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Shock and Awe: Liberalism in America

2023-10-09 | 🔗

Bill lays out the evolution of liberalism with Rolling Stone Magazine founder Jann Wenner.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hi there on doktor John white, whether these chief medical officer and host of the health discover podcast, where we bring you fascinating stories and unique perspectives. Like our research episode on how heart failure can particularly affect women and black and communities. We ve documented it Time and time again she was young. She was black sheep woman, no one expected her to look like the face of heart failure. When you don't look like what someone expects. That's gonna lead to delays. Diagnosis. We all have to take this consolation of symptoms treated the same each and every time, whether to young person, a black person. A woman of someone presents to me with my heart re, seeing and feeling. When did. I need to get an echo Are you grant a hundred percent at the time, regardless? Listen to health discovered on the eye, radio up or wherever you get? Your pot casts.
Imagine having access to win signs that were once reserved only for the president of the united states, introducing the president's daily brief with MIKE baker. Every day c I a veteran mike bakeries europe. Snow intelligence officer, your key to understanding globally. Events like never before without world changing rapidly you shouldn't be left in the dark, get briefed stay ahead. New episodes every morning tune in to the president's daily brief with mike bait. and tonight we're gonna talk about liberalism in america. It's really change alive goes in cycles as conservatives, no because the right goes in cycles to But we have, I think, a very interesting presentation, because we have a guy. who is in the middle of it. Who started me Liberalism in the media guy named yon. When are you might know,
name, rolling, stone, magazine, gonna, look out and it's a good book. I read, it will to him in a moment, but liberalism really took off in america. Innovative ideas, sixties. currently with the vietnam war before then, it was a concept, adelaide stevenson and but America is a traditional society. As I wrote in my book, killing the legends Elvis presley, the first one to blow up the conformity and ushered in rock rebellion, but you can always the twisted hullo open out. We were kind of an innocent marginalized. back in the early sixties, despite Elvis, but in the main, sixty with the arrival of the beatles and John lennon again that that's featured in killing the legends sex drugs right? and roll came in associated with liberal fought, there were intertwine now
politically. Liberalism today is dominating the united states of america, because Joe Biden is a progressive. He governs from the far left, he told everybody wasn't going to do that, but he is, and that has gotten him into some trouble. Ah, I'm not analysis is confirmed by the economy, primarily, however, getting where we are is a fascinating voyage and that's what we want to explore tonight so well bit about jan winter, he was born in new york, educated in California, berkeley university of California berkeley a borrowed. Seventy five one hundred dollars from his family to start rolling stone magazine, and The first edition came out in nineteen sixty seven, but it wasn't sixty eight that rolling stone exploded with a cover.
John lennon and yoko Ono naked across the world, and that was the signature driver of rolling stock and it became quickly the bible in emu. The industry, and it was parallel with politics. You may remember hunter thompson, writing about richard nixon things of classic stuff and rolling stone at its height had a circulation of one and a half It's now down about four hundred thousand, but every single print publication in the age of the internet is in decline rolling stone has a robust internet presence. so what do I asked, MR winter to come on? He is the author, as I mention of like a rolling stone, it was released in september. It is a best seller and I did
walk and for me to read a book that runs about five hundred pages. Is you know it helped my interest, so you know, and mister winter joins us now from new york city. Is that where you are in new york, I am glad okay. The interest that law nodded. I miss anything that you want to get an errand elite. No, I guess all good, but at the important thing is that the book is readable. Enjoyable. like that, you you're not a united anybody over the head with ideology in a book, it's more reminiscent of.
People you knew and you knew everybody in Iraq and I haven't. I have the I make a strong case for the political mission of rolling stone and of the times and of the generation and going back to what you started with. I think there's two things I think liberalism by the way began with roosevelt and the responses of depression and all that- and I think that was the beginning of liberalism. What we see today in Biden is a is a renewal of that no level of kind of government interference, government taking over things and run things for the benefit of a broad people through people, but for the purposes of what your time at the sixties, I think you're right something
If the thing happened there, and I think that it became very, very liberal- and I think was the confluence of the baby boom, which became the single largest population cohort in american history, the wealthiest because of the largest of all the profitability after war, the war and the best educated, because america invested in a huge education system for the court. But by the time the baby boom started to come of age and go to college, you mean it and it's adulthood. It started discovering things that weren't what they expected. For instance, we were told it was a suicide, the person america's life liberty and the pursuit of happiness well, sooner or later quickly, very quick discovered that there was racism. It was
and you know throughout the south it wasn't all. There is no equality of that type of problem. Then I got the war in vietnam, but why is it tat? I was a kid, but I want to step stare at the the difference now in liberalism. Then the mid sixties, where you guys were rolling stalwart, conaway setting the agenda. What is it what's the difference between then and now in the liberal precincts? Well, I don't think that's all together that different. I think that the issues of the
same there's. This question of youth vs old elders, which is always a sunday. It goes on, it's always a dynamic that goes on the generational dynamic. I think that it is contrast to the war in vietnam. Today's young people are very concerned about the environment and the potential. For you know social civilized colts civilizations. To collapse I mean for in all the ugliness would go into that. You know
His livery starts to become more limited and we say take two for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. You could show off your skin again, and you know what that means each day as a tick to inhibitor said. Ticket two is the only once daily pill of it's kind for adults with moderate to severe plaque. Psoriasis. Ask your dermatologist about cintiq to today and learn more at so clearly you dot com. That's so clearly you dot com started to do Kravis. Fitness is a prescription treatment for adults, with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, who may benefit from systemic therapy or phototherapy, don't take if you're allergic. To so take two serious reactions can occur before treatment. Get checked for infections, including tuberculosis, so take two can lower your ability to fight infections. Don't start if you have one serious infections: cancers, including lymphoma muscle problems and changes in certain labs, have occurred. Tell you that
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I take two from moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. You could show off your skin again and you know what that means each day as a tick to inhibitor said. Take two is the only once daily pill of it's kind for adults with moderate to severe plaque. Psoriasis. Ask your dermatologist about so take to today and learn more at so clearly you dotcom. That's so clearly you dot com started to do crafts. Fitness is a prescription treatment for adults, with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, who may benefit from systemic therapy or phototherapy, don't take if you're allergic to tiptoe serious reactions can occur before treatment. Get checked for infections, including tuberculosis, so take two can lower your ability to fight infections. Don't start if you have one serious infections: cancers, including lymphoma muscle problems and changes in certain labs, have occurred. Tell you
If you have a history of these events or if you have an infection or symptoms like fever, sweats chills, muscle aches or cough, or if you have history of hepatitis b or c liver or kidney problems, high triglycerides or had a vaccine or plan to so take two inhibits take two which is part of the jack family people. Fifty and older, with heart disease risk factors who use a Jak inhibitor are at increased risk for certain side effects, sometimes fatal. It's unknown. If so, take two has the same risks as Jak inhibitors called Eighty eight eight s o t. Why can t you to learn more? I think they're still was this ideal is wanting to do This is maybe there's a little more realistic about this today mean. But what about the socialism, though? The progressive left is heavy into socialism. They want the government to control the economy, what redistribution of income they want. Woe tendencies of hugh deviate from woke. You can't go to you now. You can't give his speech its total, a chariot. Isn't that wasn't in play so much? Yes,
cs and all that they were cookie in the sixties and trying to bring in this very heavy dose of totalitarianism. Without wish you sit there, The very word I d, you think I was asked to do you think it's ours lay workaday where we could about all you gotta do all you gotta do is go to any college campuses, see the fear of saying something. That's against the liberal orthodoxy. You I wouldn't how I dont know era, and there were robust debates that line over the piglet
with woke as if what you're telling me, I think, like everything, something can go too far. There's a kernel of it, there's a core of it. It's justifiable and right, which has to respect for other people and as to without slurring people that categorize myself. But it goes too far to a kind of ridiculous extent, and then that gets mock and it and it'll go back to what it's meant to be. But you mentioned it that socialism, taking up the governance of, I think that people are interest it's seen, a more equitable distribution of wealth. That is wrong for some people, the control or have a billion dollars, two billion us. And what can you do with that kind of money? You know The first is that what I cap and bring this back, I suck amber some people are niger is founded. None listen, there's someone in an occasional grows bell as reagan teddy Roosevelt.
You later, your well regulate capitalism. Some capitalism plays to some pretty bad base. Instance among people, including to shear red, and what we are asking for is not that they could be in central capitalism the freedom to do what you want any area make lots of. My also nobody's. Try take that away. It's a great it works, but it also these two excesses, like everything, taxes of wealth with the real world you're than waving a power of of who defines access to a central government that is woefully inadequate entirely
having no no luck, they will you. Let me give you one example of this: rolling stone over the years has been very, very adamant that poor americans should get alike up. Would you re without your help? Get the data on poverty? Is that it stems from two things in the african american community now today, not by the civil war, the dissolution of the family number one and drug addiction and substance abuse number. So you're gonna be poor if you're a drug or attic or alcoholic and is likely you're gonna be poor. If you don't have a responsible, father and mother in the whole, raising you the It does not want to deal with that at all. It wants to be
They always central lives the power to give enough work to give things to people who don't have them in capitalism weight in capitalism. Sometimes it's the fault of the people who are poor. Its their own fault. Go ahead! Well, respectfully! I I don't know what does if you're looking at and there's a lot of dispute about the those those kinds of things, but beneath amazon. Has anyone ever get on american family meetings, single? Seventy one percent me. Let me say overall, even if People are drug abusers or their fit come from broken arm desist, make them not eligible for the charity and the goodness of our society you're. The most down loudon, among others,
would they be getting, but so be it so help them help him. Even you think, especially people can't help themselves. Does it mean that poor people are always the brow? of the republican concern policies, whatever one they are weathers, but cosmetic medical care with access to medical care was the cost of insulin. All these things, where this denial all climate, the I find a party, republican pike, because her ended. So I'm not a report. Now Not right now. That's your pocketbook my party, let me just say this about their so unchristian in your basic approach, mankind size. Is it not? the ones who are creating policy in congress once I'm talking about
ones out. There knows churches, but in contrast to that, what I find, wherever you wanna say about socialism or other kind of words in a democratic policy, I signed them, the charitable forgiving, generous and humane, and That's what I like. I run swearing where love them is ray. I did my ok. Let's take san francisco town, you know very well. That's where rolling stone magazine started. That town has been destroyed by progressive policies, because there are so many drug addicted people now on the streets, whatever they want to do that. Just now. There now all because that is what I have just left just held last week when you're lying there is a whole number. There is an extraordinary number of homes. People walking around there like unpleasant this gun, that can blow, but there's a reason why
another reason they give drug attics muddy, regarding your go in their cars, are given new money with no strings attached here. Well, there's money so crap out in the street, take you're drugs and do whatever you want we're not going to bother you I don't, and I don't think it's quite that I don't think. That's quite simple. I don't think I I didn't see any example of anarchy on the streets. While I saw this it's unpleasant to walk around some neighborhoods. Is it dangerous know the idea of giving people were drug addicted or are in need of hungry shelter and some level of Imagine some level common. I envisage noble and what is it? I know it hasn't it. Really any anarchy and serves the scope. Yeah. I know you did you ever raising Peter
we have indeed already light- is the most beautiful city in the country, and I can't get out fast enough. But what is compassion? It bowed allowing a person to destroy him her herself and infringing on the rights of all of Who live in San francisco? What do I do? I don't about that? I don't feel that drug addiction is infringing on my there live your life, your rice, jan counterfeiting and street? I don't like it, you do something about, but that doesn't just you know something about you. What did they do, but that's not it that's money systematic problem run your most of our stoop supply clean, nobody's deposition. My still, but I live here ever new york is ever now a dangerous place in the subway, particularly now. Ok, bill. I like your wild now, don't they running, and I remember that giuliani years you were here
We so take two for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. You could show off your skin again and you know what that means each day as a tick to inhibitor, so ticket two is the only once daily pill of it's kind for adults with moderate to severe plaque. Psoriasis. Ask your dermatologist about so take two today and learn more at so clearly you dot com that so clearly you dot com started to do crafts. Fitness is a prescription treatment for adults, with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, who may benefit from systemic therapy or phototherapy, don't take if you're allergic. To so take two serious reactions can occur before treatment, get checked for infections, including tuberculosis, so ticked you can lower your ability to fight infections. Don't start if you have one serious infections: cancers, including lymphoma muscle problems and changes in certain labs- have occurred. You
after, if you have a history of these events or if you have an infection or symptoms like fever, sweats chills, muscle aches or cough or if you have history of hepatitis b or c liver or kidney problems, high triglycerides or had a vaccine or plan to so take two inhibits take two which is part of the jack family, people. Fifty and older, with heart disease risk factors who use a Jak inhibitor are at increased risk for certain side effects, sometimes fatal. It's unknown. If so, take two has the same risks as Jak inhibitors called aid aid aid. As so t. Why can t you to learn more
I take two from moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. You could show off your skin again and you know what that means each day as a tick to inhibitor. So take two is the only once daily pill of it's kind for adults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. Ask your dermatologist about so take two today and learn more at so clearly you dot com that so clearly ew dot com started to do crafts. Fitness is a prescription treatment for adults, with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, who may benefit from systemic therapy or phototherapy, don't take if you're allergic to so tiptoe. Serious reactions can occur before treatment. Get checked for infections, including tuberculosis, so take two can lower your ability to fight infections. Don't start if you have one serious infections: cancers, including lymphoma muscle problems and changes in certain labs, have occurred
after if you have a history of these events or if you have an infection or symptoms like fever, sweats chills, muscle aches or cough, or if you have history of hepatitis b or c liver or kidney problems, high triglycerides or had a vaccine or plan to so take two inhibits take two which is part of the jack family people. Fifty and older, with heart disease risk factors who use a Jak inhibitor, are at increased risk for certain side effects, sometimes fatal. It's unknown. If so, take two has the same risks as Jak inhibitors called Eighty eight s, o t. Why can t you to learn more? You remember the difference in quality of life and public safety twin juilliard, eight years and now you know. It is worth among the great years into the city, it remains to be one. This is the I believe, the safest big of the big twenty cities in the country. This thing about anarchy in the streets is like man, it's like this trump steve, Bannon kind of formulation. That's just not just not
True, nobody wins the last time you saw anarchy in the streets. I've never seen it and anarchy in the streets baby caused by the white supremacist protests in charlottesville or whatever That's the extended and agreement on the capital. On january sick. I had seen the other air and I live. If view of the perception of danger and the actual danger in new york city by every crime measure is way way up it's a lot different now than it was under Giuliani Bloomberg, and you know it so, the more progressive this city leadership has gotten. The quality of life goes down. I got another thing I want to one of the fast getting things about your book there. You know all these people, you know them. They currying favour with you, because you are the puma.
cover. The rolling stone doktor looked, saw gotta get on rolling stone. They, like my record, it so you know you ve been reading. Only so very I admit it right here. You grubbing reliefs, Iowa! red rolling. Somebody gives one hundred and Thompson was a genius and I loved reading what he said, but you the mistake that rolling stone made and still makes is that you glorified drug use, and I have a list of all the people that you know that died from drugs, and I'm just wondering in hindsight was it a mistake to glorify the drugs? The way rolling stone did well for drugs? Is his big general term is a lot of genuine jugs. The pot which we believe in always said, is essentially harmless and enjoy it and take it
and the one plot is useless at putting innocent people in jail, particularly black people do not, and and the difference between that and drug and like cocaine or heroin. We didn't advocate for the use of heroin and cocaine and that's what caused these overdoses of the selected people in order to do you, a big cocaine, guys come on you added in your book. I admitted the book. Yes dad. I say in the book. Also. I regret it. I don't recommend anybody and why you re growing a lot of us, but people, Lou, overdose and dived were primarily dying because it s not because kay or wherever they bear. You know why we demand a gig. Why do you regret? The cocaine is its six b. It elderly ends up being speed and speak just a bad drug for people. You know they do you know why? Because about it? Does the mental brought If you don't think enough, you know you're babbling, all the time it is just as corrupt as corrosive drug pot and lsd.
like enhancement of your life but would have been wouldn't have, better for rolling stone to take a hard line against the harder drugs methamphetamine heroin, cocaine, better, because you guys open that gate You made it ok, Ok, I didn't make it ok for methamphetamine or heroin, ok, rotten, rational did tender, both these cocaine and now an arrow John Lennon was arrow and attic. He did he that does it mean he's out promoting heroin, because I'm a little boy, I know guys a lotta people have been heroin addicts, but I mean I just don't: drug use and Rock'N'Roll came hand in hand right. That's true, like jazz came, you know, came in promoted, pot and and and and and all the other kind of drugs and just part of that produces. I was it,
will be promoted, I dont think and in certain ah sir neighbours in certain cases it made it look like animals Lamoureux sites right. our target. Is he a dream, a drug The blunder thomas wait one hundred times it was a genius okay. If you he is right. many blowers brains out? Ok and ongoing, submit to you that part of it was because of the inebriated factor and what I'm, what
I was reading your book. You always looked fondly back on those days in the late sixties and seventies when everybody was running around doing this stuff at the parties studio. Fifty four now, I'm I'm a different cat is Dennis Miller would say, I've never taken a drug in my life, I have no interest in intoxication on a level is not too late for you to throw your life away know. I would never do that because I'd be in a penitentiary and there would be bail for me alright if they make an exception for me, and I get they wouldn't okay to look, and I think that liberalism has changed dramatically in this country and that the fringe progressive, far left controlling it.
now. What do you say? I say that the stakes right now in our society are higher than they have ever been retreat. We have more wealth in this country and we don't even know what to do with it, so it keeps showing up in people's forum, foot yachts and stuff like that, and I think that people looking consider whether what we have to establish now for the future of fairness. if the society about the way we treat other people and what are our aims of such a society? We can't go on with endless growth. You know I mean that's just not going to be sustainable in this country or anywhere in the world. We're going to eat it all up. So we we kind of got to get to a slightly different mindset, and I think that government regulation is very important. Government does and getting fair elections represent the will of the people. Yes, it can be inefficient. Sometimes, yes, it can get to be a bureaucratic mess and yes, it can be slow and inefficient. Also, but the other hand it's put to the purposes how we operate the post office, the arm-
yeah dense department, all kinds of agencies very well and provide for the people in this country. I think it's just about sharing the wealth. A little more is more is more than any The other thing you ever share the wealth, although more take five or ten percent from the top and shifted to those people in the bottom. Who really are those people at the bottom? A lot of them are irresponsible people who, no matter what you give them, are not going to prosper,
so take two for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. You could show off your skin again and you know what that means that day, as a tick two inhibitor said, take two is the only once daily pill of it's kind for adults with moderate to severe plaque. Psoriasis. Ask your dermatologist about so take to today and learn more at so. Clearly? U dotcom that so clearly you dot com started to do kravis hit. Nib is a prescription treatment for adults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, who may benefit from systemic therapy or phototherapy, don't take if you're allergic to tiptoe serious reactions can occur before treatment. Get checked for infections, including tuberculosis, so take two can lower your ability to fight infections. Don't start if you have one serious infections: cancers, including lymphoma muscle problems and changes in certain labs, have occurred,
after. If you have a history of these events or if you have an infection or symptoms like fever, sweats chills, muscle aches or cough, or if you have history of hepatitis b or c liver or kidney problems, high triglycerides or had a vaccine or plan to so take two inhibits take two which is part of the jack family people. Fifty and older, with heart disease risk factors who use a Jak inhibitor are at increased risk for certain side effects, sometimes fatal. It's unknown. If so, take two has the same risks as Jak inhibitors called
in eight, eight, eight s o t Y k to you to learn more imagine having your own personal spy available to you every single morning, introducing the president's daily brief with MIKE baker, from behind the desk of a seasoned intelligence officer. Mike brings down global events in a way once reserved for the president of the united states, new episodes every weekday morning get briefed stay ahead. The president's daily brief with MIKE baker subscribe now, wherever you get your podcasts. My theory as an independent is create opera.
community, that's the key to the american dream and that's why millions of people want to come here from all over the world, and I want to go to france or sweden. They want to come here because the opportunity is here now you're correct in the sense that society is way too self centered right now, americans are way to self centred and social media is part of that. Ok, we don't think about the things that we should doing for other people who truly deserve the help, all right, so if you're a heroin addict and you want to kick it I'll pay for it, I want you to to get rid of it but if you want to lay about in new yorker san francisco get high all day long, I want you out of here. I want you in a rehab forced rehab facility. You may,
but I want you out progressing, I don't want to buy into their personal responsibility. Thank you. I won't do it now. I think the progressive is advocate things like you know, clinics with free. well heroin needle exchange and all the things that you can bring an addict into the health system for treatment. These things are generally disapproved of by the conservative constituency until know we can have treatment, centers like that, and now you can't give away one free enterprise, driven and stuff like that. These are the things that are necessary. Not just can't make a decision quickly. We inherited, but I think, a well regulated government system and self help are not irreconcilable. They work together. Yeah people do need that hand up it's hard to lift yourself up by the bootstraps, if you're trying to come out of the ghetto or have real poverty and those kids that get together.
We cannot extend that and I think you can do both are likely to see it. On average of my last question for you, you were still are you your hand and stolen rolling stone over your son runs allows arkwright, you don't but my hand it. Would you endorse Joe Biden again without a question you think is doing a good job. I think your traffic jam look at what he said. Why is it improvement on me? Why, then is approved reading so law among the american people. Well, you know, I then I can answer really quickly but you think how would you tom so we'd like job? I owe you Really I don t know it will do he's not a carriage. Dynamic guide. I think that's about half of the region, its honour need, because it just looks older. You know you look slower, but if you look at me, look at a job is doing with ukraine and Putin's and finally, at last
pakistan and china on China? This is doing fantastic job, honest to god, do risen, learning, know a job this was a really good interview and very fine talk to you. As you mentioned, I I've follow rolling stone. Pretty much did you guys put it out and all the stories in your book. I said, while disguise red he's led quite alive, so. Book again is like a rolling stone. He sold it afresh stolen from bob Dylan, but we knows you knows. Every body and this is the first time we ve ever chatted by the way. So I hope you found it worthwhile that was instructed to me I'm not a conservative individual on traditional
the difference, because conservative ideology, there are some very good things about it, respecting the past learning from success. You know why do we become the superpower of the world? The most successful nation? That's ever existed. Why we did it on capitalism, hard work and self reliance. The progressive movement doesn't believe in that I miss her. One is a smart guy very successful guy negotiated himself through the? U s capitalistic system, to become one of the most famous media people and, as I said, it was for some have ever talk to him. Now, one of the things that I understood because I'm doing this for so long is that very rarely are you gonna change, anybody's mine, so. even though I point out to san francisco or danger level rising in new york city, MR winner, is not going to see it that way. I
in that way, I believe I backed up with stats and pictures and everything in the world he's up, because people believe what they want to believe. That is a key to all political dialogue to all different philosophies. People believe what they want to believe. So I want to believe that there is a god that there's justice in the universe that some day the good will be rewarded and the evil will be punished. I want to believe that, and so I do now, I rode killing Jesus, so I am in fact based faith guy
about a man who became the most famous individual in history, how did he do it? I'm not just some blind guy that comes in, but people believe what they want to believe and they're comfortable in certain places. So the left is comfortable where they are. I got a lot liberal friends and they, like mister wetter, a thing Joe Biden's doing a hell of a job. Okay, now I know he's not. I don't believe he's I I know he's not based upon the amount of people who are suffering because the economy has turned south and that progressive economic policies do not work. They. Don't
now how many times does that lesson have to be learned before people start to say yeah? Maybe you're, right, O'Reilly, progressive policies, economically, don't work. I think we're going to see it november. Eighth, I'm just getting the feeling is going to be a tidal wave of anti progressive action and people are going to vote against the democratic party, because the democratic party and the progressives are now.
One they have linked up, and the only thing really keeping the democratic party afloat is the media which are overwhelmingly left and that's not going to change, no matter how unsuccessful the progressive movement is, and Mr Biden is the media's dark because they want to believe in a certain thing, but I gotta give Jan one our credit. I mean there are very few liberals who will stand up to me. They will they run and Barack obama is an exception to three interviews with him, and bill Clinton exception. The number of interviews with him, but most of them will want a pardon me
Well, she would know who to talk to me. Joe Biden, never taught when I asked Biden face to face to command a factor left that but wetter really he took the fire. I mean it was a good back and forth. You saw where he's coming from. You saw where I'm coming from. That is my job duty boring hello, then judy discovered jumper casino, dot com. It's my little escape now, Jude! the life of a party, oh baby, mama's, bringing home the bacon full. Take it easy the jumbo light, that's for everybody, so go to chump casino dot com and play over one hundred casino style games join today and play for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes, jump, jumper, casino, dot, com, no purchase necessary required by law. Eighty plus terms and conditions apply see website for details.
Transcript generated on 2023-10-11.