« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

The Arrogance of Hunter Biden, Impeachment Inquiry Vote Update, the Supreme Court to Hear Jan. 6 Case, Boston Mayor's 'No Whites' Holiday Party, and Is Criticizing Harvard's President Racist?

2023-12-14 | 🔗

Hey BillOReilly.com Premium and Concierge Members, welcome to the No Spin News for Thursday, December 14, 2023. Stand Up for Your Country.

Tonight's rundown:

  • Talking Points Memo: Bill examines the aftermath of Hunter Biden scoffing at a congressional subpoena.
  • We look at the vote to authorize an impeachment inquiry.
  • The Supreme Court has agreed to hear a case regarding Jan. 6, which could impact Donald Trump.
  • The Mayor of Boston is under fire for holding segregated holiday parties.
  • Some are accusing those who criticize Harvard's president over her antisemitism accusations as racist.
  • This Day in History: Wilson Vetoes Immigration Bill
  • Final Thought: A 'Witches' endorsement from a familiar face.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Reilly here welcome to the no spin news, thursday December fourteen two thousand twenty three stand up for or country well, as we predicted in early september, and I played you, that's all margaret play it again, the it and we're gonna be really rough for president Biden and it has been really rough. Prove numbers or in the thirties try It's beating them in all poles the economy is now coming up a bit in a mac ro sense, but people are still paying far too much.
Essentials and it goes on and on and on southern border put. Israel has never ends, but perhaps the worst thing for Joe Biden is hunter biting his own son, and that is the subject of this evening's too. In point mammals who, as you know, hunter Biden, was subpoenaed to sit for deposition in front of the house oversight committee. He defied that subpoena. He showed up. We showed it last night. I will show you a little bit of it in a moment. Arrogant very Eric. Those issues are not answering a subpoena are not going to do that now, father, prison united states had to know he was gonna defy these subpoenaed had to know it yet.
If it were made on the present. I say you gotta sit for that debates it so you can have people defining legal subpoenas and if you do your price, okay, so hunters shows up and he says not answer questions I'll. Do it publicly I'll do it away? I want here's. A sound like up.
Sure. I am mister chairman, taking up your offer when you said we can bring these people in for depositions or committee hearings, whichever they choose the five chosen. I am here to testify at a public hearing today to answer any of the committee's legitimate questions that you're, not your call zeke zeke a nickname k that issues a bit eh. You gotta answer the piano again that I'm not doing it, I'm honored about so I'm hidden here, I'm sitting there going this. Absurd, totally ridiculous and the rest of the diatribe that hunter Biden put forth was he's the victim which Maggie republic is hey, look zeke. Tens of millions of dollars flowed to you tat. of millions of ours? Why?
Your father was vice president and you were right around on taxpayers, expense on air force too. We can't tell we the people what you did to earn any of that money. Fact. Is you didn't do anything and if you get, let's see what it is presented to us So we have a right to know if you want your Biden sold influence, because that is illegal. Your father had an all what you were doing there isn't a father on earth who son is amassing tens of millions of dollars. You know that you do know. he's on the play with you many times, china,
But europe all over the place, but he said oh, I never talked to my son about his oh, no, no! No! No! I'm behind you know come on, so you have to answer questions in front of the congressional committee. That's what it's about! If the congressional committee. Didn't care about us as cause you'd be more corrupt than it is now gives not one democrat, not one in the house of representatives voted to investigate what you one hundred Biden were doing. How you got the money democratic party doesn't want to know they don't care to know that representing the folks that good for the united states back, do it. No, it's not alright! So do republicans, because this is a partisan issue. Obviously,
Every Republican voted by the way in the house to hold ah hunter Biden and Joe Biden accountable investigate what the situation is. Every Republican voted for every Democrat voted to get here, the head of the oversight committee set up so the house- Overshot have judiciary committee are conducting this credit investigation that all blowing majority of americans want. We have specific way just for the president said he does not get to dictate the terms of this subpoena correct. He does not. but seems to be ok with the president of the united states. Here's what his spokesperson said. The president was certainly familiar with what his son was going to say, think what you saw was from the heart from his son and
You heard you ve heard me say this: you ve heard the presidency this when it the president, the first lady. They are proud of him. tend to rebuild his life proud of their son, go there Now the sun defy the congressional superior ok, yet another reason not to vote for Joe Biden or the democratic party. I dunno. How many reasons you need, but our proud hunter doesn't answer so why We are not going to get into personal stuff, but I will tell you this is my son amassed turns
millions of dollars I'd want to know exactly how he did it and if he were using a government jet to do that, I would say we are reimbursing the government for every cent of that and if he lied about it and if he defied a subpoena he'd, be hanging from his ankles from a tree in the front yard of my home. Yet, but apparently. My standards are not Joe Biden standards which was leave it. That way. Now the exact same thing- and I mean the exact same thing- happened to Steve Bannon, trump's main guy, so on september, twenty third, two thousand and twenty one steve bannon- was issued a subpoena by the house. Select
need to testify about the things that happened within the trump administration he refused span and would not answer the subpoena? He was indicted, federal grand jury. Okay, I made a mistake. I thought the fbi arrested him, but the api I did not arrested Bannon turned himself in okay, so he went through the process ban and dead said I'm not they had a court case, a jury. Jerry said you are guilty, save and the joint sentence into four months in prison. Five, sixty five hundred dollars that an appeal that appeal is still under way more than a year. From illness and and a part of some of the attorneys whatever, but that people should been hurt a long time ago, now,
I is going to lose the appeal he's going to have to serve the format's. Ok now merrick garland has to do the same thing to hundred, but I know some of you will say: oh no, no! No! He has to. because if he doesn't, if hunter Biden isn't indicted by the justice department and prosecuted, then the house of representatives will certainly impeach merrick garland Merrick garland's butts on the line. The olympics Will I get a convention? No, we feel embarrassed, and these already embarrass. Why do you think you're a new charges against hunter by nine new charge? Three felonies six misdemeanours on evasion of tax is: what do you think I think they're gone wandered about it and want to do it had to do it. The pressure we saw a match on him.
And now he's got another situation. You do this to Bannon, you gotta. Do it one hunter, because it's exactly the same, so that's going to play out. All of this hurts president by all of it every time, turbines name is mentioned, and tens of millions of dollars or mention suspicion falls on July. Now, maybe that's not fair, ok, because. It is true. There has been no public evidence set forth. the Joe Biden did anything wrong and so chalk grassland. I stated that yesterday Come on we're just follow the facts where they are and the facts haven't. Taking me to the point where I can see that the present skill you anything that show and
I admire Grassley, a republican for saying it, but you don't stop an investigation. Obviously you continue it to see what know as an american, not just a journalist, but I do if Joe Biden alleges that he, the president of the united states, lent his brother and son money hundreds of thousands of dollars, while it all you gotta, do, is show us that check your road or the wire transfer. None at all, then you let him the money they pay. You back. now legally, you have to pay you gotta to charge them some interest, but you can show that to the Democrats at a weekend. We don't care. So why would grassley he saying at this point in history? You couldn't.
If the job item anything and you could buy two months down the road you might be able to, and that's with a fear that Joe Biden prison by did take money from his brother and his son, but it has not yet been demonstrated alright. Well, this store is now turning the liberal corporate media upside down because they see the danger here down the road. Does it really matter the forces that prop up the democratic party are not going to stop propping it ruler, tape, house republicans I voted to approve an impeachment inquiry into president Biden, even though they admit there is no evidence to impeach him guys guys come on. That's that's kind of step, one
thank you all for coming to our wedding today, the ceremony will begin shortly, just as soon as I find a bride. well, they're cowards. You don't think you can fairly say of the so called model. Republicans in the house. there are always there when you don't need them. But when there is actually something of consequence they cave now shift you expected right is intellectually dishonest. All day long. Colbert is more interesting to me. Cbs pays colbert to just spout liberal propaganda. That's that's all. He does he's not funny. Very few people watch him as compared to the former hosts and he goes there's no evidence who a peach him this comparison to resort it is about, seals. I think it's not an impatient here, Steve. It's an inquiry. It's an investigator! Well, though, though,
What is going to help? You gather evidence by investigating that? That's how you do that, it's just so blatantly stupid yet day in and day out and day in and day out. And that's a mammal, our kids get to Joe Biden schedule a day later meme are so lower prescription drugs I'll be does that. That would be good for everybody and that's all yet kay now tomorrow always gonna have lunch with calmly hers? I love to be there when you looked to be invisible, low law regulating this just while we love that and then on Ansari he's gonna go to delaware. he's coming back next week or not if he does a meter raise money, but it's christmas time and other
Okay. So as I mentioned the inquiry vote to twenty one to twenty party lines, you would expect that because we're in the middle of a cultural and political civil war in the country is just a second civil war run its under way right now and next november. The presidential vote will tell tale who's gonna win, that's how important next year is, Listening to this might help your mental house, but Sometimes you need someone listening to you that empty live has licence therapists ready to talk when you are get how, weekends after hours, whenever you're free and get back to feeling like you again, it's mental health care made easier empty life. Now, that's better, ok
so the house tomorrow it signed, are they done on their back into their districts, and so is the end they will be back to january night. So I work harder than they do a lot. and then the Senate leaves tomorrow as well about january, eighth, nothin's gonna get gun, but what about what about this compromise? between the Biden, ministration and the republicans over border ukraine, Israel where's that stand. Thank you for asking. This will get done in early january. The vitamin station has to make compromises on the border has to do something because Biden's numbers are cratering so low, so they will whether they'll. Unfortunately nobody knows I have no confidence in the vitamins fish do anything ever that's. Why I'm going to, and I never tell anybody who I vote for, but I could never
possibly pull a lever for Joe, but under any circumstances, ok and then the money will go to ukraine in Israel, so they can defend himself. That will happen, but it'll happen in january, Supreme court is gonna, hear whether donald trump is very confused. And I dont want to be wrong, but essentially here here's what it is and the supreme court doesn't go back to january either, but the trump lawyers have to submit a briefs. Ah, on the twentieth of december. Socially trump is key charges for counts of conspiracy to prevent the election for being carried out.
At four counts of conspiracy. Trump's lawyers say he can't do that because number one trump was president at the time and he was doing what he thought was right. Ok, so you can't charge him because he's president is doing what he thought was right. Trump believes then, and now that the election was a fraud, that's what he believes and he's entitled in the constitution to believe it hasn't proven. It hasn't come close to but that's what he believes. Second, is that this has already been adjudicated by impeachment and he was found not guilty in the senate. Can't trying twice double jeopardy. That's what the supreme court
whether opinion can be used to drive a conspiracy criminal charge. You can't so it's meant the special prosecutor has to do is show the supreme court in his briefs that it was more than opinion on transport that he he did. Certain things stop alright the transfer of power. Now, I'm sure one of the arguments is going to be mike pence. The vice president trump was telling him don't certify the electoral votes. You guys remember that, but pence went over and certified the electoral votes trump to stop them, or I didn't have Was marshals grab whom he just said? I I don't know you knew it. That's an opinion, however, not trying to escape on television already just giving you both sides.
Well the story or I was going to boston so on to my second home. Many of you know I tend to boston university. I attended harvard. I worked for channel five in boston, channel, seven and Boston, my mother, as a degree from Boston university. We have big boss entice. I know Boston as well. As anybody knows, boss. Boy should urge a far less mare right, woman aim, Michel will and our bosses a progressive town and there's michelle so michel sends out christmas party invitations. However, the christmas party itself in only four people of color know. Why People now Michel did didn't think that we give public. I don't know why, but
there and now everybody jean Michel, what is segregated christmas party white people can't go any answers Now, if you weren't invited of your white, so is anybody surprised as why question? Why are you surprised the progressive movement of which michel? Woe is a big part, hates white men Despises white men, though I may anywhere near a white man and some white women who, like the white men, I guess, I don't know where that line is, but I know why then are evil? That's the patriarchy white men. So now michelle WU has to explain herself go.
I think we ve, we ve had individual conversations with everyone, so people understand that it was truly just an honest mistake that went out in typing the email field, and I look forward to celebrating with everyone at the holiday parties that we will have besides. This one is well goes with mergers We're having in other parties where, if you why you can go with that point,
Mr Mayer, why you avenues segregated party for anybody? That's not america! That's not ie! Laura buzz! Unum alot carry out of many want. No, you segregating your city now's somebody who covered the bussing fiasco in the nineteen seventies and while someone I was very young reporter now you go back to that. But it's the other side not get. Ok, anti semitism,
On monday, Bernie Goldberg is going to come on talk about his personal anti semitic experiences. If any arrived at, we have read bishop Robert barron, perhaps the most articulate catholic spokesperson in america going to be a fascinating program on Monday. Just give you a heads up. Ok, so the house approved resolution h are nine twenty seven condemning testimony from the three college president's mit harvard in pan. that would not say calling for genocide of Jews violated there. School policies, salad saying this,
so the house voted three or three two one: twenty six to condemn the president's rhetoric of the three schools because they wouldn't condemn the genocide comments are hundred and twenty five democrats oppose that resolution, I know republicans, and but I I mean I'm just I said earlier in the program. How could I just can't support this party and I used to vote democrat Not down the line, but I vote for any of em, so crazy.
So, as some of you norma, I'm of harvard ok, so the president's their clothing gay is under fire because she was terrible in front of the House committee and she surviving because aborted trusty, harvard go. We like her because she's an uber progressive they lover. What now there's a discussion that the only reason that president gay is under scrutiny at all and that getting a pass from the trustees is kosovars, skin color. Cnn, of course, go see as being singled out as someone who is only I think, because of her race. What did you make of that? Well, it's racist
I mean we have. No one has produced shred of evidence that shows that they saw qualify case in that process gay had was that she is a black woman that ensue taking it defies logic and the fact that those presidents who all came under intense scrutiny that only one has banned called out of the so called diversity. Are affirmative action higher dislikes the? What women in this country have gone through. Or ugly, and continue to go through every day The President pan pen was fired is why right is no skin color discussion there, but because President gave black all kinds of skin color discussion just so you know Sergio your and taken a two month, tour of the country-
says that when he's finishes will decide whether to run for president on a third party, so this Getting pretty late for mansion, you know I dunno if he can put that campaign together, but my question was who's paying for this. It's too much jaunt going everywhere gets some media attention. and we don't know, I suspect he has a campaign fund mansion k because he was a centre of western J, got suspect. A campaign fund paying for this measured, basically an honest guy. If he does decide IRAN which again get pretty late, a heel heard bite. So look for the media to cripple Joe match. Can you wait and see the attacks against similar sort to mount xvi gets in.
are of key juniors hurting Biden a little bit too points mentioned. I heard him. Seven eight points he gets it smart, So this is one of our most successful projects. Smart live segment on the news been on and on times. I use concierge members, letters to make a point and I'm going to do that tonight. So concierge membership means that you have a special email that goes directly to meet and you can discuss with me any thing that you want and I will try to help you number one another to advise you on matters that I can't directly get involved with a number three. Basically answer any questions about the news or my son.
take on it. Give you a personal answer: it's an insurance policy for your life. It is very inexpensive. You sign up you get a free book, there's no reason not to sign up for bill: O'Reilly, dot, com, concierge membership because down the road you're probably need us everything. That we do in the concierge programme is confidential. Get your name will never be mentioned ever in any context. Smart live today. We get a letter from a very nice woman. I can tell by the tone of the letter and the weights writ this. Woman is suffering because christmas. Coming up, and there are millions of americans in this very same position. They're apprehensive tents
reason that she is apprehensive is because her sister in law doesn't like her right and her sister in law is the steward of the two grandchildren which the woman adores, whom the woman indoors right as most grandparents do. The sister in law not given access much to the grandma. Ok, so they're all get together and christmas, and this woman is very fearful. So here's what I told you no. You are not going to convince your sister in law to like you number one except it. there may be many reasons jealousy among them. Lotta jealousy and families lock.
but there is no way that you're gonna sit down with her on a one on one and have her like you not gonna happen. So what you have to do is number one talk to you. Shot the man who was married to your sister in law in a very kind gentle way and say I'm a little upset because I'd like to have it relationship with nato me, whoever it is and most of all I want to have access to my grandchildren. What do you recommend asked your son for his recommendation? I he may be. a watchful guy, maybe a weak link, a new might not get any satisfaction, but that's step number one, and then you ask him to keep the conversation confidential He may not, but there's nothing wrong with you. Talking to your son, about a family situation, kay
Were you start? Maybe, if he's a real man, he could help. I could brokered this, but maybe he can So, let's assume that the sun doesn't is unable to do anything. You love everybody over and you're you're kind to everybody. You act the same no snoopy starve none of this year
have the hosie up to the daughter in law. You just be kind nice, that's all and of course, the grandchildren. You smother them with christmas stuff and try to make them as happy as you can make them. That's what you do now, if the sister in law insult you, which he very, why do you ignore it? It's like that star war shield, you just put out your boo, boo, boo boo, doesn't matter what she says if she tries embarrass you, then you have to pull your son aside and say, look and for the sake of christmas and children. Can you put an end to this? Have to do that, but you got to overlook, overlook, overlook and I know it's heart Jesus for me to say alright. I know it is, but you have to conduct years of use
to elevate you now being everybody smart life you have to elevate above the pettiness is hard. Is it is look my natural instinct- and you know this for watching me for twenty five years- is not back to hit him right between the eyes right, don't take any guff and a lot of times ass, a way to do it, but not in these family things. No! It's like you have to be very disciplined k. I Andy even in the face when the other person isn't it that's a spot life and I hope, workshop for for every family. This christmas should be a very, very relaxing time. Ok, concierge membership will be checked that ass, safe ass, a most dangerous countries, two thousand
before your are the safest, iceland, very save, except for the volcano. watch out for that luxembourg sites. Seven streets, long, augsburg, nice little place be castle Norway, safe switzerland, save denmark's, been always kind These are all worth vision ff most dangerous, contrary, sir, sudan, most I don't know anybody is going error by the way I've ass. They had been there very dangerous syria been there. Very dangerous libya, no, I have been there some. I know I've been, I wouldn't go to area ever. None of those countries ever when I go to in this at. Try to cover the afghan war. So I went, but I go back I had to But nobody's going any of those places.
I'm going to give you some dangerous countries that everybody's gone to everybody? I mean you know mexico, you don't watch about there. I won't go anyway, cause, I think, the government's corrupt and I'm not going to help central america with the exception of beliefs. the least, looks to me to be under control. I wouldn't be hanging out Believe city, but the resource look pretty well. Guatemala, El Salvador, nicaragua forget it, honduras forget it host the riga reveal coasts, rigour, your watch, you bought panama, fainting watch in the caribbean, you're watching of in jamaica. You can stay in the results, all inclusive. That's fine! Watch yourself, State data december fourteen nineteen, sixteen a racist bill
came on woodrow wilson desk and he vetoed it. It was cool called the asiatic barred zone and stop chinese workers. Laborers comedy we say along with a lot of other countries. Ok, pile And called siam, then the enemy, burma, then dutch, easy he's on and on and on and on so the congress in want people coming to the united states from those countries. ocean, they didn't want quote. Our all: exotic criminals, convoy. epileptics feeble minded persons eddie it's this in writing Or its imbeciles insane persian paupers persons affected with infectious disease cycle pass right, Goals, polygamous prostitutes and vagrants something the bill.
If you already at all you couldn't come here. those invaders it they override his veto, so believable, researching a book on a presence as of february fifth. Nineteen. Seventeen he's a veto. It today december for congress over road it and the immigration active. Nineteen. Seventeen was put into law and it they cap it till nineteen sixty five who is a law, nobody enforced. It was on the books. Does the industry, mail and funny final thought: starring jesse waters, commoner You dream of a career with better pay benefits and ours, but you're, not we're about going back to school before time at mill. my college. We can help. We have programmes that are affordable and flexible to fit into your busy life. Most
completed in less than two years seen miller. My college can offer visit our campus at sixty three. Ninety seven lee highway sweet one hundred, then chattanooga tennessee or learn more online at miller, dash m o t t don t. You. I've got a male, Lena hunt. You urge member, I hope, entire presidency has been stage, choreographed been giving questions and answers became president. You soul, which journalist and a few nervy journalists can punch through, but not many as it's kind of accurate, I would say I would David cause. You remember, I'm glad bill. You mention news nation today, They appear to be the only network that attempts anything near fair recitation of the days of ants. I'm enjoy my experience in whose name time last night, with cuomo I should check it out. It's I'm on monday, with leland better at X, fox sky and wednesday, will call. eddie, garcia, douglasville, georgia. No doubt
these wise against the former president. That would be tromp, whereas woodward's book excruciating Joe Biden, that's an interesting one. Couldn't write a book like that before These executive executive, editor of the washington post, you some editor there. He couldn't write about a book about binds failures and then he wouldn't get violate any parties dc. Tiny, concierge member, all colleges, are now covering their botz by releasing stay. renouncing threats against Jews. I've, two kids in verbal seduces schools, both it and sent me statements that their colleges release the day after we're seventh and all was all of them were wishy washy brown no exception Brown did the right thing on the demonstrations, as we reported yesterday, about Michael regard, mentone Alabama, monsieur
Can you please tell us what president change accounting could have done to prevent civil war? I will tell you in a book confronting the president's which will come out next september, but briefly, the south was defying the federal government violently and began and sat there and did nothing. Federal troops were in full sumter south carolina guy, they needed food and animal, began. A wooden senate. The confederate rebels were leading this secession, saw the weakness involved at it linking came in war, was a further conflict began in the worst president, Of all time, charles mail in west point you two hundred Biden is checked out. The boxes is a liar and cheat. I wonder if you ll run from political office and then charles designed to say
I'm seventy six, and thank you for the verbal knowledge regarding fitness. I am buying smaller pants. I haven't felt this gooding year. Just walk. Much is you? Can not the sugar down and you'll be far healthier? Just those two simple things? oh man we suppressed and douglas george I've read most and killing book trillion, joy them, but I really liked killing which is, I learned a lot looking forward to the next killing book, the next book. It's gonna be confronting the present, but I'm glad you are reading. Lisa and though no what else, santa by to send you christmas gifts that you will love right. The big bundle, thirteen killing there. It is What is that you get? A free download of my life performance on long island, said Rosenberg, you'll, love that this is our best christmas gift. Then we
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bill dot com christmas or helped us, because we are independent, K, stronger, we get financially the more stuff we can do for you. Ok, where there are no g b, be t t o l, o g y. I'm going to give you the definition of this word because I didn't even know it better. Ecology is using the same phrases over and over and over, like awesome. Okay lie: like deep dive like it is what it is that the tallow, don't do it back with a file for them all Are. There is a final vote today, as working yesterday at five o clock when bluff five was on a fox news. Shall I got a call waters? is touting killing the witches role, the tape I was reading the arrival killing the witches, which is amazing and a new kind of see how it all starts. It was this frenzy driven by young people. Young women were freaking out and going like this and labeling women.
and then without any due process, the preacher, the sheriff with Hang them and if you said, You were a witch, but you were and then they'll kill you and behind the scenes, a lot of it when they were fingering these women. What because they wanted to steal their land very good assessment by waters in salem. There are a lot of widows and the widows we'd get the lan when their husbands die and of the women who were hanged by the judge. And clerics in salem had a lot of land and water. they were convicted of being a which the lad went to the town. give it up. What does god it was nice to see them discuss, killing, which is on the five? We appreciate that very much books, a phenomenon, very pleased. We,
aren't you garden, I put a work into the book and it's nice to see it pay off work watching now, three hundred thousand and sales who might hit that by new year's phenomenal in this day and age. When a lot of people don't read anymore and you'll, you liked the book I mean no matter what no politics in a book, but the council, culture and lack of due process is here today in this country, and that's why I wrote killing a witches because the witch heart as Donald trump reminds us in every speech is a reality in america. Today we trace the whole arc, Ok, I have a new column on sunday that I think you're gonna like We will be back next week, monday tuesday wednesday than it's christmas time for everybody we can have really good shows next week you're year renders, and we really appreciate you watching listening on a bill orally dotcom, all of that see you again on Monday
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Transcript generated on 2023-12-18.