« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

Punishing Putin For War Crimes, Mexican Drugs Inundate United States, and The GOP Wants Cheney Out!

2022-03-24 | 🔗

Tonight’s rundown:

  • The US government formally declares that members of the Russian armed forces have committed war crimes in Ukraine
  • Russia tries to further isolate itself by banning citizens from using social media pages
  • A Senator from Maine calls out the Biden administration for allowing drugs to flood the border
  • Two Republican governors veto a bill that would ban transgender girls from playing on school sports teams
  • House Republicans rally around a Wisconsin congressional candidate in hopes of booting out incumbent Liz Cheney
  • This Day in History, 1999: NATO bombs Yugoslavia
  • Final Thought: ‘Killing the Killers’ available May 3rd !

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The bill O'Riley here welcome to the no spin news, thursday march twenty fourth, two thousand and twenty to stand up for your country very happy here. I think we have excellent ukraine coverage and president Biden in brussels. You know what said and what is real are usually two different things are working J with real, and we're gonna led off tonight with the punishment of Putin, so this thing it alot of coverage, but by designating let Vladimir putin a war criminal. You change his life now. That Designation is up in officially made, and that is the subject of this evening's talking points. Memo gonna walk you through this cause is fairly bit so,
a war criminal is someone who essentially kills civilians or tortures. Peel view something way way out, abounds and that the geneva convention condemns so there is an organization set up to monitor war criminals and that organization is the international criminal court. I see. see its base. In the netherlands, in the hague now A hundred and twenty three countries have signed, a treaty called the rome statute to participate in the I see see a hundred and twenty three countries on the planet, but the united states is not
Neither have russia- we are not in this group, but this is the group divide. Administration is referring to when it says that putin and the russian military or war criminals, Are you? Are you with me so far? So, even though we are not in that grew because we didn't sign this rome statute, the united states did, we can still refer war criminals to them. Right so secretary, say blake and ease the guy too can add earlier this week it you're all war crimes. as we know what they're doing and we approved a bag it up and work and handed over to the icy say five. I hope they do. They should do it.
If you don't know a lot of air pollutants, a war criminal, then you don't know anything amid the skies drive in this war in ukraine by himself, the russian government to tickle wanted the russian people, certainly don't doesnt benefit them he's doing it. by him self so in the any acc a little history before we get to, MR by news interesting today in Brussels, thirty cases have been brought to the icy see as far as war crimes are concerned, since two thousand to so in twenty years. Thirty kay The biggest case was the serbian leader milosevic. You remember him, he was basic. Exterminating kosovars. People live in Kosovo. Next to serbia. Ok, it was a religious base. War and Milosevic was
faster and nato got involved, and I'm gonna tell you that at the end of the programme in this day and history and milosevic got Who then, then he got arrested, ok, He went to the hague use imprisoned. He died there before the trial in two thousand six. So now was the biggest war cry. guy in the last twenty years, not about a number of africans out of the congo. A bunch of people like that there have been charged with genocide, is slaughtered. People now. putin doesn't care about this at all, because he knows that Who's gonna arrest me for what I'm a war criminal. I don't care. So what- and he is born. There is no agency attacks the icy see
that goes out and hans down people and arrest them. Only individual countries can do it and in milosevic case, that's what They swore out a warrant, they picked him up in the balkans and they sent them now. So I put more to vacation in great britain if he went to london for the week at the gravel if he's designated and he hasn't been designated thus far supporting Everybody know there is a designation process that you hand over your information to the court in the hague. They make the determination we all clear on this. Now what you say to yourself. Well, why did he bother? Why did the blanket and Biden bother designating or threatening Putin as a war criminal, because it's just the shame of it is the shame.
putin saddam hussein of the same guy made no difference. Saddam Hussein ruined his country invaded kuwait. Well, why? As soon as he did, that said, I would say, was a pariah throughout the world He couldn't leave iraq. Subsequently, we went in to remove him because of the weapons of mass destruction threat. Okay, he fled they found them. They hanged them. The iraqis hanged them. Now. It's not out of the question The russians will hang gluten, certainly not out of the question you just a man how this thing on fault. Okay, so that's the memo. Here's a quick ukraine update. These are most important things that happened today and this week, so potent defence minister man named syrupy, show
He dashed gone, they say he's got some kind of medical problem, but I don't think so. I think the russian military botch in ukraine and putin got him out of there now he's probably sitting somewhere. Nobody knows where, but that's what I think sir GI show. We blew it because russia militaries performing soap. early in ukraine, so surgery is vapor. I don't love you ll ever see him again. That's russian! Second! Prudent band inside russia, facebook and instagram and twitter. Some people are still tweeting, but it's hard. So what doesn't want to know doesn't want people who know what's happening. so they're not gonna, hear it on tv and radio, russia, because that's all state run but on does international
the show is international and the venues we go all over the world. So in order for putin to block the no spin news, he's got to block youtube facebook and all that okay. However, the ministry of Russia still has an open twitter account around the world. Trump was canceled by twitter. The ministry of russia still active. How about that unbelief. Nato is reporting that fifteen thousand russian
Crews have been killed in a four war for weeks at a war, fifteen thousand. How would nato know how it into? Maybe us intel is getting this information. I know us into as good in russia we have a lot of agents over there, but when a russian soldiers kill they're whisked back to russia, they're not left on a battlefield and are given out stats, but that's what nato is putting out. Fifteen thousand russian shoulders debt that
people high to defense? Minister, that's big, and finally, Mr Biden announced today, and it was a fait accompli before this. One hundred thousand ukrainian refugees will be taken by the usa as we should take and also be most people who have relatives here and we should do it. Okay, now here's a stupid, you know they say putting smart putin smart, putting smart I'm going to stop that now, putin. In the past, we shrewd he's a smart putin. His excuse for invading Ukraine was. He doesn't want a threat on his western flank now, NATO's moving twice as many troops and armaments into NATO's russia's west, ok, the east in countries in nato, poland and the baltic countries, romania, bulgaria,
they're all going to mass of soldiers battle groups, they call them and armaments and rockets. So the exact thing that Putin didn't want and his excuse for a bit for invading ukraine or you're, going to put hostile forces on my border, where you got them w now, how smart is that putin Ok so present by ngos to the nato conference. He called it in brussels and he pledges america will spend at least will be far more than this- three point: three billion dollars: military humanity an aid to ukraine and you'll have to get poland and the other countries billions to, and he s gonna cost between ten and twenty billion dollars. American taxpayer it to do this.
Then he had a press conference after he got through his meetings today. Now there was a lot of stuff in a press conference, but I think the most important thing going forward is china. The only country that can save Putin now is china. If china gives putin stuff, whether it be food or cancun, fuel china have that or other material support breaks. The embargo breaks. The sanctions. Putin is stronger if china backs away all right, put gonna go down to matter when not it, so that's very import and here's what Mr Biden said go China understand that is economic future is much more closely tied. in the west. It is to russia,
and so I am hopeful t. Just I get engaged we ask to discuss today. there is a need for us to set of nato to set up and and the eu to set, a system whereby we have an organization looking at who it's violated these sanctions. Where, when and how they violate them. What are you gonna do so by implicate and president Biden, saying if you violate the sanctions toward russia, then we're going to sanction you and that's what he said about shit. He told XI that if he helps russia, then we'll slap sanctions on china and china. As I said, that's tough for them, because they're an export economy. Alright, they need money coming in dollars, not rubles rubles, don't do china any good okay! So that's what's holding china back and it's enough
the threat now binds us. I didn't throw him. I didn't write him. Of course she threatened. You know now. Will world rallying and sanctions against china? I think so at this point I put in seoul horrendous and I think they would. If china wants a throne important and I don't, She will do it, but I could be wrong on it. Now. Overall Biden was ok, I know the people who If Biden will slaughter him today, he did stammer and stutter a bit and he has some problems with his short term memory. There's no doubt about that. When fielding questions, he can only take one he can't take to because he forgets what the second one as I am not criticising, I'm just reported, but all raleigh appeared in command today he compare you know it's it's one thing that was flat out untrue about charlottesville and which, from said, there is completely
walls, but that's what these guys do. Biden doesn't always true. What is true, it is not enough, but now he's presenting a face to the world that at least today was affected. So these- and it was reported that went- imply that well, the sanctions are going to work and one of the most important things are Putin said that Biden said today was that they will work and we're going to keep them onto the end of the year, no matter what now I didn't think that was very smart, because you want to give a carrot to putin to have a cease fire. But Biden did it. He goes. I now don't think that the sanctions are just going to go away and put them on the end of the year lease. I would give myself a little room there now puddings gotta be part
but there are other ways to do it: let's stop this slaughter first and then we'll figure out how to get this guy in a back end. That makes sense to you. But by and want to be a tough guy one to say that in all the nato countries are united, which they are. You know he said. The poodle estimated nato, which he did. So it's all in bad for putin to just press the advantage press the advantage, but in the meantime people are dying every day every day and suffering is off the short. But if you up the war- and I said this many times more people will die- doesn't mean you're, afraid It means you're smart. I was it any if you have any questions below below
I can build billow rarely diagram. I think that was that some was honest assessment. You'll get the ukraine situation, we are on it and we will continue to be on it. So it's come back to the. U s sake. Why things are Joe Biden has no clue about is nor smuggling into the united states. So I remember a long time ago when Donald trump first became president. I had a conversation with him about the drug cartels in mexico and I told or suggested I shouldn't use were told. When I'm talk to precedent, I suggested to prison trump that he might lie.
into designating the mexican drug cartels as terrorist groups, and I said, if you do that, then you can drone them and believe me, when you read killing the killer's my new book, where you see the weapons we have in space, but anyway, I said: if you designate the mexican cartels terror groups, which they absolutely are because of killing hundreds of thousands of americans, you can go in and kill them. The united states can go in and kill them. We don't need obrador in mexico to do it anyway, the president trump good that he brought it to Obrador. He says I'm going to do this unless you take much more aggressive action against the cartels and seal
the border with your military, which obrador did. That was the remain in mexico policy, so obrador seal, the southern border with guatemala and the northern border with the usa by using his military first time that ever happened to mexican history and it happened because trump threatened to designate the cartels is terrible.
it was an overdue? I did not want that for all your electrical needs caught my bread. Cherry pie but sit your reply is electric today: seven, eight, four: twenty seven sixty six, seven, eight four, twenty seven sixty six, sixty plus years when it comes to commercial or residential best, jerry pybus, electric. Okay. The moment Joe Biden became president obrador pulled all his troops while both borders, because he knew that Biden wouldn't do anything to stop the migrants or the narcotics that was on on inauguration night. That's how quick that habit so and now angus king, you know angus king is the independent senator
main, but he's not an independent he's. A liberal democrat he always votes with the liberal democrats. Angus king lying is king, is really mad about all the narcotics flooding into not only main but the united states. Will it here's? What bothers me if this were a terrorist cells in latin america, killing a hundred thousand americans a year We wouldn't be visiting you're talking about not enough s r, I s icon and allocating at I'm. I'm really absolutely sick of this. This is that this is one of the drug. Trade is one of the primary threats to this country. It's killing two people of a day in my state who's in charge.
What individual the united states government is in charge of stopping drugs coming from latin america buttons in charge? Why that's who's in charge not doing anything to open border policy? Absolute open way We also saw sir occasion be directing his remarks to the sub committee on emerging threats. That's what he was doing. He should be asking for a meeting with by now on, may twelfth thousand twenty one. Almost a year ago, here's what I said on this broadcast
So on my press tour for killing the mom. I tell many of the interviewers who ask about contemporary mob and vomit, that organized crime loves yo, but no. Why would he say that? Well, since he has been president, there have been more than four hundred and fifty thousand just think about this permitted. Four hundred and fifty thousand foreign nationals who have confronted border patrol or ice agents on the mexican border, four hundred and fifty thousand in one hundred days. So drug interdiction, which comes under board,
patrol eyes, stopping narcotics coming from mexico that is evaporated. The cartels are now smugly, more methamphetamine, cocaine, heroin and the other pernicious drug. I I'll think of it. The opium oil that killed you.
Okay, fast more coming in now than ever before. In us history, fentanyl fentanyl, ok, more drugs, hard drugs in it. Any other time in our history flooding it because of Joe Biden's, crazy, open border policy and Biden has done absolutely nothing to stop narcotics from flowing into the united states and it it's a terror threat. It's a you know I kind of wish in hindsight that president trump did designate the cartels as terror groups, because then, as I mentioned earlier,.
you would see you're going to see the weapons when you read killing the killers which is out. May third you'll see the weapons that we have. Nobody knows what we have right and I had to put it in the book because that's how they're tracking down the jihadists, the isis and Al Qaeda is and boko haram's that with these weapons, you can do this with the cartels. I mean it's. Where do you see this these weapons? What we have so anyway, I thought that was very interesting. You'll, never see this reported anywhere else, but it's entirely present as for that we're flooded with narcotics in this country, ok, supreme court, nominee, judge brown, jackson April fourth is vote. She will be confirmed. I predict LISA Mc Caskey republican centre from Alaska Susan collins from main mitt romney utah Roy
blood, Missouri and maybe portman in ohio that will all vote for judge brown, jackson, social went handily Remember cabin or one by one vote brown on one when by low she'll get him by five or six, maybe more now There's a big controversy about her failing to answer. You know what is a woman, she goes, I'm not a biologist. Look, she knows who her base is all right. She knows being politically correct. Now we can define men or women biologically the far progressive left as rejected that its fluid knew what you wanna be ok, bye out. They had nothing to do with it, so sheikh ups on that a biologist, so I would have followed up if I had been the senator asking this question and I would have said, are you a woman? How do you know
This insanity is insanity, but there's gonna, knock or out of the supreme quarters I and are subject to states. Indiana and you tie a past bills and the legislature that ban biological men who have become girls or women, from competing in women's and girls sports, two states of pan k, indiana you Utah. I guess there are more that have, but these recently banned it, but the governors both vetoed. so in indiana, is Eric Holcomb. How come says, though, a bill was too broadly written, which is just vs. I want to sign it, so he vetoed it-
and you saw it spencer cox, and he said he objection all our ban on trans. Hundred children in schools, sports o k, hey, but there is an all out ban governor cox. If, though, boy turn girl wants to compete in the boys. Sports here Do you care. Added governor. We know what you're doing now. I know this isn't a major issue for me. I want people to pursue happiness. They want to be girls want to be girls, they want to be. Boys can be boys, I I don't care, but it's not fair in sports in school. Guy who's biologically? stronger, sorry, judge brown jackson.
That a girl usually compete in girls' sports. Just not fair, it's not right. That's all! This is uncomplicated. It's not complicated if you want to change genders, okay, but you gotta stay in the gender to which you were born. What it says on your birth certificate. Simple man, simple solution, this shading, my reputation is going to lose her re election campaign for congress person in way remember, wyoming least populated stay. The union only one congress person and its lead, So I'm a name, a harriet, hagman she's, a republican too, is running against loose change in the press Mary and one hundred house republicans
holding a fundraiser for miss hagman. It's can be held on march thirtieth in washington, DC and so far- is haggard and is our really distinguished herself in my opinion, but all is chinese. Smart woman, but your hatred of tromp congresswoman is really hurt your state to restate. You now represent the folks and why only represent here, you and your family, that hatred. Though I would vote for sunni brok, port state university of new york brok, what's up so an anonymous donor. Gay the college money bring in a speaker whose goal- to have an event entitled history of black
Resistance? U s political prisoners, genocide, a conversation with. John leal month. Quinn, ok, darwin. There's draw here, is a militant nosing. I, unlike america, things were fascists. You jane alright, so he's going to make some money you're going to go up to brockport is going to put forth what he believes. Okay with me, I don't care he wants to go up there. They want to pay him alright, so the city of brockport says I'm going to put a lot of cops there, because we don't want any problems. We don't want to brawl till they put the cops there. That makes sense Public safety right. The school blackboard gives all students a day off, because his school says.
large numbers of police on campus would be true, I am a in to many students, so you don't have to come to class. Woke alright, walk ST louis, so this is unbelievable. Last saturday, three am guy. Comes up to a car with a gun tries a car jacket in ST louis okay. sitting in the car are too plain clothes police officers who immediately jump out a guy you're under arrest. The guy runs away. He gets away But they know it they track. Is our only robins got a big? twenty seven years, all ok, so they look at
warm, but they want to warrant furs, arrest right, try to carjack two cops, he didn't know they were cops. He just stood. They were your people, he had a gun, so the attorney The d, a kimberly gardener won't give em the cops a warrant. whilst they lose one was violent cities in the country because of her. Finally, the public pressure. The outcry No intends for days later they give that a war after the guy guess, where he is, he's in jail on another crime, saint louis heartland, woman's them again is king.
Lee gardner ruins the city oscars there on Sunday night, you're, gonna watch I'll watch. So if you do watch, let me know how it is so a b c covers it. Every year, first academy awards nineteen, twenty nine. I think it was awful When will we see the parties as a committed early thoughts? So first gotta be always nineteen, twenty nine and every years. Hence they have. and they were big. When I was a kid whose bob hope hosting johnny Carson after that Billy crystal the big names. I brought it in huge audience huge before the superbowl. That was the top rated programme of the year. The hospitality,
So now the three hose in eight they couldn't find anybody to host the shout. Nobody would do it now hollywood. Pinheads would do it because they know it's not good, but they found three regina hall, Wanda sykes and Amy Schuman, ok, one site, amusing. The other two are not. I know who they are, but I don't know what they're gonna bring
I hope they, I hope- they're good, but is that enough or have me watch the show now? Not so anyway, I'm looking at the best picture nominee, I used to be a huge movie fan. In fact, I did movie reviews in the early part of my career in Dallas and in denver on tv, and I must say I some of them. My reviews are pretty. funny, are right and I look go to the movies, but now.
Last movie I went to in the theater was the James bond movie, which was terrible. James bond now woke now. Alright, I don't want to see awoke James bond. I like Sean connery is quebec there. Okay, so here are the best picture nominees throw them onto belfast. I am going to watch the movie belfast. I will watch it Cota. Don't look up, drive my car dune king, richard licorice pizza, nightmare alley, the power of the dog and west side store. Those are the nominees. So I try to watch wes. I story because I like the original, I couldn't you through it. I got gave a fifth
three minutes and I'm going see I'm a member of the screen actors guild after union, so they send me all the all the movies, so I don't have to go to the theater I just pop it in and I'm going. This is a Steven Spielberg movie. I couldn't get through it. Then I try to watch nightmare alley pretty dark. I gave that about twenty minutes and I'll go and like this and holly the territory's like. Why are you watching this, and I have no answer so couldn't through those two I didn't see any of them. I will see belfast because they kenneth brown on. I is really get moving,
now I don't have any hunting us. I understand the power of the dog is about some cowboy who is woke or so I don't even know I I don't want to see wolk cowboys or woke James bonds. I don't smile, it's me, but I know it's me. Alright, im a barbarian, so don't wanna see it now. Last year the best picture of the year was nomad. Land didn't see it, although Frances mcdormand the actress, they're brilliant, but
Alright, so I'm not watching, and I don't think anybody else will watch so I'm predicting seven million, maybe eight million americans will watch at the height. It was like fifty sixty million americans watching that show. In the last twenty years the audience has fallen. Seventy five percent and fall further this year say in history march, twenty fourth, nineteen. Ninety nine nato bombed yugoslavia, which was breaking up okay, so Serbia was slaughtering people in Kosovo and running wild and Milosevic was in charge of serbia and we discuss this early in the program and he was arrested. Chore is a war criminal. He died, yeah, but NATO bombers went in to destroy the serbian forces. Two american pilots were killed. I just was under bill Clinton again more twenty fourth, nineteen. Ninety nine, the bombing an anniversary today and and Clinton basically ordered
it ought to do it it a Clinton play now. You say why can we do to put more prudent as nukes. Milosevic didn't have anything he's like he had a jeep we go in there and blow them up and grab them and throw them in jail. Boobs got news, that's the difference. Okay, I'm going to take a quick break. Come back with a male and a final thought of the day on how america's weaponry, should be a little reassuring to all of us, because we live in a very tense time. So I made a final thought
at the moment for all your electrical needs call my bread, jerry pie but saved your reply is electric. Today, seventy eight four, twenty seven sixty six, seven, eight four, twenty seven sixty six, sixty plus years when it comes to commercial or residential best, jerry pybus electric. For all your electrical needs call my bread, jerry pie but said jerry pipe is electric. Today, seventy eight four, twenty seven sixty six, seven, eight, four, twenty seven sixty six, sixty plus years when it comes to commercial or residential pest, jerry, pybus, electric. I turn now for the male marrow on the message board. I did not no that the new york times would admit alai better late than never news of their mistake. Came very late.
Purpose. I think the only reason in new york times printed deep in the newspaper by the way that the hundred Biden laptop so it was the judgment- is because in new york times believes hunter Biden, maybe, So I how to get ahead of this story only with David. Before bears repeating the only thing worse than by this precedent, for the length of his constitutional term is the person who would replace him. Ok, I mean the vine harris teen. Obviously, not a good shape Eric are you concerned that killing the killers will reveal damaging information on? U S, weaponry and heard our country of year without a moment, and then I want that's. Why I'm doing this final thought could herbs Christine around us huntington beach, California, built since.
Apples weaponry wine a world. Do we pay our service men and women in danger and put them in there on the ground, we can judge as someone from space. Why use military force be cause use those weapons, beaucoup civilians, gonna, die. The very targeted weapons. Would you gotta know precisely where and when and circumstances surrounding? That's why they didn't know, for example, had been lawton was where bin laden was we open without and killing the killers? U s until did know they thought it was there, so they could adapt it, but it could have been an innocent family like what happened in afghanistan and the usa doesn't do that
Putin will do it, not us ryan, katana, plymouth, massachusetts, James buchanan and Joe Biden are not only the two worst presidents in history. They also share the same initials, so poor performance must be linked to the initials JB. Alright, Patrick Kelly, phoenix arizona, Mr Reilly, could you explain the difference between a republic and aid democracy? Well, patty! It's not hard in a direct democracy. The people on everything. So maybe, if you are on an island with thirty people, you can have a direct democracy I am whatever came up near the very people end up now would be pure democracy. Republic is when we vote for people to represent us. Each district has a congress purse and then each state as to senator
those people represent us and they should be voting on behalf for the good of our guy. That's a republic, but everybody voters who present. Martian bill? What is the agenda see theatre in walking in illinois on march thirty? First, all about I put in the plug, impartial, just as we want to show is gonna, be so I'm be in the genocide theatre, while keegan Illinois, suburb ravaged cargo on march. Refer Is to promote our radio station, w l s powerhouse station in the windy city and we're on the radio there, but the show is gonna, be the inside stuff about me and donald trump. Me mean Barack Obama, I don't have a lot incisively bind my have one encounter. There was early. Tell you in the show more me being a rat contour, we're day, raconteur storyteller,
I can't do that here. I got a boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo boo and we got stuff to deal with every day. That's important! This is important too, but it's much funnier I mean I. I just basically take you to a journey abouts of you never see or hear, because it happens behind the scenes, but is fascinating to me. So I go up there and I do and I will take you away from the audience to so. We hope to see everybody and walking in commodity and see us. I guarantee you, would you like to shop James macfarlane and Kenny Iowa watching those knows. Last night I was reminded of your recent advice to look sharp. I must say you model your advice. The suit and tie were sharp
try and you know it doesn't take a lot in our you. I do a lot of white and blue shirts, not too many stripes. Once in a while, you were striped shirt, get aware as solid tie k. I dont where this is a lightly pinstripe suit. Here, don't where a lot of czech while stuff because much easier to coordinate, collars and look as you says sharp. By doing it this way, Roy hughes, torrents, california bill I've watched since middle school and happy are on bill. O reilly dotcom recently started living with my sister, who was a teacher and she has been watching the nose. The news with me. She has come to love it and just here then I said she would like the students to watch you. We can force the urgency to do it, but if the urchins do watch me,
what's more, ok, what are we got gather we want you to know about. I already went through. I'm gonna go through the book in a moment, mugs, so fathers it is they come up everybody drinks, coffee. Now, to give me some coffee, so we say in new york: these are the best mugs on the planet. Trump demanded a dozen of these and I gave it to him the nice guy and made in america order now because they will sell out word of the day. Do not be a nimrod at when writing to us. bill bill, O'Reilly, dot, com right back with the final thought for all your electrical needs call my bread, jerry pie but sit. Your reply is electric today, seven, eight, four, twenty seven sixty six, seven, eight, four, twenty seven sixty six, sixty plus years when it comes to commercial or residential pest, jerry pybus, electric park center
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in this book, but I'm not telling you how to build a weapon, I'm just telling you what we have and Putin knows what we have so to shake. It's amazing. These weapons nobody's ever seen or even conceived of stuff that we have so on killing the killers coming out. May third preorder it you'll get it first bill, O'Reilly, dot com, you get a free sticker, amazon, barnes and noble. All of that, thank you for watching us new column, it's sunday at noon and will see again on Monday.
Transcript generated on 2023-01-12.