« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

The Desperate Left, Delusional Joe Biden, the Latest Midterm Election Odds with Guest Maxim Lott, Conflicting New York Poll, & More

Tonight's rundown:
  • Talking Points Memo: The left is unhappy, and it's only getting worse as we close in on the midterm elections.
  • President Biden continues to push false narratives on inflation and gas prices
  • Guest Maxim Lott joins the No Spin News to discuss the latest betting odds for the closest midterm races.
  • Just who will win the New York gubernatorial race? Recent polling is all over the place
  • This Day in History: Franklin Pierce is elected the 14th President of the United States
  • Final Thought: Calling all Concierge Members!
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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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It will arrive here, welcome to the notes been news for Wednesday november second, two thousand and twenty to the gate of the dead. in mexico and also stay here in the? U s interesting, tradition there. If you wanna investigated, stand up country if you're alive, you can have your debt so you may remember. Last week I predicted that things are going to get really nasty last few days before the voting, course I am carnatic the magnificent again member quite act when the Johnny Carson because they're getting really nasty- and that is the subject of this evening's talking points memo. Let's begin, with whose angrier in this country right now the right or the left.
I'm going to submit to you it's the right, even though left, still age, tromp and still do in all kinds of bad As far as true Undermine our traditional system, this is my opinion, of course, with the right is, is furious because All americans are getting her even left us with the right knows why? Because the competence of the bite administration and the real frustration to those who aren't ideologically driven like myself, There is no attempt to may it being made to solve any problems. it's a denial, denial denial. I mean by ya know we don't have an open border, huh people in new york now cried rob na. Now, it's all republicans worth there now and you're here in a few minutes, one of the most astounding soundbites from Joe Biden that I have ever heard
They get away with it because z corver me he's collapse report. Anything now. So we'll begin on the nasty side Let me do one more short. Sarah. the conservatives are angrier and are more likely to both because of that, their angry because they are getting hurt financially, that's breakin it all down. The left is angry They know that things lot better under the tromp administration economic. There is no doubt about that. Ok but they're. Getting really nasty they know, they're gonna lose, we're gonna get into that throughout this our within, oh, it's almost all over. and so I'm gonna give you three samples of nastiness role, tape, one I support the fact that carry legs peace. So I'm glad she did it
And no one is going to say that you have put it all line in the blunt s terms possible. that woman is an idiot at that guy had ever say that on any programme that I anchored, he would have been immediately dismissed. You say things like that: carry it's a piece of that. You don't do that on a legitimate programme, program on MSNBC is not legitimate, it's an Your team vehicle, but that woman, sit there and allow that kind of behavior shock, but it happens all the time. The second example we have. From a woman named Jennifer louis, whose an actress she's kind, heading for bow, demagogues really yes, rubio for the senate in florida. Here's what she said. ma.
The debate. laughter, thou, dimming. Will win say well aware. Say: tat saw great marco. Those other weak men We are, you lie to remember, rosa bile, but. I mean it. Disgraceful, thou dumbing will not win.
To go down by about twelve to fifteen points. That woman and remember doings picked her to do that. They knew what she was going to say to invoke rosa parks. To call a sitting senator a liar light is ass off what kind of campaign is that? What is that. it's it's simply hard to believe. It really is hardly bert examples. War This is a statement. Up on the website for the white house quote. The guy purchases a hammer to kneecap the number- Three in line to be presented, the united states of america number two in line. I should say to be the united press. Of the united states of america, it is number three by the way.
And binding continues, and nobody on that party. The republican party condemns for. We what it is. It's not because I made a comment about this to be expected. When you have leaders of the other party condoning the kind of conduct that is I just discuss and others it's just gibberish That statement is that's on a white house press website Can you believe that so basically say that nobody in the republic, party condemned the attack on poor pelosi, I ll just give you a few names, because we don't have time to give a more Minority leader mitch, Mcconnell ted crew, Steve's police, dick cheney, ran Paul On and on and on and on that I don't know any republican. They did not condemn that attack Yet he goes up there and talk about.
lying you're, you know what of now. I'm not no accuse, By doing that, because I respect the office. Ok,. I'm not going to get into that kind of vitriol, but binding there he doesn't know what he's saying and an excuse for binding, and he just this If you read the statement, you really should go to the white house website, punch it up or Era, bill O'Reilly, dot, com, premium member- you can react this and you can see the statement again, put put it up again. Full screen, put put the statement of serving, could see it now this this Is the president of the united states are, and he doesn't know whose number two or three in line to be president. He does no, that he can Take your late: what are you saying at all the accuses the republican party of not condemning.
nobody on that party condemns. It is almost. As if we are in venezuela a country that has no standards political stands at all are so I guess is the specificity that I think the talking points. Memo always does and that's it So, let's get to real, clear politics. That's a website, so right now they are pro and ask equating the the republic is pick up thirty one seats in the house. Thirty one to give them a big majority house ice. Think it's gonna be forty. Two forty five. Right as far as the senate is concerned, we
clear is forecasting for pick. Ups it'll be fifty four forty six geo p. I think that will be act, The four pick ups and then you will have your job because now your candidate is going to reach the fifty percent threshold down. There because of this and the Democrats just beside it so I don't know what to do so. There lashing out acting out as they say with children, and it's gonna get worse in the next five days. We are on it. We are on it. everybody does this. I'm gonna bring em right to you, though you don't ever forget, What is your bind scheduled today to do anything I was talking about training americans for good jobs and inflationary. action at the word, but I really do anything, but he
something yesterday and it's incredible is absolutely incredible. Ok, come back, This is a public speech in florida. The johnson community center- and here it is go. We have the lowest inflation rate of almost any major country in the world. We ve done a lot to try taken to control these millions about oil from our strategy stories are keeping the price down. We have the lowest inflation eight of almost any major country in the world will get to that in a minute. Ok, yeah, He did release more oil from the reserve. And since he had done that, while prices here are of six percent kay, And our going down price
barrel, boiled oil up. All right on the lowest inflation front here are the countries with lower inflation. Then we have here. There are a lot of a child japan, saudi arabia, Switzerland, south korea, indonesia, France, canada, Brazil, Australia, spain india, singapore, south africa. It's unbelievable? yeah and sea area the corporate media calling them out on it. I don't care what he says. You say whatever you want to say because analyses radio programme today- and I said. When Barack Obama ran for president ok, This could not have happened. I could not have said all of these false things and got away with it. Even the press wanted desperately for
To be present, they would back then. Have called him out on it. Now they do that the deterioration and it goes hand in hand. You want The girl lying it's simple to do if no, he's gonna call on it. now again for buying. He doesn't know what countries have a lower inflation rate. He doesn't even know what inflation is the higher prices higher. He doesn't know how it here, you don't know how to bring it down. This is the age its iron ivy, You get it I'm sure you'll get it. I'm so frustrated on this. I too, nobody knows obviously was can happen on november eight next tuesday, but the betters are laying money on the results. bringing maximum lod you've seen him before he's in Swarthmore pennsylvania, executive producer.
stars all tv that we'd be John startle unease. Creator of election betting, odds, dotcom frameworks, It was this old, legalized, betting on politics in america, correct! Well, it's complicated, so our website averages the odds from five different excites? Most of them are in the uk is one of the bahamas, but there is one in the: u S, that regulators gave an exception to its called predicted dot com. I had an exception for eight years, so americans right now can go and back on the election. Their and our sight calls data from there, but regulators, just in it, a few months ago there, ending that exception, and in february of next year there will be no serious election butting in the. U s, but as I will keep forty yards, but the feds will do anything about it. Even if there is, I dont believe they do anything about it and then off the road. You know grid,
people are betting on the election all over the place right right, that's true. There are sites, people, even our using crypto currency and on places like polly market and their bedding, and our scientists takes all those in averages them together. Now, why did the feds ban betting on politics when they say that it could give people bad incentives like if you ve twenty five thousand dollars on the line, you're gonna push a candidate regardless of whether the good or not, and you could have insider trading from your campaign staff. Those are the things they say they are concerned about. Those seem pretty trivial to me compared with getting to know. What's to happen, and people can also say I'm really worried about this person coming to office. I can at least make some money off you no kind of hedge in your your risk there, so I think it should be allowed. Obviously I saw you track. Seventy thirty candidates each year? I know
that's our track, research should be got. Ok. We talk about the overall picture: and again this is for people who are laying money down what is lads broke. Is that the one in england, the big betting place? That's a big one! What we call from his back, fair and smart, gets in the uk kids. They have come from us, like a stockings Type thing set up where it's very there's no bookie. It's like people are trading with each other, just like other stock, Alright, the odds of republicans winning the house are either eighty eight percent, so republicans are locked for the house: okay senate, it's two thirds which changed a lot since we last talked it was a coin toss now the republicans are pretty strongly favour for the sake of cat. Arizona is very hotly contested state intergroup in it
and in the senate. What's that look like their yeah! That's an interesting one. Just flipped, yesterday from a slight edge for kelly to slight edge format there's an that happened when the libertarian announced he was endorsing the republican so that flitted over the edge, still basically a great acquaintance but interesting to see the effect of that and about lake she's, she's strongly favour Are you ok? The betters are going on for lake there,
I'd nevada republic in scented, candidate and governor candidate, correct yeah, so the Senate race is pretty strongly favour for the republic, and now I'm actually a little surprised to see that, because nevada hasn't the stable grace haven't gone republican since twenty four team and they also they male balance to everyone, regardless of whether they request one. So there is a lot of room. I've had relative sunday photos of male rooms and apartments in about a dark valets everywhere but they found the Republican has favoured seventy two percent. That's lag solve for the governor. The Republican is also favorite. Seventy five percent that the amazing, if it was a landslide in nevada, thou, be an indicator for all over the country georgia. What's the situation between warnock and walker,.
Yeah. So that remains superfluous, that as flip, when we last talked walk of war, not was up about sixty percent at about sixty percent chance. Now walker S. Percent chance so and the poles are also slightly favouring walker, so he has the edge by will see the korean eyes. One of these rivers are so that vince, duly commercial delayed coach of the georgia bulldogs, where walker played that has, according to people I know in georgia, made a big difference of pity among african american voters who now swinging over to him interesting. yeah. I can see that the odds are shifting. That's where I can see new hampshire. answer is something when we last talked three weeks ago. Wasn't even in play is eighty percent democrat. Now it's fifty eight percent has signed has only fifty eight percent,
The bulldog he's been going around. All these town halls been doing multiple runs a day. It seems like there might be a grass roots shift there and the republicans have a chance to grab that one now Ok, I think that double that's gonna beat her up there, and because there are so many independence in new hampshire we're getting hammered heating bills in new Hampshire, this winter. That's gonna put it. people into the red I'm going to make household budgets, apps so bad. That is Cause an oil or north carolina, you say orse according the betters, are safe senate, see for republican train yeah. That's right! Those used to be clubs, but now just like more than eighty five percent for each of us, pretty much a done deal now, John out and he was submitted, and I dont have doubted back it up there
at patty murray. The liberal Democrat in Washington is tied with her opponent. What's going on in washington state, though there were some polls suggesting that the better still say you know, she's an incumbent, blue state, she's still strongly favourite, just got. Seventy nine percent but that raise shouldn't even beyond the radar and republicans do have a chance. There, that's kind of their long shot. generally amazing that would be even worse in california is washington, so controlled by seattle is organs controlled by poor them. Now, in new york there are two poles emerson, which has whole go out in front by a wide margin and your, which has Zelda out in front by out small marge. How did the better see that yet another place? republicans shouldn't even have a chance, but less eldon got twenty seven percent chance, he'd be the first republican since tacky two
the governor there. That's a lot of me. That's how the momentum is on his side: hogan booted it in the debate another horrendous crime will get to and in a little while here right at home, store stuff, but have to be the machine politics of the city to make that We're stand up, I would think we'll see That's where you're voting, I guess yeah, I'm voting on new york and I'm going to vote for zeldin, and I never tell anybody who I'm going to vote for. So I do vote for democrats, but I can't in good conscience vote for Cathy. hopeful puts every single citizen state endanger that's what she does here. By the way it's interesting to compare the media's coverage of zelda, the guy who attacked, sell them too. The policy thing going on now is this wall to wall short, The media is a partner with them.
chronic party in oregon Christine raising the republic is favored to win right yeah, which is shocking, she's, actually, the favorite to win, not even alongside and big reason as there's this a Democrat who's kind of disaffected he's like this was my party. She ran as an independent and is draining ten percent, the Democrats. That's how the republicans are favoured to win an organ now forget, together was out of salem important portland. I think the whole stato gulf geo p And a michigan winners in trouble governor Whittemore in trouble right, yet she might be. Does one third chance show Would it bear I'm almost surprised it's not higher. He had a lot of covert scandals from flying to florida. She told people not to do that to being in bars against her own covert lockdown orders. So there's a one third chance
out there in Michigan. Do I don't know that state? I can't make a prediction there but I knew, though some of the poles have tied right now. so over all the batteries and people putting their own cash on the line. Four november eighth they're saying both houses of congress will go republican. And many other group gubernatorial races as well, that it is exactly the betting is very good news for the Republicans basically across the board, and it's a big shift from three weeks ago and six weeks ago removing the Republicans direction maxim. We really appreciated thanks for coming on and help us out. Thank you bill
mary redeemed fifty thousand dollar cash prize fighting child look a scene of the higher the only playing for fighting. So winning this was a dream. Come true jumbo casinos, america's, never one social casino experience! It serious fought with over eighty casinos tell games to choose for you, two could win the life. Changing amounts of capping, lightner log onto chandler, casino, dotcom, give them a whirl, that's chubby casino, dad come nobody just necessary vote will bring him into by law. Eating plus terms a condition supplies website for detailed level using the preceding commercial was not the actual voice of a winner. ok, so there's a study by the media research centre, very conservative group, but the myth b. Your meticulous about the facts they put out. So I ve been can it these surveys over the years and the dad The day assemble we independently checked it. always checks out
well, they analyze ABC Cbs Nbc evening news about how covering this election cycle so all Democrats pause of coverage on the three networks. Thirty four percent negative, sixty seven percent. Now Surprise you but wait, there's more so democratic! being covered by the three networks: sixties, seven percent negative coverage, fishermen in pennsylvania, eighty one percent by Seventy eight percent, negative, ok and other Democrats outside of fishermen in Biden are all favourable see how it's skewed sophia brad, seven percent of the blue full coverage for democrats is positive But fetterman and Biden are big negatives. On the republic inside
total negative on republican candidates, all of em from the network's eighty seven percent. positive thirteen percent Hirsch walker, positive, eleven, negative. Eighty, nine oz. Positive eighteen negative he too. carry leg in arizona, positive, zero. Now one positive, at negative one hundred percent, altogether, republicans negative eighty one positive nineteen, ok, compare that democrats altogether Fifty seven negative, forty three, so you can see the court. Worried media. continues to be allied with the demo. party and can in some cases justify better and Biden can any longer- they try to do is ignored that as much as possible.
No, I didn't ask maxim about the senatorial race in pennsylvania, because it's impossible right now. You can't make the call the Democrat will win the governor, but my god, and I hate to go by guy. that I will win but If the machine in philadelphia can get the majority vote, it will have to be big. Fishermen could be the victor I dont think that'll happen in this world series this weekend in filling Few people distracted there. I don't want any. Or a person could vote for Joe Biden. I mean. Just the inflation rate alone, crippling ok, now. This is a terrible story.
I'm not going to get into grew graphic detail because, but I'll give it to you upstate new york. Ok guy beats up his wife Adam Dennis field. He is right. Ok, they let him out no bell on the fourth of october. The next day hey. He ambushes his wife shoots her dead in front of their three small children. Okay, so the beats I mean, beats up his way out right now. Next day, though, I toggle that law hopeful champion, I'm just sitting here go and how could any new yorker vote for this woman.
Kansas so interesting case get no coverage because it doesn't have to do with modern politics. one is, is lit, alison fluke, akron, Where did two years old there? She is so It's too. Twenty years in federal prison for Being a member of isis, she actually went to iraq to trade. In isis, women to kill people right, they call she went back in the united states, as an ally of the usa, now other extradited back. She get twenty years. You know I don't care is defined. Still on this very killing the killers, one of the few with things. That is happening on the federal level is that the anti terror forces that we have are still resolutely in motion to stop these insane people from killings
so this woman, allison fluke echo goes away. Twenty years, she's forty to use all of its out when cheese and with federal if you serve most, you type. it's more lives. So we want you to be healthy and to be around price Why wouldn't we want our viewers and listeners to be around so always look for things that you might consider in your. Personal lives to extend. In good health the place that I want to take you today is japan. So in japan, which mirrors american society very fast moving, stress- They don't have the divisions that we have their transitory conformist, but They're trying to hustle a buck over there and everybody's move and move in moving. So a hundred
and twenty six million japanese hundred twenty six billion lifespan in Japan Is eighty five years that's pretty law. Kay lifespan. Here, seventy nine, the average lifespan. so they're goddess by six years now The reason they do is because japanese don't eat much red meat or sugar. Ok, they consume fish, And plants soybeans tee their diet is much different than our diet. And I'm telling you that food makes all the particular when you get older. So when you get older the inflammation. that you have in your body rises. Ok and if you logging in sugar and and coffee
all of these things, the morphine. Nation you're gonna get worse going to feel more tired, you're gonna feel. So Japan, females in japan, Eighty eight in my god That is just an amazing thing. there are a lot of drug overdose des japanese, very tough on narcotics, its Not acceptable lair the main thing is efficient plant based. I now hear them. are we. You can't really do that everybody. likes their pizza, their comfort, food and air. Max. In cheese and dairy and some people say, look It's worth me dying at eighty two rather than eighty eight. If I, if I can
the stuff I want to eat, I understand, but there's suffering something in addition to death and they're suffering, you will suffer if you eat fast foods a lot and you can sit and continue to consume sugary drinks and candy, and all of this up, you will see, Does your body can take it smart life who say in history november? Second, eighteen, the two hundred and seventy years ago, when peer selected, fourteen president of the united states,. no? Why should you care about franklin tears You got what is really losses like mine. A tidy Joe Biden, okay, so pierce is alive. Did because the immortal millard filmore, who took over there's accurate taylor died. Who is he
couldn't fundamental right miller. Didn't know anything that's out there, so they went to pierce. who is a globalized. His family came over right up to the mayflower is ignored It was a new Hampshire right, but he was a Democrat Who believed that the abolitionist movement was a threat to the in which it was, but so why I mean peers come on. this is this is bondage now we're talking about death trading human beings so peers I didn't do anything that I needed. Ok, so he takes over. He sits there. For four years. Eighteen, fifty two to eighteen. Fifty six. and he's drunk a lot of the time I mean drunk. Like Andrew Johnson, their mulatto
and we re all of those fracas present. I so peers leads to James you can wear the same attitude? We care about slaves and that leads to to Abraham lincoln but disaster, just stare step Now, the I don't onset appears was, President Biden superiors really didn't do anything. What Biden has done is hurt? All of us he's hurt us and that's it They are on a par as far as effectiveness is sir kay mail and a final thought we need you have you any way to do us a favour right back?
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Ok, let's go to the male. We I Kevin ryan, scottsdale arizona bills Midterms or upon us, partisan, bombarded by commercials, accusing republican canada supporting and be involved in white supremacy how that I am sixty five years old have lived all over the nation. and I ve never met a white supremacist. Me too, I never met one saw you This is a regular clare pace. Florida a bill s now. You showed a clip president obama being heckled. You commented at the end and we cannot have that. under normal, fair conditions. I agree The silent majority of americans have been silenced by the blue machine for too long, and we are fighting our way back to justice by any of this work. the biggest megaphone in this country's donald trump war was ok, there's no bigger walk, talk rate, still very vibrant terrorism, plenty of outlets
We shouting down people now not in a robust democracy, valerie do you think is possible that a lot of Democrats will stay home and new york rather than vote resolving kind of protest with this be enough to put cell didn't ya. If the democratic machine is in turn about new york city is a little when I started he's gonna win anyway, but could take it one hundred chin with that one jennifer? Wise move to join cuomo You can get yourself out to discuss your point of view. The better our nation, which needs to hear different perspective, look. We are in business to persuade my arguments are pretty strong, again swarm of and that's. Why do it well beyond a couple times next week? I'll tell you when
Sure it doesn't matter what o Reilly says on crime and mental illness. Cuomo will contradict bill because we're on opposite sides of musicians. Fine, let The best argument wager. Michael gibson, sir, vincent and grena deeds what a nice lace- oh boy so Michael says if MR trump did anything illegal on his tax returns, wouldn't the irs's deal with him to. Why is congress getting involved absolutely right, absolutely right did you use that desires derive their door. Political everybody knows it and that's what's going on Donna Lichtenberg Frankfurt, delaware bill, just read, so security recipients are getting a rate of eight percent. My question why asean and constantly saying republicans will take our socialist. pretty and medicare away because tourists.
They couldn't care less about the truth and their flat out dumb. Most of them know anything. It's all a propaganda mill. our or ortiz, Clemente, California, I'm independent, but I dont want the Democrats wiped out. the partisan zero sum game is not how I believe this nation was originally design. I agree I need Course, correct to respect their public to democratic party again. Going to continue down a progressive road, I can't respect you come back being reasonable vacuum. A colonel bob smith Ashdown or arkansas. There are a few days ago. You encourage us by our thanksgiving dinner supplies early to save money, I took your advice bought a large turkey at ninety eight cents, a pound two days later. It was
a dollar. Ninety eight pounds: smart life, colonel You know we're always ahead of it always ahead of it. And I'm doing airline thing tomorrow might at least mitigate some of your suffering. Downright bellingham massachusetts a bill. Why do you call your book series killing because people die in them. The very snappy marketing tool is it not most successful, nonfiction book series- all taught in the whole world, this killing a legend sang and tough. The great christmas- For anybody who likes history and I think you will enjoy it immensely. Josh Lawler new bedford massachusetts, some currently halfway through killing the ledges, a real the way.
mr de garden, yourself put the reader right at the scene of events that are happening. Every Certain is well researched and thought up. Thank you. We really put a lot of work into Rennie's works, hard work, ok, I gave a little preview of what's coming up we are a killer book bundle legends killing to kill it's killing them out. Ok,. we're gonna give you for a short time. Thirty, three percent off the price, so the full price is ninety bucks. Your price, now before the chris, is mania. Fifty four for all three books. Extremely reasonable will package them up sleep for you if you want to give them as gifts
and then we're going to have a bundle of all twelve of the killing books, which are you know, but we're going to attach something to it. That's going to make it a smart purchase. I'll tell you about that next week, word of the day not be a faap f, o p, when writing to me bill and bill o'reilly dotcom, billet bill, O'Reilly, dot com. Imagine if you wish to opine, we need that name into the final fight in a while
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Transcript generated on 2023-01-11.