« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

The Culture Collapse Under Biden, Tucker Carlson Media Reaction, Lisa George on the Outlook for Fox News, Bud Light Sales Tank, & More

2023-04-25 | 🔗

Hey BillOReilly.com Premium and Concierge Members, welcome to the No Spin News for Tuesday, April 25, 2023. Stand Up for Your Country. Tonight's rundown: 

  • Talking Points Memo: Bill explains how Joe Biden has allowed America's culture to break down under his presidency.
  • We analyze the media's reaction to Fox News and Tucker Carlson's split and how both parties will make out.
  • Economist and professor Lisa George joins the No Spin News
  • Bud Light sales continue to drop following their trans influencer controversy
  • This Day in History: President George W. Bush pledges support for Taiwan if China attacks
  • Final Thought: New Memberships

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
But the republican leader cover mccarthy says just puts vetch in spending. To what it was formed ago. there will be here with your message today. Next, the chairman of the fed is promising more pain had lashers dropped twenty percent. And this year could be You are right to be worried, so call the only precious metal deal or I trust american hartford go I'll. Show you protect your savings or retirement accounts. By diversifying your portfolio with the gold and silver since then a client and spokes person. Price of gold as appreciated more than thirty five percent, Please call today and they'll have physical gold and silver delivered right to your door. Put inside your eye are a or for o one kay Tell him bill o sent you and they will give you up to five thousand dollars of free silver. On your first order,
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The bill O'Riley here welcome to the no spin news, tuesday April two thousand and fifty thousand and twenty three stand up for your country: so very early this morning the bigamist and put out a video of the president. Housing he will run again in two thousand twenty four. the jewish people, have a phrase or a vey. And I say that with humour, but this Kind of an unusual problem that we have the democratic party, doesn't really want prison invited to run During the poles
most democratic arrive. Somebody else with derision anybody else. So this In history, I still believe that your body will not rot, so I think things are going to get worse for his mental health and for the country in the next six months, but I could be wrong couple that, with the most I dunno. Flamboyant television, news operation in the country fox news, also in a dubious position because of the Tucker Carson situation will get to that. But firstly talking points- m o Joe Biden, America. Was surprising to me that after you was elected in two thousand twenty
and more than eighty million americans voted for him, but really most of those votes were against donald trump. But it's a prize me that, from the jump Mr Biden was in through the aspects supporter of the progressive movement I mean, far left, and we have documented that so border unfettered, abortion on and on and on and on there isn't any progressive tenant, not one that Mr Bonde and oppose that has led to a new america saw. first, I'm gonna run you, MR by announcement part of it and then we'll run down ten things that have changed drastically culturally. For all of us. In this country, role, somebody place this is not a time to be complacent,
I Money for real action, because I know. A new good, decent people, some countries, lesion honesty, respect the treaties, dignity, ok, standard issue, nothing unusual about that. usually the all presidents make announcements in person, not I'm betting attack. Culturally, here's what's going on. If president Biden is re elected. We can expect more of the same, not gonna change.
And he be eighty six years old when its terms and in two thousand twenty eight eighty six now. First of all, I want you to consider the ten things that are putting forth to you and how, even six years ago, this could not have happened in this country are quickly. Things are changing the first is the trends gender athlete controversial. Ok, so those new npr pull out too liberal organization asked a question: do you support or oppose the following, allowing transgender female students athletes to compete on women's and girls? Sports teams support twenty four
oppose sixty three. I mean that is a colossal repudiation of having trans men compete with biological women. Its study right sixty three to twenty four, yet Joe Biden, ok with it, I'm not quite figure that out. If I have a daughter and she has to compete against a biological man whose changed his gender into her well, that person is gonna be stronger. Is that fair? No,
It's not, then there's the transfer, advertising on tv and some teachers promoting alternative lifestyles in schools. We all know a dark controversy. Is three states have now restricted schools from teaching about gender, south dakota, alabama and florida and more to comp okay. So this was a big big issue in Florida they called it the don't say gay, and but it wasn't really that it was about parents. I looked, we don't want our young children to be subjected to. It you're, whose views may be different, that our views about social and gender issues tokay. Then we get into the sixteen nineteen project member that so do your time champion this. actually says that america was built on slavery. The whole country was built on it,
and therefore the united states, always african americans, because of that. Well, my outcome by killing the witches will absolutely obliterate that theory, because we started mayflower and you'll see what happened here. Weekly everything's backed up so the sixteen nineteen projects really propaganda is a political player, but what it does is it sets up permanent grievance in the african american community because its taught in many schools and the black kids here it Hey, you owe me reparations. You owe me whatever equity, on and on and on it's just a permanent grievance play, have we heard anything from Biden about it, though no he wants. We all come together, but but this is about as polarizing an issue as possible.
Ok, so though we have non punishment of criminals, So I had to do this: it is hard to get these debts, but I'm gonna give you just one, so you understand before Colvin, two thousand nineteen, ok and then two thousand twenty two after culture, two thousand twenty, two, the murder rate, I'm sorry, the this is after covert, sorting after covert murder rate is up thirty percent in the country, the murder rate of thirty percent. So we are becoming a more violent now. The left says because it guns but somebody's fire, those guns and. in the big cities. Criminals are not being punished. The way they used to be an almost all crime is up. I mean, if you don't believe me, ask gavin newsome the oda.
Liberal, mayor or governor of California, who just moved the national guard into san francisco to restore order and cut down on the drug dealing okay. So it's happened. Where is your by nanette? No, we don't hear a thing, though we odor academia, many colleges. You cannot bring in a speaker like me, or anybody that goes against the progressive orthodoxy, because students don't feel safe. So they're only get one point of view. Everybody knows that and then you have the admissions where skin, color and ethnicity is now at the top of the list of some of the stats or amazing, so standardize testing thrown out in many places, and it's like ok we're going to take this group that group
this group in college emissions. Then we have the wealth tax, which is seizure of private property. And again, bigamy is ok with all of the things that I have mentioned and he's ok with the wealth tax, the wealth tax, basically, taxes, what you have not what you sell for income, it's what you have so that tax man will come in and assess your car value, your house value property value, your jewels, your collectibles and then every year in message. Since you pay, four percent are not that's the only state that pass it, but organ washington, new york, hawaii, connecticut california, illinois marilyn, are introducing wolf taxes by the pay, a fair share, but that's confiscation of private property governor can't confiscate four percent
of your private property. It will be ruled on constitution. I know it will ages. A constitution gives a power to the federal government to tax income money that coming in to you not possessions. Ok That's socialism, then the entertainment industry. I can't tell you movie television publishing industries have collapsed because the projects that they are developing are almost a hundred percent woke. The only exception on television is blue blood CBS programme that I know of earning as his work. And the traditional audience is gone. Why was the last time you went to a movie theater? I was a big movie, fair. s time I went to a movie. Theater was the James bond movie, the last one which we so horrible.
Because it was all woke and my late Sean connery, I mean I can't even imagine, but he would have had he been, Then the acceptance of degrading public behaviour- this is colossal. If you live in a big or mid size city, so now people decade, urinate, honest reach, consume nor context on the streets with children being able to see all is this is degree in behaviour which used to be punished. If you did it on a street, you were punished now you're not, and this is a huge problem in every urban centre and it's the kids. It gives one what's that needle.
I'm san francisco is again the show place for this, but it's happening everywhere. It's absolutely unbelievable! Then you have, the final is attacks on the catholic church.
Is an underreported story. The media didn't want anything to do with since the decision to give abortion law back to the states. There have been at least one hundred forty seven attacks on catholic churches across the country hundred and forty seven. Do you hear about that now? If a synagogue is attacked, everybody hears about a mosque, everybody hears about it catholic church, they even to face ST patrick's cathedral, the largest church in new york city and the most prominent catholic church in the nation they caught the phasers, who was spray painting? F you on the cathedral on videotape. They arrested the police, arrested them, no charges, Alvin bragg, no charges the damage,
I talked to the cardinal was about thirty thousand forty thousand dollars. No charges Adam guys run, take due in it. So this is the progressive world and if you can. only one of these that I have just given you just one we're Joe Biden has said you know, maybe that's not right. Maybe we shouldn't be doing or we should take action to stop that nothing. She putin mullahs in iran, danger and they're going to test us soon, but this cultural stuff. This affects us every day. Every hour of every day.
And the children and grandchildren and that's the memo present schedule. They're twelve thirty discusses how investing in america is good right. That's nice, seven o clock. He meets with the south korean president. You and the first lady miss kim and they go pre war memorial and that's good job, good ally of ours. We're gonna need them with china and us for sure, but Well, that's it! The hit series claim to fame is back on a b c from executive producers of love is blind and hosted by superstar brothers, Kevin and franklin Jonas watch and play along as these new celebrity relatives do whatever it takes to keep their famous family a secret. Don't miss claim to fame new mondays at eight seven central on a b c and stream on hulu.
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and causing you know. He ll advance A lot of people who hate his guts are most of those people work in a corporate media. Roll of tape. Word has just come down that fox news, media and tucker Carlson a greater part way: wave we'll talk more about it tomorrow, because what we wanted to make sure that we let you know what was going well. Can I can I ask the honors and they'll help me do something
come on Fox none. This isn't about ideology here. This is about left or right, we're taxes. The man was consistently say: that black people don't deserve to be here. He had no use for african americans or jewish people or hispanic people, or anything else like that unless it was platform in their bigotry like he did with congo west, when he was talking about making panache and anti vast, he only use people who were not. Why, in order to promote bigotry, Tucker klaus is out at pox couldn't happen. To a better guy. What I will say, though, is I am very glad that the person that is arguably responsible for the summer,
largest driving, some of the most amounts and death threats and violence threats, not just to my office, better plenty of people across the country. I point out that tucker carlson had to move out of washington d c, because people were coming to his home and disturbing him and his family in a violent way and that maybe somebody want to remind congress, men across our borders, but about that celebrity react very muted, surprised, mostly left wing bomb, throw Like george clooney people, like that silent rob, reiner lose cheney, Stephen king, they are, of course chrissy teague in a megan mccain. They all said bad things about. Will caution that I have said I've been on a lot of shows. Some of you might have seen me on news nation last night I'll be on newsagent again tonight with Dan abrams talking about the business side of this.
Which we are going to talk about with our very astute guest in a moment and our basic when people are going to want to know the inside story in- and I know it, I know what happened there and I gave it to you yesterday. If you missed it and your premium customers members, you can access at any time getting free transcript of it goes. A business decision made to remove tucker calls him from his eight p m slot. So cable companies make money in two ways: the system that you pay every month, comcast or files or any of those big. They pay
hey fox news, a fee to carry the network and it's a big fee. So in the beginning, when I started ah the network, along with Roger ailes and a bunch of other, very talented people, and we got no money because we are new and then it built up to the highest fee of any cable news operation by far so that money is this centerpiece of their profit center and then they get advertising. Now Mr Carson didn't have much lucrative advertising because of the left wing boycott against it all right, so mercedes and these people You know they just buckle, so his programme was in the big profit centre cross it. Nevertheless, a lot of essen see viewers of evil, my mail and I'll read at the end of the programme.
our very angry and- and there is no doubt that fox news today so like different than when I left it six years ago. There is no question about that. So joining us now from new york city is doctor. Lisa George she's associate preserve economics from hunter college, so There's a lot of things. I want to ask you about corporate media, which influences politics on elections and cultural things that I would just pointing out the corporate media is it really driven by ideology, even though most of its left its driven by profits? Would you agree with that island? Ok, it's definitely german bye, bye, profits over the long run right, so profits are sacrosanct.
If the company believes that an individual isn't going to is going to hurt their profit margin, that individual is going to go it's as simple as that it doesn't matter who it is. Would you agree with that? I would I would ok from your purchase, In economics teacher on, do you believe that fox news will decline in revenue and profits because of the moves they have made? Well, I think the answer that question depends a little on your time perspective and the balance of what's coming in the next few years. So at the store room, low news period and if easing into a new elections cycle and there are there are definitely downsides of moving away from a widely viewed a widely view, journalistic and programme, but there's also
unity, so so fox wants and needs middle the road, undecided, viewers, we haven't developed, firm opinions on every issue that will come ahead yet and that gets harder and harder. The longer someone a longer a journalist is on the air in their views on many issues, become known and sticks hard to move away from those, and so if there was going to be a time, to make a switch. This seems like a good time for that sweat. Ok, now I don't know what do you follow my career, but we did that on the o reilly factor. In fact, we took surveys: and the last time that we took the audience was comprised. I believe it was fifty percent conservative, twenty percent, liberal and thirty percent in the
pending and I programme for a wide audience and we were able to pull off sixteen years number one consecutive years. Mr Karlsson, he programmed hard right how They were very loyal. Those viewers to him work dreamily loyal to him and they came in the average cable news. Viewer comes in twice a week. His people came in more than that, and now he's people are cancelling a lot of their subscriptions to fox. You don't think. That's gonna hurt them bottom line. Still I'm not so sure about the cancelling subscriptions to fox over some period of time. But you you're right to emphasise that it's not the viewer of a particular programme at a particular time, but is this something to that kept people on on the network
and demanding that time, warner or now comcast keeps this station and there is possibly room to make up for some of that. With new advertising revenue and new subscribe, Just as well that well, the foreign nation is is where cause and really drove the prophet centre, not on its programme, as I pointed out, because it couldn't get advertising, but the fox nation which, which is different from fox news. That's a fee separate fee. The people pay like wiley dot and you pay it, and then you have total access to whatever we do, but fox nation is lose is hemorrhaging now, because Carson was their main star. But let's move ahead to cnn cnn has collapsed in revenue because of their hey trump policy, just drove every discretionary view are out there and then, when they had a management change and the management said, look
not going to do this anymore and we don't like trump, but we're not going to do twenty four seven trying to put a nail in his head and the viewers did not come back to to cnn it's a disaster over there sign on to sign off. I think one of the things we learned from a few decades of research in media markets is that viewers really do like and appreciate News that a with their general attitudes and preferences, not necessarily on every single topic, but they do like to see their point of view reveal it news, and so that makes it difficult.
to move your position around on on the spectrum. So Fox has centered it's it's position, possibly on the left, there's more battles, but once you put the stake in the ground, it's hard to shift, and I think that some of what you see I in right now that cnn for sure they don't know what they want to be over there and that's why? But at fox news they have another problem coming up and see. I my opinion is that fox news revenue is going to deeply deeply declined because they don't want trump. The management ownership of fox news doesn't want trump back in the white house and the maga people
and that's a substantial portion of the proxy audience vivid going to see that they ve already seen it and that's going to cause more eggs on the part of this corporate outfit I'll give it a last word. I think that possibly this battle is one that you ve learned well, which is the east censure the centre right. Cable news market versus the internet pieces and the smaller cohorts in these become these markets, and so I personally dont think the the magua crown is enough to drive b of the fox news today, away from its centre right position, might be wrong. Well, knowledge, I've got there, you're gonna be mad, you don't Give your television or radio person you don't want people angry with you who had that the way to success
I mean you can t I'm off. You know, and I have I mean- I'm not afraid to do that, and one of the reasons are foxy got in trouble with dominion, as you know, I'm sure is if they pander to the audience rather than telling you what is the truth, and that started this whole chain of events, which I think is going to lead to bad news for fox news in the doktor thanks very much. We appreciate you coming on and taken the time to emphasise its proxy. You I saw the general I sell de Janeiro touch, it isn't just for screens. Physical connection is so essential to how we communicate its infused in everything we offer sense, though irresistible pda is guaranteed, textures are still ashes. Skin is hug of all get into a cell de Janeiro state of mind, receive ten percent off on your first order. Unsold DE janeiro dot come plus free shipping with the code, so the Janeiro ten.
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So anyway. After me, last night on abrams programme, Megan Kelly came off and you know she left fox news, so obviously she was a guest in context of the day and here's what set up one of the last things I remember seeing before I left fox news dan was bill, o reilly, doing a segment in twenty sixteen whether Barack Obama was a muslim, and this is six. It is a very high tolerance at fox for things that are a little out there off point and don't make the network look good. So I don't know what she was talking about. I'm going what What are you talking about? I was feared a brok obama, so then, of course, I have my cracks to have research. Now the saying that she's talking about was when the factor uncovered some pictures of Barack Obama
adult dressed in muslim garb. discussion was how much of an emotional tie There is a president of the united states. Have two is long and here's what I said, according to its half sister Barack Obama, attended his half brothers wedding in the early he nineties, Malea obama was a muslim. The factor has obtained allegedly from that wedding, which we believe he was held in maryland. Details on the ceremony, the exact location, where report separable bottle was the best man are very difficult to verify at this point, what we can do with certainty is that iraq obama has deep emotion, all ties to his long now to some extent
I can identify with president obama on the religion issue. As a roman catholic, I was appalled when the priests pedophilia scandal brook is absolutely no excuse for the catholic church covering up many horrendous crimes. However, like Barack Obama, I do make the distinction between the faith and the people who abuse that sound like some kind of a little out there doesn't make the network look good, I remember I didn't get many now even a far less cranks.
Media matters in these idiots all was caught on. This is what we found. This is the context of it. So why would megan Kelly used an example of how fox news accepts potent quote extremist commentary? I don't know, I don't politically care. I have to be honest, I really don't, but it was so weird and I'm going to this day, I'm going what? What is that, if you think you know bill bill, O'Reilly, dot, com, bill, bill, O'Reilly, dot, com, I'm not smart enough to grasp what that was all about. I guess she didn't want. She wanted to make me look bad, but I don't even know Let's go to bud light cells down seventeen percent bars also according to beer board website of thirty five percent.
and another executive. Daniel blake is in place on a leave all this after they hired the transgender person Dylan more vainly. We will go down in history as one of the biggest blunders in a marketing in corporate marking ever case. But, like I, don't drink beer. So I can't tell you, but I know that my friends. Who do we are doing in courts light now instead of bud? Like I don't know, I don't care totally different world. I'm not in the alcohol world smart life, so I was very pleased to see this study.
And you cla, in association with universities and Australia, ecuador, germany, the netherlands and the uk examined kind nets, kindness, very simple concept and their study was published and scientific reports they found that people all over the world, No others for assistance. Every couple of minutes and the vast majority of the time people Give them assistance. so you got a flat. You need help. Dog ran away whatever. Maybe you ask people for help. And most of them the vast majority many of them help I was. I should finally some good right. So why is this in a smart life segment.
You may remember harking back to land where I said, but I wasn't given up anything, but I was doing a random act of kindness every day, which I I did a pretty good job on by the where I missed a couple of days, but I would search out situations where I can help people and. I examined that and I said you are going to continue that as a life philosophy, now we're all distracted and near the key to kindness in order to be a kind person give to think about other people and our narcissistic society. Is against that you're? Always thinking about yourself- and you know whether you're a narcissist or not most narcissist will never admitted. But you know. But in order to win out of kindness, you have to think about other people. There really is too bad a guy Stand in the rain with a flat tire, maybe I'll, pull over and help me. Ok. About the guy in the rain you even own.
now. Why is it smart? Because it builds up karma k now karma swings both ways if you're bad top was gonna have not a matter of if its win, if you're good. It will come back to you yeah well, and I don't care whether you believe in god or you believe in the amoeba turn it into the brontosaurus, which is one of my favorite analogies now and don't matter to me. You're kind, alright, particularly to the people who really need a helping hand, children and animals- and you know defenseless people. Might you help going to come back? Alright, I hate to get a little touchy feely here, but it's true this day in history
bill. Twenty fifty thousand one twenty two years ago, president george, w bush, when I'm good morning america and said to the contrary that way. The united states will militarily defence taiwan of the chinese communist attack
was the last time that a sitting president said that twenty two years ago now the usa's moving troops into the philippine islands close to taiwan. Did you know that to underway is bad over there. The american people will not support military action in defence of taiwan. I dont believe they will it's very difficult, but if the firing breaks out the american people will support economic sanctions against china, which of course would happen. First, military.
at this point in this country, I could be wrong, but I don't think they're going to sport a majority anywhere that happened twenty two years ago today, bush mg am a o'reilly hear. The news cycle can be overwhelming, as you know, but bill o'reilly dot com is here to make sure you don't miss anything as a loyal listener. Of the no spin news audio we are offering you a way of listening to it completely. Ad free. You can sign up to become a bill. O'reilly dot com premium. Member today and access all the great audio content. We have. Including the o'reilly update and much more without commercials premium and concierge members also get exclusive access to special video programming We even send you a free copy of my new best selling book, killing the legends so
become a bill. O'reilly dot com premium member today and enjoy listening to my podcast ad free. Please don't wait! Learn more sign up today at bill, O'Reilly, dot com, slash ad free, that's bill, O'Reilly, dot, com, slash ad free, good male segment, a lot of it on Mr Carson and a final thought will be right back The male sharon on the message board. If you are a premium or concierge, remember you good to message: bore you make friends, you have fun. Willard, riley, dotcom name in town of you wish to opine. If you won't, let me know what you think. Sharon says it would not surprise me if chuck Schumer had something to do with the firing of tucker cause. He had nothing to do with it, but I can tell you that with one hundred percent certainty, chuck Schumer does not have that kind of pull here.
Oh Adam S, voice mail! Today, my bill, o reilly, premium membership, renewed excellent, excellent. You and I cancel my fox nation- subscription no money too Murdoch's get about seven hundred new members last night. I'm surprised what a surge one day saw its because people are. They want straightforward, commentary and you'll get it here on bill orally dhaka, david concierge member. Thank you, David direct access A village, my humble opinion, tucker crosses conspiracy, theory antics. Finally, caught up with him, I case to be made for that Kathleen Macleod. Oh really, you will now be my eight o clock news. Moving ahead, I don't like to boycott, but fox has lost me as of your care, will see how long I dont like boycotts either so
don't get me wrong. I call for that. Casey clay, olaf cans is evident. as viewers and revenue. When you were no longer there, MR o, we'll have a now the tucker across and got though your style different from his. Both of you are critical in exposing the truth. I'm a lifetime, premium, member below rally, dotcom. Thank you casey and become a lifetime member of whatever tucker, causing dutch k one you'll be happy to hear that Isabel elmwood park new jersey, Thank you for your uniquely principled journalism, uranus discipline, presenting a fact based news pro. Am has certainly been a moderating influence on many of us in your audience. As your humble subscriber, I politely suggests you cautiously approach the tucker karlsson new. I am cautious in
all of my research, but then, when I'm on the air, I let it fly. I think I've been very fair and it took recourse It is a great please let me know, but I don't think I could have been any more fair. I explain exactly what happened. Why it happened, complemented him on a number of things and criticized him for a lack of discipline? Sometimes in his presentation I mean I'm fair, but if you disagree and hear from you bill, forest would bridge virginia Lots of my friends are upset that Tucker is gone. I told them there's a great alternative and that is below riley dot com and those been news for more than twenty As you ve been my number one go to for the facts, and clarity of all things appreciate that bill very nice of you to say that richard
the sharper montreal canada, with the first tv consider tucker as italian, in their lineup look Tucker causing would bring norm. hers and viewers to any media operation but he's expensive, because he'll make a lot of money on his own v. Does a joe rogan typo podcast? Something like that. So you know it's about money. Just remember. I follow the money LEO lopez lake worth florida. What are your thoughts on the process of interrogating? My orcas he's a hapless stooge and I don't want to be disrespectful, but that's what he is and what's going on, the border doesn't care. He lives in georgetown he's got his private cars he's got as a retinue of bodyguards who eats out free every night.
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Transcript generated on 2023-07-02.