« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

The Dems Only Option, New Hunter Biden Revelations, General Milley's Border Truth, Russia's Economy, & More

2023-03-30 | 🔗
Hey BillOReilly.com Premium and Concierge Members, welcome to the No Spin News for Thursday, March 30, 2023. Stand Up for Your Country. Tonight's rundown: 
  • Talking Points Memo: There is no opposition within the Democratic Party against President Biden. What does that mean for 2024?
  • New reporting says Hunter Biden's business partner was a frequent visitor to the White House
  • Gen. Mark Milley's honest assessment of the southern border
  • Just how have sanctions against Russia hurt their economy
  • This Day in History: President Reagan is shot
  • Final Thought: Helping others
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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
O'reilly hear the news cycle can be overwhelming. As you know, bill. O'reilly dot com is here to make sure you don't miss anything as a loyal listener of the no spin news audio we are offering you a way of listening to it completely ad free. Can sign up to become a bill, o reilly, dotcom premium. Member today and access all the great audio content. We have including the orally update and much more without commercials premium and cause I urge members also get exclusive access to special video programming, We'll even send you a free copy of my new bestselling book, killing the legends so become a bill, o'reilly dot com premium member today and enjoy listening to my podcast ad free. Please don't we learn more sign up today. It below riley, dotcom, slash ad free,
That's bill, O'Reilly, dot, com, slash ad free, the bill O'Riley here welcome to the no spin news, thursday march thirtieth, two thousand and twenty three stand up for your country, I am in washington, d c and I'm happy to be here. I have been to the district in about three years, because a covert red and we ve been developing our losing see around the world- and this was a good time for me to come down because I'm hosting a benefit tonight. For very worthy charity. I'll tell you a little bit about that. At the end of the programme I did, I did mention last night is well, nothing really changed. you know I walked around no georgetown this morning in everything.
Sling here didn't see any difference from when I was here at last. But because, where in washington, we're gonna zero win on politics- and that is the subject of this evening's hawking points memo First of all, I call it the Biden dilemma. Anyone in the Political arena knows. Whether they admitted or not it doesn't really matter the Biden is not mentally fit to run this country. I know it sounds harsh and I know democrats and your liberal friends or liberals watching me, Right now are going to say: oh it's awful, it's not true. I have nothing against Joe Biden alright, but he can run the country and you can see it in almost everything
Does, however, the democratic party has no alternative non calmly. Ours is a disaster. She can't run for president. so, rather than ease joe out, which is what would have happened. Had there been a strong second And remember: there is a strong second in the republican party and that's governor dissenters. Trump is the law. Are and will give you the latest pauling tonight, but dissenters is a strong second. I believe He would be a very viable presidential candidate on the democratic side, Amy Clovy char- that I was thinking. Last night on the train right down from new york, Amy clover choice, the senator from Minnesota could probably run this country. She smart enough to run it and experience enough
but she is strong enough to run if she would fold as Biden as in the face of the far left is you can never stand up this? She and potent dishonesty But intellectually she could do that's it. There's nobody else. now I dont know every governor in this country democratic side. I don't I know no some disaster pritzker illinois disaster hopeful in new york. I mean come on. if the is insane. I know the governor of new jersey is thinking about it, but he doesn't have. Nobody knows him and so on and on and on and on there's no one left. So the democrats or real quandary, Joe Biden, can campaign in twenty four
Were you just carrying well, maybe give two speeches a week, maybe so what's schedule today. Nothing he didn't do anything all we accept the north carolina until carolinians there how great the economy is, which it is it. Ok, it's it's ridiculous So he he had a greek independence day party last night at the white house, and now I guess, he's an exhaustive from that scan. Nothing on his official schedule. And he's had nothing all we got his official schedule. Meantime all hellas break loose in his country in the world. So what does comes down to is I predicted that Biden would not run again because he saw incompetent and ITALY, not able to run the country, but now who's gonna do it. I saw think he's gonna write.
Now, if binding and his wife jill, really had the countries best interests at heart, he'd, resign. Joe Biden knows the wife knows What's going on, but for whatever reason, their continuing this charade. Now in the primary and word entering that seized and now it's by not versus tromp, not versus descent Its biden versus the grocery store. That's what it is. because everybody asked the eat. As what we all have in common biological functions. You going to the grocery store and your fill in pain, leyden versus the grocery store, so
There are some data here: senior citizens are the most conscientious voting block in two thousand twenty two at the beginning of last year. The average seniors it is in america at a hundred, ninety two thousand dollars saved that does not dropped to a hundred and seventy one thousand an astronomical drop in a year. Okay, this money, this is nesting. Money at seniors can't get back. Eighty three percent retirees in america say: inflation is, in their nesting and forty four percent, nearly half are struggling to pay the bills. I don't know if you're in category of you're gonna vote for Joe Biden and the democratic party. If war, please explain it to me bill, o reilly, dotcom. Please explain it to me.
I know many of you ate donald trump. I got it, but my is money security is again eighty under try. For years we didn't have these economic problems. That is the true ok, so that's number one aren't the seniors again pound. Then we have the weakness, by not since James buchanan, look I'm up the president before, Where am I gonna? Have we had this week, a person in a white house salt
Remember a few weeks ago. Week is spelled differently than weak. Few weeks ago, Putin knocked one of our drones out of the sky in international waters over the black sea. You know how much it costs us thirty, two million dollars that drone plus thirty two million dollars, potent whacked. It has Joe Biden, syn One word about that: no, that is incomprehensible, not worked. Thirty two million I don't even know by knows about it,.
Somebody had to tell him, but does he remember scary, is is scary, so, what's going to happen hunter vide now this could derail president bite alright. So I'm going to wrap up the talking points memo with politics in d c, everybody's tense here because of the democratic city. washington DC. Eighty percent Democrat like this because they know their guy not performing. Well, that's the memo now hunter by you know me, I dont speculate. Fax! Is what drives my.
Ursus, I'm gonna, give it to you now generator of a guy named John Robinson walker, nickname rob walker Jeffrey here, I really had not heard much about him until this week. Anyway, he was hunter, binds business partner in the chinese venture, So, as you may know, the house committee on oversight and accountability is investigating how hunter bite got all this money from china. The chairman is congressmen colmar from Kentucky well dave on cover. This is the congressional committee theirs o k that rob walker, hunters business partner in china ventures.
Is it the white house sixteen times when Joe Biden was vice president, sixteen times Why why was rob walker granted access to the white house sixteen times? Nobody else. Joe Biden said, I don't know anything about my son's business dealings. You heard sixteen times. I'm sure Barack Obama didn't know he was in the building. Not a friend of Barack bombers put his picture up there again: sky, rob walker, put his picture of turkey. Ok,
So the house oversight committee committees, subpoena issuing bank records from the bank of america and those records, show the payments to hunter Biden and his enterprises full screen those payments. Now, please, ok! For march six, two thousand seventeen to me. eighteen thousand, seventeen, okay, more than a million dollars flowed into hunter Biden, concerns alright right shove L. L sees a bunch of it all. It wasn't hunter Biden himself with companies linked provide more than a million dollars in a little over two months, all of it from china? What's that.
So you do the math rob walker. hunter binds visits partner on the china ventures sixty in times in the white house. A million dollars and less and less than three months going into hunter Biden's concerned nothing wrong here, right some wrong, but you're, not gonna. Here that impress they they want stormy Daniels hundred and thirty. That would let them win. A million Ok, so here's what the chairman of the oversight committee, James cormorants said quote: the oversight committees Turned about the national security implications resulting for pressure binds family receiving. Dollars from foreign accounts. We will
continue to follow the money trail and factual, determined prison bite is compromised by his family's. Schemes. and if there's a national security threat on club, but as one and that is, why then did Joe Biden, as vice president, get money from china through his son and rob walker,
That's the big thing with us cellular, it's just twenty nine; ninety nine per line for one two or three lines. So you don't need that robot daughter, you built to get a fourth line for family plan pricing, rope, Elizabeth she's, not going to like that. Oh boy get the low rate of twenty nine. Ninety nine per line- u s! Cellular built for us terms, apply visit us cellular dot com for details. We value human connection with distractions us cellular built for us visit your us cellular authorized agent located at eighteen. Fifty two deputy pike in athens, okay,. Ah, by summer midst,
we're before the house goes on your big break. I think we're going to. I think Joe Biden could be in serious trouble here, that all the indicators say that, but again the corporate media is going to either ignore it or downplay it so keep it here. I'll. Tell you the truth, pulling fox news, Paul, usually unfriendly, donald trump. Why have no idea?
in one thousand registered voters. Democrat forty, two republican, forty one independent eighteen, fair poll, simple question: who do you prefer the republican nominee to be in twenty four trump? Fifty four percent dissent is twenty four pen, six cheney, three nikki haley, three greg abbott two greg abbott is the is the governor of texas, okay, so trump? That's pretty big right, I would say pretty big lead, but not in quinnipiac. But here is the difference between fox news, poland, quantity acquainted back surveyed, one thousand seven hundred eighty, eight adults, republican twenty five Democrat thirty, two: ok, it's not fair quitted! We I mean come on you now to a fearful.
Just for laughs. I this is between buying trump gilaks well today, or would you surprised board and forty eight from forty six such a dead heat? Ok,. and then they do the same thing on de santas? Oh, who do we sport to say it is forty eight by the forty six such quinnapin k harris harvard pole, two thousand ninety five registered voters- Democrat thirty, seven republican, thirty, six, independent twenty, three, fair pull. If the election for present were held today between trump and Biden, would you vote for trump forty five percent Biden, forty one, so the exact opposite of quinnapin back, but the poles are useless until June Once drew and kicks in an end be remembered, the primaries begin next january, when we're going into April now, let's common up fast. But people are really locked in yet so jew
early July? That's when the poles, who swore to matter. Now here is a really really interesting story. So. the border is added control. You saw what ted crews did to Majorca yesterday, the homeland security chief, and I actually walked by may orchestra's house today. He wasn't didn't come out greet me, but what He's out, anyway, they had general milly and all run, and the pentagon. in front of the: u s: house, arms mrs committee. Yesterday, here's where milly said go. There is no question that this vulnerability on our southern border. it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure it out. Yet thousands of people and across every single day, there's a lot of drugs. across every single day you gotta major league ventnor crisis, so there is clearly a a vulnerability there and, of course, the precursor chemicals for the federal etc come from China and so on.
So yes, asked is vulnerability there. Could they use more ass? It sure they could use morasses, but is fundamentally my view at this point in time until his policy changes, if there is ever going to be a policy change right now, the the this is the fundamental law enforcement and intelligence operation. Okay, policy change: the policy changes no enforcement on a southern border. That's a policy change! That's why he said and millie that's about as blunt as millie. Yet say, say: look by doesn't know what he's doing he's got an open borders are going to change it and the? U s military can't do anything about it. That's true by we'd, have to water, the? U s military and then you go up against posse comma taught us laws, but he could do it on a national security basis to go to the border and stop the mad. This maiden could do that, but he won't because he's he's not concerned about
at five point: five migrants million migrants born in here and all the fentanyl and heroin. I he doesn't care. That's true. Joe Biden does not care. I can't get that across to people. Liberals go woof, he goes. No. We wasn't vitelli didn't do about about it, but died user is the real question that if Biden or the next president declares drugs cartels in mexico terrorist operations which they are killing hundreds of thousands. Americans really going to morrow blown out of him. where they live, it's not like ice for Al Qaeda waiter, up in some mountain in Afghanistan, these people have giant mansions in mexico.
Will you give him forty eight hours either you quit the cartel in forty eight hours, we're gonna kill everybody associated with your cartel. That's it lay down your arms. Give up the drug trade. You've got two days, you know do it both. You know, I'm a simple man. You know that I come up with solutions to problems. How long you think it would take us to solve that drug problem with the cartels and that human smuggling problem. How long really two weeks and overdo it, isn't like it too bad, which obrador going to do. Gotta be tough if you want to solve problems, but I know for the first time I actually thought milly was honest, does adapt to disaster. But what are we gonna do about it by
he's not order at anything can be done. Russian Let me now is another: I told you so from a really. I don't like to sound egotistical. I know some of you don't believe that, but where does it get me to sound egotistical? It doesn't get me anywhere right. So I dont want to that way, but on march seventeenth, two thousand and twenty to Saint Patrick, I did it analysis of sanctions against russia. and I said they will work rolling the egg Exceptions are the big thing they are granted strangle. The russian people and the russian people are the key to prudence. Demise The russian people turn against him. I'd en masse. Putin can survive with the secret police and the army. He can ok, so in the ensuing year.
Sanctions have been impose many puncheons. On the right and the left. Or set eyes. You didn't do anything. There is a new thing. Well, Austria journals reporting that in the first two months of this year, Russia's energy revenue is down. Fifty percent kay tell sales and russia last year down. Almost seven percent, the worst, showing since two thousand fifteen and fifty percent. Well, russian businesses don't have enough workers because of the ukraine war is a young. Men are being drafted into the war, so their economy, the russian economy pottery, but you wouldn't know that listening to television news in the usa go bar, living standards are crumbling and our economy as contracting and projected to contract over the coming years. Cod,
The russian economy is actually growing in spite of the sanctions campaign which Largely boomerangs, obviously cripple the european economies throughout la last year. They just looking economy. The sanctions that were put in place were supposed to effectively destroy the russian economy. I was supposed to be down ten points on gdp. Fifteen percents down on gdp turns out we're only down two to four points on gdp. Depending on how you measure it. So the first guys outright lying the libertarian guy that looks like a werewolf, the last guy is taking selective propaganda out of pollutants. Government. We got analyzing independently. Another guy wrote this article evan gush of it Thirty one years old wall street journal reporter ok, has been arrested today, for writing the story and he's going to be held in detention. Until may,
Twenty nine without any trial or any anything so arrested him. And he's in jail. So what is Biden going to do about that? Nothing. He won't even mention it just like the drone. What should he do? You arrest in american reporter. for writing in article four, an american publication, then we're gonna cut of all air travel to rush, no american planes are going to land in moscow or anywhere else boom and we're going to encourage nato to do the same thing. No commerce to russian. Unless you let this man out- and he comes back to the usa, tell you solve it. Right there that's what a strong president would do. Biden
work and today makes me so angry, go to washington DC, where I am right now. So. This is a story broken by senator katy brit from alabama Purely a whistle blower went to her and said The? U S, marshals, protecting supreme court justices, you remember all the demonstrations after the road decision were told not to arrest the demonstrators unless they absolutely had to. This is what senator bread is putting out there. Okay, this goes again. and what attorney general all garland set your our aggressively enforcing the law. The federal law? You can go to a supreme court judge this house try to intimidate that person get by a written them all
the marshals not to do that unless it's a catastrophe. Now I don't know it's true here, but I suspect the memo. It's true, I suspect, Merrick. Ireland is not telling the truth to the america, people now gods, respond, gotta be fair here. There is not for me to amend in this situation because I've never seen, though, slides that's the memo before well guy Why don't you just read it I'll? Take you two minutes and then give us a report. I can do it. I think we all know what's going on here. I think we do Local deasey now, if you go to washington, Washington, obviously not estate its federal territory, by the federal government. Yes, there is a mayor right now
real bouser who make sure that the local stuff, the street lights and all that ok. But the justice department runs the criminal justice system. So there isn't a district attorney. You S, attorneys federal attorneys, run and prosper Crimes in the district, ok, the guy here- is Matthew graves I was, when and by Biden, two thousand twenty one, forty eight years old. and he has declined to prosecute sixty seven percent of the arrests made in the district of columbia in one year, two thousand twenty two wooden prosecute sixty seven percent and he blames the cops uses. The cops made bad arrests
That's what this high matthew raves issue it well, the police chief robert conti, immediately put out a statement quote. I can promise you it's not the police holding the bag on this, that be ass, we believe ever. Person we arrest should be off the streets well, this is a nother prosecutor at the federal level, I can enforce the law and you all know why? Because in Washington d c in new york city in chicago in ST louis, in baltimore, in allay it's the same thing. Minority criminals are committing most of the crimes and the far left does not want to punish minority criminals, and that is that.
California reparations so this is a bill. It has not been passed. I dont think it will ever be passed, but the bill says that California should pay. All african americans, who lived there, five million dollars in reparation cat, here's the response. ants from an unnamed activist I believe that farming and preparations is too little for the work they found. Nation black americans have done for this country and as well for the countries. I believe that point. Six million is a number that can be used very wisely in our foundational black american communities. To finally got seven point: six billion.
I dont think reparations is constitutional, because your punishing one group of taxpayers. To give money to another group on a theory that slavery has punish people up to today. That's a theory now there's some factual evidence who say that african americans were held back for hundreds of years as no doubt about that. If your fair minded person, you know that, but you don't pay taxpayers with nothing to do with that we're taking their money and giving. California, of color five million dollars each.
Now, even if it is constitutional, which I doubt carve when you can't do it because they can pay for it, ok, air travel. Some fly back to new york tomorrow, not jet blue I shouldn't say never, because if I gotta go somewhere and that's the only airline, I had a good experience on delta. As I told you going down to florida, so I'm going to take them back to new york tomorrow, Yang holding my breath see this pen. right here. When listening and watching the no spin news, you should always have a pen and paper because I give you valuable information came there is an organization you should know about its call: flyers rights, dot, org!
one word F, L, why e r s flyers rights? Are I g ass dot, org? Okay, that's where you goin Oh, if you have questions about how you are being treated by any american airline, so complaints from january twenty two to november twenty two levin once last year. Sixty one thousand complaints about the airlines. That's up from this! team thousand and two thousand nineteen. In three years you go from fifteen thousand to sixty thousand complaints, where's people to judge there's another guy, I mean really binding, doesn't do anything new york,
This doesn't do anything. Buddha judge doesn't do anything mirror garland doesn't do anything. It's like the whole crew. So anyway, The reason that there are so many complaints art is twofold number one. The airlines schedule is realistic. The airlines are no. They don't have enough flight personnel, pilots and crews to fulfil their schedule, but then would tell you you're. The airport sit there all day. Second, his baggage is care. Shouldn't, be with all the computers we have in all mechanization, we have should be much better. Those are the two areas: smart life again here, that is the pen smart live. We do it every day. Now he's come to from us.
You baldos martinez, tucson arizona who recommends the yucca app. Why? U k a yucca app now I couldn't find the yoga app if my life, the That I would die, but luckily I've younger people who can find it like that and they find a for me. So what is the uk app? It tells you about food, whether it's good for you or not in a very fact, based, methodical wet. So, if you gotta go, the shit about something you're eating you go to a yoga app. How do you get there? You go to the app store. I think that's on your phone or laptop alright and you go to you search yaka y. U k a alright and then you hit down
This is right in front of me here because I wouldn't have any idea and then you sign in with an email name and a password. I guess they give you the password or something didn't cost anything. And then you can- Type in whatever food you want to know about, it's got a five star rating thirty one thousand reviews: yucca ass, smart life,. Santa remarks: thirty of nineteen eighty one prisoner reagan, shot right here in washington by John hinkley junior. That was forty two years ago march. Thirty nineteen eighty one now I rode I think, the best book and I always say that again and egotistical- call killing again about this whole thing: soup, the not! So I'm not going to go over it again here on television. If you really want to know what happened, you re killing ragged. This was my most controversial book. Here's the interesting.
Worried about this, so ronald reagan is shot almost dies. I mean he was that close to dying and he makes a recovery could use a big strapping guy, alright in nineteen eighty one physically, he gets back into the white house fairly quickly or I remember James Brady. His press secretary never really recovered from his wounds. Okay, so it wasn't just rig and secret service people were
I have to buy this hinkle you anyway, but Reagan's mental state went up and down and we documented in killing reagan. Now I think Reagan was a great president. I think he's in the top ten two terms, but this was in the beginning of his first term and the damage done to him mentally was considerable, not reported gate media didn't mention it. White house, it really really quiet, but I've got all the inside stuff about some days. Ronald Reagan, present reagan was very clear and other days he couldn't absorb information much like boat Joe Biden cannot It's information, but he made a miraculous recovery after about a year, was a sketchy year, but then boom and the country was well. Sir.
When the rest of his tour, the reagan library, people did not like what I wrote and they went after the book and they use that stooge george will to do it. He was appointment because will was in the pocket of Nancy reagan and the reagan library still is, although Nancy Reagan, of course deceased anyway, I I took on well, you can google out if you want to see it, but everything we wrote in killing. Reagan is absolutely true. You, the american citizen, you're interested in your history, We have a right to know the truth about your history and I wrote it not happen. Forty two years ago today, I ve got a good, lively, male segment and a final thought. So we hope you hang tough will be right back. Let's go to me
Now we are gloria concierge member, and we appreciate everybody who is considering that programme. It help your life glorious, has page. tourism is on the skids because our countries being flooded by people from everywhere who are here to make their fortune stay our patriotic two countries they are leaving be high. They have no intention of loving our country. I disagree one hundred percent. I hire a lot of immigrants and I have long conversations with them all legal immigrants by the way they love this country. They appreciate this country more than americans, warning because they can compare so Gloria. You and I have a very and very polite disagreement, but I'm just telling you what my experiences.
Joseph the bottom line, is the obvious nor its system of our age, where nothing and no one is more important than meat. So about me nothing can get by that. I greet nor system is just exploding and that's because parents are not raising their children to be good citizens simple, as that Sit democracy is built upon the rarest of foundations of virtuous people. God help us. I think most americans a virtuous. I do, I think, seventy seventy five percent of us a virtuous but the other twenty five percent Was it a lot of problems? Paula, summon, halter, emerson, new jersey,
Bill Europe, any save unless our people are feeling is true. We do feel insecure, not save, don't know, what's going to happen, it's horrible feeling when the administration was in. office under donald trump. We felt safe and secure that some people did, but not everybody. Some people really didn't think donald trump govern. Well, I'm not among those people. I thirty on policy did a good job. terry myers, richmond virginia? So Joe Biden is eighty but acts. Ninety we agree o reilly. Tom, we all admit the joy is not writing a country so who is. There is a left wing coalition inside the white house inside the west wing, headed by susan rice, whose basically telling Joe Biden what to do Joe Biden. The wife first lady is in that coalition. The Obama's both brok and Michel advise.
Had coalition that's running country, rod, saunders, I'm conservative, but say why anyone would have and it's all weapon other than law enforcement. Montana wyoming can do fine with the dinosaur rivals. I support a national ban on us all weapons. I don't think it's a state by state issue. But I want rigorous registration for these us all weapons. You can have em, but you gotta be trained and the states individual states need to know where they are. I think that's fair. Joe serve more than a lake was long island.
it bill. America agrees with you on the federal gun law, but can you tell us why they don't make gun crimes federal crimes? Because the Democrats don't care about the issue, particularly inner city crime, with guns they don't care and republicans are too afraid of the energy and the gun lobby that's why nothing gets done. You know that. Can you explain o reilly? Why you think carefully is so divisive? Just google carry leg statements, you gotta, do you read em for yourself and I have to live up to do Jessica Lewis, my husband as a lifetime concierge membership. I would like to get one, but do I need it. You need it. If you have questions you just want to ask me that you don't want to run by your husband. I mean
is that you marry your husband could run by any questions he wants and concierge membership to me. But if you have a special question or a private question, then it's just me and you that's why you need concierge membership, Absolutely secret, I team normal, has in court on in DC here, but it will we got the has At the shirts we get the bumper stickers. We had great mugs- oh my god, they're, we want you to get on team normal, go to bill, O'Riley, dot, com store and there it is team normal, don't forget if you become a premium or concierge member, you get my new book, killing the witches out in september. Absolutely free or any of the other In books free the great deal, okay, word of the day, not be a polluter scottish word b, l o o t r don't be a bluer right back with a final thought. Okay, the fine! thought today is that due to benefit tonight, I'm gonna write about.
In billow o'reilly dotcom message of the data more you don't be a premium member to get the message just go into the webs it's there every morning I'm telling you what I'm done it, what I'm doing and why I'm doing it and all that. But it's my because I've been successful and I have some power and money. I want to help other people. People simple, as that and I'm here and watching you do this benefit with the on war work tonight for the best friends foundation on pleased to be here, you kids at risk that we're gonna help tonight need help. Governments I gotta get help, do not come and doesn't particular care about these kids or their parents, or lack of parents.
Don't get too messy anyway, I will tell you you will read about it tomorrow and the message of the day. That's why I'm here I'm happy to be in washington, and I am happy that you watched and listened to the no spin news tonight have a great weekend sunday noon, column we'll see on Monday.
Transcript generated on 2023-07-02.