« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

The Dishonesty of A.I. in Politics, a Democracy Poll, Hunter Biden Whistleblower, the Cato Institute's Gene Healy on Biden's Far-Left Agenda, & More

2023-07-18 | 🔗

Hey BillOReilly.com Premium and Concierge Members, welcome to the No Spin News for Tuesday, July 18, 2023. Stand Up for Your Country. Tonight's rundown: 

  • Talking Points Memo: Bill comments on a new Ron DeSantis ad that uses A.I. to generate a Donald Trump quote.
  • Bill analyzes a flawed AP poll on democracy.
  • New details regarding a whistleblower set to testify before the House Oversight Committee in the Hunter Biden investigation.
  • Gene Healy of the Cato Institute joins the No Spin News to discuss Joe Biden's far-left push.
  • This Day in History: Chappaquiddick
  • Final Thought: The weather

In Case You Missed It:

  • Read Bill's latest column, "Twilight in the Politics Zone."
  • It's the 'Summer Reading Special!' 'Killing the Killers,' Killing the Legends,' and 'Killing Crazy Horse' all for $32.95. We'll also give you a FREE 'Team Normal' hat.
  • Bill takes your questions live Monday, July 24th on BillOReilly.com. The Biden Family Investigation is a Premium & Concierge Member exclusive town hall. Sign up today!

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Reilly here. The new cycle can be overwhelming. As you know, but bill o dot com is here to make sure you don't miss anything as a loyal listener. Of the no spin news audio, we are offering you a way of listening to it completely ad free. You can sign up to become a bill. O'reilly dot com premium member today and access all the great audio content we have, including the orally update and much more without commercials premium and cause you members also get exclusive access to special video programming, Even send you a free copy of my new best selling book killing the legends so Become a bill o'reilly dot com premium member today and enjoy listening to my podcast ad free. Please don't wait, learn more sign up today at bill, O'Reilly, dot com, slash ad free, that's bill, O'Reilly, dot com,
Flash ad free, o Reilly here welcome to the no spin news, tuesday july. Eighteen thousand. Twenty three stand up for your country, while more, threats levelled at donald trump, special prosecutor, jack smith, indicated. The former president is a target four january, six charges basically undermining the election. Tomorrow, we're gonna, have ted crew. Senator increase Zone broadcast to talk to him about this in Tokyo. bye family and about of course, cates law so can have an extensive conversation with senator crew I also want to analyze, which smith is putting out there for
Two january such situation. You know when this stuff comes out most Tv analysts and radio talk show guys just throw stuff out. They really don't know I'm going to find So I have an educated segment for you tomorrow, an eye. The target points memo is artificial intelligence and politics. A fascinating story. So, in iowa. Rhonda services super pack put out a tv ere. They this after donald tromp criticise the eye. Governor Kim rennell by Any out, as you will hear in a moment, they had problems voice, but it wasn't troms voice, must listen to the end,
governor Kim Reynolds conservative champ she signed the heart, be built and stands for. I once every day, so wise donald trump attacking her open ethics, but our position, forgive rattled in which she fell by I implored her did make rallies and she was now she was sure main neutral. I don't invite her to events. Trunks not with public is what happened to donald trump. Never bent down was responsible for the country to consent. So that was on trump's voice. That was official intelligence inserted deceptive. Now they took the quote from something trumpet put on the internet. The quote was accurate, but without a lot context? Ok, but this is wrong. This is and ended, bothers me a lot. So this air began running today and
should be pulled immediately by governor just ass. You don't that political action committee deceive the folks just absolutely off the churn out on a watch. This and so you have to satisfy us right thing here- is the importance of it. The american people are now barrage would propaganda. Many of us don't know what I believe, if you're going to, allow I artificial intelligence to insert, quotes and indicate that that's a quote actually spoken. That's a lie. Lie in addition being deceived. For now, the god make it stop this immediately So they had of the federal election committee is a guy named Alan Dickerson. Ok, and he is
Biden guy. That means he does absolutely nothing nothing. One thing that I can see that this guy is, We're as The chair of the federal election commission, nothing Both a judge is like my orchids, sits there. gets a limo to drive around d c and does nothing. He could say tomorrow, no more that day, because the f, p c federal election commission is, oversight to make sure our elections are honest and he could see what a great job they been doing the last eight years right, ok and their swamp creatures understand that these are elected people. so I'm basically angry about this and every but he does it. I'm gonna and I'll look dissenters. I have nothing against santa's, he's
running Florida very well. I agree with a lot of his national outlook. But this is wrong. some members are the associated press as a pole on democracy. The a bogus paul Democrat forty three, public thirty, six, no excuse for that, the associated press as a left wing organization. So that's what they do They asked a bunch of questions about democracy and they begin with how well would you say, democracies working in the? U s at all right extremely, very well somewhat. Well, fifty percent right not very well forty. Nine percent split evenly split k, so grass of love there all in its work, but I surprised z. Not working number is as high as it is. Mark receives working here. the media, Our present government,
and do you see that the problem? It's not what the founding fathers installed that works, but we have bad people and this cycle of history. second question: you think each of the following doing a good bad job on democracy congress, very good job. Sixteen percent, neither a good or bad job, thirty very bad job. Fifty three percent. Oh and as both sides, deserve every level, and you know I'm not. I can't stick up for congress Democrat party very good job. Twenty seven, neither good nor bad twenty six somewhat. very bad. Forty seven debate, anti democratic party number, but the republican numbers worse. Twenty good job neither go to bed twenty four, sir,
What bad very bad? Fifty six! That's nine points higher than the Democrats because of donald trump. That's why it's not the party issues that trump is the face of the party and I'm sorry, but a lot of americans I I'm not going to change, doesn't mean you can't win the day. Eight march and a supreme court very good job. Twenty eight, neither good nor bed twenty six somewhat. a terrible forty five! That's abortion. Get a ruling rankled allotment women and men, but mostly women, so that's reemployed took it on that president Biden very good job. Thirty, three! Now the good news. Twenty one terrible job on democracy, forty six, so
take from this poll and it is a dishonest fall because it s way more democrats, then republicans twelve hundred twenty adults binds. we're support. They will vote for him, no matter what, even if it's dead, strange that Biden took money from his and brother there's still vote for him. Thirty three percent of the american electorate trop almost identical. Thirty three percent, the matter how many times indicted? No matter what the charges are whether weather is convicted or quit. It doesn't matter thirty Three percent of the maghreb people are gonna stay, so that means that thirty three percent of the american voters are persuadable. That's a big number.
You say you know by the schedule the meets with president isaac. Herzog of Israel herzog, president bodies, not the prime minister, which is a big job their Netanyahu is Netanyahu coming to DC before the end of the year. Ibm Biden meets with a cardinal matteo zoo, be who was sent here. from rome, by pope, francis to talk about the ukraine more. That again is desperately trying to forge a peace agreement so zubaydah in town to good meeting Ok, whistle blower Heaven right whistle blowers was blood is all week tomorrow. The arrests whistleblowers to them we know one already and then is an unidentified one will testify. before the house oversight committee. Are that's comber today, the house
Oversight committee same committee has announced that a former f. I agent, who served as a supervisor and was indeed. the donner by nigh arrests, investigation, says at home, abiding preferential treat this oral question. He did not debatable they're just pile up the whistleblowers. Testimony is no questions. Just department gave hunter Biden preferential chill tree. And he got a very, very light. Please. You know and furthermore, we are on this, We whistleblower thing iris at one o clock. They come on We will have imagined sender, crews talk about it. Another things involved with this investigation, so that should be pretty interesting. One of the problems that prison binding
and he's in trouble binds in trouble because these investigations are starting to accumulate. Instead, he was involved with his son and brother. To some extent we don't know what extent ok, but in addition to that As I said in today's message of the day read it bill. O reilly, dotcom binding, is by far the most liberal president. If this country has ever Way more liberal than obama obama. may have been in his heart as liberal is by, but he was cautious, sdr way more conservative then show by even if they are opened up the government, because the depression of world war two now because he is so far left by an identified with woke and
format of action and forgiveness of daddy has no power to forgive and on and on and on that there is. A lot, Built in resentment, just like there is against trumpet for different reasons. Ok, So journeys nationalism virginia, is a senior vice president, a policy for the Cato institute in KEDO institute I mean it leans right in my opinion, but it it's pretty fact base. I mean, I read it and I see what their do here and that's bringing information. I can't be channel So you re column, you didn't rita your colleague, TIM carney wrote a piece.
Ikeda- and he went down a lot of the things that Biden is doing that are anti democratic or so far left. It goes against traditional america gimme a few headlines from cato's point of view about that. Well, I am speaking for myself, not necessarily for everyone at keto, but what both TIM carney and I were reacting to- was a a bit of spin for the new york times about how president biden- staying above the fray on culture war issues. The argument was, you know he seems like a nice old guy and some he messes up left wing jargon. So therefore, he's managed to keep himself distant from a lot of the most divisive issues in the country and
from both our perspectives. It's a load of malarkey, because what really matters is what you're, using the powers of the presidency to do, and president Biden has intervened with the pen and the phone using, full powers of the presidency to try to settle some of the most divisive issues in american politics. You know, for example, his new title. Nine order makes the present, Essentially, the commander in chief of the girls room ah for every k, twelve public school in the country in most colleges. This order will give him the the power to say which kid goes to which bathroom and maybe which kids get to beyond the girls swim team- that's not staying above the fray, that's using that's essentially become
culture warrior chief and using the powers of the presidency to force a settlement on issues where americans ought to be free to disagree. but with the title nine basically is in a suggestion is dictum that you can't. Ah, the schools. Cannot deny trans students, anything anything they want to go to the girl have implicates right. That's what I don't know people understand title line it so, if you're, a biological male that transitions into a female, and you want to go into take a shower with all the other girls, you go shower by the presidential decree. My correct. right working to settle this issue on which people have really intensely help. Preferences were on which people are really device,
we're. Gonna have the same rule for the people's republic of berkeley, a school there and fairer ice right now. The city delta you're absolutely right that additional by and is behind that one hundred percent. He's also behind the equity thing that just got thrown out by the supreme court about hiring. About college admissions. He wants hiring college emissions and everything else to be based on skin color. Correct, he's alive, even industry, soon, with the so called anti racist activists who think that any difference in our whether its test, scores or take home pay is evidence of oppression.
scrubbing asian at ease, use the powers of the presidency that the wage, an assault on the american concept of color blind lop. I mean even went as far in twenty twenty one and left leg, the corbett pandemic. It states that were found following f d, a guidelines from Biden's F b. A minority status could move you to the front of the line for potentially life saving, covert, anti virals of, and that's not the way the laws Was the work in america gusto the notion that by you stay out of the work issues and of these hotly disputed battles over recent trans rights, and that sort of thing it just is Supported by the facts at all, are you surprise? The new york times lied about that on its front page now. Do not progress
ok I'll, answer, all ask and answer my questions people should understand that the reason the programme- of laughed seizes upon cove with climate change and other controversy? This is because a progressive laugh wants a strong, so twill government in DC to control all aspects of american life. That's the bottom lie here, so you take a climate change. You take covert man. Aids and you enhance the power of the federal government to a level where they tell every american how to live. do you believe the Joe Biden himself based upon his senate experience vice president? Now, president, believes that.
You know it's really hard to say after forty seven years there how long was in politics before he got to the presidency after that much time as a professional politician, do you really have any deeply held convictions at all any more I think these are able to position itself politically, as if these night, you certainly not leaning in to culture war issues in the way that said the santer says he is not wearing the make it all of woke warrior with one exception, but at the end of the day, what really matters is. Why is being done with the powers of the present? Ok, let me disagree with you. Aren't gonna! Let me let me disagree with you at the end, every day. Joe Biden is the most radical le president we ve ever had and all point to this here.
Not believe there should be any restrains legal restraints on abortion up until birth. So if it's a half an hour before the woman is a birth, a baby and the woman suddenly says, I really want this baby as a panic attack or whatever it may be by his own hey with terminating the baby, due to be born in a half an hour. that is so radical, such extreme position that which you in the nazi camp, that's what they did in the third they do in china get abortion we'd all its, even if at the in china, even if the babies born after birth and a baby is too formed or have some problem to electrocute the baby. China's, oh, I guess that Biden, has done that and then, despite the fact that these mass every sunday which drives me crazy, because the cowardly
catholic clergy. In america. They turn the other way, they turn their back to it and they should. So that's where I disagree with you. I think this guy is harbouring. Very, very radical left believes even always so fuzzy and he saw befuddled. He can't articulate them well, At the end of the day, I dont know that it matters have deeply held this. These convictions, are, you know what matters is what's being done with the powers of the presidency? The pen in the phone and what I worry about is if we take their doesn't at as with abortion. So too, with the with trades rights I dont know why there needs to be one national rule for which kid gets the gonna, which bathroom for every every school in the country. But if we start
having every culture war fight be decided. Winner takes all at the furthest level from the people you know just based on which political party happens, the wind, the presidency were in a very dangerous place here, because it it's really something that starts convincing people that its do or die every presidential election erases the stakes of our differences, which ought to be settled closer to home, indifferent policies in deep red territory in deep blue territory, stead of one size fits all based on the dictates of one president, but that there people that's an embassy in the founding fathers did not want Mr Donnelly thanks very much taken time are really appreciate the discussion very interesting. Ok, down a border, the new york post,
reports: a hundred thousand migrants weight and come in right now, forty Three thousand migrants are waved in each month they file asylum claims on the internet, the by them. Treasures waves, a man, they can go anywhere. They want, they can t and are given our aid entitlements, I'm state and local governments and federal, ok and then not too show for hearing four six seven years. Our challenge saying this is so thousand are awaiting according knew your posts, most of them are venezuelans haitians cubans nicaraguans because they have a political basis to apply for asylum, because all those countries are communist countries are at a control. I katy, dangerous the reason that is a hundred thousand and not five hundred thousand, which it will be in december as the heat
you down? There is killer literally and we'll get into that. In a moment. Mexico is filed a formal complaint against the united states, the foreign relations secretary, Alisha, Barcelona, the barrier in rio Grande the texas is put up So this is a barrier that makes it hard to across or swim across the river Mexico is objecting to the baron. Why? Because Mexico wants Israel. Migrants to come into the usa as possible. Why? Because they send money, the mexican nationals back to mexico, they get the jobs. The money goes back, that's what it's all about!. Ten hottest places you now they are going to deal with this and final thought is terrible, weather everywhere.
the ten august places in the usa, death valley, phoenix, phoenix, crazy. There. Is tucson arizona, just south of phoenix fresno. California, in the middle of the state, taxes lived there for two years boy. I I suffered in you down and ours so Antonio south of dallas. Roswell new mexico. Where the aliens live used in taxes- sacramento. California, ok, I mean you can't go out of the house literally, so let me I'll put it so I'm gonna perspective for you in a final thought. Talk about madness and chaos. Airlines over we do not all weekend, I again f, just like me, a year and a half ago, jet blue, keeps a play
a load of people waiting in the entire day and ngos. Thirteen hours you try to Why? From new york city, the las vegas, alright jet blue keeps saying going to get you out. Gonna get ya, gonna get you out and then they cancel a flight rule Is it the ok get low tones out of control in a year and a half since I my friend, you look at our body and on an ad o reilly, jet loon pop right up to you, gay,
prove one iota. He bought a judge in charge, what's peter and taken private jets, and he won't tell us how many private jets even a we're paying for the private jets. Ok, let's four days here are thus stats average rates Does your flights delayed Kay united airlines. Thirty four percent dealt a thirty want jet blew a whopping, fifty five percent american airlines. Forty percent cancelled flights last for dates, united for delta to jet, blue thirteen. American break a little bit deceptive because they will keep you waiting there. The airline companies for six seven hours and goes
The delay category are right because I don't want to cancel flights. Horrible san francisco totally fallen apart mean here is perhaps at one time the most beautiful american city has collapsed because a progressed of leadership and the stupid people who live in San francisco, who vote for progressive leadership and remember efforts has caused a huge chinese popular they usually or many of them don't fall. They don't participate so therefore, the putting pool, is narrow and full of progresses city is collapse, at the time I was in san francisco a couple of years ago. I stayed in the north beach area. Ok, that's the tourist area. I took the earth
two alcatraz, you take a little fairy over there. I and you have the fishermen's wharf, the restaurants. I stayed there at that why the city had not collapsed now. In the north beach area. Ok, there has been a fifty percent spike in car break ins. I had a car twenty five, hundred. This is, according to San francisco standard gate, twenty five hundred car break ins just this year and it's only July. Why? Because they're not prosecuted, you can break the window of a car steal. Everything inside cops won't even bother you. What do you think's gonna happen? Twenty two
thousand deaths from vehicles last year in san francisco, so three and sixty five days a year, do the math twenty two thousand So we call the observances girl police department that it's gonna no comment. You got a savage discards, just a jet blow, you buy it roger blue, you know what you're gonna get go to san Francisco. You know what you're gonna get. Bela police union boss is telling his own cops to quit sombelene Well, this is the l, a police, protective league people, vice versa, and you sandoz quote to her cops. Go somewhere that respects the work you do and you don't have to beg for a great contract go somewhere that has it. The council should be managed at all. Between knowledge is a great work. You do go somewhere, it doesn't have to with more so.
Council member to hate you. no exaggeration? Ninety five hundred cops in los angeles, their morale? Must we really great smartly? So, as I ve been telling you, we have concierge man if your below riley Donegal and it's a life insurance policy you get in trouble. You have a question you come to me and I will help you and its secret. it's confidential would know mailing list nothin like that, just you and me about it, Third of the letters I am getting from the thousands of people we have in concierge? Membership are on travel, So I got a very disturbing letter today from a concierge member who booked a flight. on my flight search dot com, my flight search dot com.
Any airline would not or it according to the concierge map. So I gotta check this out and we're in approach. of doing that now k to see if this is wrong. If it's a mistake, what is it initially, I'm thinking myself. I wouldn't be buying any travel from a third already you go to the hotel or the airline or you use a travel agent anyway, tomorrow will define it what I want to tell you is this travel now is ultra expense. Ultra expense and its fraught with danger Particularly if you're going somewhere out of the country You tell me what your itinerary is. I will base
golly guide you to save you money, big money, which meant which makes the concierge membership fee, laughable and pitfalls saw in may I got. Tongues of european questions about travelling to europe in July and august, I told them all If you're going to southern europe in July and august, it's gonna be hot. Now, its record hot uk. Walk around like here. Alright- and I said Southern Europe late September october, or Late April may. July august. So that's a kind of self we can provide in this way like seven tomorrow, we will have more honour person who wrote about this and the personal lost a lot of money This day in history july, eighteenth, nineteen sixty nine
Kennedy, a senator drives his car off a bridge and Martha's vineyard. The woman riding with him marriageable copeck new young woman. Twenty eight years, all droughts. Horrible story, you know it is a chap when a girl in a part of marthas vineyard, kennedys having a party he gets all you know has a few as he was known to do, gets in a car with this woman. Nobody knows, why and kennedy drives off a bridge into a considerable stream. A deep body of water coursing through bottom carry gets out, goes the top. She droughts Harry is back, hotel goes to sleep, those asleep.
Ten hours later he walked into the your town, mars's vineyard police headquarters in reports, the action ten hours later they get down. She was drowned, but there was an air pocket. They did. A timeline on her demise could have been saved So enter judge james boil massachusetts district court. He puts the fix in for senator. edward Kennedy. He makes it almost impossible for the affair Where is the number one presented the evidence against kennedy and then gives them a sweetheart deal that He gets two months Splendid sentence.
You remind you of the burdens the fix was in judge james boil. Kennedy gets away with, it remains in the senate, but it did kill his presidential ambitions. Chappaquiddick. Happened fifty four years ago today got the mail. The final thought on know why the bad weather is happening, we'll be right back. Ok before we get to the male. And do I have the mail here? Yes, I do for you to the male next Monday July. Twenty four Both were having a live event on bill, o dot com for premium in concierge members, the Biden, family and negation. As you know, I am on this. You say in your questions to us: ok,
The address is below riley dot com, slash live. And I will answer them for you. If only for car you can, if you could send any anybody, can send a question with the answers are only for concierge premiere members on bill, o'reilly dot com, because we do this a few times a year since one of the perks that you get, but that is coming up Asked next Monday July, twenty fourth address again bill: O'Reilly, dot, com, slash, live any questions you have. I will answer Ok: let's go to the male Jeff your correct, o reilly. But I do believe we, They want to believe, including yo, the courts or corrupt, just like the media. fox had a chance to get to the bottom of the two thousand twenty election, but they did not ok,. You're talking about, I wasn't there too, and twenty you're right people
what they want to believe- and I am in that category when it comes to personal beliefs, about god- and things like that. I want to believe in god, so I do the evidence that I've compiled in killing Jesus is overwhelming. So it's not just based on some kind of superstition, but it all up. Why people believe what they want to believe two facts and politics and stuff? I cover I follow where the facts led me vicky, I'm always sending friends and relatives bill orally dot com, information, tell them to watch reed and listen you are the only new source that matters will appreciate and I agree with that. Watch the other stuff, you're gonna be misled, not here. Candice plodden burger lake orient, michigan, so hunter Biden due process. Okay, if ok was his. He should be banned from the white house number one
There's no evidence at the cocaine found the white house was hunter bites. Not are they looking for the evidence, the secret service now. even though they are not. We can't say that reminded anything, but I disagree with you. Can't. If somehow that cocaine was traced to hunt or by not banned from the white house, he's arrested, he's charged, I wouldn't let em Joe, a job who Jeddah was vague is paramount. Ro premiums were not by call my age and I was told for every one dollar they get their spending evolve. Look I know Joe. I got the same wrapped from my
insurance agent. We gave you that we gave you the website yesterday. I don't have it off the top of my head, but you get nosed, but there's plenty of insurance agencies. Shop around richard concierge member evil is a heart felt disorder somewhere asked evil people were wrong. Evil in your heart is a former relationship for wrongs is a form retaliation for the wrongs that they suffer baby. I don't care care evil person they commit an evil acts. They gotta go gonna, get him out away. Or they're gonna hurt people, obviously. Gillian contours member The will see on Monday night for their biden, culinary the original snow white nineteen. Thirty seven was walt disney. Masterpiece first feature length, animated motion picture. My guess is that prince charming is out
there's a feminist doesn't need him any more and its on broken heart reprint harry. I thought he was gonna get their role. I thought prince area is gonna, get richer on iran, not no more for astronomy, stephen I wish all riley you. We bring back the yard signs. I still have my stand up for your country yards. Here's You know we have a, we change our products, but we have bumper sticker. what I would do it just like a fashion. We are three bumper snickers put him on a little car. Bored saying it on on a little station and put him in you're on your lar yard. Don't we pinhead atheists. Nothing there team normal. You make your own, you get six sectors for fourteen ninety five. What amendment. Jim posada plain view new york on long island love the chemistry between.
you and her. Although to icons. Rod always seems widows way out from giving you the response, but we know with you we can look around. Although answer my questions I mean, if you didn't, I wouldn't I wouldn't put em on Christine Arend Ass, huntington, beach, California, just had most surgery last wednesday basis carcinoma right for one more to go on my shoulder, I should have seen doktor much sooner loss a long time for animal and all my last year I father died from now on and that's why I got the surgery right here and I gotta get the stitches out a couple of days. Mark big for four wait: Indiana. Do you really believe this affords food shortage in america? When did I ever say there was a food shortage. food shortage in american hour. I am going to the grocery store path,
patrice concierge member bill boil boy you're, weekly column called twilight. Politics had me in stitches, stitches. Is writer very funny. Columns posts bill, o reilly, dotcom. We hope you all read it over word of the day do not be a snowy gaster. I love that words analogous romagna final fundamental Ok here is a final thought of the day, bad weather everywhere in the usa. Israel, long island, very near the ocean. Usually it's no problem What is so humid? I can't even believe it to turn our dog and I walk on the beaches like you, breach? Wind blows that Humidity out now, right I am, is thirteen degree. Who were the new york city, it's all your miles away. Ok now,
global warming is not a hoax. It's real, the planet's warming up the hawks is that how do you find it And the far left is taken the issue, the panic, because careers, panic, and use did. try to sell a huge government like I was talking about earlier in the programme you better do what the government says every way and if you The planet gonna blow up. Its being you climate, is being used to increase the federal government's power. That's the thing drive me crazy, suitable all working together to put less carbon in the air to clean up the water. All
No now it's a political issue because of the far left, but global warming is not a hoax world. Temperatures are rising. that is it for us, thank you for watching and listening to the no spin news cinema.
Transcript generated on 2023-07-31.