« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

San Francisco's Sweep, Biden Family Drama, Impeachment Talk with Kaylee McGhee White, Tim Scott Drops Out, Pro-Hamas Protests, Israeli Vigilantes, & More

2023-11-13 | 🔗
Hey BillOReilly.com Premium and Concierge Members, welcome to the No Spin News for Monday November 13, 2023. Stand Up for Your Country.Tonight's rundown:
  • Talking Points Memo: Bill reports on San Francisco's homeless removal ahead of China's Xi visiting the U.S.
  • We take a look at the latest involving the Biden family and whether or not impeachment is on the table for Joe Biden.
  • The Washington Examiner's Kaylee McGhee White joins the no Spin News.
  • Tim Scott drops out of the race for the Republican nomination.
  • The latest on pro-Palestinian protesters and reports of Israeli vigilantes.
  • This Day in History: Spiro Agnew and television news.
  • Final Thought: Kids and debit cards.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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You're welcome to the nose been news for Monday november. Thirteen thousand twenty three stand up for your country busy week. The president. I know come in here on wednesday to see the president of the united states. That's gonna be something very important: for all of us. I mean the most morton thing in your life is stability, meaning I switch it ate and sick and you can have that When you are on the verge of mass of wars- and that's where we find yourself here, so a good thing that we're having a meeting in San francisco. that's a bad thing and I'll tell you in a moment. Why gonna be fair to all parties involved here, but we
write it down a very methodical ways to talking points memo today. Wednesday, as I mentioned november, fifteenth at the san go convention centre. The meeting will take place. This is part of the asia, but think economic cooperation at a pack. I the reason china's even doing this is because their economies is her, heard it and it's an extra, economy, it they make things cheaply in china. They send em all over the world and then money comes back while not that much monies com back to china anymore, but up if they're not gonna, be able wrap it up. If there's a war or again embargo or all of that that's what's goin on. So san francisco is a terrible place. I had that because, as a disgrace, you all know that a whole cities overrun by drug attics crimes through the roof. You're all can't die on the streets. So on november. First, I said this girl
pretty high in san francisco now to walk down the street, so that might be a problem. I mark mark my words, for this summit. the authorities in california getting a went and they're gonna sweep these people out, you wait and see You wait and see. Birds with exactly what happened and the cops and public works people in san francisco arts we but the area out. Ok, there's a lot of these areas of you know the city Van ness in California, hide and eddy taylor analysis. All bunch and their use last and the tents and everything out of their. Why didn't they do this? A year ago, There they go and the homeless drug addicts are going to because they down the police are gonna arrest them put him in jail where they can't use narcotics. of course they're gonna go all right, then I think.
There's no never prosecute them or do anything more, but they can hold them So you imagine She and the chinese delegation com would all press of china and they see the all stuff all over the place and they go out is where america looks like sand, this goes what america's like We can only draw gadgets. If you're a drug attic and china trust me. you're, not gonna, be seen war I while they put them in camps. And if you sell narcotics in china, they shoot. You then have a problem. not merely what we're, because we feel sorry for the narcotics pushers and that users we feel safe and destroy, setting not to mention how many younger human beings they destroy anyway, I'm going to cover this in a very methodical way. Now
Eight nineteen, eighty seven, I did a documentary- me, along with twenty other people at a b news, was called drugs, a scourge upon the land. And I was invited to do it because I did a lot reporting on the drug industry- and it was a really really first rate document you may be seen as we looked around. We couldn't find and it and always was nineteen. Eighty seven. So I guess they beseeming news as it is archives, I'm going to try to get it, but nothing. It's gotten so much worse in america is drug problem. So that was why thirty six years ago. I did that thing and worse its at and it's the Cause there's no will at the part of, a federal state and local governments to solve. problem, which is made,
tori drug rehab for attics that would solve the problem. Dry. You crazy, you can be humane, but you can't these people run wild and destroy our society, and they are. She doesn't give a hoot about with the propaganda value in san francisco by their weapon. These people out of there and remember Biden, could solve this and trump didn't. Do it either. These states in cities depend on federal block grants, you don't force drug laws, those president, you don't get a dime news, fast, vassals laws to be enforced and that's the memo. Buying schedule a day, a heavy lived welcome the las vegas golden nights, stanley cup, with as to the white house
and then he meets with the present of indonesia. Ok, that's what he does today that the binding. Patron thing, so this has been. overridden by the middle east, conflict and a number of- other things, but it is. No ahead are adult The liberal media doesn't want to really report on this and it If you want to be honest about it, of course, we always want to do that here. Be honours its pay back for trumps impeachment. Because vital never get convicted in assent and its. Basically, This point influence peddling relative, They were at the point now where we can connect the dots we
stan what the scheme was? We understand who the people were, who were wiring the money we believe we know why, but we want to hear from the bindings and were at the point now where the evidence is overwhelming and it should be it is overwhelming saw hunter Biden, is going appear before the house, as oversight committee on December thirteenth as christmas gift for him. james by an impressive brother on this. sixth A guy named rob walker on november. Twenty nine walker is a business associates of the bites, not me I would take the fifth ok if a marketable and walk in areas of you- lie all right. That's a felony but I guess I don't know can't. Imagine them testify, but we will say
a journey is now is a woman whose finds very closely for the washington examiner name is cayley maggie white company us from Washington DC. she runs the restoring america branch of, Washington examiner So what are the eyes they take. The fifth miss white. I think brie high, because it as you say it would be a felony if they're found perjuring themselves before congress and they're going to be asked. Some really pointed questions that the republicans have been longing to ask for several months now, which is what sir, so says: did you provide these foreign businesses in order to justify earning hundreds of thousands of dollars at a time and again house republicans have track down the moneyed frail in regards to this? They have bank documents proving that hunter Biden specifically early. four hundred thousand dollar check from chinese energy company, but again
It is not clear what service he provided in order to earn that how does hunter bite an answer that question without either per during her himself or exposing that this was part of a larger bite in family influence, peddling, skin if you take some fifth, then it's all move because no you're not going any answers. You get asked a question on their long, but america If you follow this kind of a fe- and I would say I put that number at about forty percent- sixty don't care or are too lazy to follow it. you're not going to not gonna, be able to advance and story other than making that Jim and hunter Biden, look foolish, correct
I mean I think that what you said at the beginning of the programme is correct, but it is not going to be impeached. The house is not going to vote to impeach Joe Biden. The Senate certainly would not vote to convict him. So the reason the house republicans arbored pursuing this investigation as they are, is really. I believe it is to help republicans chances in the twenty twenty four election and also to give the public the information that they were deprived of back in twenty twenty, when the media launched a concerted effort to score any report, hunter bindings business dealings and Joe Biden alleged involvement, I again, I dont think that house republicans whatever vote to impeach binding, why? Why would they not because more information is gonna, become an out about Joe Biden already, we know that he receives Two hundred thousand dollar check from his brother Jim Now they say it was a repair of alone, but they can't back up when the original long was
I don't know about that. I think that they may go for an impeachment vote. Ah, my dear I get it would you say: they're gonna err on the side of caution. If they don't think day of the boats, they will put it up right right, they're, not gonna put it. Men, peach man and embarrassed themselves by not getting unified support from their own pockets. And again this is a key problem. They should vote to impeach Joe Biden because it's very clear that he was involved in some way but republic. I can't even gather together to choose who they're gonna have a speaker. Ok, we're in your you think that they're going to be unified in order to impeach the present level. hard to think of any republican sitting in the house right now. That would vote not to impeach Biden when all of them are up next november now it on be like ending a career, would it not.
well, I think that it depends on how you view the impeachment process and many of these swing states and of any president in the past, including the impeachment of president trump, were politically unpopular among voters, because voters dont tend to lighten the vice of actions so effort. Will view this as a liability moving into their tough elections. They're going to with the Democrats, words good Wait they they might chicken out because of our selfish reasons, based last question. Based about what you know, and you know a lot. Do you believe that Joe Biden as vice pray And then, after he left, that office was Holy aware of this, big griffith of of Twenty million dollars common in based on his name, do you, hayley, Magee white. Believe That is an american.
Yeah? I believe that he was aware of it the entire time you don't set up twenty shell companies, you don't use dozens of anonymous pseudonym email accounts to correspond with your son for any per spot nefarious activity. There was a very concerted effort by Joe Biden himself to cover up what he was discussing with hunter Biden and hunter bite in business partners. So the idea that he was not aware where this money was coming from or what his son was doing in order to make it is ridiculous. Do had, he derived money from the grief that he actually he and jill benefited financially from that. Yeah. I do again the four hundred thousand dollar check the hunter Biden received from c e f c, which is the chinese energy company
Joe Biden ended up getting forty thousand dollars in the form of a check from jamesons terrified, and now we know from one of hunter Biden's pass business associates that in that energy deal it was promised that there would be a ten percent cut for the big guy, which many believed to be Joe Biden. Forty thousand. Is ten percent a four hundred thousand? May I see it it impractical but he would not have personally benefited from that circumstantial evidence is evidences overwhelm me. No, no, you can't say it is. But two things are gonna happen, number one, the corporate It is going to ignore this story. Almost are no matter what it is, and this is a criminal indictment against Joe Biden on this issue and number two They're gonna ratchet up the trump is hitler stuff which are. your hearing about it now, almost every day, trumpets hitler, hoping that
know that will diminish any kind of grief that Joe Biden took place in last word. yeah, I think, you're exactly right. The media is not going to cover this. They are going to continue to go after trump, but also you're, going to hear more comments like the one that we heard from governor Gavin newsom a few ago when he was asked about this scandal he said well. I hardly think that influence peddling is that is unique in washington, and that was went to excuse or justifying the binding. Only problem in from violence influence, zoo fifty years after running with now. Oh good.
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the gardens online account for ten plus the naps games and experiences may be suitable for a more mature audience. Let's go to new york city. There are six million jews in the usa, proximate ma Most of them live in new york city, with los angeles sec. In the city in october last month?. crimes against Jews rose two hundred and fourteen percent. So there were twenty two ah hate crime indictments in october twenty two sixty nine last month, And that, of course, because the how my stuff, in a crazy not that are running around hating the Jews. So, as some of you know, daily chatter, dot com is our foreign far rapport ties partner,
can't we neither resorts to hire people to cover the noose around the world, but a shattered, does a pretty good job that so we partner up with daily chattered john cop base in Boston and today's edition and this is why our partner room with them, article on very some vigilante stuff going on in I'd israel against palestinian civilians and I'm not surprised by it's pretty detail report between october seventh and twenty seven three week period, huh, in turn, palestinians in the west bank were murdered. I as a lot, ok and enraged. Israelis and a large part of these cases are doing it. of Israel's gotta, get a handle on it can their vigilante snuff going on. So I thought you should know about it.
London over the weekend, and maybe a half million london, is the nexus of the air, presence in europe And there are supporting a boss and they ate Israel, of course, is no go off he's gone. I would always there fifty years ago, studying in the universe in london, there they are. If you go to london, because a huge arab presence in that city enormous, but in germany it's the opposite So the german governor government has banned pro hamas activities like putting up a poster, march and around one I, like Hamas, you get arrested. and in germany, yoga prosecuted because Germans got the anti semitism historical. Somewhere in england,.
the army do whatever they want, not in germany, interesting right, go back to the united states where we live. So TIM Scott drops out of the presidential race notion as in the grand all party is down for now. How many of you know when the words grand old party were assigned to the republican party? How many You get an aid for me if you know that happened in eighteen, fifty four, so slavery segments lincoln of the republican party, nicknamed the Party grand all party g o p. How about that? I knew you can bring that in every discussion. Nobody knows you got it here on the knows been is anyway scots out the next debate, december. Sixth and new
his nation, has the debate congrats today since arising cable he's not work it, I'm a part of it all beyond tonight, with legal inveterate on the seven o clock hour, I'll hit about seven twenty five, and I cuomo tomorrow, night easy on wednesday, but we're gonna. Do it the next to tuesdays and on what they call consulted. So the people. I knew station think that I'm wise in some way. I have them fooled I appeal there in and was so. I am very happy that they got this. aids can be the university alabama. And who's gonna be on state. Scots gone got four left yet to santas. you got around the swami any got christie. However, You gotta get six percent in at least to national paul's to qualify increased, he's gonna, get that
Ramaswamy. Might so. Could be goodbye credits, That's why he went over to Israel over the weekend. Christie did but this possible, and we too onstage Now, political tar, down with that, I like it, I do some this myself once in a while society and I live a shadow body used today. We all know that, but they all when the programme two days ago, by marking the geo pay debate I'm lester holt! welcome to the republican kids table debate. We the candidates, former new jersey, governor chris Christy my wife, said I could try this one more time the you in n mickey hayley,
excited to look good in comparison. Florida, governor and owner of the world's most of settings mild run the centres the renewal of vague rama swamp on top of walk tonight. Finally, south carolina similar terms got is it is less gives the questions MR ramaswamy. If elected, what would you do on your first day in office, I'd like to again by not answering your question and instead use this platform to say her daughter is on Tik tok ate my daughter's name out of your vice almost say that right, Mr Scott, anything you'd like to add a girlfriend, our adorable. They actually lately I've gotta jades, sad in some ways, but another ways binding cannibals
involves ninety one indictments warren trials and I'm still the best Joyce stuck by me and there's nothing. They can do about it. Just like in real life, three percent, eight percent, fourteen percent five percent about bore dams gotta why set very low lower, then frankly, milk parentage. There's a milk lower than one percent people are calling it skim. We ve never had great, but we like Scott, we love there. You go point then going to be talking about this tonight and I did talk to the former president over the weekend be able to bring today we are not in a little while a few days still lie I air there, but I would like to see that by smart life, so thanksgiving. I can't believe it. But what is it now.
Nine days aware some crazy thing and then christmas, just whipped up behind it saw. I your humble correspondence, absolutely true cleaning, how bout Guess it's just so much stuff and got its. He is fairly easy to do you, one of these green bag. Things were about a dozen big green bags and is go through the closets and you just now now, but I'm fine in some really good stuff mental stuff, that's worth something that I forgot about you. You have the same thing, I'm sure in your house as capital. We accumulate. That's where capitalists dip others, sures I dont up with that is, but. when you have too much clutter its
psychologically bad for you because you feel claustrophobic if you're a pack rat, if you can't get any you know it's like what is this it's almost liberating. I felt really is good. When I was clean out those closets new up up up and is so much kid stuff, I've attend seed. It keep the kid stuff, because my mother threw away all my baseball cards thanks mom that was about fifty thousand dollars right there. All my car makes as another hundred grand here at all, I kept the birds- I still am The albums and forty five student destroy those I have my lionel trains, but anyway the small live plays. This go over, the house is visiting and I guess I just and then in other that's not necessary both and then a stop that
you like, but you don't want to keep doing a little garage sale. You know people love to do that, particularly before christmas Those christmas markets in europe, you know now these are the hard things you go up to prague and in budapest known and they have a christmas markets has put its all stuff from somebody's house and there's the americans pan all this afternoon. So if you have that have a little peoria market. You know a little market in your town get five or six neighbours and put all the stuff make some money. Smart life keg.
get rid of that clutter, get your see women and men in tommy John chinese day. Remember it's the perfect gift to give this holiday. The enjoy comfort enjoy the santa is not the only one with a sack you know upgrade yours with Tommy john job they're veterans, day sale happening now: save twenty five percents sitewide at tommy, john dot com, slash spotify, see site for details. This episode is brought to you by male chin and we're here to talk about class timorous customers. What happens when marketers failed to personalize or marketing grouping customers with very different behaviors into one tangled mass, but with male chimp markers can use real time. He ain't your data to personalize every mail for every customer turner,
customers into customers within two: it male chin, the number one email, marketing and automation platform learn more at male Jim dog com. You day in history november, thirteenth nineteen sixty nine, this was the first day officially where the american press established itself an enemy of conservatives. Let me give you the day again november, thirteen nineteen sixty nine. How did it happen Richard Nixon gave a speech on the, nah war, which was obviously the biggest controversy in fifty years. Okay, so immediately after the speech mixing got attacked on tat,
vision are steps vice president's spiro, Agnew go. When the president completed his address incidentally, that is spent weeks in the preparation of. His words on policies were subjected to instead analysis and careless criticism, the audience, and suddenly million americans gathered to hear the president of the united states was inherited by small band of network commentators. other pointed out. Majority expressed in one way or another. There are steadily nobody had to say it was obvious that their minds were made up in advance. died and then that speech was successful by Agnew and he went out and he was the attack dog. Remember
not a ring, Nay bob's of negativism. That's how he label that was the beginning Of the liberal press verses conservative politicians that was it I know himself as a crook. As mayor of the mayor of governor of maryland, he took kickbacks annie. caught by the justice department. And I pled no contest to single felony charge of tax evasion. He had to quit, which he did October tenth, nineteen, seventy three and he died september. Sixteen nineteen Sixty nine, but all of that fresh stuff still in play today began fifty three years ago. Back when mail and final thought a moment I'll go to the male, bill and Sylvia sales, carson city, nevada, the capital of the state.
bill say it isn't so The bite administration wants to allow palestinians into our country. No, it isn't so. Shall I know- and it hurts me personally bout, this internet stuff that you guys were here and all the time consuming. Members eight. They send me now and so do you premium members I mean, or anybody can said, bilbil o reilly, dogmatic answers rubber on what about this? What about the it's insane? So there's no policy of us relocating palestinians through the united states, but that would have been front page news, now in a few circumstances, if there's a humane thing like a baby, you need surgery or something, but this kind of stuff is just so destructive and people believe it. But I'm glad you check with me.
Tony stop Waterloo Nebraska, Could you imagines announcement of retirement make a viable last minute replacement for by now, because mansion has no far left. Statute see reason is not run again and west Virginia is a probably lose busey voted. too many Biden programmes. The west virginia in that? That's a red state, so imagine knew we probably lose and too he's a modern democratic earlier, like six that I'm laugh. So the demo parties want the imagines they want the nuisance. So, but I he might run as a third party candidate. I dont know of it be this cycle he is seventy six years old, it's possible
you wouldn't win buddy either. I think Biden. If he ran we kozlovski, waukesha wisconsin, well sure I donated all that I can afford to my preferred gubernatorial candidate to michaels. And then Steven Spielberg made a special trip to wisconsin donated twenty thousand averages campaign. Oh George, soros funding, plus hollywood leaders. Writing fat checks. Their money overrides that of the folks through and yet all bacon the book on limited to political action committees, The way it goes is Spielberg hops into town. He writes whatever fifty seventy ninety dependent is hundred grand gives and political action committee and polluted Watching committee then uses it on behalf of whatever candidate spielberg wants.
So a lot of the tv as aren't paid for by the candidates and charles are paid for by action committees in helping who they want to get up. It's a problem, but is no solution to the problem, is a spring court as rule that is a free. free expression and can't limit, can limit individuals cannot limit generals James on a message board, I didn't get into trouble every time I drank, but free time I got into trouble. I was drinking, go that's a very good saying Sleeping grows: phoenix arizona I asked my wife for. Concierge membership, this hanukkah. and I know she's gonna give the a and she might give it here early. I hope she does now, if you buy give cards kind,
Here's a premium member gift cards from us. Remember this. You get a free book for every card. You buy. all right. So if you like- and it helps as we want as many concierge premiere marriage, then we can get but you and he says You buy the gift card, you put him in a hanukkah carter, christmas card. You give it to somebody, you wants to know what's going on, then you get a stack of books, free that you can keep or give or other gifts. What I'm talkin about here we are in business to help you anyway. Steve. Let me know if your wife comes through Alan Joseph sin, like forests, illinois six hour, drive to northern wisconsin when beautifully wallace Meaning to killing pat and good job, where you are welcome, all our killing books or on audio non guess and now, and that you went to northern wisconsin to hunt.
Yes, that's why you took the six hour drive up there, you. Let me know if I add ok. Brandon stevenson press than I'd. Mr I'll just finish, killing which is cast Thinking about it, what's on demonic possession. and watch uncovered Lee It's me to this question. Do you believe the loan shooting of schools and do other terrible things are possess. I do not the difference between evil Ok, we join with us and I put it at twenty percent. Maybe that's a high Number, but from what I've seen in my life that twenty percent of human beings are evil day about twenty percent may be. Twenty five are good. I mean really good.
Like my mother and then a restaurant in between the possessions stop very, very rare, but You know you re killing the witches, I'm telling you this case the garden. I we got every thing about it. His case in maryland and thirteen your boy, ronald humbler. It is astounding, eyes into the witches salem, because if you are which you are in concert with the devil. That was what a witch John bombard her out stale pennsylvania, as I think that the school. We were taught about the mayflower, they were on a princess cruise ship, So when I read killing of witches, I couldn't believe it exactly exactly. My thought saw all of us it out and nine days there we are pilgrim
is mayflower passes stuffing all its it's great now. What really happened? We research- and you know the mayflower part of this, both the garden Aragon. Oh I know what I got here. That in column ingram's by the went about a hundred years after they landed. They were appearance. and when they got her was even worse, so I want everybody to have a nice thanksgiving given enjoy your dinner, but no the myths That have grown up around the day are just that. Myths Barbara Dunn, Hermiston Oregon, I. my husband. I have had sixty years six zero, a fantastic fun and wonderful times together, Our anniversary is november thirteenth and
we are looking forward to more in the future too things about barbara, congratulations, obviously being married. Sixty years, you must be a saint. What would you not lucky you are doing Lucky you and your husband are number one you ve had a good health to do that we're too, you haven't, had any catastrophes in along those lines number three been able to work out whatever to work out a fortunate you are, I hope, everybody does who had been married for that long. A period of time and sixty years, and so I'm putting you eyes, me too and eighty one, but you married young, you know and they serve, you marry young younger. You don't know what you're doing, but obviously you did graduations to the duns and harbison or
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we have the christmas day. I'm gonna do a little bit more christmas stuff, maybe next week or why we, but we have the great christmas ornaments they always sell out, in order that, where the data not be a soft, is great word s o p, h soft. I s t surface back with a final thought about kids, so sending money in a moment. Ok, here's a final thought of the day. As you know, I'm a little royal little riled up about the incredible jump in pricing For food on long island where I live, and it is brutal now in my town.
If there is a luncheonette, we used to call it a luncheonette yeah, but now they call it. I dunno diner, it's not a diner, it's a little different than that. but it used to be you go in there for breakfast or whatever was always a little pricey, because this is an affluent part of long island. But but now it's full rack of ribs forty five dollars. Now they give me two sides: forty five dollars I dunno anyway.
very high, very hot. So I'm watching- and I like the folks in there I mean I get the delis- are the same problem in this town: everything's doubled doubled, so I'm watching who's buying this stuff. In this luncheonette or a restaurant. kids, kids, and they all have the debit card. So this these a little bit all, but I think they're accurate for today. Forty percent of american teenagers ages. Thirteen seventeen have a debit card. Forty five percent of those make a charge on a regular basis. these kids are in there with their debit cards Meanwhile, whenever they want to buy It doesn't matter what the price they don't even know the price, their kids They want a burger fries. They want on ice cream, they want whatever they want
mom and dad I'm paying for it there not. They got the debit card. Go and its clicking enemy, ok, because it places for virgins. and their air water and big there they're, gonna ribs their offer and vague. Ok. So that's what this is the bow, there's no spending control on this demographic. If you debit card and you're seventeen and a high school junior or senior you're going to you're getting, would it be one okay and is that well maybe It is argued that or not- and the merchants who taken advantage of needle fogies like me and they're gone. What's this, you know, what do you mean? Fourteen dollars for a tuna sandwich come on they don't need that what they want the kids who go out jonah damage which
like intimate on? I would jack in another double by yeah yeah. I've got some fries at seven box, fries amid davenport kid. This goes at the door right arm. Mom and dad There they are japan, it that's what's happening. That's what's happening these urgency about really really rude awakening when I get out of there and have to pay their own debit cup final a final thought I want to make my kids had the debit card they almost half do. Today. guy, but I'm on a card, and I look and see What everything it at the end of the month theirs
little chat, and also my kids have to work. They work not in this, my daughter's working in the school year. she's, a really hard worker. I saw works in summer, but he works is not some easy job. he goes, and he any earns very good money out on eastern long I'll, but and then their account is tied into their debit account can, they have restraints! That's why I've set it up, are you ok, you want to be treated your friends too. Ice cream sort. Is we got four and you're all by an ice cream soda is gonna come out about fifty bucks. I went with all said and done so you want to do it. The K,
you're paying for it, and then you know how hard you gotta work for the money. That's the way to do this now The presidential election- I am, I am convinced, The main issue will not be abortion or any of this other stuff. How can it be Hamas israel, tat can be Putin. Ukraine is going to be the grocery store. It's gonna be the local restaurant because it shocking in the space of three years, How much all out has gone up if you disagree bill bill, o reilly, dotcom, billet, billet, o reilly doc on naming town? If you wish issue opine, we thank you very much for watching and listening on a radio stations all across the country to their no spin news
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Transcript generated on 2023-11-14.