« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

The Biden Family Investigation, Sen. Ron Johnson on the Struggle to Investigate the President, the Latest on Ukraine, Alexander Soros' Strategic Moves, & More

2023-07-10 | 🔗

Hey BillOReilly.com Premium and Concierge Members, welcome to the No Spin News for Monday, July 10, 2023. Stand Up for Your Country.

Tonight's rundown: 

  • Talking Points Memo: What happens now in the Biden family investigation?
  • Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) joins the No Spin News to discuss the investigations into President Biden, his son Hunter and more.
  • The latest on the Ukraine war.
  • Bill documents Alexander Soros, the son of George Soros, and his latest political moves.
  • This Day in History: Chuck Berry is sentenced for tax evasion.
  • Final Thought: Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas)

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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the bill. O'reilly you're welcome did the no spin news for Monday July tenth, two thousand twenty three stand up for your country, so this week we are going to continue our investigation into the biden, family finances. You are with us last week. You know we ve made a lot of progress here were breaking stories almost every day. I had a call. yesterday, and it still posted on bill, o reilly, dotcom, bringing you up to date. If you- have not followed us. All you have to do. Is reader com free for everybody? bill, o reilly, dot, com and you'll, be with us if you are premium,
so you're member on bill, O'Reilly, dot com coming it transcripts of every broadcast free so tonight, for the talking points, we're going to deal with what congress is doing remember the justice department has wants. No part of this investigation. so it's up the congress to enlighten the american people about what is going on. So there are three investigations in the house: oversight, judiciary, ways in me and their working together all probing what happened now much money went into the Biden family on and on on and on. There are no hearings, formal hearings. This week, however fbi chief christopher ray you set justify on Wednesday ten. I in the house, judiciary, committee and I'm sure he is going to be asked some questions about this on me, crazy, if he, if he, isn't and we're all over that. Ok,
now re, as I meant, before tendency say I can't see anything it's under investigation every time times. Like the fifth amendment k, that's what are usually does ray and I'm not expecting him to do anything different, but maybe he'll, surprise us and look out for you and me and brain but the speed on why the fbi is now perceived to be a corrupt institution which is tragic for this country. So that's a big day on Wednesday ok, so right now we have to IRA as whistleblowers and play. You probably know this one is Gary shapely is already testified under oath another identified iris agent, who is expected to testify shortly? Ok and these people We say that hunter Biden got lenient treatment that they were really interested day. The justice Department- in finding out what he did and how he did it. That's the testimony by these two
blower series: another fbi informant, whose anonymous confidential. Who has gone to send gradually of iowa and congressmen. Comber of Kentucky and alleged the f b I and has information about the Biden family and about the prison himself now remember. Due process is very, very important here, very important, can't convict based on allegations. That's not fair, it's not right! We don't do that, but this is mounting its building. Ok. Now, as far as the justice department concern mirror garland and we have proven here want to know and theirs thing. You can do about that other than impeach miracle
which may happen once again? If articles of impeachment are brought up against the attorney generally would start in the house. I believe they would pass, but then they go into the senate. Control by the Democrats they wouldn't convict merrick, arlene by the exercise on why garlands being impeached would fall, the media to cover the story, because a story is not being covered now. Media's want any part of hunter by In Joe Biden finances date they will cover it so we showed you would NBC news did last week there are viewed by no questions about Honneur over the weekend. reed Zacharias CNN. He interviewed by no questions about honour role, the tape Mr president, you ve often said when people asked you about your age. Just watch me and I think a lot of bee
Do what you and Impressed- and they think you ve, been a great president- fawning- doesn't even come close. For red Zacharias kissed the president's bought for about half an hour at all, he did was humiliating just a few years ago. Maybe ten years that could have happened Zachary I would been laughed out of the business, the media business. He didn't ask one question about hundred. Neither neither did NBC news. That tells me I can't prove it that. The wider saying you can interview by, but you can ask him about hunter or anything like that. As with that tells me, Surely NBC news and see and understand that not asking buying about three congressional investigations. That's a dirt!
action, a dirty on their part. They have to understand it. It's just shocking, shocking. My brother in law died suddenly and now my sister and her kids have to sell their home. That's why? told my husband. We could not put off getting life insurance any longer. An agent offered us a ten year, five hundred thousand dollar policy for nearly fifty dollars a month. Then we called Like quote, select quote, found it Identical coverage for only nineteen dollars a month as savings of three hundred and sixty nine dollars a year Whether you need a five hundred thousand dollar policy or a five million dollar policy select quote, could save you more than fifty percent on term life insurance for your free quote: go to select quote dot com, so lead quote dot com that select quote dot com, select quote: we shop
you save full details. On example, policies at select quote dot com, slash commercials, okay, we're supposed to have sen ted cruz on tonight. deal with that and a final thought we do expect him next week, but we were turkey, and I use that word literally enough gets in IRAN johnson from wisconsin to comment on my column that I wrote yesterday and the Investigations by the house for its I've asked are you are you are ranking member of the Senate permanent subcommittee on investigations, which I think is the most important senate committee in existence because you have oversight on corruption, ok, and you're the second ranking member. If the Senate goes, the republicans in twenty four you'll be the chair. The chairman now is richard Blumenthal, the liberal democrat from Kentucky we want any part of this vital surf correct. No, he doesn't in.
We last time we were in the majority. I was chairman of the full committee that me enormously. criminals. There's your I was working senator Grassley, then, chairman of the judiciary committee. Investigating hundred by and we do not have. I did not have the support of my republican colleagues on my committee, or we didn't have the support of our conference to, for example, subpoena binds. Thought is too political in twenty twenty? Why didn't you want in the republicans on your committee support you in issuing this subpoenas of the thought as to political during a political campaign, so they thought they finally learn. Unpleasing. We thought the american people would see it as a political thing and go against the republic party- that's it right. We should our report in september of twenty two It was a widely ignored by the media, but all through twenty twenty.
Senator Grassley and I were accused by the media by our democratic colleagues of us listening and disseminating russian disinformation, even though our reporter was was completely based on the us records treasury records suspicious activity reports. In september, twenty twenty we laid out the vast web of foreign financial entanglements, the the millions of dollars of transactions with cfc, Bahri, sma russia and we'd pretty well laid this out to the houses building on our on the record we provided, but the api completely and have unhelpful these sabotage our efforts as well. Unbelievable! So have you ever talk to Blumenthal a? I know the collegiality in the senate, and it should be. I mean you guys. Talk to each other. You know you don't want to be
you're yelling at each other, not the civil war, the wrap, the civil war, but have you ever talked to Blumenthal and say? Look you know just for the american people sake. Let's try to clarify all of these on our answer. Questions about the Biden, family finances Have you said that to him Blumenthal wrote an article that the washing posts ran in twenty twenty again, accusing us of listing. Russian disinformation has urgent changes. My he has a j hidell. We said the cia thought I was so dangerous. They wouldn't even brief me. They wouldn't briefest, because we'd already been briefed, for example and retell, a shank of snow built throughout two thousand and twenty the media. Our democrat colleagues were interfering in our and then the api, our interfering in our investigation. It brings change to the disclosing what was happening, the Biden's nothing shades. Even though we have whistle blowers. We have a nothing's changed at all, nothing they stole. They don't they're, not interested right right
ok. Now did you know about Fatima graves, the wife with a? U S, attorney that we encore It has visited divine white house twenty eight times and her huh Have you read, refuse to cooperate with the it was attorney in delaware. On the hunter Biden situation. Did you know about Fatima graves so that that was your scoop and that's why we need investigative reporters like yourself to help us. We need whistleblowers and we we are fortunately getting more and more whistleblowers. We have people like you that are digging up the this information building on the evidence. The center Grassley I put out there but bill they're, literally three scandals. Here you have the the the biden, family, corruption. You have the corruption of the epi I apartment. houses in the near, of course, have the corruption of the complicity and corrupt mainstream media. Who all over this cover this story. You know it. Is there very troubling to people- and I I
Take ideology. Out of this will mean we want an honest country is beyond any reasonable doubt the fbi's uncorrupted beyond any reasonable that they have been called and now you have, the media is nothing. Anybody can do about the media, because the first amendment protects the media. The corporations have taken it over and independent. Journalists like me have to do the heavy lifting now, because the corporations order there people not to and there's not a anybody, can do about that. But you can do stuff about the attorney general of the united states mirror garland solve this call. This brings me to impeachment. You have Access to the Republican controlled house is that bubbling up impeachment against merrick garland. I think it's real possibility, where we're going to have to sort out who's, telling the truth to David Weiss and merrick garland when Merrick garland said that he had complete authority
and then David weiss and of course I wrote two letters to Jim Jordan. They're are also contradictory. That done. One case said that he had full authority and then he he hedges his bets on june thirtieth. The problem bill is it: the process has been set up procedures, then epa department, justice to debate, insulate themselves from scrutiny. You said earlier in europe opening their the I always use the excuse, well, there's an active investigation, so I can't share information with congress that we were frustrated because we had the john durham investigation, and so we were. We couldn't get the documents that we had subpoenaed christopher wray. To turn over, even though the president I stay stem from one of those documents turned over so again the department just as yet be. I have insulated themselves from effective scrutiny, and and how do you investigate the premier, investigate tory agency of of
congress has to do. It is the only body that can do it. Audible. The chief law enforcement, Let me offer this. Let me offer this because I know you talk to. Or in jordan, and all of those people you ve got to say. wage where Merrick arlene under oath tat Does the house work I gave wise full of forty yunus investigation. he's under oath saying that right. To u S, attorneys were requested in writing You graves whose we referred to Why Fatima go into the white ass twenty eight times and more? Estrato in California, because our allegations that undermine receive Foreign money in both of those places wise and both of those? U s attorneys, to cooperate partner with him. They refused. merrick garland couldn't ordered them to cooperate
Our girl, in is their boys. That's where you go that's how you get garlon will now. so the ira's whistleblower meal. I gave up my love well, it's gettin out a moment ago, because Ireland's hang out there now. You see what I mean. This is what frustrates me he's hanging out their say and are now. Why said full of thought, when he himself. Could ordered those two men to go pray with wise and did not However, up The countries I mentioned during last year's sharply is, is he he has q? in the meetings where, basically, why said, I don't have the authority, so we ve got it. I think enough evidence that the house should hold hearings. For years now, not only on darlin that hold and peace for hearings on me arcas and also have the lincoln who lied to mine. Skaters when he said he never emil hunter by your bill. There,
so much here to do a really hang these guys on, but unfortunately I lost my chairmanship We don't have the spin authority and, as you said, you'd Blumenthal widen. These votes. Have no interest, do not use it no interest in blocking this. We have to remind the house- and I we were working with the comrade jordan, to provide what, if I know I know Therefore, from their interviews now the key question. All of this is eroding my com and again I hope people go and take the time to read the column bill, O'Reilly, dot com. The real important thing is, whether or not- and I want to emphasise the two words or not vice president by then I presume, by derive money, amazon and brothers activities. Did he get money? I don't
smoking gone yet do you have won? I see smoke for example, we have emails from hunter, where email, his daughter, saying that, unlike pop, I will make you give me half your salary. Guy could be, could be hyperbole. You know, I understand again other thing. The other thing is this John sound reported this device. reported making sixteen million dollars once you left office, but then is fans disclosure yummy it has assets of three point: two million where'd the money go, and he also doesn't tell us exactly where that sixty million dollars came from I mean: could that be some of the money that it was disclosed. Ten twenty three for I gotta get a subpoena for that sort. So can we hope we have plenty of smoke out there right? We have spoken gun not yet, but there's not been a thorough invest. Nation would not only would you do me a favor, and so I know you're busy bits,
time today of get calmer and Jordan's attention. Would you please tell him to subpoena Fatima graves, though of Matthew graves, the? U s attorney and in washington and ask her under oath, what the deuce is dawn in the white house. Twenty eight times I mean what is absolutely right. Listen! I. If I were doing the investigations, I would have subpoenaed a lot more people that have been subpoenaed so far, but again they they wanted the documents before the review. You know these investigations it it's a process. It takes time. I know I know, but when you have that coincidence The word can do it. You see they never gonna put this stuff. In writing. If this woman is carrying information from the justice department, remember her husband, work with narrow garland in the same building. In these eight she's gary, Action from them over to buy
and then by the administration back to the justice department, I mean come on it built its exact same thing: anthony blinken used his wife, for she was the one emailing hundred bind but empty blinking slipped up an email hundred himself when it came to blue star strategies and some of the recent thing. So again it's it's a tried and true method. They use their their spouses to be the conduits. So now I will. I will definitely bring your column up to the attention of the cameron, Jordan, yeah. We sent it to them, but yeah. I know everybody's busy, but you got off now is the time to focus on this I mean really micro. This thing, as you know, I think you know democratic parties really worried about. there really worry that binds gonna get taken down by this? very good again that they can always rely in the mainstream media that implicitly beginner if you impeach merrick garland, they have to cover that store
and then all the evidence against merrick barlings put forth into the public arena. That's how you do in peace for years are very important. You want to add that the lady predicate haven't is much documentation for those hearings and ass. You have trying to jane. You know, sir, is very nice of you to come on. We are busy. You are welcome any time, stay honours because look it's my job and I know the other media- doesn't do their job anymore. Understand of corruption in the media is unprecedented in this country. Right now but we're gonna stay on it and is very nice of to give my audience. And remember already worldwide out three other radio stations we directv. We got the first. We got distribution on facebook, I mean where a colossus now and annoying people incur.
We understand that, so we want a vital information through somebody doesn't answer to comcast or warner, brothers, discovery or CBS, don't answer to any boy and that's what we want to do, and it's very, very and you're a patriot for coming on explaining your point of view to the american people was really appreciate. I understand appreciate your efforts. We need more investigatory journalists, we need more whistleblowers, we need people come forward together. John dean inside the Biden, white house. That's what you need, but I dunno. If that'll ever happen,. I said I will talk again soon I'll. Thank you very much I presume Biden I gotta having trouble with my little peace. Here. That's why Do it all this, I don't have fleas dopey earpiece.
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By meets with him over climate change prince charles, if third is a big climate change guy, so be two meetings, then he is off to lithuania. You know where lithuania is one of the baltic states. Ok, right, adjacent to russia,. and nato meeting for the next three days there and that's it. Brittany I'd do Vladimir Putin, me right up against pollutants curtain now Putin has been degraded and I'm gonna get into that moment, so binds over the earth and the usa is the leader of nato because we pay most of the freight and will in the ukraine war. Most of this stuff's comment us now, NATO is united in trying to downgrade put no dissent the weak, the member is germany and the germans are always look out for themselves rather than the world, always
always have always will that's a country that has caused so much mayhem, in this world and now supposedly on the side of the good guys with their always annoying, to say the least. So anyway, Binds over there nato will come out with you know we're not going to give up we're gonna rearm and ukraine wherein for forty billion dollars, the taxpayers, the usa, that we're in for forty billion going to ukraine now Clusters now and the reason is a cluster bombs, killed civilians and the ukrainian military can't control them. So you don't give the technology to people can control it, though I wouldn't given tanks. yes, defensive weapons, big heavy weapons. Yes, you don't wanna, be blown up civilians inside rush, because that then rallies the people to pollutants.
because now the overall strategy of degrading Putin is working and it was a good strategy from the very beginning, it's worth the forty billion was painted to go on and start that you know cut it up. You just in saint imaginative putin, had conquered ukraine in two weeks. I just cut through and now all you. crane to the north, belarus, georgia, all out back under the tent of russian cato at their freedom. When the soviet union dissolve now they're back pollutants, power, ten times more than it is now chinese. What has seen it? I said: ok, potent god. Ukraine will take taiwan.
It's. What would have happened? No doubt so it drives me crazy. There isn't many. There aren't many of them on tv. We spout this gibberish yeah is ukraine a corrupt country yeah, it is ok, but its fightin or primary enemy. Putin saw you know the enemy. The friend What is it? The enemy of the enemy is your friend anyway, watching ukraine thing and annoying, but I think Putin going down, I said that I think he's goin down, what's hotter biden, doing now is fifty three years all everybody's asked me: what's he doing, nobody knows nobody knows where he lives. He was living in malibu twenty thousand dollars a month. I dunno how is afforded twenty thousand
If he's not malibu, now some people say is living in a white ass, his wife and daughter- I don't know, can't find out so he's around, but we don't know much What he's doing alexander soros rose picture on so he's taken, for his father, the villainous george soros, who runs the open society, foundations so alexander, Oros visited abide wine as twenty times at least twenty times. So what did he do last week? Where are we visit the busy. is he guy on the the July there's alexander, with bill Clinton both flow to albania where Clinton got an award for help in the Kosovo war guy. Almost one hundred percent positive soros picked up the private jet for that trip Then the next day, sorrels and
and went to the vatican private audience with above, ok and the pope guy bill Clinton. You have a woman holding a dove signify work for peace K, so both francis privately out his residence with Clinton and alexander source, is any of this evil. No. But there's a reason. This is happening. Allergies, This sort is more ambitious than is villain other george.
He was to run the democratic party. He wants to run it. The puppet master aired with the vice president. He has full access, got the clintons got the Biden's got all the democratic apparatus. That's what's happening. You hear that story. Anybody else's. You know he was with pope Francis g noise with bill Clinton this week, all week in europe, did you know? I know you didn't know it because the media, Doesn't care and won't tell you even if they knew what they wouldn t university north carolina chapel him so boy says you can have it race cause skin color based admissions to college, universally nuth north. We'll let everybody in whose fan
It makes under eighty thousand dollars a year, but not quite everybody. We were going to pay their tuition full scholarship, eighty k year, if your family makes less you can but not everyone, but they can't define who's gonna get lead in freight. We don't know yet, ok, whose pattern is tat, You live in north carolina you're, paying it What's that you wish it now, I thousand in state to go. U n c thirty. Eight thousand out state, though you're picking up the tab, all of those kids who are going for it they're pulling a One here will watch him: it's hot media, south west in florida, it's hot hot, hot, hot, hot, hot hot. You know it's hot and I feel I feel your pain. I lived in texas in florida in the summer.
Ever lived in arizona zalm about a hundred and twenty ok Now the reason is covered on world news every day is for global warming purposes. That's why it's cover sought always hot in the summer down, but it's hot ter. This sum, netherlands, is a great story, so our foreign policy partner is daily chatter, dot, com and those you have signed up are very pleased. I get me all time do Lee chatter one word: chatters, tha, t delhi, chattered dot com so they sent me this story, in the netherlands, there banning or idle all cell phones and all this social media stuff in classrooms k so
art watches tablets, mobile phones january first, two thousand twenty four common up six months from now. No more kids and class get any. That makes sense right because it can, ruggles, learn a lesson to you Was it yo? The teacher should have an eu usa absolutely should have put the stuff in your life. When you not class you can do it. Would you class now you do it's confiscate netherlands right on K. Smart life So great store another great story, brushing your teeth may reduce risk of dimension. This is from the new reality journal. It said researchers discovered that individuals with mild gum, disease and fewer teeth experience a faster rate, a brain shrinkage in the left, hippo care?
This is a crucial reader responsible. The language in word recall, though, if you brush your teeth and keep your gums and teeth in good shape, glossing your less likely to be out of it when you older, I believe it so I I brush my tea three times a day. It sometimes war from consuming something that not great but morning, two minutes. Ok Electric toothbrush blah blah blah blah blah blah, boo, okay and then a mouthwash. I use smart mouth and I have no interest in the company, but it's good.
then after lunch I actually carry in my bag to pace and a little toothbrush pop into the measure wherever I am after lunch boom, then after dinner, the final floss big big time, floss, always as an amusing flashing, because I'll make you flaws better. You not and then two minutes that you do that and then my mouthwash overnight. You do that you're gums and your tea for be alive. A lot of people have hereditary problems in your mind, though, that, but believe me, I just gave you a good smart life. Him They say it history July, to nineteen. Seventy nine shock, bury you know, chart bury shock, Bear you should know here. pioneer of rock and roll role chuck.
fabulous fabulous performer anyway he is sentenced. Chalk bury ok, Two July tenth nineteen, seventy nine he is convicted of evading hundred ten thousand dollars federal income tax, a lot back there. Ok
He gets four months in prison and one thousand hours of community service, okay that he basically defy the federal government by getting paid in cash. The reason I'm telling you this is because, when I was on cuomo a couple of weeks ago, talking about a hundred Chris Cuomo said all hundred binds being persecuted. The iris the iris does this and then I said wesley snipes and then he said well. Wesley was a conspiracy guy. What which is true, Wesley snipes went to jail, chuck bury, went to jail. Ok on this day in history, Forty four years ago, at another guy went to jail. Ronnie isley, you know em role. It. thus. the The the?
the I actually brothers writing. At three years same thing: those same hunter ashley judd bear Ronnie, iceland, they dodged it, they dodged it. So don't gimme hunters being selected singled out bull. Ok? I got a good meal segment on a calm on buying investigations in a final thought about senator crews will be right back. Ok, let's go To the may, all we got our burns bismarck north Dakota, my questioning you bill is everyone talks about it, but no body ever does the thing about it. I'm very disappointed in the republicans in the house and in the senate, constant investigations allegations of threats, but never any action. Okay, but you gotta stair step it.
You know, I think, this time I think this time scrap, I think JANET concierge member JANET gets right access to me. Good reporting bill, but the thousand pound guerrilla room is Joe Biden because hundred by north is nothing to china. Romania, ukraine, russia, except his father, Joe. That was when he was only vps. Obama must have been in on it now. Vice president president's offices aren't even the same building one by didn't necessarily know what the griffin was I mean may have, but you can't say that it's not fair. John, as we don't know what you're buying did to earn the carriage, don't you think it's a bit premature to see acts, warrant, treasonous or a threat to national security. Look I investigate- On what I know, I'm not gonna sage reason or whatever. If I dont know that that means my career
just blows up when I'm sick and tired of the two tier justice system. It's not supposed to be this way. I don't care if you republican Democrat, no one in public office, be taking money for them, personal use from foreign entity and puts our nation at risk very good, very good. This is a rift. Tiffany, Carson tulsa Oklahoma, my husband, I laura premium members have given to others, would memberships. Thank you very much, stiffening less eyes right cash talkin about thursday. Regarding hundred bottom was exceptional, thank you for pivoting and going back to your investigative roots, you are only sorts. We trust for integrity. Okay, I'm one of the few that still doing this. There are others, John solomon. He does it and and a few others, but most don't, and if you work in a corporate media, you can't
Yeah, not gonna, let you Georgina Marty Ocala Florida, if not for your news programs hundred by an investigator, will be getting zero traction. So thank you for not letting it go, I'm never going to let it go and if it amounts to nothing. As far as the president is concerned, I will say that, Wendy lynn line goes, my understanding is and when he lives in whittier california. My understanding is that our constitution and the declaration of independence are intertwined neuf, a biden doesn't know the difference between the declaration and the constitution. The declaration was basically why the united states was beginning a war to break away from angle that declaration of independence. The constitution is how the victorious country, after we defeated them
I will be run so themes but they're, not intertwined gordon loss, enhance and massachusetts. Why aren't republicans talking about fifty percent of the party were not gonna to vote for tramp in a primary party? Think of windsor primary level from the general. I won't. You know, I don't know what people think. I just know that done trump, is well ahead of everybody else, and republican primary system. Boy. No right now. eddie Bela caught all glenview illinois as a younger millennial. I always enjoy you take on a wide range of topics. I would thank my mom watching is goggle areas and fox days I found
The nose been news when I heard a few years back that she missed you showed now she watches and I watch. I think I have a question I heard on several different pod costs that are of K. Junior will run with donald trump pot gas with people go. You have a pike. As you know, I don't have a pipe guess. I ve Broadcast to podcasts video cards, franklin vermont. I've watched you since nineteen. Ninety nine O'Reilly, you are the best upon watching the program thursday. I am now upgrading concierge membership and hundreds of people have upgraded because you get transcripts of everything that we do and concierge is believe me. It's an insurance policy for your life. Anything goes wrong, any life you let me know about, and I will try to help you concierge membership bill, o reilly, dot, com, richard cavallo trials in south carolina?
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stuffing their team, normal very low price. We didn't want you to have fun K and I you know, put them wherever you want to put them, don't be a pain. It is hysterical. and will send him right out to you little fun here, team, normal, don't be a pin head atheists, nothing there, it's a little religious, but that there J. I got a final thought for you on Senator crews overriding okay. So why does the final third of the day I promoted senator cruz for this evening? He couldn't do it and our we understand, I mean look. These guys are super busy and ryan Johnson really stepped up center from it has really stepped up anyway. Santa Cruz says you're going to claw next week we're going to talk about, obviously the hunter or the Biden, family finances and he's going to introduce in the Senate kate's
Reintroduce it so, I want to know how it going to go with the wording of it's going to be ah we're looking forward to having as senator cruz on next week. Okay, all this week we're going to continue our reporting on the Biden finances, I'm not going to be repetitive. On this I mean we got new stuff, you get right away. I always check the message of the day on bill. O'reilly dot com is free for everybody and I have to be any membership in the morning. We set a template for what we're going to do, and but we have lots of stuff flowing in now lots
stuff flow in it, but it is the summer time in congress. Gonna take a long vacation, so we want to get a snuff stuff on the record. Is we can the key component to this thing? As I said in the interview with the seller johnson, somebody from within the bite administration scattered come up. That's the John dene syndrome, John Dene work for Nixon, the council, whitehouse cow well turned on Nixon, stabbed them all over the place, but Nixon did bad things. Okay, and that was the end of Nixon. Anybody comes out of the bite administration. Anybody has access to all of these conversations and stuff that went on access to hunter accepted at over over. So absolutely could happen. Thank you for watching and listening on our three odor radio stations across the country to the no spin news suitable
Transcript generated on 2023-07-31.