« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

Progressive’s Capitalize On Economic Turmoil In America, Thanksgiving Favorites In Short Supply, and Grading System Deemed Racist

2021-11-10 | 🔗

Tonight’s rundown:

  • Joe Biden’s ‘Build Back Better’ act would hike the average top tax rate on personal income in the United States to the highest level in the developed world
  • The Biden administration sees the country heading for economic disaster and are seizing the opportunity to push their progressive agenda 
  • Hurry up and get your Thanksgiving trimmings ASAP! Holiday staples like turkey and cranberry sauce are in low supply this year due to worker shortages and transportation issues 
  • A federal judge rejected Donald Trump’s effort to block Jan. 6 investigators from accessing White House records related to the 2020 election
  • Former White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer speaks with Bill 
  • University professor says grading system is racist - and Bill believes this is only the beginning 
  • This Day In History, 1954: President Eisenhower dedicates the Marine Corps War memorial 
  • Final Thought: The difference between misinformation vs. disinformation 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The bill O'Riley here welcome to the no spin news november. Ten, two thousand twenty one stand up for your country and we have a lot to tell you about tonight. Some of it you've never heard before, and that's why I tried to every Try to give you information and nobody else is giving you so it's with right. invite as we always do it schedule eyes on the road today, one to a funeral former gum delaware, ruth and manner, and then he went to bed. The more to deliver remarks on the infrastructure deal in our view, visual there's nothing, I'm not your usage, As o tea or any of that, he gives a little speech and everybody applauds and they go home. It doesn't mean anything at all on. But what does me
something: is the continuing economic decline because that hurts you personally. Now. We don't have a rasmussen number today why didn't came in command, but it did but Binds in your house, as I say, he's easier, my house in your house and we'll get her. That's gonna do him because it's not gonna reverts. Unfortunately,. where, for a year of pain and it's because of Biden now you can blame his advisers and everybody else, but it's him that was advisors are idiots and I'll get into that moment. So now what the Biden people are pushing is for this, so called reconciliation bill, which is. away bill, so it started at three point: five trillion. It's now down about one seven it'll get down
well one for nobody wants this except the people who are getting the gifts from the government. They want it, but nobody else wanted and with the inflation and it's almost making things worse. Even for the people getting free money. So the tax foundation did a study and it said that if this reconciliation bill passes all right, the usa will then have the highest personal income. Tax rate in the world for the highest earners now would be fifty cents.
Percent, yet in all the medicare staff and social security stuff and everything. Fifty seven percent and new york state, where I am you're going to tack on a per cent sales tax for everything you buy and then the income taxes hover around ten percent here. So I'm a I'm into seventy per cent territory, so that is socialism. You take people's money that they work hard for. They aren't you take it away and you give it to illegal migrants who may have been mistreated. That's what you give it to an other people like that, there's going to be a revolt! This is not going to stand because independents are
They're getting it now now the zealots and the far left people they'll never get it. They want to tear down society and I'll get to that in a moment. So the highest tax rates income tax rates in the world would be fifty seven percent usa. If this insane bill gets passed, japan, fifty six percent japan, but Japan doesn't have state tax or denmark. Fifty six, france, fifty five, Austria, fifty five, greece, fifty four canada, fifty four portugal, fifty three belgium, fifty three sweden, fifty two, those for the very, very highest level people there are many of them in those. Countries, because it requires a socialist system. You can't make much money and the people know what they the more money they make. They're not gonna have anything, so they don't even try to make it. That's how crazy it is
Okay, so we learned today that october inflation is up six point, two percent over last october, when Donald trump was in office. Now six point: two percent year to year is a pretty big inflation jump. Alright and food is up five percent. All food. You want a stake out of forty five percent. You want all food. The average of five percent fuel is up fifty nine percent. What's fuel, that's heating and cooling, your home, fifty nine percent. The view of a pool you want to heat or a hot tub or you know, stay dry and gas is up and thirty percent or year to year and used vehicles have twenty six percent, so it it's really incredible, not a gas. What brings that Donald? That number would be much higher if not for the.
southern states. Some of them have managed to keep the gas prices down are right. We California knew our crime. There hovering around five dollars. A sheer and the prediction is the gas prices gasoline price per gown with fifty percent, I'm sorry fifty cents, fifty cents a gallon before christmas. You imagine that Fifty cents so is really going on here. So the bottom, Treasure knows: wallace, and they all don't worry about it? It's temporary ok, can land goan founder of home, deep always on. They would CNBC today We all know that a temporary, because it Nothing being done nothing to tap that inflation down.
Neither government is spending more money, printing, more money that doesn't tamp inflation down alright and then the supply chain, problems and labor problems. All that makes goods more scarce and when goods are more scarce, prices for them go up when you're a trucker and you're paying fifty sixty percent more for fuel than you did last year at this time, then what you're transporting the price is going to up to the grocery store? This is fundamental- and I always say this this time last year. Think back
one year ago the vax just rolled out trump was still president. He had lost, but he was still in office. Hvacs rolled out we're in the middle of the covert horror. I mean real tight grip of covert. Were there any supply chain problems know? Was there any inflation know where their labor problems know people got where they wanted to go. They were paying even lower prices for food and fuel and other essentials. So you're telling me that in the middle of this horror of cove it the government could keep things under control, but Biden a year later, when covert is subsiding. Can the sheer incompetence.
now when put yourself in the in the oval office, alright- because I know a little bit about this so by Nazir and he's got advisers coming in all the time and they gotta tell them hey. Your poll, numbers are going down, inflation is going up. Supply problems are terrible, blah blah blah blah blah. Now you would think that, like Clinton and obama, when things went south for them, they would start to change but they're. Not why? Because the transformational philosophy is more important than governance and try to explain it would Biden and the progressive left want to do is transform the country in three essential areas, one the economy. They want to turn the capitalist economy into a quasi socialist economy, control from.
Washington. If you break the capitalist system, the free market place system, then the government has to come in number one. They also want to inject a green economy, environmental justice. That means that all research and development has to go to wind turbines, solar. All of that, as I reported earlier, the problem with that is china makes all that stuff. So if you want to get it, you gotta get it from that. Satellite were set in a big plans here to manufacture wind turbines and solar power.
we're not so the research money, all of that's going to benefit. China will benefit us. I don't know who knows didn't set of a texas last winter. The second is education. The transformational education vision is to turn the student classroom into a far left classroom. America is bad as it stands now, but we noble people, we progressives are gonna make it good. But first we have to clear out all the white guys all the traditional american tenets clear that out, because they're evil they oppressed minorities,
Get to do that and you have to buy into it you seven year old. Listening to this loony left wing teach transform education. That's already happened at the college level, My alma mater marist college used to be a really vibrant school to help working class students of all colors. It's now a left wing lunatic asylum. It is I mean it. It breaks my heart to say it. Georgetown Villanova.
boston college. All of these schools founded on judeo christian philosophy, guy, that's funny, ok, but that's what the by demonstration wants to do with the high schools, middle schools and grammar schools. Third, is to wipe out judeo christian philosophy, all of it, even though our constitution is based on it today or christian philosophies evil because it oppresses minorities. It led to slavery. Ok,. and all of the other terrible things gotta get it out and replace it with secularism, where there is no higher power, we know
we oh no allegiance to anyone, but ourselves and the strong central virtue seeking government in washington. So its short term. Pain for long term gain. The transformation can't happen until you break down the economy, the education and the judeo christian philosophy. That's the big picture here. That's what's happening now, as Joe Biden understand that no he's not smart enough to understand it. Are they telling him that? No but the architects behind his administration and the best example is open borders? You don't open borders, particularly in a coven pandemic.
unless you are trying to alter the country, that's what you're trying to do. So, if you were all up lot, everybody asked Write letters: why why why that's the? Why that's the Y know The only got a year they gonna get wet in the mid terms next november, unless the dim witted report gains dim what it is the word, because they I'm going to tell you when I just told you mutual I'm going to tell you that he doesn't know their dim witted. They better come up with an overall philosophy and specific solutions will they. I don't know.
I mean I don't see any bright lights. I deal with president tromp a lot. We have a lot of discussions here is what I say: ok, so this thanks is going to be more pain because you're not gonna, be able to get what you want to have the traditional dinner, which is fine with a progressive because they don't like tradition there thanks giving racist. To that, because those pilgrims, a wife that those indians in Massachusetts right so and the new york times american bother, they say that everything's going to be more expensive and less available because of nodded supply chain. Why is it not? It was not at this time last year, high transportation expenses.
Because a gas, that's because abiden labour shortages, that's cause a bite, said everybody money. Ok, that's why turkey sixty percent out of stock right now and if you want to buy a turkey gonna pay about twenty five percent more than you did last year, even if you can find one cranberry sauce, alright, twenty percent out of stock. So that means there's a twenty percent less supply. There was this year and again as supply chain, whatever ah yam, sweet, potato same situation, pumpkins and twenty percent increase in the price of pumpkins. I got a pumpkin outside my house, leftover from halloween, maybe I'll mash it down- I dunno so
This is all because a job I and I dont know how many people are going to sit down and thanksgiving dinner ago. You know we ought to be thankful for the president, MR by you, gonna. Do that I gotta do it. I don't wanna, be a mean guy, but I'm not thankful that he's a disaster. So you know I gotta keep reporting Truth a well now another story: you forget the sean spicer who, as a new book out and talk to him, but a bunch stuff. Joe Biden wants all of donald trump's private conversations on january. Sixth, when the capitol was attacked, so he signed an order executive order. I want them all Joe wants. President trump says: no, that's executive privilege. Now those transcripts
the stations there at the national archives they're stored there. So now the vitamin restoration says we're going to get him and trump suit. So it went to a judge, a federal judge named tanya chutki age, fifty nine appointed by Barack Obama. Guess who judge check in ruled in favor of providing okay, shocking right, so now Biden thinks he's going to somebody's not because drums lorries are going to appeal dwyer court and hears why trumps gonna win barack obama. Signed executive order, one three: four: eight: nine on his second day in office,
and the order says that both current and former presidents are allowed to invoke executive privilege with respect to presidential records kept in the national archives. Did you know that nobody knows it? Pretzel never reported that executive orders never been challenged, never been overturned. It stands, and this has very specific records in the national archives, which is where the january six records or supreme court any federal judge. That's honest, looks at this and goes you didn't overturn obama's executive order? It stands you're, not getting it and if it got to the concert
personal level, there's no way executive privilege does not apply to presidents when they leave office in a way that you'd like to know that all right are power, Sean spicer. He works at newsmax, seeded programs. Six pm he was former spokesperson for donald trump, as you know, is going to book. radical nation job. In carmella harris is dangerous plan for america is doing very well. So I'm reading a book- and I get to chapter three and the first paragraph- is pretty illuminating. I want to put her up on a screen or read it to you. Spice rights quote a little after five p m on an alteration day: prison by an end to the oval office for the first time as president seated himself behind a resolute desk. There is space of twenty minutes. He destroyed women's sport slammed the brakes on america's economic, covering eliminated thousands of jobs made american families poorer
american borders angered our ally, canada and gave a huge give to america's worse international foes, including russia and communist china, all in a day's work for the president who a few hours later had pledged? I will be a president for all americas by placing his signature on seventeen executive actions. He had sent america careening far to the left side, perceptive and I didn't know the time frame was so intense. Seventeen executive orders in you know a short period of time so joining us now from orlando Florida, where the trump o'reilly history tour will be on the twelfth of December spicer. You better show up to that by the way, so I mean on copyright or you don't you, I'm actually camping out. That's why harry I'm getting you, I want to be first in line I owe you know,
Yeah. You can do the little low what they call it. The barbecue outside before the couch tailgating thing anyway, it's gonna, be quite a show her fact. You know a lot but the stuff that we're I guarantee you may not know was ill at one at that, a log was, I mean, I'm sitting here taken note. I didn't know about that. I can order, and I I do this every day I worked for the white house. I I yeah, but I mean I feel like I could read it. Bob based on what you just said. Unless seventy methods can I drop, you know my job is to cut uncover the facts. Not to this spout. Bad ideological stop, but anyway lock the course. My first question is binding, itsy and he's not an intellectual giant. You know, everybody else is not a thinker he's a pop
and I always get seventeen executive boards. They had to be written for him right. They had to be prepared for him. This whole strategy had to be unfolded. He gets here and he's got the pen being being being being big. That's all went out right. Yeah, but look I wanna, don't tell us what you just said cause it plays right into this. These guys you and I are probably only to people on this paid the any normal democratic after the beating that they took. Last tuesday night worse than we had attacked back to the middle, we got a triangulate. We gotta stand, our losses from the upcoming midterms. These guys realize the day of twelve months left to make what I call radical nation in the book happen and so they're gonna do everything they can to gm things through in the next twelve months, and that's where I think they did the folks in the right. Don't get it that they think that these guys we're gonna go. Oh my gosh, we gotta
Men are ways, in fact the opposite. They know they're losing the house, so they're gonna double down on everything left, but here's the other point that our big that you touched on Joe Biden and though- and these folks are true- the term become, as I state in this, but clearly the most progressive present ever built. not about accomplishment. That's the thing, the people to their heads Joe Biden is doing through the people that he points and the policies that he proposes is to go down and submit a legacy as the most progressive president ever that's it. He doesn't want accomplished He wants legacy and he knows if he appoints a bunch of force. The first theme women of color to be vice president. The first algae key q secretary of transportation, that the left will love him, forever because he will have all of these first, not the most qualified, not the most accomplished, but they checked the ideological woke boxes, but the strategy is doomed,
failure and he's not smart enough, nor are as advisers to know that, because the thumping that they Democrats took last, It has now made a guy like Joe mansion, much more powerful right, because you saw that the folks don't want this agenda and he knows, as every politician should, that the deciders in the general elections, whether it be governor or senator congressmen or president, are now independence and according to the usa, today, pole independence are now against dubai. Seven to one. So if you go and you want to win and re gain power, the republicans have to court.
Nightmare, one crew, don't speak to the choir and the choir is going to stay there, but you've got to say we have a better idea. That's what I told Donald trump talked to him. Yesterday I said: look you've got to dial down the confrontational stuff. You don't need it anymore. You needed it to defend yourself against the bogus Collusion stuff tat we saw, but now you run on your record now your record up against Biden record. It's insane literally you go in ten months. You ve watched a massive, withdraw, from Afghanistan, you ve angered some of our most closest allies, weathered britain, france, south korea and and from me, economy into a tailspin bill. Actually you not finding is I want to trade, you a story that you may not know, but then again I never want to some.
other american, surprise bill O'Reilly, but let me throw one at you about three weeks: we had the first ever repatriation ceremony that our countries ever held with another country. We We sent over thirty eight service members from korea and pray Moon of south korea flew to hawaii to repatriate six has members from the united states. So, as I said, president moon lands there in hawaii at joint base, hickam pearl harbor, and you know who greeted him from the by the administration. I don't know one. No one go the president of south Korea flew over to the united states to repatriate six. U S, service members! We were heading back thirty. Eight first time in history ever occur and now, and what that means that there remains were being sent back to each country did the governor of. Why should I I don't know they sent a military officer to to greet him from thinking myself. It just eat it
the then the lack that they leave me shop, it didn't care. The gas prices are strangling working class, americans don't care about that! They're not gonna, be here about MR moon from south korea, but the thing Is that if you are not watch bill, o reilly or my sean news, mass, the have to chapter on the complicity of the media, the ignore that no one cover that no one strong, nothing order did you just lightened people, because the media is running around saying Donald trump, screwed and then billow rightly says no, not so much here. The executive order, Barack obama site, but the problem is that This media that surrounds the president now is there to charlie, for him and then cover up everything when he wrote. You know any other way to do. That is january six than all that stuff. Now one more question for you
began. His radical nation, Joe Biden in common areas, is dangerous plan for america. You have a bunch of stuff about vice president harris. Why do you think her approval rating is twenty eight per cent in that usa today poll that shocking. I'm sorry, I don't think it is number one she was rejected by her own party early. The primary process right. So the only reason she got selected- and I talked about this in the book- is it is what I mentioned a minute ago. Joe Biden wanted to be able to have a talking point. He wanted to be able to say He pointed the first person. female of color to be vice president. Clearly not the most qualified he's. Given her your task weather the border or all an, and none of them have been done? Well, so you know the funny thing, twenty eight percent. Isn't one thing to have the Republicans not like you, maybe even the independence, but it's her own party that has turned against her that bad. She is so I think the problem is, and I talk about these
people in the cabinet. The book that, when your choose, in people based on the box. I'll check whether the qualifications that they have. You end up with people like him all hair, to get a twenty eight percent approval. Writing I well make sense richard Nixon, when he resigned mov, has had a thirty three percent, fruitful ricky com five under Those are evidently good luck with the news max program at six o clock. You see, I'm not laugh we'll see you in honour of lord on December. Twelve, then we'll talk again soon. I help thank you Ok, american debt is higher than has ever been. This is personal, amount of money, you all credit cards, morgan is auto alone student loans at record levels. So you know you gotta be smart, you gotta be smart and how you spend your money and what you buy. Don't over extend
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kids with the bad parents. They can't get as good great is a rich kids with the good parents. So we have great white more out. That's coming. an arizona state university, everyone. Professor of rhetoric and composition named. Who so annoying. A noise is a very appropriate name for this guy Not now we can have grains. Ok and here's. Why put it up on a full screen quote since professor annoy white language supremacy in writing classrooms, due to the uneven and diverse linguistic legacies that everyone inherits and the radicalized white discourses,
that our use of standards which give privilege to those students who embody those habits of white language. Already I didn't know there was a white language. Did you know there was a white language? Is this and say now. I know there's a patois and wrap world. Ok, bye, dizzy english language. and that is the language of the country, but not for professor annoy. We didn't why students in arizona state to be graded at all, because this is so unfair white.
I premise that I, this day in history very interesting so november, tenth nineteen, fifty four president dwight eisenhower, dedicates the marine corps war memorial, throw it on up. So this is outside of Arlington cemetery in Virginia. You can see it today and it commemorated the founding of the marine corps, but it's also known as the iwo Jima memorial now Iwo Jima was really Why? I sent our did this because eyes and how you know is commander in Europe. The pacific war is not nearly as well covered as the war against germany and ITALY, because you couldn't get the press onto the islands is very. difficult do that, but in the mainland of europe you could.
Is it our knew that she wanted people to focus in on Iwo Jima, I'm going to tell you that This so the islands are remote, he's a rock in the south pacific. Ok and its fairly close to Japan, that is I, the marines, invaded they needed an air strip on Iwo GMO which the japanese had built they needed. so american planes could take off from you a gmo and bomb the japanese mainland. This was a vital that And the japanese do this? Ok, so so the thousand? U S, marines vain you were dreaming and they got off the ships and landed on the crest. Nobody, shadow, no fire care was an idea.
so they got on the island and the japanese were dug in waiting for them and a ferocious ferocious fight. Okay, so eighteen thousand japanese soldiers at least were killed. Ok only two hundred sixteen soldiers capture, so they fought in it and if they were surrounded, they would stab themselves super cool. They wouldn't give up yet burn em out with flame throwers, Sixty eight hundred marines killed almost twenty thousand marines wounded rights of seventy thousand went in and you had a casualty rate of about twenty seven thousand. It was horrible and that showed the resilience of the. U s military,
is it for Japan once that happened? And u s. Planes can take off and bomb the mainland right and set up the open situation, invasion of organ out, which was big island closest to Japan, where? U S, troops still are ok that was over and that they knew it. japanese would give up ok. So I write about this in killing the rising sun and vivid detail. Want to know about. He would jima how that all went down and it is really worth knowing of one of the most ferocious battles that u s ever participated. It ok, quick brave we're going to come back with mail and then we're gonna come back with a final thought about do Joe Biden lie about the usa that april anymore,. This is Brian dean right former cia operations officer by now, you.
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I have an open door back into the white house. Is the durham indictments part of that narrative? No, it would have to be direct election fraud and the durham investigation will expose the hillary Clinton campaign. That's what it will do. Chris do what ski philadelphia bill on advocacy. John durham, finally make some headway. My question is how much people care anymore, question. Only the really engaged people care, the folks, the casual people they don't care, and even though ron ron right chris, even though chris and
It demonstrates massive corruptions country, a try, wrote the column on de la riley, dot com entitled corruption. I hope everybody reads: ronald concierge member renault gets exe direct access to me. If your Biden gives money to these illegal aliens what's to stop those separated the obama administration seeking compensation, nothing. This is open if the spigot does what the acl you wants What's an open border once to punish the? U s coming the seal. You is in business to punish america, too, as will the hcl, you earn fees. If the government awards a settlement, a migrant families, expenses, don't think fees, expenses and believe me, the expenses. Will we. Wrong with more wrong did not give a town now usually throw runs, I would throw
gmail and too little email tank. But this is a good one, but please give your town saran says even of its four hundred fifty thousand per illegal. They could pay it by giving each victim one tainting from her. by so bad I bear I don't know he's got that many painting so, but he could conjurer mop if there was some uniform job. Sometimes because of work I miss you know knows news. Did the pope confront MR bide not stand for abortion? Nobody knows. The private conversation was not reported by either man meaning buying said was that he was ladder receive, can mean on monday, because the bishops and start to meet. Then this could be big for Biden if they bantam from communion. We will have a special guest on this topic,
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So earlier this week, usa, today come out the point. Thirty eight percent approve of Joe binds job performance embarrassed ten months in office. The national press ignored it, but a honest reporter in Cincinnati asked Joe Biden about it. We ran a clip yesterday, but I think it's worth rerunning go. My folly. Numbers are the same. Essentially what every. from my boy two to one too, Clinton to all all obama or at the
at the time. Okay. So that was a lie, but was it really so Obama's approval rating quarter gallop ten months in fifty three percent Biden's is thirty: eight percent, that's a pretty big gap. Yet Joe Biden says his approval was the same as Barack Obama's at the same The time slot true right is that true, so do people who don't like Joe Biden liar all right, but I try to be fair. So here I'm going to give you some information that you don't know this information. Do you know what this information is ds information is when someone says something false and they know it's false. That's a lie. This information.
They know they are not telling the truth. Miss information is when some one states a falsehood, but they don't know it's not true. They should showed to say something you should know what's true and false, but they don't really know So I will submit to you that Biden is in the miss information category and I say that because if you look at the sound I just please you he had trouble getting words out of his mouth Couldn't remember the names of bush quaint in really not, and I
Oh, that somebody told them all to worry about that she was ended. Airports and outlier, and the other presidents had the same problem and ten months. I'm sure he was told it died himself. Look it up. Did he do the research. Now he should have, because he should have known somebody's going to ask about this year. The national press is in the tank and he stays away, but if you gonna go out to local cincinnati and the rapporteur has got the iq over fifty. That reporter is going to ask you about that. So Biden should have research that any should have no, but I
believe he did not know what he's too lazy to do it and here's the big thing Joe Biden, doesn't hair. If what he says is true, I firmly believe that he doesn't care he's in the business of promoting a far left agenda assurance by sir said earlier. Right. That's what his business is. It's not about a precise explanation
anything, and I don't even think he's capable of doing that now at seventy nine years old I could be wrong, but when you hear the word lie always now know the difference between dis information, that's a lie and misinformation, which is someone who's, falsifying something but doesn't really know, but again, in Biden's case, he doesn't care thanks for watching a nose for news. We'll see you tomorrow,
Transcript generated on 2023-01-14.