« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

The Dominion Lawsuit, Biden Visits Ukraine, CNN's Don Lemon Drama with Guest Amy Tarkanian, Avoiding Mexico, & More


Tonight's rundown: 

  • Talking Points Memo: What the Dominion court filing tells us about Fox News Channel and the changing media landscape. 
  • President Joe Biden makes an unannounced trip to Ukraine. 
  • Should Don Lemon be fired? Republican Strategist Amy Tarkanian joins the No Spin News to discuss Lemon’s controversial statement.
  • Avoid Mexico this upcoming Spring Break. 
  • A shooting breaks out during a Mardi Gras parade in New Orleans. 
  • Is there more to this story? A Catholic bishop shot and killed in California. 
  • Smart Life: Help to get your car insurance premiums down. 
  • This Day in History: Hitler meets with German industrialists for help financing the Nazi Party's election.
  • Final Thought: Check out the ‘Godfather of Harlem’ TV show. 

In Case You Missed It:

  • Read Bill's latest column, "This Column Will offend You"
  • Join 'Team Normal!' Preorder your gear at BillOReilly.com!

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
But the republican leader cover mccarthy says it just puts vetch in spending back to was formed. ago, There will be here with your message today. Next The chairman of the fed is promising more pain had lashers. Dropped twenty percent: and this year could be You are right to be worried, so call the only precious metal deal or I trust american hartford go I'll, show you protect your savings or retirement accounts by diversifying your portfolio with fish we'll gold and silver society A client and spokes person, price of gold as appreciated more than thirty five percent, so is called today and they'll. Have physical gold and silver delivered right to your door? put inside your eye are a or for o one kay hello, I'm bill, O'Reilly sent you and they will give you up to five thousand dollars of free silver on your first order,
call eight seven, seven, four four for gold Seven, seven, four: four for gold. Why tat g, o l d gold to six five, five, three to again eight seven, seven, four, four for gold or tax gold dive, six, five, five: three, the. A council of francs on behalf of delicious oscar mire, one hundred percent be francs, has declared its official position. her Meyer one hundred percent be francs are one, Two percent be frank: delicious this summer she's. Delicious choose one hundred percent beef. Keep it oscar. The bill O'Riley here welcome to the no spin news, Monday february, twentieth two thousand twenty three.
and ass for your country. It is president's day But he's off with me and my staff, my hard working staff the lot of new stuff. I mean I had to be the air today, both radio and television, some of it Good news, some of its bad news and on the present in front anonymously, at a time on it other than to tell you that the two best president's in our republic were abraham, lincoln george Washington, the men we honour today. Ok, so big media stories in play, and the colossal lawsuit against fox news and news max is the subject of this evening's talking point memo. So let me just run down this whole thing. To put it in perspective, which none of the media does, because they hate fox news and, by extension, news max
which are primarily now conservative news agencies on november, seven, two thousand and twenty donald trump lost the presidency by seven million popular votes out of one hundred and fifty eight million cast very close. Okay, in fact, so close that in the swing states of georgia, arizona and wisconsin, those three states trump lost by just forty four thousand votes: okay, less than fifteen thousand in each state. If he had won those votes, it would have been a tie in the electoral college. Okay, if he had carried georgia areas Wisconsin within a time and our other states like michigan and pennsylvania, which were dubious to say the least so immediately charges of fraud in the election emerge ya'll remember that it was a tremendously intent
story now. As a journalist, I listen to those charges, as any responsible journalists would ok, I mean if you and the president of the united states in time down tribe was heading. This fraud in the election, so the trump people put out bogs persons like sidney pal
the giuliani, a number of others to whip up our right anger about the election and they wanted it over turn. It was, if you remember back, then it was crazy. It was absolutely insane now I covered this story fairly and I watched as justice Alito, who is oversight for this commonwealth pennsylvania signal to the trump administration. He would consider evidence of fraud in pennsylvania. That was a key for me as a journalist, I'm watching elite. but the trump administration had to present the evidence to him. They did not had an opportunity, they did not. I knew then that always over, because.
Only body that could overturn that election or put us stay on it was a supreme court was. It is no other mechanism in this country, so I knew it was over. And I'd say the middle to end of december right, but again, I'm giving the trump people time to accumulate in About fraud, which is a fair thing you do. I also knew that much of my audience believed there was fraud, because that's what a lot of people wanting to bully fox news, a news max we're doing a little bit, take a little bit different approach. They were promoting the fact that there was fraud, because that's what they're audience wanted
to hear that fox pulled back a little bit, but newsman did not and so fact began. Losing viewers to news max: ok, then we, on two january. Fourth, two thousand twenty one when the vote certification process, which would put by an into office, gets under way here's. What I said go, I saw as begin with Wednesday on the vert vote certification. The electoral college puts Joe Biden into the presidency. Now there are millions of americans literally, who believe. The election was a fraud.
There is evidence that there were fraudulent things that took place. There is no question about that, but the court system we knock and overturn a vote unless the evidence is incredible vivid beyond any doubt, and that has not been produced by the trump administration. After I said that we lost a lot of premium members who are the life blood of this independent news organization. We don't have a corporation here, it's my corporation and after I said that which was absolutely a hundred percent. True people just cancel because they did not want to hear it. So we went forth. We still prosper, but I had to say what was true
and put that above profits. Unfortunately, the corporate media does not do that, and so the charges of fraud by the dominion. Voting machine outfit were broadcast without any are you heard em all heard it and heard it and heard it I wouldn't put on Rudy giuliani or sidney power, because I don't put on people to talk to you unless they have some credibility, we when they called us. We say we are happy to put your arm, but you gotta give us something can't just be speculation. We don't do speculation here
Ok, so then, on january much see march, twenty sixth, two thousand twenty Dominion files, a lawsuit against fox news, channel one point: six billion, which is gonna, be heard next month. One points billy. They also soon city pow, Rudy giuliani, my pillow guy. window away and and and news max they sue them all for defamation, ok, defamed the dominion, voting systems, cooperation, hurt their business and that's where the law, soon it so. Last week I dominion releases its case to the public, and you heard it I'm sure you guys are alert. You follow the new
you saw it. You heard it. I read the entire, a hundred and seventy nine page brief because I know always people at fox. right, so I read it, but I also ooh, that none of the accusations by dominion having cross examined so while NBC Abc Cbs, CNN Msnbc, new york times Washington, post, all of that a hundred percent took those allegations is truth. I didn't because they have to be challenged. Ok That's where journalism is. You are sceptical, even if you don't like. the person on the other end and the dawn lemon? In a moment this is another example at ok, so. fox news is embarrassed, because
with these emails and everything goes out and order, but there's no contacts to it. There is in any context to it, what is true- and I know this to be fact- is that fox was worried about news max and it wasn't gonna get sceptical about the charges of fraud because they thought they would lose audience to news max. That's true hundred percent true. So, rather than doing what I did,
fox continued along the lines of fraud, but, and they didn't put the fraud accusations in perspective. All they had to do was that it wasn't even hard if I had been there at fox that never would have happened. The whole thing never would have happened, because it's not hard to do that. You can hear opinions if you provide context for them. You can't use an opinion. As a fact can't say: dominion was a fraud and it has been proven that dominion wasn't a fraud there weren't any machines, throwing votes divine, it didn't happen, but there was fraud to get to that in a moment. Now, once again, once again, this election was so close
That the people who voted for tromp most of them wanted the forty four thousand votes that decided it to be scrutinised and there's nothing wrong with that. nothing at all. I wanted them to be scrutinised and it turns out Our is only did it with constant. Did it george, you did it and it came back. No fraud, still people don't believe it, and you are entitled to your opinion truck, doesn't believe it trumpets still believes he got, owes that what was the real fraud in this is. This is really the kicker on this whole thing,. Mark Zuckerberg aright via internet guy, the facebook guy pumped for. Four hundred million dollars into the center for tech and civic
and another organisation to electioneer where that money go four hundred million george you're got forty five pennsylvania. Twenty five michigan seventeen wisconsin ten arizona, five for what Where did that money go election in cologne, small amount of money. It went to people who quota unquote got out the vote. What does that mean? Did they pay for votes? That's the scandal! If anything, that's what the federal government should be investigating Not just dopey speculative dominion, machines from Venezuela did I mean it was insane saw what happens now. The trials in April
A very well informed friend of mine, thinks fox, is gonna, win that try because they can dominion will be able to show malice K. Opinion isn't malice unless it's it's a real tricky line here. Legally, I dont know I don't know, but in the court of public opinion, fox news already lost, because the discretionary viewers are here and all this. These are the people that Michael, we might not. That the fox news, viewers, they're gonna, stay because they got worse ago. They are nowhere else to go and no stay. Because a lot of them don't even mind that the fraudulent charges didn't
and out they wanted to hear them. People believe what they want to believe. I don't think that this is going to affect the fox news ratings. I think they'll stay, but as far as journalistic credibility is concerned, if anybody even cares about that now, remember as I wrote in the message of the day the corporate media ran wild with russian collusion, and trump was responsible for the violence on January. Sixth, they ran wild with that. Okay, they said it was a fact. Both cases turned out to be false and that it's the same thing, news organisations not checking anything output non stuff. That turns out not to be true and stating in this fact. How many times did you watch these pin heads
I was in bed with putin on a colluding another and trump. He caused that riot at the at the capitol, and I mean how many times you hear it. Thousands, and now these same people are going after fnc on the fraud. Staggering it's an amazing story, it's gonna change the whole media landscape in this country, which needs to be reformed desperately. and this is self serving. But if you stay with me, I will never mislead you right. Never I don't care about the money. I care about honour and honest reporting. And that's a memo Biden sacred trip to ukraine. He guide and thereby train from poland. He met which linsky there now
Here's the real interesting part about this. The? U S, department gave gay potent heads up. The bible is going in Ok, they didn't want a quorum quote accident or incident soda. There is communications between DC moscow, but he's good right. So in our bodies in Poland is me with the polish. You know: look thing, I call my eyes we ve already given we, the american taxpayer, ukraine more than a hundred billion dollars. Ok, a hundred billion- and wow today by dj, will give you a half billion more this binary care about spending taxpayer money. Obviously that is the biggest spending president by farmer in history, but you just can't continue to just pop
american tax money to ukraine or anywhere else you ve gotta, be a little bit restrained. Forget it so Biden, I think he's gonna be home tuesday night. But who knows. Meanwhile, back at the white house, virtue signalling going online crazy so That's your day, february nineteenth is recognised. day of remembrance of japanese american incarceration during world war, two. He's with the white house put our quote when franklin d: well, side executive order, nine, zero, six six! Eighty one years ago today at ushered in one oh shameful periods in american history, the wrongful incarceration of one hundred and twenty thousand americans of japanese descent tore families apart men, women and children forced to abandon their homes, their jobs, their communities,
this is their way of life. There were sent the inhumane concentration camps simply because of their heritage and in a tragic miscarriage of justice. Prim court upheld these immoral and unconstitutional policies on quote: ok, I don't have any quibble with any of that that interment was ridiculous and it was unconstitutional and everybody who participated was wrong by guess. Who's portrait is most prominent in the oval office. Ah, that might be the are the liberal icon right over there. our place So why is the up there, MR president, if he saw heinous. How come you not cancelling him? Why? How come you should begin? so terrible what he did. Don't worry about getting
at the depression or winning world war two now so that just shows you the intellectual level of the white house's about fifth grade about fifth grade. That's where I it are we going to cancel cnn stop lemonade We are not here today, dynamite me somewhere. I guess I don't know, I wrote a column on him bill, o reilly, dot com. I hope you read it and basically, I said: look with lemon so stupid. It is preposterous that women are campi in their prime after their forty is insane with lemon said insane self. His whole career right So this is what you pay him. The dew cnn so like this is a shock number one. I know through. You are too women on a panel with him. The cottages.
annihilated him right in the court bright and early we re just annihilated. What? What are you crazy? You can't besides the and lemon juice kid we'll google, at Google ad what he I mean. Can you imagine me and lemon if he had sets up like that, he be a puddle, but no, they Ladys does what reporting I was there, but they went to management. Why just do it yourself? That's my point. You know you confront. stupidity run to management man and do some to battle him. Do it with you, you're on the air, Hugh, confronted. Ok: not. Everybody agrees with me and we liked that much go to a very smart woman, I'm not going to ask her age that would be in polite. I would
Where do that Amy tar? Kenya is a former nevada state republican chairwoman comes to us from reno Where am I gonna wrong here any well, yet you're actually right, but on the other hand, you probably had to women who were in shock that he even said such a massage monistic comment on the air and you're right for him to say just go: google, it will journalistic background. Do you have now obviously he's he's not new to same stupid things? As you pointed out, he was removed from prime time to then the morning show which morning just typically have a combination of factual news and opinion. Now we know his opinion no he's an arrogant knucklehead, and these women should have taken him to turn on the air. But I think they were taken aback, and so they felt they prefer to use them back up.
is there a national tv look my career, even I have an arab worst stuff than that and yeah. You got it, you go what and then you put forth how dumb it is and taken aback or so brought know what you have the one, the one at anchor on on one side. Actually question and say: are you talking about you, know, being pregnant or with pregnancy, iccat member, how she put it always happy horologue and forties, which obviously means their appearance and not their made their mental capabilities. This was so preposterous. What lemon said that it doesn't it's not even worthy of debate? It's not! It's not two sides that story right, there's the truth that women just like men.
Operate at a very high level, depending on their physiology, all right into what they're a ease. Nine ease in Joe I write because my mother in law is the perfect example. She actually was las vegas mayor pro tem in her eighties and she's. Currently, a huge university region eighty nine. We all know that this is ridiculous. So then, that the job of the anchors. is to point out how ridiculous it is not just go almost ended, I think, actually there so used to playing the victim. as you so rightly point out in royal talk about a victim of the work culture you're. So they there, though, brainwashed into thinking in this way that that's the way to think and that you're supposed to just bend over and take it
Maybe that's why they were taken aback movie, I don't know I don't. I don't particularly in here, yeah I dunno, and I don't particularly care. I don't watch cnn because there's nothing. I can learn from CNN they're, not real interested in putting out any kind of worthy information. In my humble opinion, now lemon. Would you fire him? If you were the presidency, I mean, would you kick them right out the door? Well, I actually would fire him, because you know you also had the left talking about me too, and this seems to kind of fit in that category. Where all these you know a feminist. yo, crying out to the fao from this guy. You silence, not argue he's good. It is getting from every direction, but We would fire him. You'd you'd show him the door. I think he is he's. Had one strike two strike three strikes. How many strikes does it take for this guy to actually, you know function like a normal here,
being on the air for you, a wood fire him for nine, a trophy I would fire him for being dumb, probably so he's gonna get fired because of low ratings. I don't, I don't think cnn is going to do it because of this, because that opens up a lawsuit. a lot of a lot of stuff, but he will waste is not this time. Next year you will be seen. I am you. Thank you very much help and so very kind of you to take time out of you. Did it do it? Thank you. This episode is brought to you, buy, sell De Janeiro. I sell de Janeiro touch, it isn't just for screens. Physical connection is so essential to how we communicate its infused in everything we offer sense, so irresistible pda is guaranteed, textures are still ashes. Skin is hug of all get into a cell de Janeiro state of mind, receive ten percent off on your first order. Unsold De Janeiro, dotcom plus free shipping with the code, so the Janeiro ten.
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Slavery in the aftermath of slavery should not be taught to Florida schoolchildren. I dont know what he knows him, but he doesn't know, but I know this push to censor america's teachers and tell them what they should be teaching in the best interests of our children in in partnership with the parents of america is, I think, Long headed, okay, so number one and that's not what the scientists did or he didn't order that the teachers not teach schoolchildren about slavery. He ordered that the sixteen nineteen project, which is a total lie and I'll, be proving that in my upcoming book, killing the witches and is not because that is indoctrination.
arris believe me. He has no clue about any of this all right, because if you were to allow teachers- and I used to be a high school teachers to come in and- each their ideology instead of the facts about what happened in history, then you got nothing, you got no education and all that's what they do in china check, but the fact that Mitchell would say that every measure would say that I mean that that is dumb and misleading. As what lemonade Spring break its season, so they call winner brag spring break that what they want, calls east, a bright which are you? Ok, don't go to mexico? Have you if you're going to mexico, you dopey college,
Kids, if you go in there and you get hurt there, ok, I'm not going to feel sorry for you. I'm sorry dangerous place to go. plenty of you spring break places in the usa that are more save caribbean. All of that mexico In new orleans a big spring break destination, they had marty, grow last night k and nine thirty. and I knew this would happen. As a shooting. Five people shot wonder k during a parade last night, the bokkis parade and
unbelievable they stop the parade. I guess they get the bodies off the street and then it continued whose like oh ok, we got five people shot, but Yes, the parade. Now a lot of money lot is combated. Is a lot of money? but new orleans? I wouldn't it my kid. No Go to the region, riviera in alabama. Can I say that the name it go
and I'll go to Florida go to palm springs in california, a good spring break destination, go to the caribbean, stay out of the violent places in l, a which total breakdown of law enforcement, a bishop David O'Connell, shot dead in his home hacienda heights. Not a bad neighborhood is more to this story. I'm not going to speculate what happened here. They do have a suspect, and but when a catholic bishop can get shot dead in his own, You gotta pay attention to that, will follow it when I can speculate smart life so for whatever reason, insurance rates on everything have doubled on So homeowners end com.
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here are the the companies that showed up to curry favour with hitler, mercedes audi, Bmw, deutsche bank hugo boss portion shell oil. Siemens, volkswagen and others that what did they do? They all gave the nazi party milieu of rice marks that. you. Ve hitler learned of money. Perform his hateful odious organization and then to feed his competition in the election. Those people who helped Hitler never were held to account. In fact, mercedes had forty six thousand forced labourers in its plans.
During world war, two and hitler rewarded all of those corporations with government They all made billy, of ours, none of their held to account. I will never do business with mercedes ever The others you know I research each one of them to see how bad it was deutsche bank. Forget it not me all these companies, they were responsible not partially. If hitler didn't have that money he couldn't have taken over the german government. Did you know that? Do you know any of that very keep it very quiet, Okay, good male segment, a final thought we'll be back in a moment: let's go to the a male as suzanne pascal chagrin falls. Ohio don lemon has been crucified.
cause he said, Nicky Hayley is pass it at age. Fifty one thinks she's too old for under present. Of course, he supports Biden, no, isn't that great its backing I love it dan concierge member notable quotable. Under the banner of free speech. The constitution guarantees the right to be a moron. That's for me, that's in the O'Reilly quota balls! I have that in my column online- and I hope you go really com on bill. O'reilly calm, jolly and cause years rubber bill. Why don't we. Ill on. Anyone. Don lemon is reaping what he has sown: ok, Joe, concierge member were lemon, said Nicky, Haley's, passer, prime, wonder why didn't mention camila and hilary excellent boy and the women
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the first two and then whatever subject interests you the most summer. If you read all those books, you are going to be the smartest kid in your school. Okay, let's go to the touts now and team normal. Once again, there are two teams: team, normal and team crazy in the united states. Right now we're on team normal and we got grey gear for you, okay, get the hats and we got the mugs and we got the shirts and we got everything and you can pre order, there's a barbarous, nick and we'll get him to you. We're gonna happen soon and we're not going to charge you until we I'm it. Ok, and if you want to back out by the time we charge you, you can't so we given you, have a chance to get on team.
normal. I got a nice logo on bill, O'Reilly, dot com and by the way, if you want to reach me bill and bill o'reilly dot com, bill, bill, O'Reilly, dot, com, name in town, if you wish to opine, I hope you go to the website every morning read the message. The day will get a tone of. What's going on and again we will never ever mislead you about anything and the team, normal staff and all the other stuff. We have in our got a mug right here, all our store. This helps our news agencies. We pay our people pretty well, and we don't. You know we're not currying favor with anybody here. We don't do as we set top of the show slant, the news in any direction to prosper. We don't do that. Ok, let's take another short break and pay some bills with this and will be back up. The word of the day is bilious be I'll. I owe you s. I did not know this word. Bilious do not be bilious when writing to bill.
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if you're like me, and you appreciate good, acting and good writing and story lines that are realistic. Alright, that's it! I try to watch sixty minutes again. Last night, I couldn't get through it too, dull. I know what happened over there, cat can't get through it and then I'll watch sports, ok, a big sports guy, but I don't watch entertainment tv. However, there is a very interesting show on m g m plus, okay, you got search for it, but you know, forest whittaker is, is a great actor he's always I ran into him in dc one time and I was I'm not a fan guy, but I said to the boy he played edi mean and the king of scotland. The guy is really good. He's the lead.
in the godfather of heart. So bout, a heroine dealer, a big level guy runs harlem in the nineteen sixties, very realistic, and that's why I watch his eclipse.
The okay, it's all it's in the same mode as the sopranos and tough language is violent, but there's a difference. So tony soprano was glamorized in a show that bothered me a bit because gandalf any was such a good actor. So charismatic that, His ma and his criminality was kind overlooked here: the writers of godfather harlem, whereas whittaker areas, charismatic
Ok, you wanna, like em they're, making them into a monster its soil. It subtle, but they're, not glorifying sky and then they're bringing in malcolm x and Adam Clayton powell and it's you know. I know this area. I know it and it's pretty realistic. So anyway, I thought I'd give you the tip Is it a wasteland out? Is it not a wasteland, and is I mean look? If the tv listings, I don't have a lot of discretionary time, but once in a while, it's like to watch something me how many werewolves and vampires and zombies can you watch on cable, my god so anyway, godfather of harlem gm plus check it out, but not of your sensitive in language, and you don't want to go there, but if you like good drama, good, acting ketchup, thank you for what
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Transcript generated on 2023-07-03.