« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

Pro-Hamas Protests, Glen Duerr on the History of Israel, the American Dream Slips, Shoplifting Chaos, Government Spending Rises, & More

2023-11-27 | 🔗

Hey BillOReilly.com Premium and Concierge Members, welcome to the No Spin News for Monday November 27, 2023. Stand Up for Your Country.

Tonight's rundown:

  • Talking Points Memo: Bill breaks down the history anti-Israel/pro-Hamas protesters in America don’t seem to understand.
  • International Studies Prof. Glen Duerr joins the No Spin News.
  • Do people still believe in the American dream?
  • President Biden continues to spend.
  • Retailers lose billions to shoplifting.
  • This Day in History: Thanksgiving Day Parade
  • Final Thought: Funny Impressions

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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story and even though there was some bad weather in the mid west and offer midwest looked like everything It was at least professional and at a far contrast to what has been happening, So that's good knows, and I want to report some good news sometime. I'll be out a nice time. Our christmas is four weeks from today, you gotta get out of here. I always stay ahead. I saw that we get it right in consumer lotta news. I always have a look at the wires and things like that, but it was all All israel, gaza, mars all the time, because the news agencies they dislike lemmings, they don't know they just go with whatever obvious and as other wrong with that I mean Armenia's hostage swap, is fairly. successful. Now Hamas is releasing people, a kidnap, women and children,
it's, unbelievable and Israel is cease. Fire is holding for a little while longer nets. Good news and the overall protest situation is the subject of this evening's talking points memo So this is a really bizarre story. in new york city. There is a high school hillcrest is located in queens troubled school. I a teacher at the high school attendance a pro israel rally last smart guy, some video captured his attendants. There was almost a riot at the school and the teacher, the hide in a locked office to avoid protesters you're trying to break into his classroom. I guess to hurt him. Now these are high school students. I couple of dozen cops had a to the school too
calm things down because the school has a history of violence. and now this is the latest situation now does happen monday november twentieth, Stored in break in the new york post, which is really the only vehicle a covers local news in new york city anymore, until the saturday twenty fifth anyway, there disturbing. Ok that high school kids, we'd, get involved in this kind of a level where twenty for police officers have to go to the school, to protect children, to detect the tea All over the country, you know that this is going on college campuses. First, I mean we ve heard about this at this level, and High school so at harvard colombia. George Washington university, probably the worst in DC.
Brandeis brown, mit tufts, two lane Universe, pennsylvania on and on and on and on there have been you know in tents,. pro hamas demonstrations. Now what is going on here? Mosses and terry unit are like isis. Or Al Qaeda. They just murder people, innocent people, and you got people eyes now they do it under the cloak of while we're for the palestinians no k, because palestine is governed. by Hamas. Hamas is it. There is no government, there moss calls the shots and in it, Paul interpol, interpol. After Paul people in Gaza. Two million support him ass right like
countries that harboured, ok, though we had a knock out in Afghanistan. There was Al Qaeda, we went in blue them out the taliban to the same thing, no difference. Ok, but here now we All of this anti israel stop, because Israel is a bad bad country. Okay, so let's stepped back format and look at all. With a history of Israel, believes that hamas wants to destroy it, which is true. There's all negotiation factor moss wants to murder juice and destroy israel mosses, by IRAN, which as the same goal hezbollah has the same goal. So if your runnin Israel, you gotta have protection for your people- seven million, I believe,
God- and that means restrictions on the movement of people- the big wall, as you know, and the restriction of god, you gotta, watch what goes in and out of Gaza. Because we all know that punk, weaponry has gotten inner. Will use really is gonna watch that so there are restrictions and then the palestine say while we're being persecuted. Alright, this is us crazy. So to me, One key factor in Israel is that anybody who lives in that area can be common israeli citizens. So if you're in gaza in the west bank can apply for citizenship- and all of that has you know there is a pathway out Of their ok, now, on the Hamas front,.
The guy named ya sin war is the top terrorist, and this is this: is osama bin laden, that's who to eat, the sky, alright, not I haven't gotten this guy look. Inform, obviously, is real, Kill him again. But again, there's no day pond zone. Oh she asian, because there's It is in a government to movement anyway. That's what happening over there. If you were to ask the students at the stupid high school in queens, I wouldn't know anything about it, and he also submit to the harvard students would know anything about and you have to go back to the world war. Two. Understand why the state of Israel Was mandated by the united nations after the war
so at least six million jews were slaughtered by the nazis and the russians. Russia's don't have any use for jews. Ok, In central europe, Jews were at rest there at risk in ukraine. Romania, the iron guard and there, or at least two hundred fifty thousand jews after the war who survived and nowhere to go. Their homes were confiscated, then every money there. he wandered around a quarter of a million. I saw Jews after The allies defeated, the germans in europe were still at rest. Had nowhere to go. so united nations wisely said ok, call the homeland, The jews originated, which is the
israeli palestinian area, now problem, was that arrows we're living in that homely alone, jews and questions, because Jerusalem is the holiest city for three religions. Mount mecca is holy city, for that is what I slavic robot chris Is it you? Ok, so the state of Israel is created out of a british protectorate. Remember the british: had the authority in the middle east, was no palestine country. The book oversaw at all, where it and after world war to the british, gave the land to Israel and a country is worn through the united nations harry true and preserve the united states. Was the first to recognize the country, and then everybody else follow that that's a history! Again, I ask you, you think these idiots at the high school knew that or these college kids
Now that you think you know anything about it. You think they're writ killing. Yes, my book, killing, nurses, You want to know about israel and Jews and all that you killing. Yes, if you already, you don't want to know you don't wanna, be simple as that you don't want to know that book. Other pages leads it out cap. So now we have a situation where we have a contagious one use nor with this and I went through this and the vietnam war protests were out of college it time why You start than all these people come in they want to get involved too it's like a mass thing, so shoplift I will do that without a low, but later on the matter, uplifting and more shoplifters, looting. ga moody, more loaders guy, so that's what's happening is the contagion and you ve seen always people again. They don't know what you're talking about then, and I don't care
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Named Abigail Aidan, who was kidnapped by Hamas and held. Has Hamas killed her parents right in front of her Right now she was released and here's president Biden said go two days ago, two days ago, one of our fellow americans. A little girl named Abigail for years all she spent birthday that birthday at least fifty days before that help, by biomass today. She's free, in July together. So many americans are praying for the fact that she is gonna, be all right, he's gonna, be all right. watch your parents get murder in front of your eyes. She ever be all right.
This is what terrorism does. This is with terrorists who they are the girls, never gonna, be all right. I hope she gets through I agree with the sentiment you pray for her, but she's never gonna be all right, so when you bring it down, you're a group that kidnap and four year olds, murdering apparent from the girls eyes, and then you got people out there, civil I want with this group, say no, that's ok, because Israel, worse now, not in my presence, I will go out of my way. Have I heard somebody do that and I don't care where I am I want my web. I saw as you know, president Biden's in nantucket for the thanksgiving break
any attended, a christmas tree lighting, that's a tradition and not nantucket town. Here's what happened there go. the. Ok, bye, bye new! Can I we caught you in. I mean unaids right, you ever content Fusion is right to be a more on its protected in this country, and there they are. It really is depressing vice president Biden didn't do anything today I mean I had to get over his vacation. He gave a few remarks about supply chains mattered, not as he does. We usually does nothing a journey
now from cedar real ohio. It gives that on before very smart guy, glenn duerer is a professor of international studies at sea to really university and an expert in political so you're on a scene I'm not I used to teach high school, but that's a long time ago. I I'm just appalled at the ignorance of these students in some of the finer schools. Are you to be anyway in this country? What is driving this in your opinion is shocking in many ways, because when we think about just the the sheer lack of knowledge or just even desire to dig below the surface, even a little bit just to map out what you noted post world war, two or just the way that Israel was ganged up upon in nineteen, forty, eight nineteen, fifty six and nineteen sixty seven and nineteen, seventy three really israel to
for its life into a create for itself, a country that can be safe. But in some ways it's been a hollowing out of the curriculum. History is taught less and when it is taught, there's a lot of or a real lack of ideological diversity, a whether in high school, but more so in college. At the college, in university level, just depending on the statistics somewhere between one two, three percent or ideologically conservative now, certainly there are many democrats that could be pro israel and have come to the fore there. But when there's just a lack of that diversity, intellectually, it leads to this type of situation. It should, moreover, on social media just these little snapshots. That will tell a very, very brief story, ah and that's what's providing a lot of young people, their information, rather than digging deep into the books studying encyclopedias things of that nature. I know it's difficult to try.
Well it's expensive to get to Israel, but if someone is on the ground, they will see an awful lot of new wants. Just you mention the wall. That war is only six percent of the perimeter, the other. Ninety four percent is a fence and a hundred forty thousand palestinians daily cross from that wall into Israel to work, work, feed their families, and so there is an awful lot of nuance between I to two major sites: yeah, ok, but you know genocide and all these we. This is the spouting of the progressive left there behind. This is why it is a progressive left, despite Israel. In your opinion, a big basis of it is anti semitism and another sign, is jealousy. Israel was came from nothing. The desert has now bloomed when you look at Israel and look at a number of its neighbours, and I give credit to a number of those neighbours who have
the peace agreements with Israel, but its green on one side and it's not green. On the other side, literally the grasses greener in Israel, because of what they ve cultivated tel Aviv has become a high tech hub. Jerusalem has become much more peaceful, great corporeal place for people around the world to visit, and then there are vibrant cities elsewhere from heifer to an attack on a lot of christians, myself included, will go to the sea of galilee. Will look at different areas where Jesus himself walk? Did it really is remarkable what the state of Israel is done with tourism, and so a lot of this comes down to jealous because the per capita income is much much higher and when you look at that circumstance that say a part of it, but I believe the progressive take the side of the palestinians lash Hamas, I mean I don't you're a
progressive in america. You wanna hear you government apparatus to run every aspect of life. You want seizure of private property to redistributing income this is what you want. Ok, so the residues can make our argument that we are noble, because we're lookin out for the poor people want to elevate them by government power, this what we want, but in The middle east is totally different. I guess the palace and he are oppressed. By the israelis, but you would think that day aggressive might admire why the israelis have overcome in all because they were united. You don't get more underdog than jews and war war to do here. Absolutely it's! It's really the biggest underdog group, but since nineteen seventy three they ve been certainly much more powerful. I think it
flipped on that occasion and many in Israel a heartily support the free market. It is very complicated the netanyahu government, the conservative when in Israel has done very, very well, and so from that perspective, this pushed back in the progressive community in the united states. But this just A lack of of knowledge of Hamas won an election in two thousand and six after Israel withdrew from Gaza in two thousand and five, and they have not held an election since. So we really don't know how the people of Gaza I feel a little power. Those I and I've been there like. You have, I think,
They are disenchanted with a moss, and the reason is that, from the age of three, the palestinians are taught to hate the Jews. They are indoctrinated to hate them. You know that absolutely I mean one one jew, plus one duty calls to dead Jews in the in the counting and the indoctrination of palestinian kids. But even in spite of that, you draw beyond the headlines, you will see our antagonists some against Hamas people wanting to be free from them in Gaza. I'm not saying it's a large number, but there's been no elections. Didn't since two thousand six, we no way of kobe they begged leave. If they wanted to leave, I mean it's hard, but they could do it, now. I want to hark back to the vietnam error because it was the same kind of thing. Then different issue by the Jane fond is in a world where sit non guns.
Tom everybody, would our great hoochie men was. We was one of the most vicious tyrants. world has ever seen what she meant. Other vietcong were grey the congo and I'll blow up children at night And was the same thing: in l, hey, hey, lbj. How many kids did you kill today the same thing the level of ignorance, my school with incredible, I was on a school hoofs. Birth target is really know anything. It's a scam, thing now I If I went to harvard nuts my alma mater, I went to decay school. gathered in five or six of these pro hamas pay Oh, I would destroy them in a debate. It wouldn't even be close. But they almost are smug, professor in their ignorance
smug about it. You see that it's one of the challenges, because the progressive laughed is supposed to be for women's rights for protection of women and when we see the sheer brutality that Hamas unleashed on october, the seventh killing over twelve hundred but the age at the sheer scale of kidnapping and rape and murder was just astonishing and then for that to be covered up for it to be just dismissed by so money is just really. I don't believe it right here. Right now, I don't know Doktor thanks very much for your expertise always enjoy talking. You appreciated.
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Jc penney cyber deals are just a click away, say through tuesday, at jcp, dot com finish your holiday with early and score. Thousands of online deals before they're gone cozy up to sixty percent off heated blankets and throws keep the fam extra warm and outerwear, starting at just fourteen ninety nine and spoil someone special with our yes, please diamonds and gemstones, only nineteen. Ninety nine all the deals all online jc penney make your holidays count, offers valid on select styles, three, eleven twenty eight online, only exclusions apply separately with excluded from coupons to jcp dot com for details Back in the usa, a your journal paul about the american dream. Ok, this is what traditional thought is based on the american dream is, if you work hard get You came to an extent where you can articulate kay and obey the law. That you will rise from your circumstance.
certainly I moved me- can read my by our ball presley's reality, I come from any Or no money, no, I says no uncle in a business, not I work my body and I gotta, educate, ok So the first question in this wall street journal poll is: do you think the american dream that, if you work hard, you'll get ahead still was true, never held true one. True, but does not anymore still halls, Thirty, six percent, never eighteen percent, One cell, but not more forty, five percent so you are added up and it comes out, sixty three percent. The american dream is vanished
So go as you do agree or disagree with folly statement stay the economic and political systems and a country of stacked against people. Like me, a great fifty percent half. Disagree. Thirty, nine percent, not your tent. So this is victimization, that's what the left cells cross aboard, not just the progressive That's what liberalism cells. Everybody's a victim- if you don't succeed, your victim, not your fault, not your fault! It is four k or that so republicans for oda conservatives for all who's ever you're a victim. saw views more part, all day, cannon. job dropped out of high school value for. Not a guy had shot lived. Yes, you are right to do that. that's the victimization, so you get fit!
percent of the people of this kind. Recording small by an end to this effect, I couldn't sixty So if you are a american citizen and your twenty three years old man or woman and you ve got three kids new twenty three. and you don't have a college degree and do not particularly ambitious unifil but aggressive, laughed and liberal thinkers. Don't want anybody to fail, they every I'd be given success. Just want to clear this. All up. big- these numbers are getting in this country and its pretty startling federal spending of six percent. From this time last year, Joe Biden biggest spending present by far in this country, six
Four billion we spent more this year than last year, K so. Security is the biggest one national defence that includes ukraine, interest payments and healthcare right so up up up up up in two thousand twenty three this year, because the fiscal years over the guy and spend six point one three trillion. We took in four point four: four trillion For one point: seven trillion deficit member Biden says I'm a deficit cutter on the biggest cutter, the deficit member that demand it's just every girl is a liar- is that he doesn't know and doesn't care So it is lying by omission, but is it is incapable of that kind of announces stating that no right this is from
truth and accounting. So these are the ten states that can't pay its else, the worst new jersey adequate illinois massachusetts, Hawaii Kentucky. Delaware, Louisiana, california, vermont, all of them, with the exception of kentucky and louisiana, our liberal states cannot pay their bills, got it black friday, I hope you go to bill. O'riley dot, comedies shopping there. We make your life so much easier, save tonnes or money. I kid come dear omen, home and air, but but anyway, friday. Eight percent jump from last year can sue spending, that's good for the economy may be good for Larry would have sent the money, but it's good for the economy consumers in a holiday season expected spent six billion.
and now they spend six billion on thanksgiving day alone, while so send increase of last year and two hundred twenty two billion dollars spread to be sent spent on gifts and stuff the holiday season, Ninety five percent of american swimmers say they participate in holiday gift, giving. Again below riley dotcom, making I've easy, save you money, ok, shop, lifting! This comes from the retail council of new york state, Joe in new york region. Or stores in the state where I am right now lost last year. Twenty two four point: four billion people stealing stuff at his door. Why not prosecuted? And, as I said, it's a contain people see other people shop. Where do that moment, happen to me
If I get arrested, you don't want to get a ticket a ticket while going through a stop sign. I'm going to take all this stuff. Four point: four billion dollars: loss for shop, keeping new york Police department spokesperson said ninety three thousand kansas city now incidents of petty larceny through october twenty three thirty percent higher than the same period. Two years ago I t rethought Out of the ninety three thousand nobody's gonna go to jail, gum, smart wife. Okay, so I wrote a message of the day. Again, you can go to that. I'm bill, o'reilly dot com, don't have to be a member of anything every day. My son, I told you the story ethic last week plays lacrosse for oxford in england.
Art and they were out playing a welsh team, cardiff. And he has orally on his and after the game, bunch of card of players in oxford, one came over there. You bill orally, Simon, took on the back and As I related last week, he said how do you know my father and he could see usually says my my son usually says dawn or riley, auto parts, that's really as his usual lie in energy, so you too, Everybody on campus watches and one you which really really good stuff but I don't know what they're watching. So I asked my tech people. What is youtube's so apparently bill, o reilly, dotcom post. The nose been news highly. It's on you too, and you can go there, you tube dot com, slash bill o. That's it
is what you get there. You tube dive com, slash bill, o reilly, and then I hope I just stopped pops, And you can watch it if you can't watch the whole show. We recommend that you do you become premium member concierge memory watch everything but you can go there and blah blah up up up and that is really bringing in younger viewers. I was astounded that summer house people below the age of forty, cable news. The average age is death who say that it's what it's sold. That's the average age, two steps from the grave, very, very old audience here you too, it's all young and, as I say in a message, I have you read it. This is very encouraging sign. This balance is out alone propaganda. They here,
jc penney. Cyber deals are just a click away, say through tuesday, at jcp, dot com finish your holiday with early and score. Thousands of online deals before they're gone cozy up to sixty percent off heated blankets and throws keep the fam extra warm and outerwear, starting at just fourteen ninety nine and spoil someone special with our yes, please diamonds and gemstones, only nineteen. Ninety nine all the deals all online jc penney make your holidays count, offers valid on select styles, three, eleven twenty eight online, only exclusions apply separately with excluded from coupons to jcp, dot com for details, or I might bigger Cia, veteran and host of the president's daily brief podcast stay informed on the rapidly unfolding conflict between Israel and Hamas, as Israel responds to the deadly terrorist attacks tune in monday through friday for the most up to date, insights, download and listen on apple pod, guests, spotify or wherever you get your PA guest, get briefed
stay ahead with the president's daily brief. I say in history november, twenty seven, nineteen, twenty four, worse may cease thanksgiving day parade, but it was call that it was called a christmas parade Ninety nine years ago. Right, so Measures should guard newspaper as it set a marathon of mirth I'm all adoration air max, I thought of mirth, and so a clause will be the air which he has been ever since I first parade then mickey mouse showed up and thirty for ten years later and then in, Fifty three, when tv was invented started on NBC, okay, so the macy's parade. This is, I love. This ready took the play. Piece of ragamuffin day. I did not know this. I love it. So ragamuffin day
usually happen on thanksgiving eighteen, seventeen, nineteen twenty is. It was ragamuffin that today, if you say the word, ragamuffin you'll be crucial: I saw you, I say urgent and when I get heat for saying, keep calling kids urgent. Back then column. Ragamuffin some ragamuffin day was introduced, in old day for kids. They get. I dont know what they got back then right and then ragamuffin they disappeared. after the macy's thanksgiving day. Parade now is suspended. Two years- are war war too because I didn't have enough rubber Do the parade in floats and that out, that's interesting, so the first macy's thanks day parade have a ninety. Nine years ago. Today,. I got some lively now and a final thought that will make you laugh coming right back,
it's gonna mail, I got a letter from Jeff. more Molin, our good italian guy west minster, colorado, give Molinari parents are celebrating their seventy fifth wedding anniversary to day came. basil, molen arrow, a hundred and two Mary Lou more on our own ninety two clear water. Floored nice place, happy anniversary to seven, five years now I care do all we anniversaries and I can, but this is pretty extraordinary when you say married for seventy five years, gratulation what an accomplishment and basel top say in Israel, Kevin Martin, drake it Massachusetts. Bogota. Way why most of the media coverage about a moss seems
push the narrative there, The terrorist organisations distinct and totally separated from this Palestinian people, because they want progressive media. Doesn't want the terror or spectre involved here. What they want is to sell a false narrative. That Israel oppresses poor arabs for no reason apart tat, just like south africa k, you heard the chant issue or to kill these people. that's the progressive left is putting out there. So if you order actually in yet some realistic stuff into the narrative. Now they don't want that janet mcewen, rockville Missouri attend Observation about the lack of manners, respect and dressed styles, starting with the parents.
As an educated more than thirty years, it saddens me to see other generations glued to social media and that's what many parents are modeling so dark time and so Jonah's he's talking about my column calls meagre nation and its anville, o reilly, dot com? We dropped the column every sunday. Were. I say that standards are just creating in the sky. We should and I give a military, but it's not the parents. I dont think its appearance, janis, it's the adults Look at the nfl I have time shows thousand dollars suits jack victor suits jack victors. Nice suits sneakers. What. recall, appreciate you reading that janice. Let's go to
confusion over I've, been in fuels and seen people wearing shorts and t shirts. I was awake last week a guy comes in into shorts, Believe it I almost sense, I didn't because I didn't know the people out well. and I want to embarrass anybody, but I was church you go to church you weren't, sandals and shorts church. nah count my husband and I are in our early eighties. We always did as we were taught respect everyone, especially your parents, grandparents, so we thought someday. Our time would come for that kind of deference, pretty funny right. Some people younger people, I drew real my urgent. I drill them in not everybody. Elizabeth bill Where do the com? It's true, and knew the way around it made me laugh out loud good. I like to get my points across with human
not with a hammer all the time? Lou aunt, I agree with everything except the snow here's where the dress. Yes, it looks bad. I guarantee you, you know commute to work and heels? That's true, you put the heels in the bag, and then, when you get to the place of work, you change this nascent that a heel right. mark riley san diego, always grateful for you. Teams, excellent journalism particularly enjoy your enter with cuomo stiva chain, exactly what the country needs. I agree as why do it wednesday night monday or beyond, would we'll inveterate seven thirty homo eight to eight twenty and when eyes douglas craig costa rica. Remember, while back you suggesting watching
This will learn about the founding of Israel. Amazon, prime must have been listening, because now it is the streaming option. Good watch, the movie. You learn a lot doktor howard, a bare harold there killing budgets that crazy horse. all are excellent and easily readable. Thanks to you and Martin to guard for educating me what you welcome doctrine, mentioning Chris, I just made a big by of killing. crazy horse, the merciless indian wars in america, throw it on up nine. Ninety five. hard back. This is a hard back first edition. Ok, I scope them and If you want to stocking stubborn quick, give they got. Kay em in you'll love the book it just moves along like crazy. david abreast skin ocean view hawaii
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Save you a lot of money and a lot of grief for the day, no bills b, l. Back with a final thought, a moment ok by the way you want to reach me bill bill, o reilly, dot, com, bill bill, o reilly, dotcom name in town, please, I why are you now want to? Do? I find somebody I did. I don't know who I think has a lot of talent. Since a comedian, a mat friend twenty five years old and he does Freshens gathers in new york cities from chicago. Listen to this role. It Well, I'll tell you what it is: they birthday of the old as resident in united states history, sleepy job, like this single little saw this. A little so impressively by jealous into this place lesson in a split happy birthday. The sleep big happy birthday today
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Transcript generated on 2023-11-28.