« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

Support for Israel, Bernie Goldberg on Media Coverage of the Attacks, Black Lives Matter Controversy, GOP Chaos, & More

2023-10-12 | 🔗
Hey BillOReilly.com Premium and Concierge Members, welcome to the No Spin News for Thursday October 12, 2023. Stand Up for Your Country.Tonight's rundown:
  • Talking Points Memo: Bill talks about the support for Israel.
  • Bernie Goldberg joins the No Spin News for a must see interview on Israel, media coverage, and President Biden.
  • Black Lives Matters tries to backtrack their support for the Hamas attacks.
  • Bill breaks down the chaos involving Republicans and the House.
  • This Day in History: The White House
  • Final Thought: The Dodgers

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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into the president's daily brief with MIKE baker at all, while you're welcome to the no a span, a news for thursday october. Twenty thousand twenty three stand up for your country. So the hamas terror attack? Obviously dominating the news for the past week and the implications of the unintended consequences of it are gonna, be here? emerge throughout the rest of this year, perhaps into next. The murders of children will do that and a did slaughter children near are pictures of it. I'm not going to show the pictures on the no spare news you see em there on the internet, but there's no doubt about that
Savages went in to a kibbutz, they be headed little children and once you get into that zone, there's no coming back, and that is the subject of this evening's talking points memo. So this is nine Levin repeated the moss attack and the world is processing it. A new fox paul shows sixty eight percent of americans support Israel and the conflict. Thirty two percent do not well, who are those people? How could you not support israel when Hamas tell group already designated. They attack and may be a little child are these thirty. Two percent They are almost all progressive left. This website,
right. Wing isolation is that right. Wing isolation group is small. The progressive left is not So one of the leaders of the progressive left is Bernie sanders and hears the statement he put out quote the targeting of civilians as a war crime, no matter who does it Israel's blanket denial, food, water and other necessities to Gaza is a serious violation of, I shall law will do nothing but harm innocent civilians, but we must also certain unrestrained from israeli forces attacking gaza worked scheme, u n humanitarian access of software. Forget that half of the two million people in Gaza are children. children and innocent people do not deserve to be punished for the acts of Hamas Bernie sanders October. He leaped okay, so that is ridiculous and Bernie sanders is jewish. He knows it's ridiculous, but he can't go against, is progressive, but
sister, Israel is warning the people of Gaza to get out of here, and particularly of the city's get out there warning Israel is gonna dismantle. Does it asked because, if it doesn't, Then Hamas will do this again and again and again because going over decades so we're just gonna go in with its will. they're not going to be a baby's not to do that, but there is going to be rockets and air and all at an innocent civilians are gonna die. We exactly what Hamas wants. Most wants innocent civilians in Gaza. It I didn't care about life and then no more people. We show the picture. to the press and we always look at israel's- do it. We all know what this is this. Is it a horrendous bloody game? That's what does it so
Bernie sanders I mean I've, don't listened to demand more, is so far out their israel's right to defend itself and at this point in history, its defence. Is we're gonna destroy Hamas once and for all? Would you argue with that? Hamas controls Gaza? Guys is not a country. It's a terrorist state control terrorists to Israel said all right. We, maybe the land- and now this is what you're gonna do so you're done we're going to get rid of? You are going to kill all of leadership and by the way, the big leaders in a moss they're already in in iran are already gone. They're, not there. So they'll get low level commanders that but they'll clear out the infrastructure. Yes,
to be a denial of power, food and water. There's going to have to be refugee camps. All of that that will happen, but if you're the leadership of Israel, you don't have a choice. You gotta take them out now so when I hear this kind of stuff and then there are the stupid people like the harvard groups, then we re. On. I am not going to go over it again, but there is a substantial minority at harvard. I've come we're at every ivy school school, a pencil pennsylvania that hates Israel, because that's a progressive tenant, Israel's a fascist nation only been that way ever since oppose where war to every true allowing the Jews to set up a government in palestine. Palestine is not a country, its territory and everywhere war, too,
the allies, the victors said. Other juice need a place to go. because six million or more bernadette I needed a place again and since that's the holy land for christians, Jews and muslims, that's where the jews wet Ok is unreasonable, I don't think so now, and I'm going to read a letter at the end of the program from somebody who doesn't like Israel and I'll explain the history, the history of it, but Israel's not totally innocent. They have done bad things that countries done bad things, but not nearly close. There's no equivalency at all.
At its way, arabs would live side by side as they are in the country of Israel. Without any brutality can you're ever going to convince people. Loon hate you not to hate you some possible. Ok, so the progressive movement is that's why you're in all events and insanity. They're not going to ever stop saying that Israel is a fascist country. Have now an oppressed front. Is ass, a story? I wrote about it in a message of the damned bill, o doc. I once again I implore you the morning go to below rallied dot com. My message tree on the joint anything, so there are two competing news agencies that say: iran is response. for the Hamas thing and iran is not not, as is a clear cut. Somebody is wrong. So I October her, the wall street journal wrote quote
Israel is carried out dozens of retaliatory strikes on targets in Gaza. Every attack by a moss left over twelve hundred people dead. That number is much higher net. iranian security officials helped Hamas plan solve for several weeks, whilst street journal's sean eighty race dove labour report from TEL Aviv. Unquote. Ok, I believe that report based upon what I know when I wrote the pre eminent terrorism book killing the killer, I wrote it. I researched it with martin newborn, ok, so yesterday a cnn comes out and says this We are told that preliminary
U s. Intelligence suggests that iran did not play a direct role in that the iranian government was not involved as such current shortage directly opposite I'll find out. What have you and take me While I, but one of these agencies, obviously desperately wrong now- The vitamins region does not want confrontation with Iraq. It took it on its and with the six billion dollar passage swap many americans are not like that? Ok, it doesn't want trouble is much softer on IRAN, then trump. What that is a fact is known to size. But Biden has supported Israel yet again, and well else see you gonna say I knew support Israel,
but he softer on IRAN. That tromp was here's. What the guy's pretty much running the show John Kirby so is saying: go cousin, longstanding support them. Once a most wouldn't have been able to function at all, had it not been for propping up by the iranian regime, but we haven't seen any specific evidence that too Thus they were waiting in. Than the planning or involved in the resources in the training that went into this very complex set of attacks over the weekend. Ok saw. I don't have a beef right now that I'm gonna be and to you about the buying administration. I not to say that I believe iran is behind us and we went over it yesterday. Hamas has no capacity to
make arms. You do anything like that. No capacity whatsoever there have to be given the rockets and the lethal weapons to kill the Jews. if russia or china, both of whom would do it, we're doing that. We would now. But is much harder yet intel out of IRAN. Then it is that russia or china. One of the most common issues for women, especially during menopause, is that dryness, but is a solution: men, brazen membrane, is a daily oral supplement and topical cream supporting natural lubrication and national moisture inside and out its one hundred percent natural, no estrogen perfect for women who can't or won't use hormone replacement, visit men, brazen life, dot com and use code moments for twenty percent off. Your first purchase focus on the moment, not the dryness one most common issues for women, especially during menopause, is national dryness, but
is a solution, membranes and membrane is a daily oral supplement and topical cream, supporting natural lubrication and national moisture inside and out its one hundred percent natural, no estrogen perfect for women who can't or won't use hormone replacement, visit men, brazen life, dot com and use code moments for twenty percent off. Your first purchase focus on the moment, not the dryness so I want another perspective on this. From another point of view, I s Bernie Goldberg, to step up. Finds from north carolina. Obviously you know that MR goebbels, a jewish american and he's a prevent I have a very, very good website, called bernard goldberg dot com, We regularly visit that website and he can analyse This is from a geo political point of view because he's been, I don't know what we way when eighty five m ease or something you been all over the world. You know what you do:
and from a media standpoint is well. Let's start with the geopolitics, you yourself, as a jewish american. How do you feel today. Well, this wasn't a nine eleven. This was a stone. lincoln said ten, nine eleven. If you compare the jewish population to the euro, population. This one. an equivalent of forty thousand americans killed in one day, we're gonna start here from liberals. Not the crazy not the radical left. They don't you, as you correctly said, bill. They never like Israel? I'm talking You will start to hear from the main stream liberals that this was Israel goes into Gaza, The billions are killed as they will be that Israel, is acting disproportionately you'll hear that were disproportionately you'll, even hear more about how israel
is violating international law? What A proportional response to killing the equivalent of forty sound people if it were in the united states will is there any. yet Israel should a disproportionately I we would act disproportionately if thousand americans were killed in one day, so let me make one other point before we move on. Bernie Sanders you say is jewish near he was worn, jewish, but there progressive, jewish people, for whom judaism is not their religion liberally. It is their religion, progressed a vision. Is their religion, Bernie sanders is one of those people and the harvard idiots as you mention, They are only prove You can go to harvard and still be a dummy, because that's what
they are yet. I don't know what you're talking about over there in the. Gaze forward. I always want to advance the story: you're gonna have is, I'm going in and you're going to see story after story after story about the suffering of the palestinian people and Exactly what's going happen, you're going to see it every day every way out rebecca nine eleven that one animal bay was a huge store that and we had the bleeding heart over guantanamo bay? I would add on exactly the same thing is bullshit put them right in guantanamo bay. Would I have what a them probably not, but I would have deprived them of a lot thing so that they would talk and that whole cia campaign was fairly successful and again I harking back to killing the killer. We got them. We got qaeda and later we are issues and we dismantle them. You cannot do that.
Why, having the? U n many humanitarian commission commit, is not happening, So I know what israel is going to do and I support it because that's the only thing they can do at this point in history. How do you see that. I think you're, absolutely right and that's going forward gonna, be the issue. We are good it civilians are gonna to be kill. Children, innocent civilian children in Palestine in Gaza are going to be killed. and that's how Hamas wants it writing the power of images. They know the power, the the public relations power, Parading a dead seven year old girl, it say Gaza city, an annex We will be on it and then swim near universal support for Israel again forget about the radical lip
the near universal support, including liberal support for israel thats. What going to begin to shatter that's when you're going to begin to hear words. As I said before, about. Israel's overreacting, they don't need to do this or bolstering though harvard students that it's a fascist nations who are staying away from that because everybody knows what is likely to happen in the future about the media. So nobody thing of all. Is MSNBC. Was the pro palestinian network k they parade people have said all Israel is bad and the palestinians How about you saw it and the J D I'll jurists eventually when, after that NBC com, huge operation, J D, how one after that, the aim that warned them and then stopped comcast NBC stopped it correct
that, except for the fact that is the idea of the anti debate. Defamation league one after cargoes. J D else did too. I saw a letter. The J d I'll read all right, but, let's just say, they have jewish organizations right had well after them, they had private meetings with the big Wings said Emily and we see, as I understand it and and the pleasure of the blink of an eye and beast came around my neck. Watch. The recently there ok, you're, here's the thing. I wrote a book years ago called bias. about liberal bias in the media and I hope I know I wait. We got some inability with you bill and, I hope, iron, some credibility with the people in your audience,. Because now I'm going to say by and large. Even the liberal media is getting the story right. This a pro israeli slant, to the story.
As I have two though they have too because, as I said, almost seventy percent of american society is. They have decided death warrant if you're, not gonna basic, be fair in your analysis of this, but the point I want to make is that all, These networks are directed by corporations. They are told what to do and say We saw that would fox news on the law suit that they lost every site Google, one of that guy. the days when burning all bergen, billow riley, both at CBS news, same time. You were much more successful and I was ok, but god the gays when you have those kinds of people employed by the corporate media there it's over you're right they did. The marching orders come down from the top up and and you a choice, follow them marching orders.
Or are you John you're, right and that that is true. Or will you made an interesting point bill about percent of the people support Israel. Therefore, the media's gonna supported very Trusting very accurate point! My question is what but one that seventy percent goes down to fifty percent or forty percent, because The images that were were gone to see put by Hamas and the international media up, and children being paraded through Gaza city who are dead. What when that support comes down willie coverage? the news coverage of those events start to slant against Israel. I think that's it. The possibility that MSNBC, it is, I don't think cnn, and I know fox, wouldn't do it one, why more media question and I will get into new columnar? I want everybody to read on our goal. Borg dont come so binds gonna sit. First.
She minute interview probably doing it now latest tomorrow morning and he doesn't like to get up early about this whole thing. now with a tough interviewer like you or me Biden, would be in some danger because of his history. and the way I am left. Ghana stand a neighbour to IRAN. The prisoners swap thing. He be he being some jeopardy I'm not sure that sixty minutes is gonna, bring it on Joe Biden and again I'm guessing. What do you think I think you're you may be out of something is what I think you don't think it's gonna be tough. Of you. I mean. I don't know. I want to be fair, I dont know now. Because I remember steve aloft with Barack obama right here on your ways, all bomb is go to guy and glasses crack crawfish light on him. He was lying on a no no question
put it this way the and I'm not trying to flatter you Bela, because, Personally, you know I wouldn't do that. Are they going to be the same interview? If you did it? Let's put it that way, that's for sure has the right to come and say Biden is so bad in his job. That's a centrally I'm just of describing com that this is gonna, have huge ramifications for the entire democratic part, just six and your point of view, their force where it starts out with the idea that James carbon mislead said. It's the economy stupid or he didn't say it's only the economy stupid, it's all the economy, but it's always something else, and case, is something else I think has great potential for bringing by nor buy, whoever the democratic nominees something else as others, southern border, That alone could bring down. Joe Biden
that alone is such a mess. That binding could be finished because with this also crime, which is which is not- which is not Joe Biden? Scald he's not a mayor, but democratic, progressive da's are not prosecuting these people to a less extent, and this number shows up in the polls is chris the gender thing one It is never a day, no matter what the progressive activists tell us, When you see a man, a transgender woman swimmer with video games best when he was a man now speeding all these young women. You no that's wrong, so I ended the collar by saying it's not only the economy stupid. This time around it's about your binding and the country has gone since became president stupid
that's. Gonna, be the big big issue per democrats, whereas the country gone Joe Biden became president. Sky. Everybody knows it is. It is gone, down and is far weaker, but here's the problem- and this is a problem for you, Bernie Goldberg, If the elections were held tomorrow, it be trump vs by and you'd like trump, and there are tens of millions of americans who agree absolutely with you. You think
that control is undesirable and ease the whatever it may be all right. So if you do have a trump who ran his administration fairly well on a case by case policy basis against the second worst president in our history, Joe Biden, but you hate tromp for what he's not stands for, but the we behaves. What do you do you vote for our of k? No I don't hate trump look further light. I don't think he acts the way. A united states president should behave. That's what I think We're argued against his policies, but I think the the idea that it has to be trumpeters Biden, percival on the republican side there are several other candidate, they're, not gonna, do a burning they're not going to do it all that
not saying they're gonna win, but you asked me: what do you do? Thou, that's grocery. What what do you do? You could vote, Nicky Hayley, you can Veronica sadness primaries, but a saga. We will win the nomination unless, because tromp is Tromp, you never know what's going to happen on monday, but I think a great, I think, there's a grid, chance that trouble! We, the nominee, then job it will be the nominee more well aware. Emphatic Gozo bernard Goldberg, dot com on its website. Just like billow riley, dot com where we are in there. And we appreciate Bernie. Thank you very much. I thought this is very good segment. So thank you very much for coming on, Joe Biden didn't do anything today, all the usual he's a ceremonial president he's like print straws. As I said yesterday, he doesn't do any policy stuff. He just goes out reason they put in front of him. He is
I do the sixty minutes interview. I will of course, watch that and have analysis on Monday but I'm not expecting much there. Ok up lives matter. We told you yesterday, we would expose. All of the corporations are weakened, fine that have given black line. Matter millions and millions of dollars, and why are we doing this wall put the poster up there, so this is out black lives matter Chicago. I stand what palestine! a hang glider who went into Israel and those terrorists on hang gliders, killed. Two hundred and sixty civilians at a concert and black lies. Marriage. Celebrating them on a poster. So I took the postal down. Of course they add too the black lives matter, global foundation. This is the one eyed What up all the houses with the money? all we're not affiliated with the chicago violette. Here you are, there using a black lives matter tag you're, not affiliate, saw em Tom
Can I use a tag? A mine, you bunch of many way get onto the corporations all list them one by one and our researchers, pretty good axe, berkshire, hathaway coca cola degree. gator aid bosses, studios warner brothers discover that sea and air warner brothers discovery is and at the evolving digital digital extremes, little orbit again blacklist matter got a hundred million dollars at least and donations. We continue merging poky, my company, bad robot, cisco, microsoft. Intel, amazon, an estate, beverly hills, bio essence, casper, Finally, sony music group door dash
fashion nova capital, music group war. Her music group, big head entertainment George soros, spandex, palms, airbus, they know best skull, universal music, now put noses screen, so you know what these corporations are doing, because I have interests in some of these and just that up with it. Now they did it. These corporations to be well. That's why they didn't check out black lives matter from day one. You know I told
Would you it was a grafter grope, not looking out for any body which has been proven true, All the money that went in went to buy home through the people in the group. Oh, you can see how agitated I get. Cooperation didn't check it out. No! No! We want to be well We want to be on aside. We want to be virtue signal after George Floyd yeah.
All right so disney and an highs of bush pretty much destroyed themselves right with this work business because they do is they went up against santa's defences, crush disney. An annex of bush did the trans thing and the consumers crushed and high are both the others. Nobody knows that that list. I just gave you nobody's ever done that in media. One of the most common issues for women, especially during menopause, is that gentle dryness, but is a solution, membranes and membrane.
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Well so now, Steve Scully's is the nominee for speaker of the house and you've got the usual suspects. We don't like. We don't want him. He knew that he knew that they're hurting their own party, these dissenters, yeah they're right to do it. They have the right to do it, but there are earning their own party. Bob combining looks weak, disorganized democrats a laugh and Adam. That's true in a work itself out but come on. Would I vote for maggots, never or nancy mais? Never therein for themselves. In my opinion,. Money from the american academy of sleep medicine, seventy Kind of adults losing sleep were job security. Seventy five percent losing sleep over the
session or whatever you want to cause. It's basically all have enough money to live get to spend more money on essentials, people who have the money there worry, they can't go to sleep and its problem, so Bernie didn't mention it in is the border and and all things, but I think it by never gets to the presidential run, he's running ass, a grocery store and a gas station I can't tell you- and I will I will tell you next week- I don't, I don't state form insurance, because it was outrageous what they were doing to me by their raising their premiums. For no reason, nothing can justify it and I find a replacement.
not at all as with them. For decades, they can spend all our money on their commercial to get the state form guy run around patrick brahms, yeah and then individual wants and ensures coroners house gotta pay triple sometimes and he hasn't done anything to warrant that he or she a ma. That's Biden, that's on Biden, supply side this and they give you a bunch of gobbledygook when you, when you talk to them, but anyway, I'll get into that next week. Smart light, solar. If you ass, you gotta, protect your assets. Stock market is really really risky right now, six months ago and not in any new stocks. I have. old what I have K, but I'm a binding. So we came up with right- and this is where you need a pan and paper. If you are below rallied outcome premium or concierge members, you get a free transcript. That's all you have to do. Is ordering nuke
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sergeant turn around here politically in this country? We don't have the second worst, president of the united states ever in office. I think the stock bargaining change, or of king Jr raise eleven million right after you now he's running for president on a third party ticket. I good frahm dizzy my favorite. permission phrases: pricing in raising prices. And I'm an orlando saw in disneyland anaheim land on its andred. Ninety four bucks to enter the park, a piece right and dizzy has increase its yearly passes. Temper TAT says
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hundred and thirty two rooms right now and a white as thirty five bathrooms. Twenty eight fireplaces as a lot of wood hundred forty seven windows, so anyway. Teddy Roosevelt renamed the white as a hundred and twenty two years ago to that that would mail and final thought a moment. One of the most common issues for women, especially during menopause, is national dryness there is a solution. Men, brazen membrane
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went to war in korea, vietnam, iraq and afghanistan. Why don't we put troops in israel because Israel is indeed our troops begging, defend its up? There would be a huge mistake: put american troops there, More the johnston coated with massachusetts you said unless I suppose, manoeuvres that Israel has been hard on the palestinians. You please explain further. Now I've got to letters exactly the same wording as morpheus. Guy notices, flap and around the internet Do is go to is human rights on Google Israel, human rights being you'll, see un reports various reports from all over the best way to do it mark, I don't think president Biden is moving slow for Israel. Iran has always been a problem, but I don't think any president has really handled iran. Well, alright, I think trump did
your job containing iran, but then all opinions or opinions, randy booze any merit in idaho. I am thinking that of Israel was to give in to palestine to make it a state scares me, would run palestine like the taliban run Afghanistan exactly this, our country, the terrorists run. It is no democracy like government. You do. What am I says, they shoot you dance some arbitrariness and groups who signed the blame Israel letter now backtracking yeah. Of course they are because they get need. Is our courageous people, jerry concierge member jerry, is direct act this to me. You're right bill about Biden being a ceremonial president staff making all the decisions, but it are all obama hold overs, so you can see obama's run you come and think and make that strict,
Yes, there are a lot of obama people there, but are they calling up Iraq every day saying? What should we do? I don't think so could be wrong could be wrong, but there's no evidence at all. That has happened. Eleanor, I think wide california newsome is doing is all part of the master plan of the democratic party. Another step and tearing down a family unity. Absolutely Democrats don't have any respect for nag of families. They want the state to run the kids death hours, we live in Canada totally affected. By what happens in the usa, inflation brought upon us when Joe Biden jerk off we're living in the house that the rich we consider an extra room. I feel your pain, inflation, america's inflation canada to close together. We tie
Joam, alas, cooper city florida should Irene killing england right after I finished killing the witches. Absolutely that's the best progression, so witches It is with the mayflower our aid and then it goes a whole bunch of different places. Any you pick it right up with killing anyone a revolutionary war so killing a witches, debut number, two! on Sunday new york times. Less is torques me off because we were being by a trumpet which has fallen Seventy seven percent in one week, because all I hate trump or his went out bought the boy. First few days or release MSNBC pushed it. So we're number two: now. I know I'm immature. I should be. Lyrically happy the killing. The witches is number two. I bet eighteen number one best sellers, I am happy, I don't wanna be a greedy guy and I want to thank you all
supporting the book greatest halloween red, with apologies to edgar Allan poe you'll learn making about and it is it just lives by I've got a bill, o reilly, dot com and you become a premium. Concierge member. You get the book freak which is randy in my other books. If you buy a gift, concierge or membership gift, you get the book free. So this is a different promotional. Tell you about it in a moment, but key you can keep the slide up there. But if you come, if you buy a premium member gift to give for christmas or halloween or anything you get the book free you gotta give gives coming up. So what we are there is a nifty three be up well assured of your choice, which is less forever killing witches and a three month. Billow rallied gift card then give away fifty nine. Ninety five minutes ago,
and we're writing to us- do not be a wise and higher. That is a jackie. Gleason word. If you don't know Jackie gleason, look him up brilliant com. Wise in harbour, german w as an hp, I am your don't wise and I'm back with a final. on the l dodgers. In a moment, I, as a final thought of the los angeles, dieters, guided but can't bobby donor diamond back three zero there out the dodgers I predicted this because they die yours, honoured the catholic, hey group, the sisters of perpetual indulgence, I'm sure you remember this. Here's what I said go now. I said there might be some karma if you believe in god. Roger since they announced their reinstated. The sisters to the honor platform, go and sixty six yankees beethoven couplet Well, I'm believer in com.
right, and this is a bad deal for the dodgers. Now people believe what they want to believe, and I want to believe that karma hit the dodgers So I'm gonna believe it. I do believe in calm. God is a terrible thing. there are in arizona, is it good for you, d backs ok mary ago com, We very much appreciate you watching and listening to the no of a new column on son, bill, o dot com, killing a witches. Let's go! Ok, let's show these trade hate trump people that we by good books. I got interesting message on this tomorrow friday, so I hope you ray bill, o reilly dont come into your weekend,
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Transcript generated on 2023-10-14.