« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

Stock Market Meltdown, Jan. 6th's Kangaroo Hearing, Gun Protests, Inflation, Guests Bernie Goldberg & John Solomon

2022-06-13 | 🔗

Tonight’s rundown:

  • U.S. stocks continue to stumble. Will it stop anytime soon?
  • What new information is coming from the Jan. 6? Is anybody watching? We'll analyze
  • Guests Bernie Goldberg and John Solomon join the program.
  • The debate over gun control continues.
  • This Day in History: Alexander the Great dies
  • Final Thought: Think ahead to fight inflation

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The bill O'Reilly here, welcome to the nose venues for monday june thirteenth, two thousand twenty to stand up for you what country? While we had more january six hearings today, we'll get to that we'll report on it accurately and then air wednesday, and I think third they know tat sunday anyway, the milk it but we have what you need. But the jockey boys memo is about your money, I think you're gonna want to pay attention to this. So what a calm on sunday and I basically late outlook Joe Biden can't run a country. Everybody knows that no two sizes story: anybody tell you he's doing a good job, all you do smile,
don't argue the smile get away as fast as you can. If he's on tv turn, the tv off or new another channel because the guy I mean everyone knows on party knows But now it's directly affecting because we're in a bare mark adieu air market. What does that mean? I mean Jesus Talks are well off their highs and january more than twenty percent and I ll go down a bit further this summer, there's no real impetus to by private investors. People like me and you we're frightened, by any stocks, because you, how long can you go as the limbo, ok and is no help Biden doesn't know how to run the economy is shocking. And he does everybody to tell them how to run it. So Why would you buy stocks. And then interest rates are going up in that affects two currency to fix everything.
so I'm not of doom and gloom guy, because one thing. This has been factored in financial people on wall street people really dictate with where market goes they factored in binds incompetence and they know he's not going to get any better. Promise is gonna, be a recession. so you remember the last recession, booted butch off planted and lead to obama being elected or I'd always. bad loans, that now this, an incompetent president driving the recession. And just to refresh your memory, the two things that Democrats, care about and Biden is obviously the leader of this or social justice and climate change. That's it I don't care about anything else. So in climate change there Destroy the fossil fuel industry.
And that's what ignited all the horror. So we did harvest is much energy from our own soil. As we had on the boy she was even clubs. And then at ignited food prices up transportation not gasoline up and thing got out of control, which then of tail back into these stock market as profits. Went down you think that higher prices would lead to more profits, but no because people cut backs spending consumers cutbacks spending So now there will be a recession, but I don't think it's gonna be as bad as the law one because most people have jobs, and businesses need workers. So I don't think we're gonna get a massive rise in unemployment, but the salaries can't keep up with the inflation. Remember trump ray the economy, efficiently, again: that's not debatable. That's a fact. One point four percent,
now approaching nine percent. Ok, stock, record highs. Can't debated but Biden, Doesn't know what he's doing economically or any other area? Ok, so What do you do. You the hard working honest american, says nothing most americans plan for retirement education expenses, things like that and by mutual funds, which is a big investment into stocks. While, if you gonna look in your statement come July, first you're, gonna, crock may my. Not worth has declined dramatically. Ok saw, now, then I can do about it. I'm not buying individual stocks. I bought one today because its company that, I believe will have a great product going down a line and it was very low, but I did spend a lot of money doing it
basically, I told my broker no and my burger voted for by I scolded him today. I didn't funny way. I dont know if he thought it was funny. but he voted by How can you be my financially viable if you vote for this? Guy It is a really have an answer. Anyway. Don't do anything, because, if you do, you will lose out money, I never get it back and there's nowhere else. To put it. under your mattress. Okay, if you want to do that. You're gonna was twelve percent of his value every year because of inflation. When, Biden is out an idle. Now. I dont know if he's gonna make the four year not gonna, be impeach rain, He'll resign because of health reasons. That's a guess. But I'm gonna get into that later on. but if you sell now and dump everything now you're at the low point, Michael a little lower.
But you'll never recover. If you hold your recover in a year or two song that's my best advice. I can give you. I could be wrong, It could be nineteen, twenty nine. I don't think so There is still a lot of cash and a lot of vibrant and the american economic system. Ok, So that's the memo. Now gets to this january, succeeding. It is apparent. They don't have anything new rights all The people who hate Tromp are gonna hate, a more. The people who live tromp aren't gonna watch list. I don't know where this gets us so Today, the second hearing was about the big lie: the trump new. He lost the election, but was lying about it and the people around and were telling him know your laws, and he,
accepted so he's a big fat wire. That's a theme it today. I know trump he firmly believes that he won the election. So Oh? Is he delusional. Is he Biden saying all the economy strong? You decide all right, but has the right to an opinion. In his opinion, is there was from an election? that's his opinion. not shared by most people that's what he believes. and he is never wavered from that and you can apply. All kinds of ego. There's your dad! I don't care a mad at me, just reporting you two realities situation so Wednesday august third hearing they're going to say our trump pressure, the justice department- and this is based on bill bars. Testimony yeah hated
He wanted the justice department to investigate the election. I said. Three days after the election, just department should appoint a special council. Look into these allegations. that would have been good. I wish that a rapid, just Separated out spread, council look at the election. Cries ranks in a country that makes sense. Trump has never been able explain to me why in demand that that's what he should demanded. Rather putting them pillow guy and giuliani in charge. I don't think really work. you know when you rather have a special council, but of course Nobody follows my advice on third, today my pants, ok the committee's gonna go to- we mean to my pants. You wanted him hanged. And I remember that movie- hang him high. So you reply, clint eastwood with my pants, so ridiculous so forget about,
Donald trump exaggerates and practices hyperbole word of the day every hour on the hour and his whole life, and always has forget about that yeah trouble. I did it physically hang night pastors dave. You are keeping score of europe. the exposition prime time on sunday on thursday, So we see at five million CBS three million NBC three million MSNBC four million in CNN three million miscellaneous outlets- that's fox business, one million tonnes, twenty million what do you get add weak the network's abc CBS Nbc law, seven million from thursday night. They usually have an entertainment, fox, didn't and they were down in prime time their prime time lost. Doesn't viewers a hundred and twenty three million households in the usa have tvs. Nineties
percent of homes have televisions and only When million people watch frank comparison. Presidential debates average about seventy million, stated the union. Thirty eight million, so And today and residents with nobody's gonna watch, in fact He's gonna be arrive for the soap opera. People who are demanding, as the world turns is that still on, I don't even know, be brought back. And then I want to watch this january. Six o clock. partisans all over the place. First on the left go. The entire hearing a good display of what's to come in the rest of the hearings, as was when in doubt we're going to show that tromp lost the election and he knew that he lost the election anyway,
on a campaign to convince his supporters that it was stolen, even though it was not ok, good! Conservatives go. I think they story, because this is now about a security failure of of incredible magnitude. And there are even sooner want to talk about it. one right here illegally trump donald trump guy it Teresa John solomon, there he's up. We have a mind because who stuff about chuck humour in the wind And finally, I hears what president Biden said about the hearings, the simple in the american people understand what truly happen. And to understand that the same forces january sixth remain at work today. It's about our markers itself. We have to protect our democracy. I know it sounds quantity to save.
whatever you know, it's amazing how they get the teleprompter everywhere for binding Yet he couldn't just like say that as a normal person, they gotta too little monitors. Are you read it and just to reinforce Joe Biden does not write anything. Not one lincoln worth nothing trot and write anything either speeches and, and things like that, but he added tromp added. Biden does not at all right you're, so you know Let's go to our media expert Bernie Goldberg ii is the purveyor of bernard Goldberg, dot, com, bernard Goldberg, dot, com this is a website that that gives you the american citizen, an honest view from burning all bergs frame. Reference in. It's a lot, I've been around. Look at him, he's very
but he knows a lot about the country and he joins us now from north carolina. I was that leave cause that was accurate wonderful bill! Anyway? I gave ten minutes in forty five seconds formation economy and the january sixed situation, do you have any quibbles? I do. Actually I get the feeling that I taking this more seriously than you are. You said there's nothing new, ok, there's nothing new to you nothing new to me, but a lot People are news, junkies. bet you saw of them saw something. was new to them. But here's my bigger point Whenever there is a controversial issue. What Its guns, abortion were now, The january sixth hearings.
Everybody goes to their respective corners builds a barricade. And make sure no opinions they don't want to hear are allowed through the barricades. that's what's happening now so on the left. You're here, the things that you you you played either it's it's. Well from the left, its trump if guilty of seditious conspiracy, conspiracy, to commit sedition and should be sent to jail for the rest of his life. That's what the left wants from the right. It's there's no cross examination it political, because it's a mid term election year its, it would be better if it was cross. Examination would be better, There was no mid term elections this year to detroit from what's going on and that's what I want to talk about. What's going on. We know
this is what we know without doubt without any dispute. Donald trump lied, not to me or you he lied to his most Most passionate supporters, that's that good thing when you love away where you say he lied. a lie is when you know something to be true: that's where you and then you, u stored it by letter of also lets do what you raises a possibility if he didn't lie, which I think he did, then Is he delusional? You said Ok, if you didn't live than I say yes, yes, Donald trump is clear clean psychologically. He wanted accept the fact that the vote in certain places was rife with fraud that those his position. Listen
His attorney general set of delay, all as it is not only there's, nobody incredible events, backing off trop in a court of law or anywhere else. However, questions about more zaka bergs, massive intrusion of money into wisconsin, there are other cases under way. They have reach for wishing. To say, he's a lot to say he knew he Wanna know number one. My my mantra here Bernie I want you to comment on is people what they want to believe. Would you with that people believe what they want to believe. I believe that ok wanted, I believe and wants to. to this day brought new elections that is what I want. I want to believe that I plead soon appealed to the freaking. No, no! No! No! That's that you don't place, interfere with your, a jew. I'm a catholic. We believe in our religion because
We want to believe in it. So that's what I'm saying he wanted to believe there was fraud You lie stand that I'm saying it's not good enough. He misled. millions of americans gullible. vulnerable americans. Put forth his point of view. Now, that's misleading he's entitled to his opinion, using I his opinion on it, but that's upwards But this is supposed to be all about, and this is the question number two for you. This is I to be a did. He contrive the riot. Did he. encourage the riot getting. Dawn the riot. That was our committee is all about. Yes, he encouraged the riot but if he says his own words be peaceful,
then and then he on today Before orders is acting secretary of defence to get the national guard ready that goal in the face of european. If there a criminal trial- and I were defending donald trump I would say to the jury Didn't you hear him say go please willy Meyer yeah. He said that an end it doesn't it doesn't excuse. My word here doesn't tromp what what else he said he continued. This one call allied sleeping whatever you want to call it. Continued it forever. our and he down the crowd. He got em rubbed up and then they attacked the cabin ok, an insurrection call right collar what everyone I don't care. Then he went back to the white house. Why
They don t. We didn't do anything to stop it, for a very long time what to do Maybe you do not know what to do. It is despicable, or I may look that that he didn't act fast enough when guys, like Sean Hannity were actually columns and you better start condemning this in your better try to leave, he's called for that. He is but He didn't want the capital riot that is established beyond any doubt. You didn't want it to happen. two. Yes, you can make a circumstantial case study, encourage people's your response we'll behavior, but you'd never get a conviction, a court of law that he did intentionally that he wanted to be a destructor of the capital. Never get a conviction or not. You know it No, I don't know it big arching. I say that, all day long it might come to that
here's. What I'm saying trial is in Washington DC, nor vision for import. Try not going to be, as I can be a trial. Is abuse go right to the supreme court. They would try way, wait a sec Biden has been put to the left. Day, one of his presidency will agree on that right. The why A criminal trial, conspiracy, to commit sedition, he gives into the left. Pardon of justice. Will I'm not saying they will do this, but if you into the left, they could the trial if the trial is in washington, he will found guilty It's not gonna, be that's not the way it will go down, because this is a president. And he was in office, and it would have to be tried in the supreme court as other big case round history a bit. I will ask why for me, this is a very interesting debate and thank you
come on, because is what this programme is all about? I want every side of this to be heard. Right in the folks can make up their own minds so this committee itself excess in this committee or eight because the look into uncover anything that makes tromp look. Ok, it's what they call a kangaroo court is in it. I would agree are so why are they works. Putting a kangaroo roll on in full. Time in prime time, if it isn't the australian guy with the big knife. Why would agree that better if it was cross examination I would agree that it would better if we did that regrets worried, trying to hurt not only donald trump on all republicans too there might not be so inflation
or a gallon gasoline. I would add that it would be better? If all of that didn't have and you know what else I agree on, I want agree. Its trump acted like a grown up for then and didn't do anything the things he did, I want to make one last point to the people listening to us. To anybody who believes that. Donald trump did not aegon the crowd that MIKE pence, is a traitor. I gotta bring my head against the wall, trying to convince anybody who thinks Nonsense like that, what donald did wrong. I'm nuts whose criminally wrong I'm saying it morally wrong ethic ethically wrong and politically wrong that to me- There is no doubt about that. Ok! I am a registered republic in who the conservative who has been voted for a Democrat since I was
the kid and voted for Jimmy carter in the night, seventies and regard a goddess. well next time around, you might have tromp verses wherever it will be very interesting. We appreciate your candor is always running over bernard over dotcom. You will get it straight and in this time, in this country we need all we can get. Thank you burn ok, so I was always talking to Bernie about the committee does not really want any information. That's gonna make democrats look bad, and now we do have some apparently senator Schumacher, the house leader. was informed by the capital deputy police chief, Sean Gallagher. There. There was likely to be trouble and humor didn't do anything about it just before it up and of course,
So now we have Nancy blowsy, not doing anything about it. Muriel Bouser, the mayor of disease, not doing anything about it and shoulder not doing anything about it, even though they were given advance warning. In addition to also what I told Bernie, not true two days before god he's acting secretary of defence to alert the national guard to come in, but depressing could. I do that on his own. He had to be invited in by policy or bouser to finance, well, Democrats, and they did not do to join our john solomon who broke the story. Is the ceo and editor in chief of just the news, another great internet Just I've been argo, Goldberg, dot, com, am I setting. This story are properly Mister solomon,
You have indeed bill it's really remarkable, and today I just got new documents just like an hour ago that show back the first warnings that the capital please received about potential violence about there. our other tunnels being targeted about people bringing guns for the capital, go all the way back to this, for twenty four think about that. They had three weeks to prepare. After me, told there is likely to be violence by the way from the fbi and from the homeland security departments says very specific intelligence coming from the intelligence, realms of the u s government, and do nothing during the holidays. On january second, thing an invite from president drums. Pentagon too. don't you want a national guard and the police. I then do is later they get buyers remorse, and that no answer and then go back We probably do let me go check with nancy pelosi and policies. Sir. in an arm ass, our jobs turns them down we don't like the optics by the way optics is that of security, germans of politics term, political decision over security and then the next
a more intelligence comes in even more specific, more serious intelligence nobody adjust the only person who gets a heads up that night checks humor, they don't just the plan. and the capital, police, men and women go to work on the morning of the six unaware that there's We are one people didn't even tell him. Their own leadership didn't even tell now that the the january six committee has not raised that at all the correct right. This is this is that I'm gonna wanna talk about now. No one can well the liberal modi ended. Our ties was supposed to be seen anything in those papers on us There are real radio silence The network news, NBC Cbs Abc they reported this, nothing, saw the corruption level in his country is, I think, it's nine and a half and being the worst right owen pretty much there, I think,
Listen: the same alliance that we saw during the false russia collusion story. We see with january six the media, the bureaucrats in the Democrats, and I guess you could throw liz Janian there are all stick to a narrative, regardless of what the facts are there, ignoring the facts. It run conscious to the arguments of democrats. May they did this during russia to their own barrel and argue to you by next year the media entire storyline engender six will be an reversal. It already is now they're. Just that trying to take to trumpet the boy question, for you have you see any democrats muriel bouser mayor of DC. Any democrats who did take these prior warnings seriously now, don't want hearing, not one
what's say one thing in the summer of two thousand and nineteen there's a story we have on just the news this morning, in the summer of two thousand and nineteen six months after Nancy Pelosi took over as speaker of the house Zoe Lofgren was one of the members that we heard from many. She had whole hearing and the capital please Equally to all that, we have a lot of problems, we don't controller men. Well, we don't do intelligence. Well, under resource. We don't have equipment. She had a great here She put all those in the public realm and then they did nothing for eighteen months. None of the press identified that day were addressed. This was slow ocean wreck eighteen months in the making. John thanks very much. We appreciate it kind of you to help us up, I presume, bind scheduled today, nothing just Monday, it is really work on Monday leaves rob delaware at eleven ten He shows up the white house after that. Tenant afternoon five minutes afternoon. and then I don't know anything.
And this is what he does. He gets the forty weekend indulge and I'm glad he's not doing anything, because when he does stop at work out so, as I said, binds done on parties. Turning on him, David Axelrod, you remember, he was constantly area to Barack Obama. Here's what he says, gulf pray obama was under siege as well at this time in his presidency, and then there was hand wringing in quiet meat, he's going on as well, but he would also thirty years younger than this president and. That is a concern. The ability to run a rigorous, vigorous pain in matters the presidency at the same time and use in is eighty first year and that's a legitimate question. In its when he's gonna have to consider
when he tells up to line and makes the final call that he's gonna go. My haha Because you don't wanna go David, then you know what I am going to say it, but you know one again because you getting it never wear a billion years, Here's what the new york times reported on Saturday june, eleventh quote: to see our country is on the right track, would flagrantly depart from reality, said Steve Simon, yes, democratic national committee member from miami Biden he said, should announces and tend not to seek reelection twenty four right after the mid, So this does not surprise me because we on january, twenty. Seventh, it was what I said so My prediction is that your body will not run again. I know the democratic chieftains are not happy with him The progressive left is turning on him
Where did you get a support not only an hour? I knew it, but there look elsewhere and I I could be wrong But you'll remember my prediction: he does not run again. Now, if you remember all constantly remind you, ok, you back to you and your wallet, so we can all slaughtered at higher prices everywhere. We hammer heard on the stock market- is bad, bad, bad, bad bad and have attaches everyone. Nuts, take a look school year, two thousand twenty record amount of tax collection. Three trillion. Three hundred seventy four billion six hundred twenty nine million tax die, is flowing into the sea. a comparison? two thousand twenty one fiscal year, two trillion eight thirty, three billion a forty six billion and if you saw a tract
means that in one year, five hundred Forty billion seven hundred eighty three million more tax dollars under Biden goes to washington, ok, and watch Biden, solution to inflation, raise taxes higher, bully the american work, or even more when taxes go up on corporations and wealthy the car are passed on to the workers. gone for basel users. Agreement, ten republican senators and undemocratic? It's nothing! It's not going to do anything. It's not gonna make anybody more safe just quickly enhanced background checks or buyers under twenty one if the flag law or money to the states clarifying definition of a word and blah blah blah boo, boo, boo, boo, nothing, nothing! Nothing! Okay,
So the key to all of this is that the serial killers balloons? Our response well for less than one percent of all the homicides, the guys who shoot the schools and airy with someone, percent its dig. Criminals, the gangs using their guns that are killing all the people. These politicians would admit it. do anything about it. Yesterday, again, big demonstration in d c, this is march for our lives at parkland florida, David hog, there yelling and screaming. They want to ban this. They want a ban that it's ridiculous. They know anything they don't know or want to solve. The real problem, which is criminals using guns, not law, abiding people.
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me federalized organ crimes. I said nothing else, will work. Inflation. I told you about up to eight point six gas prices up to five dollars ten since last week, for it where's, eighty seven cents every week goes up and up and up- and in Austria, nokia, none! I saw here's an interesting pole, trafalgar group. Majority of americans think buying intentionally sending gas prices sky high to fuel the green agenda, Kay the ball do you believe the administrations intentional and gas prices rise, big americans useless fossil fuels just fifty three, no forty cake tension stay in history june thirteenth. Three twenty three bc before Christ. We still use that here
alexander, the great dies at age. Thirty three in babylon: Alex is off the board, so was I was born to the king and queen of macedonia, care, which is now serbia, at eight? Sixteen? He was a soldier. And a good one. He was tutored by Start also, he was smart as well. At age. Twenty his father was murdered. King philip have exam. took over and didn't really have a lot of interesting governing Macedonia or Macedonia as it is today. He wondered. or everything, but he didn't want to get involved with rome. So we went east any conquered it. Most of the world. sky was an amazing general, never lost a battle being all
persia iraq, which is now a rag. That's where Babylon is afghanistan. All that egypt Alex and then he, They party for forty eight hours of the watchers, then our job as our village. A well got us MIKE era and he dies in Babylon age. Thirty three, I think it was poised some assurance believe that, but we can good now segment and a final thought that goes back to your money right back.
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question ten thousand national garters before september. Sex well under oath christopher, the acting defence secretary, and I. can't read my own writing so ledges, easy, actually acting defence secretary. He testified that the present interim ordered the defence department get to guard ready under oath, If the committee broke day under oath, you can go to jail for lie. Miller, Christopher Miller. Thank you miller, peggy walker, the thirty five percent and support president Biden well, what would be my husband, who voted for by still supports them and my daughter also via voted for him. Somebody please help me I wish I could help you but kiss keep it like. I have
good close friends and I won't admit their vote with ridiculous. They won't like abiden may not understand what he's doing, but the people that right the items you signing in the speeches they do that's correct. Paul away, loo and over minnesota bill. Once again, you were clairvoyant when you predict a ghastly would be five dollars by July. Fourth, the national average five friday. How did you know that so economics when it goes up is hard to stop it, It will receive by Not until five fifty five seventy five How california that's eight. David, concierge memorabilia discussion mark le then, who is brilliant, fair, rising gun crimes was bought on. We posted on bill orally darker. That is a good discussion, because we live in screaming.
clause in Downport florida bill. Sorry, I can't support your idea of having gun crimes handled by the federal government. Then you will never in your lifetime, see an improvement in gun violence. Never you don't sport that you'll never see Tom's verloc, your Belinda california bill your message about you. Continuing the work was inspiring. Thank you, you're, an absolute treasure to the country. I appreciate that. You know I have a little message the day and why the last man standing among my peers and broadcast journalism I am the last man standing all appears, are retired or not with us anymore, whatever, unless one. Josh, lawlor, new bedford bass, I feel compelled to email you for the first time and see. I find your no spinners analysis to be very intelligent and articulate I listened to your radio morning update every day on my amazon echo, with that is amazon echo. But if you can get my update do it is where we have good ones.
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I as a vital part of the day, the only way to fight inflation right now is to think ahead saw. I mention this last. We only mention again. I did this big it wasn't my people or people rundle orally dot com. I get, I said, When somebody buys killing killers from us orders on the website give killing them all free. Everyone when all we can do a moral or no free. The reason I did this was because I know how much pain the higher price your causing working people. What I also know is there You are going to have to give gifts this year. So, if you think, a head and you can get a free book with a purchase of killers- you I may be four or five or the right. You stop them. And for christmas for birthdays: if somebody does your kindness, you have it at a very, very
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So this is a war and economic war. These people, these by this bind administration and some of the states as well the cutting working people. They're making it almost impossible to be solvent so to fight you ve gotta, be where's arts out smart down and so I bill rally dot com. If you, by killing the killers forefathers, they will give you a free book, killing them off. If you buy for five, you get ten books, that gives your gifts for the rest of the year in a lot of circumstance. Ok, I thank you very much for washing and listening. Remember. Our radio broadcasts is all over the place. Now then windows we'll be back tomorrow-
Transcript generated on 2023-01-12.