« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

The Democrat Progressive Alliance is Hurting You; Author Teresa Mull Advises on the Woke Culture; Political Outlook for the Fall, & Canada Sends Warning About Travel to USA

2023-08-30 | 🔗

Hey BillOReilly.com Premium and Concierge Members, welcome to the No Spin News for Wednesday, August 30, 2023. Stand Up for Your Country.

Tonight's rundown:

  • Talking Points Memo: progressives are in control of the Democratic party – Bill lays out how they plan to reform the USA.
  • Teresa Mull, author of ‘Woke-Proof Your Life: A Handbook on Escaping Modern, Political Madness and Shielding Yourself and Your Family by Living a More Self-Sufficient, Fulfilling Life” joins the No Spin News. 
  • The impeachment inquiry will be the big story after Labor Day – and we’re watching closely. 
  • The federal deficit has spiked more than $5 trillion.
  • Rudy Giuliani is liable for defaming election workers in Georgia.
  • Canada sends warning to LGBTQ people traveling to United States. 
  • This Day in History: 210 years ago, was the Fort Mims Massacre of over 500 settlers.
  • Final Thought: why is Bill dropping things? 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
I shall pass your here. I've got a brand new show and I hope we will subscribe to it. Don't want to miss an episode you can get it on. You, too rumble any of the audio platforms like itunes or spotify plus
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free. Please, don't wait, learn more sign up today at bill, O'Reilly, dot com, slash ad free, that's bill, O'Reilly, dot, com, slash ad free, the bill O'Riley here. Welcome to the no spin news, wednesday august thirtieth. Two thousand twenty three stand up for your country: so we can really cover the florida hurricane the foreign media hype and the storm down there, and they always do that. So if you want that kind of coverage its plenty, it's all over the place. But here we have the resources to put it into any kind of perspective at all. But I can tell you this about flaw:
part. The reason that Florida is a six as was stated this point in history, is there Authors, opportunity maw opportunity in California, for example, which has a benign climate not, potter's is florida, but in the same realm so floor, a place where you can go and you can succeed if you work hard and got mechanic. stay out of your way? Their wares? California is the opposite. Certainly where I am a new york. It is the opposite as well, which is why hundreds thousands of new yorkers over the floor, because it's kind of a new york culture on the east coast of that state. but the downside of florida is awful hot and I taught it high school every two years and it was an inferno. Down there, my classroom didn't have air conditioning. I couldn't write on the blackboard with chopped. Guess a humanity was so thick and tell the better
was having got any better with a global warming and the second Is a storms so yeah We're gonna get em. And then your insurance rates, her or sky high. So there's no perfect place Right in the world there- our places and, of course, at this point Florida is a state that is rapidly increasing its population and, of course we wish everybody be body down there. Well, we don't get hurt net storm, that tomorrow we're gonna, do a special bobby here. The same May he. What we're gonna do a special about the ten things that republicans have to do to win the presidency in two thousand. Twenty four is not about candidates. Tibet issue. So that a bee tomorrow tonight will begin with the danger posed. The progressive movement in this country. That is the subject of this evening's talking,
its mammal first of all, not all democrats or liberals are progressing. No people don't only difference in their name everybody in that same bowl of soup, but they're, not a programme Some person. is someone who believes american is not a good hunter The mentally flawed, all the way back to the founding fathers who the russia's believe, will white supremacist, they slavery and a number of other things case all. A progressive american you A wholesale change in his country wipe out most traditional values. That's it there are liberals who don't like conservative principles or whatever, but they do want to about everything. Reza movement, dogs.
Now the reason a progressive movement has taken over the democratic party and it has- and they have- perfect president and by new, is so hapless http says: they'll do any paris was tell him to do because by national principles, no values, no belief system is and for no sees it. The reason that the progressives have taken control of democratic parties money we all know- george soros. You all know how two millions of any pumps in their help of candidates all over the country. You I know about more exact coburg, the internet, baron who pump four hundred million dollars into the two thousand twenty president election, Nobody knows where that money went off. You did That's the big election scandal that would trump and acolyte should have been zeroing. Anna
I will be voting machines Zuckerberg for hundred million into salon, did counties through political action committees. to do what that money who got it. No investigation at all. First thing, a reply. Again president, should do- is put up a special council on the two thousand twenty election with Zuckerberg as number one. Ok there are other progressive that you don't know a man named fred I channel chairman of news web, whatever that is karla, jervis syn physician at LOS altos California. These are multi multimillionaires, don't Millions and millions of dollars to progressive causes and there are legion of them.
of you are alvin brag in new york, city kim fox in chicago on and on the prosecutors that wounded. Where's the law chances progressive money. Put you in that job! Ok, next thing is open borders that huge for the programme a moment is, as I said, they believe that countries run by corrupt. Why races, men, niger? They believe flood disaster with millions of foreign nationals who would vote against the arrive, glee those white men its common, it that's what I want an open board chain the power structure, now, I'm gonna happen overnight, but it will have an eventually they believe the progressive of That's why you have open borders to diminish religion maggie organise religions seem corrupt
and seem to be human rights violators of your woman and your catholic, the key, like faith is violating your rights as a woman to a boy, A foetus at any time, that's the progressive. Why diminish any kind of religion, any kind of judgments about right and wrong revisionist education, yet the urgent get em as young as possible. I teach him about Nothing can possibly understand trans gay, whatever it may be, but also teach them that their countries evil. That George Washington was a slave own, which he was ok, but that's why shout? Why? Should anyone do anything good? Nor did efforts in northern abraham lincoln, not they're, all bad. Its revisionist history That's what progressives want in the schools: hey where evil and then the minorities,
so the progressives need to have the minority vote and they have it. They have it, because they sell black people and other minorities that the war? racist power structure is doing them down and hurting that keeping them down, keeping them on the plantation and We're of african americans absolutely believe that ties in two The progressive district attorney's at will and enforce the law, because it's not the for fault of the black criminal that he or she is hurting another american, its societies for went up. wouldn't them in jail. We don't they sell heroin, we dont care of them hold up a dagger with a gun they're not going to jail because not really therefore applies it with this. Black and other minorities are persecuted by the amount.
And systems will, therefore they should be punished for any crimes at all. The next one is the economy. Now this is big, Progressive want a socialist economy. What does that mean? Is that communist why, in a lot of communist communist got, communism is forcibly taking proper to private property. Actually castro did. So. What now did so Stalin did every communist country takes your house, takes your property. Take sure like a cat. Socialism is different. Socialism is a big government which has all the power, the states don't have any power bob washington DC government dc government tells the corporations what they can't can't do. No free marketplace wages. This is what you pay prices:
This is what you can charge all kinds of regulations on everything that socialists hey. That's what progressives walk and then finally, they want the united states not to be the world superpower. They want to be like every other key so uganda and the usa to say this is called the one world philosophy. Grass love that we should not have any kind of power here. We should give it all up. You're one world cancer, So when you add all of that all of these things that I have just told you this. A horrendous circumstance. You think most americans understand that. You'd think that most merit
and understand that Joe Biden is a pawn of the progressive movement that all of the things that progressive want Biden is trying to implement all of them? You think I understand that they don't unless they washed. No, the news. the mate and that's a memo. My brother in law died suddenly and now my son surrender kids have to sell their home. That's why I told my husband. We could not put off getting life sharon's any longer. An agent offered us a ten year. Five hundred dollar policy for nearly fifty dollars a month, then we called select quote select quote found us identical coverage for only nineteen dollars a month as they are, the three hundred and sixty nine dollars a year, whether you need a vibe,
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Obviously I wouldn't have be on avoiding more questions. What's woke in your opinion, is everything you just described, that the programmes are trying to which what I right in the book is that it is a socio. Local ideology. That is characterized by the manipulation of noble goals by radical progressives for that control and destruction as society, its basically adjust radical. eyes. Progressive progressive is on its really nothing new about it. I've been saying also that it's pretty much political correctness on steroids, its the same progressive agenda that we ve seen for decades. Now it just has some updated language to go along with it. You can use people after smoke screens. and- and it's also been Accelerated- I I think the last few years, especially since covered
Why do you think some americans embrace the walk ideology, go to any major college and you're going to see the students and allow the professors the wall? why why? What's in it, for them, because the work masterminds and not a puppet there is, I call them are so good ass telling welcome this as something that sounds nice, you notice, the terms are used are very vague. They are noble- as, as I said in the definition of noble wars- diversity, equity, inclusion. These things are guide. Of course, What's the matter, you look at the algae, ddt movement. It's always rainbow flags and parades and happy things. So these are mere smoke. Screens about the woke use are purposely confusing language. Even the term woke itself is confusing to a lot of people, and goods they do to some purpose purpose, because unless you think about what they are actually trying to accomplish in pull back the curtain alone,
and see what the fruits of welcoming actually arthur all rotten. As I go through in the book you might be taken in a lot of people are alger unless the termination gimme, one really rotten thing that has come. Out of the wolf movement, really what I would say, the transgender movement is the most rotten of all, because it's a specifically targeting children. I status statistic and the boy that shows how the internet and social media is such such an easy way that children are being taken in by transgender is mutilating themselves and taking hormones? And you and all these things are very extracted by this why? Why? Why will you write? I never in my life wanted be a girl. Ok, and all the girls I know never wanted to be boys.
Where did this come from? This kind of like just descended on earth from mars or something? Well, I did this come about. Yeah I mean they. The homosexual movement has been her dressing gown had three years now and the younger that third, the progressive can get. You are just the next generation, the younger that counts direct their perversion wanted for grosses want trends more transgender people. Why? Why? differences on bank teller. That day rely on a monthly compromise society, because it's easier to control people who are oppressed and anxious and empty and lonely, which is another you know, sector woke up rotten, woke fruits that we see coming about through everything that they do everything they touch it Employs and makes people more and more miserable at the moment
you are the more you're looking for answers, the more you are looking for an identity it to use one of their favourite terms, saga If you can convince somebody that the the gender that they're born with is not is not actually what they are. If you can get somebody to believe something as fundamentally untrue as that, then you can control it. only thing they did was to teach her native bar It's not another anti tradition. You don't have to be a boy if you're born a male you're gonna be a girl of you're born a female. We believe in any of that, any more leaving any religion. We don't believe in any god. We don't believe in any of that at all ties it, but point in history, most of it. its don't buy this stuff we see that in the bud light thing you saw it decided target once american people lock in on something very easy to understand Couldn't be easier when you're about a trans person pushing butler
then they rebelled against and big big big numbers of current, so I think, that the progressive movement, I think it's maybe twenty percent of the population. The problem is more The americans are apathetic and they don't. stan really what's happening to the country. Now and I dont know how to solve that problem- I didn't gray awhile. I think it starts with getting back. She looked at the root of things, but she has. Our country was founded palm christianity, judeo christian values, animal. From god, and you see the last people believe in god and more openness has better. You can impose that believe nobody can import. Our government is a secular government, secular country, about this in my upcoming book by killing the witches. There was a struggle. whether united states was gonna, be a christian nation, literally or secular nature, and it started in salem so anyway, but today
You're right I mean, if you are traditional american religion, helps you, but. Right now. We're a secular country, I dont see, is coming back to being a religious country ever again. Do you. I am an optimist and I have said that enough. People still cling to christian, Kennedy and starting the value of it, and I think actually we'll get to a certain point where I think this is right. the silver lining of how it stream and wicked the work movement and the progressive have become that people will actually in ireland, it is if you just limited- christianity or eliminating jews. Muslims, hear news and others. So that might you know
Your message might be diluted if you just limited to christianity now, mean faith and John or on any sort of aid that has the same sort of principles. In others, as you would like to eat food sure judeo christian here are absolutely I hope we do yourself and that something else is in charge and that you are not the be all that you are not a god, as as the first thing Even that was the temptation to make yourself like gods, and that is exactly what the work are embracing, so In fact, you believe in something higher than yourself in search of service, the value of service to one another I regarded as a country used to get back to you and we would not abolish slavery. We would not have defeated the solitary ends in world war. Two we would not have become the most powerful nation on earth economically, if we did not have judeo christian philosophy,
it's eroding very quickly, the name of the book is won't, prove your life teresa, mall so we recommend checking it out. Thanks miss ball for being here. We really appreciate thanks. I have gate, Where's abide schedule it. I did nothing essentially made some remarks on Maui has taken for a long weekend at robeson, delaware, an early, no one he's going, but now we don't know what he's doing. They go to pittsburgh on labour day. Who knows that workin horn, peach, so you remember the doll tromp was in page because he made a phone call To the president of ukraine asking the president of ukraine to invest Joe Biden for Things that Biden did, as vice president within ukraine, the charisma stuff with how turbines, and now it turns out that
by may get impeached war, the bourgeois stuff? Is that ironic, or what so trumps impeach, because he made a call? now buying might get impeached because he did interfere with ukrainian paul eggs in the birds miss situation? He did not know that proof. Is So will the Republicans attempt to impeach Joe Biden? This fall? Here's Jim Jordan. I do it's looking more and more likely that we move to what's called an impeachment inquiry phase of our oversight, investigations and relatives up to the Biden's and and frankly, the d o J. Okay. So what's an impeachment inquiry? Is simply investigation That's all it is so the publicans are saying now anonymous sources. I don't like that. A CBS!
these reports is a significant amount of new evidence. Is gonna, be produced in september. You believe that I hate to do the anonymous source thing: now a garland is set to scale to testify. In from the house, judiciary, committee, On september, twenty and all garlands gonna do is say. I can't comment of the investigations ongoing, so he's gonna do but I ll be humiliating for him. Mccord see the speaker of the house he's backing the impeachment inquiry. The question is: do I your humble correspondent think Joe Biden gonna get in peace, the odds at this point are that he will get impeached. I understand that. Charges that will be brought against him.
We'll be bribery. It's not that the Republicans can prove he took money. but it looks like they have a tremendous amount of circumstantial evidence that he took services. Biden took services from his son and brother, which means everything all his bills, were paid by the corporation. That's what I'm hearing can I confirm it know, but I'm putting this on tape now because A good chance that will happen, ok, total federal, get under as an abiding thirty two months in office. Five point: one trillion dollars he's run up the debt five point, one too astronomical spending is buying votes under trump for years to point five trillion dollar debt
Under obama eight years four point: one trillion. So in thirty, two minds, as opposed to a ears Biden, has spent a trillion dollars more than obama. and then bush, even though both for the iraq war and had nine one want to fall out. One point: one trillion which all that bush the younger added to the national debt, so the bending from washington to buy votes is at a level. That's what they call unsustainable. We, the united states, will go bankrupt if Joe Biden, Israel did Ok, Rudy giuliani, a judge in d c rule that he defame to women one Dreyer moss, a georgia.
Election worker and her mother, ruby fremont, a former georgia electorate work. So what does this mean? it means that it goes through a jury to set damages in D c. Giuliani will have to pay that, said from the very beginning, because I've been doing is a long time. I report something better, have evidence to back it up. If I would single out a purse, If that person did x Y, very careful about Joe by Well, I can say whatever I want about Biden, because a public figure these women were not public figures. The giuliani said x, Y and z about Julia is going to pay he'll appeal, but he'll lose got to have verifiable evidence.
Have to and we live in a country. Now that doesn't really care much press. Doesn't all allegations are convictions. California, this amazing story monterrey, county one of those beautiful counties in a country. I D, spreckels, you in school district has to pay jessica com single mother, huh thousand dollars, because the school where her daughter alisha was attending eleven years old Was allowing unleashing to use a boy's bathroom, calling her by male pronouns and was allowing artist socially transition from a girl to a boy and the mother didn't know anything about it. mother saw the district district settle with her one hundred thousand dollars. California.
Canada warning algae bt, q travellers there come to the united states. Bad things might happen, justin trudeau! As woke as they come we're all over the world, in our view, are gay and you're live in canada. Right now, washing or listening to me. yeah we're about here. You have a great time. You come to the usa. Nobody will body yeah, just as much chance of being bothered saskatchewan as you do in alabama. Smart life, We want you to live as long as possible. We do so a study from bosnia, university school of public health. I went to boss universe, all right. It says that americans are age. Specific death rates are higher
then twenty one other wealthy nations kay so people are dying in the united states, wicker at an earlier age, twenty one other countries and they go to list the bijou is very won't school. Very leftwing school just point. Gun, violence via mental, ocean economic, getting quality food insecurity, workplace safety, where's drugs. Here they did the opioid epidemic, but that's fairly, recent, so the reason that americans die young or because they don't take care of themselves, I already do with food insecurity. Everything to do with environmental stuff then deal with that hey you can be healthy and poor, Hence we love pension, We want to do You don't have a lot of money at those Who care jog? Does
You can only eat a lot of fruits and vegetables and cheaper to eat fruits and vegetables that it is the process garbage this killing the big the reason why americans are dying more than other countries is a drugs and alcohol. That's why I you start using drugs, a teenager. You continue using. You saw drinkin when you fourteen fifteen and continue drinkin you're going Not a matter of if it's just when you're going I mean he's already? Does that standards about twenty thousand our year merganser die from drug overdose? it's really about a million, because your heart Our roads, liver arose, you taken opiates, destroying you say, well call you drink and every day as a shrine, your lover destroying it. your body, your immune system, collapses.
And we are the united states, a bigger consumer of drugs in the world, you ve, been warned wanna die young, take drugs drink your boots. Stay in Israel august thirtieth, eighteen, thirteen to any ten years ago today, the vis, Is I mean vicious native american why wars kicked into high gear it was the fort Mims massacre north. Mobile alabama about five. Settlers. Are we write vividly about this in killing crazy horse? five hundred settlers from all around gathered in a four war was attacked by the crew. Indians, who came up from florida and they massacred five hundred in that form, There were blacks and afford it,
indians and afford to under fifty scalps, taken by the creeks brutal unbelievable massacre that you never even heard of it all president madison gets worse there s and remember it was unlike instantaneous. and he sends Andrew Jackson, the tough guy in tennessee down and jackson defeats the creeks, Believe me, Jackson was as brutal as they cop. That said off seventy five year. Of war. Between indians and white people, and the reason was that the european wines. Were encroaching on native american lands, simple, as that. all his way millions of people coming over from europe- the new world. Indian lamb, why to taken it?
In the early like that, bow I've been doing five years, so the best source. History about the union. Wars, skilling, crazy wars, the best barn, I know I'm bragging best seller. but you want to know about it. It kicked off two hundred ten years ago today. Lively male segment and a final thought about me doing something that is annoying may undermine something that a noise myself. I can tell you that it will be ready. here too the mail we got dorothy quinn world a michigan. While bill the Joe Biden analysis is really good. I was mesmerized, that's why I've been following you for twenty two years. While we appreciate your loyalty dorothy,
we did yesterday and if your premium or concierge member on bill o reilly, dark, I'm, u can access it anytime. You want. We use clips abiden. Talking favourably about racist bout, why raises editor of hurry. Why was? I worry. We use those plebs, you saw it that was yesterday become a premium or concierge member. Not only do you get to see anything anytime, you want get a transcript, written transfer, free of of what you want to see Henry a nerd ye straws word pennsylvania on the jersey border village. Calmer Can he painted Joe Biden bank records if, was paying Joe half his salary than the bank wreckers. She show that. Are going to turn up in juba buttons backwards.
as I said earlier and broadcast, I believe that it was services provided to hint bills, paid. I hunter and gems corporation big bills. I could be wrong. This is what I am hearing, but enough evidence out there. Very ridge round rock touches bill. What did romania get for? Their pay And two hunter by russia: We a photo of Joe Biden sitting on the beach with the romanian government official, never heard any follow up on as such, because it didn't happen very so. On august thirteen, Joe Biden was on a beach in delaware, with a man named mark gettin stein, mark kitten, starting now. he was the ambassador to Rome any are under,
President Obama, now what they were talking about. I don't know, but let's be accurate in our rapid ties about An invite nancy burn flag, gotta arizona! I do not trust anything about cromwell harris really worried. If something would happen, to buy in it. She would be an error as president she could maybe worse than by an abiding can fulfil its first term, palm oil will take over, but able do anything how so block anything she tries to do. Sure as executive borders or immediately got challenging the federal courts when more about that Michael brand, new caledonia, new york, the only chance we have to save this country is if from backs up which will now haven't because it's all about drop
gave a damn about this country, bow due to the continuous barrage of legal issues that will continue on. Ok, Trunk doesn't see it that way sees himself as the saviour of this country, but all opinions. We want here on this programme bill. Cars would bridge virginia. I we listen to you o reilly, to get my information and news recently simple. I want facts and fairness, not some politically driven narrative. You have my paragon of journalism for more than twenty years. Thank you and your excellent team. Excellent team is the forefront here. I don't really have a good staff. I tell you, I give them a lot of work to do there, a call with the call efforts call every morning set the line up for the nose beneath and I'm just kick animals. Boom boom boom. I didn't same thing when I did a factor into fox news jail, but it was in person meeting, then and then we will set the line up into it. But here it's on the phone I stared,
scattered all over the country, they all work and home. Ok, but I give em stuff like that. The romanian thing I just need bone. Now, without was all about bank comes right back, so we have an excellent staff here. And I am proud of them, and I am proud that you we have recognised that we are now In the ideology, business. We will never be in a business. We are in fact analysis business, charles fish, colonial heights. Virginia love your final. it seems holiday. Terror dog. Has you well trained. Off the toes the line here but the line I know she spoil. I know the territory's dog a start. She's not out of control, When I appear on the scene. holly, no city. Certain things said she
to do and not so how is got three. May twitter followers, Bilbil, o reilly, dotcom, billet, billow, riley's. I've got a name and town we get a lot of Mail from Overseas and you know we're on the first we're on directv whereon, this ban and where on a radio hundreds stations across guy and a lot of bill, storm and gotten the name in town thing: I gotta have a name antenna to know: you're a real person so killing a which is our september. Twenty. Six. This, is really three books and one first one about the horror of salem second, one about the battle to make america, christian or secular nation. Third, one about modern day demon, demons modern day. Oh you're gonna. Really it's pretty spooky.
killing the witches pre order now become a premium concierge member get a free and if you gotta give come up birthday gift or anything like that, get a premium. Concierge membership! You get the book free that your gift, hey and you gotta save money here. I'm talking about saving money will give you killing the legends and killing the killers and any mug of your choice, we're the best mugs in a world here made in america. Forty two. five. We Have the summer reading special, only three more days put that back up. You don t get off that much, but that back up here, It is crazy, oars legends offer very low price. Thirty two: ninety five Finally, a new york state of mind is socially sold out by The good people of paramount just kick: seventy tickets primo tickets back into the pile because they found the space in nepal
on theatre, so we I'd seventy primo tickets but you gotta get him now financed bill orally darkened per month. Theatre Huntington all has that that show is gonna, be hysterical, you're, gonna love, reminiscent of the miller shows, but it it's a new york centric thing, but even if you're, not from new york, you gonna appreciate the. I agree. Local stuff, that I bring it about my family, about how I got where I am all of that. It's a beautiful town, come to new york the end of october, a long island. Well, Lee no change, got teddy Roosevelt, how's, sagamore, hill and yellow blast your great times. We hope be scarf up. seventy tickets word the day do not be super silliness. On my favorite As you p, r c, I l I owe you s super silliness, final thought about me doing something annoying at a moment: ok,
I will follow the day, so I'm drop and stuff This started, I guess about a year ago, so dry been the pan drop in the coffee. Drop a news drop in that. And I'm an athlete. Alright, I played four sports when I was growing up like college football high school ice hockey, I mean I'm We baseball has always been very active in all most coordinated guy in a world, but I can pretty much do what I wanted to a year ago, I started droppin stuff, so and that annoys me by not only do I have to bend over and pick it up today I just taken the little coffee cup and then I spill it like what is. there's. So there are two reasons why I am drop in star wars in a moment, impounded is into the urchins when it,
you're doing something you got to concentrate on it or thumbs. Gonna go wrong that being called in the moment, and I always thinking about this up, but I didn't call a doctor friend of mine, all right, I so what is its droppings? and he goes well. It's all about you getting older. then you're not as nimble as you used to be that you know you're not increase the role of your body as much as you were when you were younger, and I said what does that mean? I checked I'm not shaking or anything No, no it's just a matter of when you get older gets stiffer. Now, I stress. in the ocean in a pool. I destruction are all time, I'm not a big way
lifter. I've never been there because I had to throw the football and throw the baseball way of living doesn't help that, but I stretch but I, but that's when you get older so to overcompensate. Now I'm the one did not drop stuff slowing it down. Law and everything down. He cannot take in the top of my very slow and is working but tat. I dropped the coffee. There was some bad words have to be ass. Thank you, For washing and listened in, those venues would see you for tomorrow, special about the ten issues republicans have to get across. If they want to win back the prisons,
Transcript generated on 2023-09-01.