucus, because it's a much more conservative, evangelical group, then I say, Forty three states were independent. Voters are gonna, be able to vote
and so I think I think our iowa is really gonna, be the sentences last stand or not and new Hampshire is really going to be the opportunity for Nicky Hell, you're, not well. Let's just get onto that, because I am my reporting shell was that there is an organised movement on the democratic side. Have new hampshire Democrats vote for Nicky hate to embarrassment from a lot of money going in to make that happen right now, as we speak, and I do believe that will happen and the new Hampshire primary will be closer than most people think trouble win, but not by us, large margin, whereupon the anti trump media will grab for at least a week and say trumps. We comes damage up up up up up up up, but it's not a republic in primary anybody can vote for women.
one right well that that is right, and especially when there is no democratic contest. Nobody Nor is it all the more so all I hate trappers are going to vote for hayley. So I say that the new hampshire primary doesn't mean anything The Democrats, we're gonna, tell her people to vote for drop. No, no, don't they fear trot now they feed and that Paul. I just gave you from the economist, or I proves it. They fear trump has drums beating Biden in a number, this wing states, but anyway, I don't think you know here. I think the new to primary means nothing or whether you with the media does now for you mark pen. What is the most,
important issue in the campaign. What do you think the most important issue is wrong or there's no question that the voters are saying the most important issue. Is inflation in the economy followed by immigration? In fact, you know it's a really interesting international, affairs spite home how big it is in the news and how frankly, it's important to me too Zander arose because almost no interest in international affairs, eleven data day with a plan for necessities, that's number one and border outrage is number two. I can understand how president by can risk his entire legacy with the open border policy. I don't know where he's coming. on that do you. I have been completely puzzle, that in fact The administration didn't exist
some kind of deal together. Funding? They want for ukraine and israel in exchange for border protections when he gets a republicans drag me over, but as to the swing voters. At this point or saying you know, immigration is a real issue. Here is across the democratic screaming and violence. still won't do anything. It is just one of these historical things that I dont know if it will ever be clarified, certainly bides not going to clarify what about the dissatisfaction within the democratic party about by we see, and a lot of this is propaganda. I will knowledge from the right wing and republicans their put now that hispanic stall, like Biden anymore, that blacks are defecting from him that the democratic parties want him. What is true for your perspective, yeah, I have been puzzled.
Why why? What more republican, leaning media always tries to pick on Biden say that the democratic unsupported by getting seventy two percent of the primary bowed he's well liked among Democrats You know well. Obviously, his poland is a good and it's gonna be a really tough, real action. The truth is Grants are more consolidated around by then I would say even more if nobody else the consolidated balbo use nobody out, but independence, don't like a mark- and you know that's the key to the next president- it's the independence. They don't like buying at all they are and what the truth is both ireland and true. Or running. Let's call them personal baby was around forty percent each right. If you look in the electorate, maybe It's up to forty three, forty four and my pole, which,
much higher than I've seen it as he says, is around you know look at all. I think it's a fair paul, so neither chance did is getting a majority support, but All talk about democrats affecting from binding I have not really seen that and, as you said, if they were really defecting, you would have had opposition didn't have opposite nah. Well, it's a money play, but I think Biden is going to bail for health reasons and a convention that will nominate someone else. That's my scenario for it. I can't imagine them putting him up again. I just can't because, worse for him, a hundred bindings gonna get worse for em. It's a using you not make gonna come back any time soon I mean you and I are all guys what we're pretty spry he's, not are more marked pen I ovule check in with us. I know you're really busy tonight I gotta tell you I really appreciate your comments on the nose venues tell us about it and we need
you knew paw. Hopefully we drew back and will analyze when you found out. Ok. I think you're right now we will have a new ports or currency part of the month, but you know opinion, hasn't movements and much of months now. I am a supreme court making their ruling and more honour Biden stuff coming up. I think you might see a little bit a movement but who knows mark pen. Thank you very much. We proceed ah Bernie sanders. The leader of the progressive socialist movement in america does like Israel one bit. I just want to bring this to your attention, driving these demonstrations. These anti Israel demonstration since Bernie sanders and his crew is what he said. Yes, could. I quote. Let me be clear: no more: u s! Funding for Netanyahu's, illegal, immoral, brutal and grossly disproportionate war against the palestinian people. Commerce must reject any effort to past ten billion.
conditional military aid for the right wing Netanyahu. Government on quote not a war against the palestinian people. Everybody knows that it is war against Hamas with bernie centres is propaganda and he doesn't care. january. Sixteen saturday, you will start to see hysteria build tomorrow night thursday, into fry and over the weekend, subtlety, Four days of media hysteria trump is the insurrectionists. He did it all on january. Six, all useful, he wanted the riot inside the capital. Wanted it, even though he call for their national
It's hard to be put on alert a day before, and he clearly said in his speech peaceful, but that doesn't count, but that's what you're going to get for the next four days. Beginning thursday, night january six, on saturday these podcast sponsored by tax base. You know when you're really stressed her not feeling so about your life or about yourself talking to someone understands, can really help, but who is that person? How do you find them? Where do you even start talks base talks base, makes it easy to get the support you need. We talk space, you can go online, answer a few questions about your preferences and be matched with a therapist and because meet you therapist online. You don't have to take time off work, arranged childcare, you'll, meet on reschedule whenever you feel most at ease. If you're depressed stressed straw When will the relationship or if you want some counselling for you in your partner or disdain Little extra one on one support. Talkspace is here for you plus talkspace.
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january six and the just wanna once put him in jail for six months. I will, if I the judge. I would not put him in jail. Ok, I would give him you know Probation may be fine on something like that community servers that I don't think you put a guy like that in jail, but the important thing is that you heard over and over and over and over again that this guy was a government plan, he was not he's actually suing fox news that civil suit is still in place, smart light, so the average american based on a survey of two thousand of us says they he'll. Seventy percent healthy K is come
can be a health, so foundation, and thus it gets. What comes I help? Thanks are right. One pulled took the number so they're not operating at a hundred percent. Now, when I saw this five eight, this is a smart live segment, so Pretty interesting, what do I operate on some days? I'm at a hundred percent kay some days, I'm at seventy toward its a sliding scale. Lot of it depends on the amount of exercise I get and what I eat. Oh, if I e the big heavy meal, I'm not operating at a hundred percent, if at all, get the terror dog out four times a day. You know I'm a little sluggish, but most americans
don't say they are not operating at a hundred percent. They also say that thirty percent said it's not that important seventy nine hours, sleep it it's, but thirty percent say it's not gay twenty five percent say a positive mindset influences the way. I feel not sure about that. I mean if you're really grossly negative, that's going to bring it down, but I don't think you have to be skipping around. Like mary poppins- and this is interesting- only twelve percent of americans think they need mental health help ok, but that the logical? So, if you're, not if you're alone, if you're a narcissist very rarely willows, people admit that there are not alone or
ok and eighteen percent of organs do not have a dock, that's bad! That is bad! You gotta have a doctor. Smart life got somebody, you trust you gotta search it Ok, airline delays over the new year's. We do not have the data because they screwed it up or I don't know why. But this is interesting, wives and dad anymore. It's a lot better than last year, when south west melted down. I got five millions and millions, those by the federal government from melting that, but something members of mine to jet blue, because I was her only choice to the caribbean. They came back. J f k airport in new york. They waited an hour and a half of their luggage. Ninety minutes, I tell you this Jane history january. Thirty thousand twenty
member iranian revolutionary I'd leader, solar money. He was evaporated by a Hell fire missile fired from a drone in space. Ok, ten people, all gloody solemn. On sixty two years old on orders of present trump knots alimony was a terrible villain. We take you step by step by step how that happen from our space people in nevada that pull the trigger right too. that airport we're solar money got off a plant is some the best reporting that I have ever done, killing the killers. Ok so for years ago today, today's alimony leaves near good terrible terrorist violence
yesterday there was a memorial service in IRAN and one hundred and three p were killed, at least because Explosions, all over the place are the grave of Sola money to the with terror activity against them. Is and they knew they were baby crowd around solar monies, graven bombs went on fascinating get that's this day in history we have a lively male segment and final thought we're gonna wanna hear I did the final thought on BBC radio last night. I got a lot of reaction, so I'm gonna do at national and international tonight we'll be right back. Ok, let's go to the male David Z, Tokyo, Japan and we're working on what countries allow the
We been news in and what countries block us. we're gonna have that for you soon we obviously have to do a lot of research. Tell you great Britain blocks us gay like to find out why Austria was us. Switzerland. No, but we're going down to find out is black innocent wisdom, but Japan, obviously, where there so David Z says bill, you often say bind doesn't do anything. I wish that were true. How could someone close so much damage by not doing anything? Because if you don't where's law David. We will run wild and he's not enforcing forcing immigration law doing nothing effect. Look at japan, where you are
You know they launch a japan. You pay a price order above everything is sought by the japanese government. You know AK charter township michigan last month, o reilly, you asked how the parma justice could not prosecuted by refusing test by under congressional subpoena. Don't I e g o J will prosecute him. Maybe you're right I mean mirror carlin is a short timer. modern loses and with the camp, in everything garland my do the dance you might be right, I'm not naive. I said equal justice for all by nasa be prosecuted because the truck guys work same thing, marian how danbury connecticut to spring core rules that present and does not have the legal authority to forgive student loans, but he now said he
I have to go out and forgives didn't want. You're missing. Marianne, the supreme court ruled Biden could not dissolve private lots. But if you as a student borrowed money from the federal government Biden, can forgive that get carol. Concierge member farragut's direct access to. with a secret email address. Right. Intimate might consider that programme, particularly this year, I live in California. Every election cycle democrat operative peers at my front door with bows to inform me you'll help me complete ma I vote, even though I'm a registered independent yeah. The Democrats are very aggressive. They use this tactic all over the place. No doubt they do, and it's not illegal.
James Milner keswick virginia NBC, showing numbers of crime, has gone down over the last year out of the crime numbers. Look compared to two thousand nineteen before by look. The crime numbers that NBC is giving you are false k because there are fewer crimes, prosecuted, by the soros, DA's now museum tell you that in a million years, but when you have fewer crimes reported because people know nothing's going to happen and fewer arrests made rate goes down. Doesnt mean crimes are happening.
Nbc knows this. It's not gonna tell you. All you have to do is look at social, this order and its at a historic level right now. Under Joe by bernajoux Bradenton Florida. well give you a recommendation on changing an auto insurance policy cannot give you that I couldn't do that. What have I recommended an auto insurance company and then you got host. I can't do that now. If you are a currency member Ben, I can tell you what I do. I can tell you that as a currency urge member because its private that's the advantage of vienna concierge Chris, where's famine, utah, just read, killing, which is loved it now written killing, england and then, after that, killing lincoln. What would be the next
If you would read what you got to read, killing crazy horse after lincoln, because it it follows the historical arc of the nineteenth century. But after that you can go where you want. I might go to killing Jesus get out of america, but then you come back to world war. Two. We got two books on that and whatever interests you, but the first four are witches: that's the colonists, then england, that's the revolution, then lincoln. That's a civil war that crazy horse. That's the west can Carolyn Eric sheffield alabama irish securely, which for my birthday early december, then killing kennedy for christmas. I could not stopped reading a finnish both before new year's. I learned so much. I really appreciate I care
very nice of you to do it and we have those books. Bundle like you can still get the bundle of all thirteen killing books if you'd like to bid for a library good yes, whenever you want to do and for the lad next three days only killing which is killing the killers, twenty one, ninety five, we stop that on Sunday night, as a great by and then the best by ever is crazy, oars, just nine. Ninety five that will stop sunday night too so you'll learn a lot on these books now we're of the gay, no solder. When writing. below riley slaughter essay you d are, I know you know what it means right now. You know I didn't know what it meant: essay, w d or no sort of. Bilbil o reilly, dotcom, billet, o reilly, dotcom name in town. Its wish to apply right back with a final thought
is that a final thought of the day saw the vacation, I took my son to see the knicks at madison square garden, play them a walkie box, one of the best he threw the family. game, we could not drive there even on twenty four miles away from the guard, not here on long island, would have taken two hours and then you'll pay. Eighty five dollars to park so took the train. To train was great long, island railroad, boop right in forty minutes, the senate you're a little early for the game. And so a walking around pen station and they cleaned it up somewhat, but there are still nefarious characters all over the place in the train station. So my son, six five, I'm six, four we're standing there looking at the shops and this guy comes over and he's got
veterans cap and he's got a pin. Army vet lived to be about sixty five, maybe a little older, but it could have been fifty because he was a substance abuse. I could tell right away just by his face case. Easing the drugs or alcohol tsar raises. I'm a jet. Give me money. Road brusque, I look of any eye, is maybe three fade away. My son's not saying anything. I don't know the guy search to curse at me, vile I make a move, he runs now. If that I had made a move to me toward me or my son I would wanna hit him into solar, plexus so hard. You wouldn't got enough for two days, and I knew what I was going to do. I was ready to do it. Alright, I had my finch this clenched. Then I, when you hit somebody in the solar plexus, you have to know what you're doing and I do go Gonna get up soda guy curses vilely, and then he wanted.
as I leaned in he is scat. So I'm looking around for cop now, the jurisdiction in penn station is amtrak police. All of a sudden, I see a guy coming down. He's got the full regalia. It's got the gun. It's got. The full perverse he's got everything. So I go over very politely, I introduce myself, he had no blank, and I do I was I can tell at, but I said you know this over there and in the guy was stolen in determine seem he just came over
cursed at me and my son, when we wouldn't give him any money, the cop says. Well, what do you want me to do about it? I said: are you kidding he just violated? The law. Cops is what law I go menacing in a third degree, you can't come up to somebody and start to spew vile invective. It's against the law. It's menacing cop, doesn't know what to say clearly did not want to confront this man. I said you know what he's been doing this I've been watching. This is wrong and it's your responsibility to get him outta here, not a guy's nervous and he was well. Let let me console with my partner as soon as you do that, but I'm going to wait here to see how,
please that sort of guy scampers way to his pardon the guy who approached us the drug addict or out hot somebody gives him money. I see it any bolts out of the stick again. His drugs or whatever he wanted to get, and the two cops like breathe. A sigh of relief. They did not want to do anything have anything to do with this man. That's why there's anarchy in new york, city and other cities. They can easily ejected him from the station. I can understand it. Don't want to book them on third degree menacing it's a misdemeanor that could have easily ejected him. No that's wrong!.
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Transcript generated on 2024-01-05.