« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

Special Prosecutor's Warning Letter to Trump, Ted Cruz on the Biden Family, Kate's Law, Whistleblower Testimony, Merrick Garland Lawsuit, & More

2023-07-19 | 🔗

Hey BillOReilly.com Premium and Concierge Members, welcome to the No Spin News for Wednesday, July 19, 2023. Stand Up for Your Country. Tonight's rundown: 

  • Talking Points Memo: Bill delves into Jack Smith's letter to Donald Trump.
  • Sen. Ted Cruz joins the No Spin News, where he talks about the 2024 campaign, the Biden Family investigation, and the new push for Kate's Law.
  • The latest on the IRS whistleblowers testifying before the House Oversight Committee.
  • Why is Merrick Garland being sued over Hunter Biden?
  • This Day in History: Don't Ask, Don't Tell
  • Final Thought: Passivity

In Case You Missed It:

  • Read Bill's latest column, "Twilight in the Politics Zone."
  • It's the 'Summer Reading Special!' 'Killing the Killers,' Killing the Legends,' and 'Killing Crazy Horse' all for $32.95. We'll also give you a FREE 'Team Normal' hat.
  • Bill takes your questions live Monday, July 24th on BillOReilly.com. The Biden Family Investigation is a Premium & Concierge Member exclusive town hall. Sign up today!

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Oh here, the new cycle can be overwhelming. As you know, bill o'reilly dot com is here to make sure you don't miss anything. as a loyal listener of the no spin news audio. We are offering you a way of listening to it completely ad free You can sign up to become a bill, o'reilly dot com premium. Member today and access all the great audio content we have, including the iraqi update and much more without commercials print cause you urge members also get exclusive access to special video programming we'll even send you a free copy of my new bestselling book, killing the legends so come a bill riley dotcom premium member today and enjoy listening to my podcast ad free. Please don't We learn more sign up today. It below riley dotcom, slash ad free that's go o reilly, dotcom, slash, ad free,
the o'reilly. Welcome to the no spin news for Wednesday July. Nineteen two thousand twenty three stand up for your country, while newsday not good for america nothing good about this, but it is an incredible news that you, norman simple man, I'm gonna break there's down so. Jamie rascal can understand it congressmen from democratic arms from four I'm gonna break down the trump few
Your indictment about the election january six, I'm going to break down the whistleblower, testimony against the Biden, family and Joseph justice department and then we're going to have ted cruz sen, ted cruz here to chat with us, and that is, subject of this evening's talking points memo in yet another legal action against donald trump search. Council smith the letter that happened on Sunday July? Sixteen same basically look we're charge you with conspiracy to commit offences defraud the usa deprivation, of rights under color of law- and nobody knows what that is, cutting me tampering with a witness or and informed all centred around the two thousand twenty election in january. Six I myself! So what is this deprivation of rights under the cover of color of law? It's a crime! four percent acting under the color.
Any law, it's not about skin color, to wilfully, deprive a person of a right of privilege protected by the constitution. What smith is trying to do is say that trump interfered with a legitimate vote. And by doing so deprived you and me about rights because we voted. This is like in all the radical in the extreme. Ok, that's what it is. It's the same thing is that tromp is charged in manhattan for a federal crime that the far left this, the attorney. Alvin brag won't even tell the press or the public what the crime is he stores and done that is I get trump get tromp get. Everybody knows that. But nobody. You doesn't know that, where the allied trump hate you know the federal.
apparatus is trying to get him. Take him off the board. Ok, So then we advance. The media, which rhymes all of the anti tromp action. All right, and then the concern media, that defends truck robotic I just think you know it's about time. I mean Other cases are important cases, but young the porn star stuff by is failing one, hardly anybody else stall. Some documents does no proven seldom to north korea, but here was the cheerleader for insurrection any still Walk around get speeches act like everything, just fine that is an offence to the mayor well, I guess under abiden administration by america. You expect this. If you noticed recently, president trumpet, when the poles and was actually surpassing president vying for re election
what do they do now weapon eyes government to go after their number one opponent. Ok, there up now, there's a bad look for me. And I'm gonna break it down. After I, interview centre. Crews saw again everybody understands which really in play here. Because most people don't understand it's very deep and was happening here. You use of the law are right to destroy a human being. Now, that's essentially what's happening here and on abiden fraud. Now there are so many cracks. In the by the administration, because of these whistleblowers coming forward
the unbelievable fact that twenty million dollars at least flowed into the Biden family. That's document an hundred dinars charged with two misdemeanours, that's insane. So it is a bad look. On every aspect for this country, everybody around the world is watching this particularly putin, and she. and its suppressing. It's depressing for me, because you know I grew up. Thinking in all the united states was equal justice for all, and it's not it's added. Whoever has power, they are going to have a cudgel, a beat people to death who they don't like. Okay, summing up I wrote a message of the day: who's gonna go down, first Biden or trop. That's the race right now.
Ok and that's a memo. My brother in law died suddenly and now my sister and our kids have to sell their home. That's why I told my husband: we could not put off getting life insurance any longer and aid, and offered us a ten year, five hundred thousand dollar policy for nearly fifty dollars a month. Then we called select quote so quote found us identical coverage for only nineteen dollars a month as savings of three hundred and sixty nine dollars a year. Whether you need a five hundred thousand dollar policy or of five million dollar policy. Select quote, could save you more than fifty percent on term life insurance for your free quote: go to select quota, so led quote dot com that so, like quote, dot com select, quote we shop you save full details. Unexampled policies at select quote dotcom, slash commercials. bringing senator crew DC taxes. You know you know, crews, even if you
I recognize from behind the beard- and I ran into him a couple of months ago in washington and he was attending the best friends foundation dinner, where I was a speaker and on santa cruz. Didn't have to do that. Get there were a couple of politicians there and the best friends foundation helps inner city black kids, you know, kids, who are disadvantaged, don't have a father. Whatever some mentoring organization, I've been with For years- and you know me- I I mean I'm- I vet these people, so I grabbed a cruise and we chatted for a little bit, but I'm I'm very pleased that he's on a program tonight. So let's go to to the trump situation. You see this. About this color of law thing I'm paying out. What is this. well. Sadly, bail you're, right, it's completely unsurprising and in what we ve seen
over the last two and a half years, the bided administration. We have seen an almost complete and total weapon, asean and politicization of the department of justice. the fbi, the machineries of law of law enforcement. The last book I rode is entitled justice corrupted how the left his weapon eyes our legal system and walks through how starting with Barack obama, The machinery of justice began directed at the opponents of the obama. Why or whether it was the irs targeting conservatives or. The fbi or the department of justice going after those who were political opponents it and traces how, when Donald trump became president many of those hard core party and burrowed in career positions, at the department of justice and throughout the federal government and for the four if trump was president, they waged war against donald trump, wanted to bring down the democratically elected president united states. Now
Biden as president they around open. They are brazen jack smith, someone who sadly, has been involved in partisan prosecutions before jack smith was involved in the prosecution, bob Mcdonnell that got the governor of Virginia republican governor was a credible presidential candidate. Deal J went after him, they prosecuted him, they convicted him, and the case to the: u s supreme court, the? U s Supreme court reversed the convoy nine did nothing every justice and ours, and undoubtedly baseless governor migdol, while accepting gifts from certain people, it's what they do with the supreme court now you're in the Senate do end of your democratic colleagues. Were they agree privately, that this is what is taking place.
Sadly, they wouldn't none of them one of the real economy. That is, I think, it's not a one of them real. What one of the sad consequences of the age of trump isn't. It broke the democrat party that they hate donald trump, so much that one of the thing it's done as its eliminated moderate democrats. When I arrived in the senate, twenty thirteen there such a thing as moderate democrats. Today, there fury and rage of trumpets, driven them to the far left. So you were too in just a minute ago about the irish whistleblowers multiple long time career irs employees risk their entire careers to come forward and say what theirs paying with this hunter bide investigation is corrupt, that it's a political cover up and Dave alleged is the attorney general of the united states. Merrick garland has committed multiple fellow is that he lied under oath to congress in response to questioning
may before the senate, judiciary committee and then committed. Obstruction of justice and the amazing thing bill. Not a single senate Democrat has as any interest in law, earning whether or not the attorney general's committed, multiple validate things being as they are wearing eighteen jersey, Do you believe that garland will be impeached in the house? I great and I think that will happen in later. early october, but of course he's not gonna be convicted in, senate, however, would be damaging garland who's, not a strong man. I point out- and I want to do this after you- leave us that bill bar was involved- is a republican and Eric holder. the three attorney generals who started in two thousand fourteen with honour by all three look, the other way and in garlands case he facilitated slow, walk and helped the Biden family, but bar the republic
You know I always had a look. The other way do you agree with that. I look there's no doubt that bar should have been much more vigorous and going after this. If you look at the press repeats all the time you know David, why the? U s attorney is whose bringing this investigation is a quote trump appointed? U s! every to sack other here that right that that's technically true, but the way works in the senate? For a? U s. Attorney he's the: u s attorney from delaware. He cannot yet norman aid unless both senator from aware sign off their two democrat senators from delaware, tom carper and Chris. We remain as a practical matter. David Weiss was chosen by the two democrat senators and clear, the state of delaware, Joe Biden is the godfather, so to speak, of em Democrat, and so I look I got
Say the allegations are really significant that the way this investigation was conducted, the department of justice is number. One objective was to protect Joe Biden that so that the investigators were forbidden, from asking about the things actually not money going to Joe Biden go quite sure that I'd hunter was set up, was as the fall guy and patsy isn't Well, hotter took the money and so to Jim and weary Jim Jim now one more question about politics and I will get onto the abiding situation. You ran against tromp in sixteen and now terms where nepal, dissenters was thought to be a competitor by dissent is not no off to a good start, primarily because he doesn't it's really difficult. As you know you went through it, I mean to switch from a state or so or the house into this massive national campaign and governance,
is not particularly charismatic individual up against you now that probably most charismatic president, whether you like it or not, trump, we ve ever had in your view, right now will trump get this nomination. You know I don't know, I I think we have right now. Basically, a two man race on the republican side, and I gotta say six months ago. The conventional wisdom was that trump was a dead man, walking that he couldn't possibly win. I thought that Wildly overstated six months ago, right now Today, in the conventional wisdom is the trumpets unbeatable and it's a coordination and the races over. I think that's, stated as well. I think we're gonna have a real primary. I am good friends with president There is no one, it was a stronger ally of his when he was pressed Then I was in the united states Senate. and I am also good friends with rhonda scientists. I think he's done. A terrific job is gone.
or of florida, and I think we'll have a real race. I'm staying. The primary. I am switzerland on this, ever wins the nomination. I will enthusiastically support because I think, agenda were saying from Joe Biden and the Democrats has been disastrous for the country wesley. You gotta know how to yodel you do you know how to yodel that yeah, sadly bill. I'm gonna make a terrible admission. I actually played max and the sound of music in high school and I yodel onstage and no, I will not do it for you and your show today are one of the most overlooked things in this Biden situation and I came up again today. I know I don't know whether you follow me or what I'm doing here in our independent news agency, which is both a combination of radio and television. So we have a big reach. is that Matthew graves district, the? U s attorney in washington and
Estrada martin estrada in LOS angeles, central california, we're both ass by wise in delaware to help The reason was that hunter I receive money physically received it in both these sea and california. Both graves and estrada said no we're not Open you, marry garland could have ordered them to help does not want correct, absolutely correct. did you know- and we brought the story two weeks ago- that Matthew graves is wife. Fatima Rates has visited the Biden, white house twenty eight times same ass, the present was elected. Did you know that that fact I did not know?
I have followed this story very closely, but then his life has been visited. A white house. I didn't know that we broke. There is no reason why that woman, who is a left wing activist, she has a left wing group to have twenty eight visits in the white house. Now you take that fact, and now I'm speculating that Fatima graves was intermediaries, going back. Fourth between the justice department, member math, graves America merrick work in the same building. Carrying method. Is, and what out, because you can't In writing. They'll be subpoenaed, can't do it on a phone because, through all taped, although concertina ass, what I think is going on here. So look. I have no idea what communications were happening with grapes, his wife. What I can tell you is that that that Matthew, grave was was a donor to Joe Biden that a straw
in california, was a donor to kamala harris and that merrick garland in response to questioning from me was told told congress under oath that that David, wise and the prosecution, what had everything it needed? with no political interference and end when grew it was then at an estrada said no to prosecuting hunter. Those words serious violations, those were the violations that carried real jail time and they're, saying no. What it meant is that even A hundred bided committed multiple felonies. He got a slap on the wrist and zero jail top right. It's almost unprecedented that to you journeys were to turn down another. U s. Attorney was asking for help I've never that before, but anyway, on a cage law. Joel lie first, two thousand fifteen thirty two year old age. Finally, walkin we're dad in the embarcadero district of san francisco shot dead,
by an illegal criminal, jose Zora. Ten zero take subsequently put on trial He the jury, do a rule that it was an accident. You drop d, gone blabber black raw data, deported five times. He was a drug dealer. He had multiple arrests in this country and I put forth that this should be case law where, if you are deported after a commission of a crime in the united states, and you come back, that's a crime in itself. Will you Five years made a moment in a federal penitentiary, now that law picked up a lot of because I was doing the really factor and you were involved with it, and I got filibustered in the senate, because Mitch Mcconnell wouldn't put it as a stand alone bill he attached it to something
how's that he knew wasn't gonna get by the Democrats and it died. But now your back correct, you re, introducing it! Yes hell, no less nice, yet let me let me start by by saying thank you for your passionate advocacy of case law, because you have had a big and loud megaphone advocating for it. This is a com sense provision. It says that people who aggravated felons who repeatedly enter the country illegally. Face a mandatory minimum prison sentence and ended something I've authored, kate's law in the senate. I've repeatedly for state vote on the second floor on cates laud. Sadly, every time we vote on it every single democrat votes. Now it's a straw, Party line vote, you know, I've had the opportunity to visit with kate stylist lay her beautiful family. Her father cake died
her fathers, arms and and our last words to work or dad we're were daddy, help me You know I gotta say as a father, I cannot imagine a greater agony then losing your child and feeling helpless to save your child's life and an end. It is indefensible that the Democrats continue to to block this comments. It's law, overwhelming majority. The american people support cakes law, locking violent criminals are repeatedly enter the country illegally, and yet today's democrat party is so extreme. A side with the criminals over innocent american citizens. Now. Do you have any estimate when they vote or come up or when you reconcile with the house, because I know it's in the house to the process here at look where we're going ten, you pressing and using the vehicles that are available to press for a vote. I hope we will get a vote. We ve gotten a vote twice previously before
We're using a lot of the senate. Getting a vote is opportunistic. You've you ve got to find a vehicle, that's moving. We have an opportunity to press forward, but but I believe will fall. Another vote and then the democratic and have to decide where they are. I will say one dynamic that is different, which is the last We voted on it. We had not had two and a half years of open borders. Under Joe Biden we hadn't had the worst illegally racial or our nations history. Seven million people have crossed illegally under Joe Biden we hadn't had last year. Eight hundred and fifty three migrants died crossing in legally and others. Country, we hadn't had hundreds of thousands or even millions of children physically and sexually, altered by human traffickers. We hadn't had hundreds of thousands reed millions of women brutalized by human traffickers. We hadn't had what we had last year. More than a hundred thousand drug overdose is the highest in history, seventy percent of which came from
And he spent no crossing our southern border and I will say the context is different, but when, when we get a vote, it's going to come down to Senate Democrats, their their constituents support kate's law and they're going to have to decide do they for the safety and security of families in their states. or is partisan politics their top priority. You know you got to embarrass him and then, if the in the two thousand and four election of republicans get the white house and the senate and keep the house, then you'll get it passed. Can't. Thank you enough. Senators good to see you thank you and check out that check out that fatima grave story, because that's what I will do that yeah I mean she needs to calm in front of a congressional committee and testify what the deuce she was doing in there. While her husband was up.
it was neck in trying to protect hunter, but thanks again saturday will see soon. I hope thank you bill. This podcast is sponsored by talkspace. You know when you're really stressed, or not feeling so great about your life or about yourself talking to someone who understands can really help, but who. that person, how do you find them? Where do you even start talks base Alex base makes it easy to get the support. You need witty space. You can go online answer a few questions about your preferences and be matched with a therapist and because you'll meet you therapist online. You don't have to take time off. Work arranged childcare. You on your schedule whenever you feel most at ease, if you're depressed stressed struggling with a relationship or If you want some counselling for you in your partner or did a little extra one on one support taxpayers. is here for you plus. Space works with most major insurers and most insured members only pay twenty five dollar co pay or less no insurance, no problem now
eighty dollars off of your first month when you gotta talks based outcome match with a licence. Thereupon, today, at talks based on com tax base, dot com? Okay, I'd scheduled today. Nothing you only got a couple of meetings that mean nothing to anybody and that's what the president that okay, so let me, let me just give you this whistle blower thing I got stuff, all over the place. You here is the overview view and it's always good to watch and listen to the no spin news of pennant paper, beginning in two thousand fourteen kate, that Barack obama presence Joe Biden. Vice Versa, hunter Biden and Joe Biden hatched a scheme to get money from foreign operations for being considered
romania, ukraine, china, with the three big once it has been established. Now By the house, investigators at least twenty million dollars. flowed in to the binding family huh. Biden did not put that on his tax return. Twenty million. Now I don't know what his cut was and Jim. It seems to have skated on this. I don't know any of that. Kate has not been established yet that is a huge number, so Eric holder, the attorney general under Barack obama- no interest in a set. Of course he would. It just ignored it, iris contempt on his door. No, no, no, no! Blame a lonely! Maloney love our trump when sixty bar comes in after
if the senator from alabama gets booted and then bars their bars supposed to be a tough guy, he ignores this totally ignores it. In fact is on record as saying I think this investigation is go really well thought it was impossible, believe it but bars swamp creature. Here's where he lives in These eight, then it accelerates under mirror garlon, because the evidence- comes more and more more overwhelming twenty million dollars. Any you charge him with two misdemeanours. And your? U s. Attorney in Delaware can't get the cooperation of other. U s attorneys where money was received insane. So today I m gonna play three sound: bites It is from a new whistle blower guy named Joe Ziegler, former iris agent big position. I would like to make clear that the charging doc
meant for the district, the delaware hunter bind was charged with failure to timely pay, his taxes for twenty seventeen and eighteen in excess of hundred thousand dollars for each structure on hundreds, twenty seventeen and eighteen tax returns hunter reported taxes. Oda, proximately. Five hundred eighty one thousand six hundred twenty thousand respectfully This tax amount in two thousand a team would not have it who did the alleged additional doing owing from the file false return of a. Six thousand dollars. Thus I read the public public documents, as the department of justice against hunter Biden, there's nothing that indicates how turbine will be what are to amend his false tax return for twenty eighty, false, actually turn that includes proper deductions, improper deductions for prostitutes, sex clubs and its charm and is a dot children's tuition,
can perhaps on the plea agreement is released. It may provide us with a greater understanding. Ok, there's no doubt. but he did it hunter by did it and he's a solitary charged, big, big time, phony charged? No doubt miracle and protected. That, if you at home, are debating or and people say, that's not true. You gonna walk away. People believe what they want to believe. We all know that facts or fax, is a second soundbites by sea it appeared to me based on what I experienced at the: u s attorney in delaware, in our negation was costly, hamstrung, limit in marginalized by d, o j officials, as well as they're. U s attorneys there Ok anywhere again, that's true. The other was a blog. Is gary shakily unease, another ira's guy? Here's what you said today. Prosecutors instructed investigators not to ask about the big guy or dad when conducting interviews.
The bind transistor team was tipped off about interviews and night before the investigation went over a fact. My fbi counterpart firm to this committee in recent testimony. Where the result was that only one witness spoke to investigators that day These are just some of the examples of how our investigation was stymied. Ok, saul All of this is going to lead to things the impeachment of the attorney general. That's gonna happen right in the fall, and maybe Another person emerging to say Joe Biden got money himself because that destroys him. That's the end, a jewel by Not just the accusation, after backup for it, but as I told Saturday today on his radio program, deep, deep suspicion and concern within the democratic party
nor gone being sued by america first, that is a conservative group. Run by stephen miller, jean Hamilton, they are trumpery worse, and the lawsuit says it: just department did not require hunter by new register as a foreign agent when he was getting all his money. Again, as is another brick in the wall. We're not gonna, do the Israel stuff that Netanyahu and bind all that, but it's not germane to today now. Smart life, so I got a letter from a the concierge member in mississippi and always letters confidential. And a woman said she lost fifteen hundred dollars buying airline tickets and you want to know if I can do anything about it.
The story is that she ordered the airline tickets through a website called my flight search dot com kay. And when she got to the airport, the airline said these tickets are invalid, we're not going to honor him do not good here, even though she paid the money. Now, the better business bureau has a one rating out of five on my flight search dot coms, the lowest rating. There have been five hundred complaints. Against this outfit, so it made me sad, but I rode back to the contrary. Memory said: look, you got fleeced. and your girl- and you got you know them. he's got, but there's. Inspiration is still there, my flight search, dot, com and people don't know.
But I dont know why people don't know bachelor kills me, so you ve got to be focused on suspicion. We live in a country in a world in it I'm where millions of people are dishonest and are set up, stuff on the internet and you check it out. You know you gotta check every absurd. If you any body for anything. gotta check it out fifteen hundred bucks for airline tickets and not to mention the trip, goes down a drain with a poor woman. So anyway, don't use a third party to buy anything. Why are there? I take your call airlines or get a travel agent and knew tat one out I'll call dell or get a traveling do not do third parties, smart life.
Is there a history july, nineteen, seventeen, ninety three, president Clinton signs, don't ask, don't tell you all, remember it that before that gaze were not allowed to serve and. legislation they could sir, but they can't talk about being get well. How much this life changed in thirty years. now the military so crazy that There is a movement from the veterans administration to pay for military. People want a trans? Am I don't want to pay for that? Ok vets administration, theirs. For money anyway, I'm paying for somebody was a trans. You want to try As you are your own body to trans, but that's employ now, it hasn't happened. Yet I don't think it's going to happen
There should be a mass of lawsuit, but they want it to happen under the bite administration. Anyway, don't ask don't tell thirty years ago. I will be back with the male segment. And a final thought. Are you a passive person? You're? Not you know there are you passive it would be right back I'll, go to the male. We got Eric a good cell and salisbury north carolina, the result of Jews in twenty election, is not what angers many people I believe the anger is rooted in the vigour in which it was and still is forbidden. We ve questioned the results of the election. What say you, I think you're right so you're deemed alone. If you don't believe the twenty election was legitimate. The left and the media have established that.
However, if you are going to say, as fact that there was fraud in the election, you gotta have some. I can't be from the internet or from giuliani or something like that. You can give an opinion, but I think it was which against data for Paul, a white urban dale, Iowa can't agree with your opinion on governor dissenters, so Reilly, I've attended to is iowa meetings. I believe your support here, and that will grow many iowans who are upset the attacks by president trump on our governor, the iowa polls have trump webbing way up paula and I'm a fact based guy. So it's not about agreeing with me. It's agreeing with the polls. Naf candy santhosh make strides in iowa sure but my job is to report to you what's happening roberta scandal in jail in texas.
I think the white house is the most avail building in america and I find it laughable. There's no evidence showing okay Cain got stashed there. If the white power contain anthrax, they would have found it like it's incompetent and suspicious. But that's the biting fenestration is not incompetent And suspicious tom concierge member Tom dislike the lady in mississippi can write me about any problems and I'm sorry. I couldn't help the lady mississippi, but I can hear most of the time, but he said a magic words. Michelle obama she's the only democratic with universal appeal with islamic claims, not interested
She may issue does want to campaign. She wants a bestowed. That's an excellent letter. Keep your eye on her mary, Jane, the concierge. Remember thinking, Mary Jane. If Michelle obama jumps on the bag, my god, I seriously doubt you will be trap. Barack Obama started this mess by slowly, transforming a country with a lot of flour, words. It said nothing, and so Here in the usa toward socialism. At this point in history, I think obama, michelle obama,. Combined women bout the minority vote tough one, but things can change, but michelle obama is not going to campaign. Remember she and after you start to show up at the convention, they can go We wonder lorraine cause years member, I remember back when Joe Biden was elected and you said the right thing to do is to give a chance Many people do that because he ran Campaign is a moderate.
None of that happen any wound up being the most radical that president ever can we possibly run on this time around as he magda anti truck? That's all. I have, Why does indeed run which I don't think you well that'll, be his whole campaign trumps. It up. David bill. Your update on the continuing chaos with interrupted and cancel flights on jet blue as you wondering just why so many folks to want to fight. Fly that airline, because their normal choice blue goes to markets. Not a lot of competition in some of those markets is they have to fly jet blue. There was a real extensive root system. certainly not by equality casino and our skies arizona bill one of your customer service By the name of asia,.
Was extremely helpful in walking through the renewal process or premium membership can explain in a short visit which she was also I'm glad asia was awesome. Look If you want become a bill orally dotcom premium member, you get a free book, any book you want gluten, killing a witches which is coming up in september, coming too fast, get afraid or the other, giving book or any other my other books, ok and of your cause, Europe, member get a free book and all bunch of other stuff. So I'm glad my people are taking care of you, Eddie del zeal, Bangkok, thailand,. We look forward to reading killing the which is. I was one have any of those who were here
Billy murdered where people of color no, but one of the central forces in the witch trial was a west indian woman name to tuba fascinating, fascinating story, but all the those executed. Twenty were caucasian tiffany compel mesa california on epoch,. six of hugh, be her cousins goes through a bookstore. That's the minnesota, vikings water. Ak asked about finding the killing series by O'Reilly and dugard that was so cool, so qb. I think it's on netflix and zeroes in on the nfl quarterbacks and MR cousins, one of the best of them. Glad he's a good athlete and a scholar reading the killing looks ok, we got bumper sticker,
the lower, don't be a pinhead. I bet you, you know some people you'd like to give their bumpersticker don't be opinions. Is there nothing their team normal? Ok, we give you sick stickers for. Ninety five, and then we have the summer reading programme, which is a colossal success. Killing graves yours, killing the killers killing the legends I didn't I did those three, because it's a good variety, okay and too normal half a thirty two. Ninety five keeping prices down. You have to know that you know that so it's hot stays. I had a comfortable air conditioning and learn and have fun by reading the killing books, where do the day do not be soft. More s, o p, H, m, o r. I see no sophomores in high school college, sophomore.
A great word that is, I final thought coming your way. Are you a passive person? Okay, let's get to the final third of the day, so anti gay drives people nuts, but I have it under control, I'm not a robot raging. You know I'm, but I'm kind of confrontational if something's happening that isn't right, I get involved. That's why I'm doing this, but most human beings are not confrontational or type a's they're passive. Some are passive, aggressive! That's not good! That's the people that stab you in the back and.
Tray, you know positive is read being passive aggressive, which is evil in my opinion and passive. So again, I'm going to go back to the concierge membership. I can a lot of letters from people get hosed because they allowed situations to get out of control. a lot of it's health now tomorrow, I'm not going to be here because I gotta get this dopey thing taking care of this thing here. Alright, I had moes surgery and they get stitches out, and I and all of that so you gotta, take a sick day tomorrow, but I'll be back Monday. I'll write my comments and I'll do what I always do, but if I didn't take, air of this, and it wasn't a big spot, but they had a rooted on added air and instead you said to go when if I had not gone to the dermatologists, I go every three months then over to spread and I could die when you're passive
You have a tendency to let things go because in all. Maybe if I don't do anything right itself that a correct self know, sometimes it's worth overlooking Like the road rage stuff, you know every time I get some idiot who cuts me off gives me the finger when it whatever they do my tendencies alike, but now pass poobah that's best, business people or mean anything in whatever cake. Carmel take care of. What, if it's you in your health and is your kids? Kid gone on a wrong track, or whatever catches, let it go right. You gotta
confronted a buddy in a rational way past the people in this day and age. Very, very difficult lives is not what it used to be here in america. Gotta protect yourself and to do that, you have to be not crazy, confrontational, but enough is enough is a lie, don't cross. It. Are you going to prom with me and then, if they do cross it and your concierge member, you write to me and I'll tell you how to confront them. Don't do it yourself, because you make a mistake: okay, but anyway, passivity not in today's age. Thank you for watching and listening to the no spin news. I think we gave you a lot of solid information today. We'll see you again on Monday.
Transcript generated on 2023-07-24.