« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

Press Corruption, Biden's Latest False Claim, Trump Leads in a Controversial New Poll, Gavin Newsom's New Role, & Liz Wheeler on Protecting America's Children

2023-09-25 | 🔗
Hey BillOReilly.com Premium and Concierge Members, welcome to the No Spin News for Monday, September 25, 2023. Stand Up for Your Country.Tonight's rundown:
  • Talking Points Memo: Bill breaks down why a corrupt press is a danger to Americans.
  • Joe Biden makes yet another false claim.
  • A new Washinton Post poll has Donald Trump leading Biden by a large margin. So, why are some trying to discredit it?
  • California Gov. Gavin Newsom is now representing Team Biden.
  • Liz Wheeler joins the No Spin News to talk about protecting America's youth.
  • This Day in History: The First Congress and the Constitution.
  • Final Thought: Bill and Billy Joel.

In Case You Missed It:
  • Read Bill's latest column, "Leave it to Kamala."
  • Get tickets to Bill and Sid Rosenberg's live show this October: "A New York State of Mind" at The Paramount in Huntington, NY. They are on sale NOW!
  • Fall Madness is here!  Go to BillOReilly.com to take advantage of the latest deal, including Killing the Killers, Killing the Legends, and mug, all for $42.95.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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besides every morning tune in to the president's daily brief with MIKE baker. earlier, while them do the no spin news, Monday september, twenty fifty thousand twenty three stand up for your country. enormous corruption right now in the usa Think pretty much everybody knows it saw moon, admit it. But almost every day we corruption right in front of us and It's a free, tiered situation, the justice department, Politicians not all, but enough and the media all three. Real problems with corruption
and we're going to look at the media now and that's a talking points memo this evening. Saw, americans can no longer get accurate information about their country or the world. It used to be, gotta. Give a history lesson here, but the fact fathers, many of whom despise the press like Thomas jefferson and John Adams. they knew There had to be vehicles to get information to the voters and that's why press have special privileges in the constitution. Okay, what happened. Was the big corporation disney? comcast warner fox took over. The television meeting, and the newspaper were also dominated by corporate entities, almost
all of whom are liberal boxes, the exception. now let us we rule Murdoch The chairman of fox news was announced. Who's going to resign. Are you ninety two years old I was the medium weight c n n launch. into which propaganda mo It ran a prime time, my college of sound from far news prove offence. Is racist role. The tape
Or maybe tomorrow he says he's going to transition to a woman better. Yet maybe a black woman that'd be even better half black half pacific islander, something like that slaves that worked there were well fed and had decent lodgings provided by the government. Those who work there well fed and had decent lodgings provided by the government. it sounds like, on sir oft on slavery, correct. So that sound by two thousand sixty was based on speech by michelle obama. Where she was explaining that slaves build the white house.
Here's my sound bite in entirety go In fact, the tip of the day, as we mentioned talking, points memo, Michelle obama, referenced slaves, building the white house and referring to the evolution of america in a positive way. It was a positive comment. The history behind her remark is fascinating slaves that worked there were well fed and had decent lodgings provided by the government, which stopped hiring slave labor in eighteen o. Two, however, the feds did not forbid subcontractors from using slave labor, so michelle obama is essentially correct, inciting slaves as builders of the white house, but there were others working as well. That's how I got justified slavery to you. Cnn took seconds out of a forty. Can somebody to
Try to convince its audience, I am a race that I justify slave. does it get any lower than that does it saw. I contacted my attorneys were excellent. They wrote a letter to the sea all of CNN David. Zack love, Z, s, ill av and said nepal, apology we need a quick. So And pop attorney got back a few hours ago, and so we will have a response. I await ok Now, if I were to sue cnn, I would win. because they obviously defame me and they did it on purpose with malice, had the full sound cut just ran apart there would it
in something false about me, I'd have to show damages You get any money and it would take three years: and millions of dollars. I'd have to pay millions of dollars to my attorneys in court cause to get the thing In a position where it when, but I wouldn't win who's, the guy Would go away the jury well, all right, successful it didn't really damage, but it did damage me who carry. I mean This is the kind of propaganda that cnn puts out every day every day, So I am awaiting its response and I will report to you and it's not I'm not trying to make myself a martyr or a victim here, I'm a big boy. I can take care of myself, ok, but these news. Whore producer agencies do this. All the time most every day they do it and.
Most people can afford to take them on. so they're, smeared and swine. Particularly Your conservative or a traditional purse. Salt. this is corruption. See it is worldwide, is all over the world. as somebody doesn't know me she's here walking down all, would look at the rate, he's a race and see justified slavery. Zack opposite. And put Michel obama's remarks into the proper historical context. It's what we do. I'm telling you it's so disturbing for me to watch this because I've been in this business almost fifty years now. To see how draft The glee, this whole thing is declined. And on speaking with a talker com
and tonight we're taping the interview in manhattan for killing the witches I'll. Tell you a little bit more about it later and I think that's gonna come up. the me I'd have to come up. I mean The media in general, what the deuce is going on here and again comes into your home and your life, because voters can find out what the truth is any longer. The cat. And ass a memo. Did you know water heaters last about ten years refrigerators? Typically about thirteen, as we stan time in our homes. We rely on aging systems and appliances. It's time to consider safeguarding your budget from unexpected expenses like a broken Wash your or malfunctioning drier organ home shield as a solution to
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We still take two for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. You could show off your skin again and you know what that means each day as a tick to inhibitor. So take two is the only once daily pill of it's kind for adults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. Ask your dermatologist about so take to today and learn more at so clearly you dot com that so clearly you dot com so take two to Kravis. Fitness is a prescription treatment for adults with moderate, to severe plaque psoriasis, who may benefit from systemic therapy or phototherapy, don't take if you're allergic. To so take two serious reactions can occur before treatment. Get checked for infections, including tuberculosis, so take two can lower your ability to fight infections. Don't start if you have one serious infections: cancers, including lymphoma muscle problems and changes in certain labs, have occurred. Tell your doctor, if you have a history of these events or if you have an infection or symptoms like fever, sweats chills, muscle aches or cough, or if you have history of hepatitis b or c liver or kidney problems, high triglycerides or had a vaccine or plan to so take two inhibits take two which is part of the jack family people. Fifty and older, with heart disease risk factors who use a Jak inhibitor are at increased risk for certain side effects, sometimes fatal. It's unknown. If so, take two has the same risks as Jak inhibitors call one. Eight, eight, eight s o t Y k to you to learn more or you're buying your juliet a couple of meetings. A large one would
think islander people gotta put her family with them: Family photo actual and then he met with a board of advisers on historically black colleges and universities that very nice. He didn't do anything about the border area aid in doing that inflation to new area about the economy. I didn't do anything about violent crime or knew anything about fentanyl pouring in, but at meetings meetings. On friday, the white house and it there's, a new committee, work some Headed by vice president harris and its prevent gun, violence the whole brand new thing. I write about it in the message of the day on bill, O'Reilly, dot, darker. Care, which I hope when you get up every morning, it's one of the things that you do check it: You don't have a member you ba like that, just And I'm goin in I
The new office. So here is president. By announcing, what's goin on after every mass, surely we hear a simple message: the same measured all over the country and every mass shootings do. Something, though, of course, President Biden hasn't been to every mass shooting. you ve, been to one issue in five hundred and six mass shootings over two thousand twenty three President Biden, visited the site of war. but he said, he'd been to everyone So again it comes back to what I was telling you why he doesn't know what he is saying that He went off the teleprompter. They don't write that form I'm in every one of them. No human being particularly president of any country would mean
such an outlandish statement. If, he or she actually knew what, The words were coming out of their mouths, he doesn't know. Now I know some of you disagree with it. Just logically, it's just anyway, the white house was asked about- and they have no comment. shocking pull the left. Those know what to do about this: a b c news wash and impose Paul. Democrats: twenty five republicans twenty five independence for me too this time last year would have been democrats what five republicans twenty five, but thanks to us, bearers volleys poli agencies. Now it's fair, first question One in four presidential elections were held today. Would you vote for trump fifty? one percent Biden. Forty two o
whoa whoa. Second question: do you approve disapprove of the way Joe Biden's job, Thirty seven disapprove. Fifty six. No opinion, seven. Next question: would you like Democrats should nominate Biden. Thirty: three: yes, Not someone else, sixty two, not good Final question: would you, like republican party nominate somebody else or keep donald trump. Tromp, fifty four to scientists, fifteen hayley, sevenpence, six, scott for christie, three run the swami three now. That shot that's again abc news wash unopposed. Both. These organizations are fake both the democratic party.
Abc not like the washington post was report, zealots, meaning there in business with gems. Abc leans, but they're, not crazy. So larry sabotage. Member, that there might be some a lot on a factor He's upholstery worked the universe of virginia. He issued a statement quote. ignore their wash impose abc polish ridiculous outlier. Try Of ten over biden laughable, my question How could you even a publisher so absurd on it's face? would be a lingering embarrassment to you on quote to you, meaning the wash imposing machine it. Larry sabotage sayings. So I told you using. the czar Bhutto is now thrown in with the former laugh. I told you that in the last election cycle. Because it's easy to say right so sad.
those furious about this and I asked myself look- we got a back up that my appeal. the union's sabotaged, the leftist so far, an interesting, sound bite, teachers, as I said, the university of virginia in charlottesville, He went to the rally where trump said: you're good, people in both sides, member that charlottesville rally kay What trump was talking about was the statues whether they should stay or go which alberto and others made about trumpet, saying no good people on the nazi sought and then the january six thing to let's roll sabotage. First charlottesville in twenty seventeen which unfamiliar with because I watched it the january sex, twenty twenty one when president trump himself using twitter encourage his followers to calm and said it will be while
zombie toto's electron and now he's get nervous, Is the democratic establishment dig and nerves. Now, what do I think about the pole? I don't think the pole reflect where we are right now in america. However,. buying is trending down. the more we see the sound bite. I just showed you and his sons and the justice department and the corruption and Migrants and inflation he Trending down and fast ten, that's, it could be it, doesn't match the other polling, but I think it might I think you're going to see a real fast Downside Biden
and then he will submit his resignation for health reasons. That's my predict. Ok, here's an interesting story. I think I'm the only one who got it so there. There's a debate on wednesday, on thursday will have our analysis of the debate from public and santa's pants, hey, lee scott. Swami christy California, Simi valley, north of l, a okay trump not going, doesn't need to go. I guess who's going either democratic side to be the person who It applies to the debate. Gavin newsome governor california,. Whoa now he support. to be binds rival right, but them I didn't campaign, is sending him to see me valley for the debate.
tells me a deal has been made tween newsome and the bided administration. New. Some, as he said last week, is running. supporting job there came out last week by if yo goes. the by demonstrations gonna support news. I think that's what this tells I did migration. Chaos saw Not only here in america- France is now beefed up their army on the border with italy to stop migrants coming from ITALY and france, italy, is considering using its navy to believe kate, tunisia and libya. Where Forget migrates are coming getting on boats in common in the order, has not been issued, but its being considered.
Pope Francis doesn't like this at all. So he goes to france. and he says ah ample number of legal and regular entrances of migrants with emphasis on accepting those fleeing. war, hunger and poverty rather than on. Preservation of one Well, I'll be ok, So he basically saying got Soft everybody from these terrible countries who- and they are terrible- a lot of them war, violence, famine in poverty. Programmes. I'd, look, don't stop. I'm gonna commit. feel how he's correct. That's. the message of christianity. You have to help the downtrodden.
But public policy, wise rendering two seas in the world Words of Jesus pope is so far off its stunning, because. The people who live in america and in france, ITALY and every developed country arts. Offering. With the wave of millions of people coming in, who must be supported by the tax dollars of those people. El Paso texas is being torn to pieces. Here's the mayor.
Look over there we're looking at well over two thousand lookin to come into the united states tried now, so we we are working with a lot of our partners today, but I've been been talking about the last couple days that the city of pass only has so many resources and we have come to. But we look at a breaking point right now. New york city is They're gonna, be riots in new york is no way to put the hundreds of thousands of migrants coming up it, nowhere to educate them know where they are not enough: emergency rooms for the soul, the pope, And don't give me the pope that he's a humble man, he doesn't even live in the vatican. He lives in an apartment is not one of these pope's, its flash and all stop. But he's a liberation, theologies kay
doesnt really grasp right The morality that it too to run a country like the united states. We're all citizens have to be considered. Not just the man Parents, if we could wave a magic wand and make life better, for the migrants, we would do it which don't destroy an infrastructure when you cannot support, can. Unbelievable stored search bar menendez, democratically jersey, second time charge with corruption. Ah he says he didn't do it. He says he's going to be acquitted, but he's going to trial. Mrs the justice department. This is America Arlen after him he's entitled to due process, but not entitled to due process. Of course, two.
Alexandria year, Cassio quartet, The situation is quite fortunate, but I do believe that it is in the best interests of forest senator Menendez to resign, and this moment, as you mentioned, consistency matters shouldn't matter whether its republican or a democrat should number. If you're confuse you gotta go if confuse if you're accused confuse I'm sorry, or accuse according to congresswoman, o cassio quartet gotta go. Have your kids have anything you gotta go. That's cancel culture. That's the witch accusation. That manoeuvres, you gotta, go bob. Second time now, the first time menendez with charge with receiving gifts and six hundred sixty thousand in campaign contributions.
From a guy in florida was a mistrial. and the government didn't retry so Bob got off state senate bob says you gonna run again. Robert Schuman and as the worst nuts enough the worst, but I'm not convicting him. Without a try
we still take two for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. You could show off your skin again and you know what that means each day as a tick to inhibitor. So take two is the only once daily pill of it's kind for adults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. Ask your dermatologist about so take to today and learn more at so clearly you dot com that so clearly you dot com so take to to Kravis. Fitness is a prescription treatment for adults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, who may benefit from systemic therapy or phototherapy, don't take if you're allergic. To so take two serious reactions can occur before treatment. Get checked for infections, including tuberculosis, so take two can lower your ability to fight infections. Don't start if you have one serious infections: cancers, including lymphoma muscle problems and changes in certain labs, have occurred. Tell your doctor, if you have a history of these events or if you have an infection or symptoms like fever, sweats chills, muscle aches or cough, or if you have history of hepatitis b or c liver or kidney problems, high triglycerides or had a vaccine or plan to so take two inhibits take two which is part of the jack family people. Fifty and older, with heart disease risk factors who use a Jak inhibitor are at increased risk for certain side effects, sometimes fatal. It's unknown. If so, take two has the same risks as Jak inhibitors call one. Eight, eight, eight s o t Y k to you to learn more so take two for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. You could show off your skin again, and you know what that means, as a tick to inhibitor. So take two is the only once daily pill of it's kind for adults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. Ask your dermatologist about so take to today and learn more at so clearly you dot com that so clearly you dot com started to do Kravis. Fitness is a prescription treatment for adults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, who may benefit from systemic therapy or phototherapy, don't take if you're allergic. To so take two serious reactions can occur before treatment, get checked for infections, including tuberculosis, so tiptoe you can lower your ability to fight infections. Don't start if you have one serious infections: cancers, including lymphoma muscle problems and changes in certain labs, have occurred. Tell your doctor, if you have a history of these events or if you have an infection or symptoms like fever, sweats chills, muscle aches or cough, or if you have history of hepatitis b or c liver or kidney problems, high triglycerides or had a vaccine or plan to so take two inhibits take two which is part of the jack family people. Fifty and older, with heart disease risk factors who use a Jak inhibitor are at increased risk for certain side effects, sometimes fatal. It is unknown. If so, take two has the same risks as Jak inhibitors call one. Eight eight eight s o t Y k to you to learn more
I back, the gavin newsome. So he vetoes is a bill in california, that would require a judge in child. Did matters to take. the count the child gender identity and how the and see that it's insane. Newsome knows parents particular Independent and republican parents had with is trans business, shoved down their children's rights, and now you bring it in to divorce court. So. New some vetoes the bill, You never gonna, hear this anywhere else, because newsome knows if he wants to run for president, he can't stick up for this. are you know in Virginia? Ok, yankee governor, got elected on this and it's gonna be ok.
Pay an issue in twenty four. So there is a new book called hide your children, exposing the marxists behalf, and the attack on america's kids. The author is liz. We well earth you may see her on the first tvs prime time show and she joins us now saw Marxists gimme, the connection beat in a calm ease doktor nation to children. Hi. Well, thanks on, my four have me on the show today This is one of the most common questions that I've been getting about my book: it's why I put the word marxists in the title because, like as republicans as conservatives, it's very important that we acknowledge the reality of the
nickel enemy that we're facing, because if we don't than we won't fight well against some will lose. I don't want to lose. I don't think anybody watching your programme wants to lose. So action. Is there a lot of people when they think of marxism? Think of Karl Marx. You know the communist manifesto, this this economic marxism, where the working class, is supposed discontented with capitalism. They are supposed to overthrow the ruling class and usher in communism or marxism peoples. They will is that what you're talking about loses that what's in this book will build. Let me tell you, when I dived into the research for this book found is that coral marxist version of marxism kind of went out of fashion. He had envisioned a global marxists revolution and its active happen. It never really came to fruition then we have an italian marxist by the name of Antonio Brom. Who's is actually co. Founder of the italian communist party. He was prison and fascist italy and he was studying marxism
He began to recognise that where there had been successful marxist revolutions, it was because the working class was economically discontented. It Because the marxist had underlined, subverted captured the civil institutions, which means the cultural institutions on It's the working class rely and gramsci named, among others, the media, the education system, religion, the law and the nuclear family. So if you look at what's happening in our country today, we're seeing all of these things, the media has captured the education system just indoctrination. Sadly, religious institutions have been corrupted. The law I mean black lives matter is doing their best to destroy that on the news. Their families under constant assault. Once you see this connection, even if it soon idea that came from men who lived long before we did it, unseen because we're watching it play out before our very eyes poker. There are radical teachers and there are active
in public schools now too many improve it's schools, which is why I sent my kids to private school there. There Not the majority of the majority of public school teachers and administrators are good, decent human beings. We don't want, marxism or anything else like that, it on the children. Sure how big a problem the art sues connection to try to get the children to think certain way it huh bigger problem to you is. We'll. Let me explain this work, so the word woke or the idea of woken up, we're pretty familiar without which we ve set at a lot. We ve heard it a lot in the last year Conservatives aren't necessarily able to define it. Ignore that, like all critical race theory. That's that's woke. Trans ideology, that's woke, but they dont know its origin. So what I did in this book is, I traced. The origin of the word. Woke
ap to a brazilian marxist by the name of Paolo free airy who contended that in the education system, when teachers impart knowledge, they're not imparting reality or truth, or fact they are sad just operating children with the prevailing political narrative so far We propose this idea that instead of teaching children facts the knowledge we sad teach them how to think how to view about how many of those freedom where work. Just as let's not yeah listeners does is right in our classrooms. Yes, it exists. Particularly in places San Francisco and ally in new york city, where the teachers unions, all of which are far less progressive. It exists, I'm not sure how big a problem it now two santa's took care of it in florida passing laws that you couldn't have certain materials present
the children at certain age, which I support, that law. Ok, but I'm not sure it's, not a I'm, not undermining your book, the researches fascinating about how the whole thing came about, the media is much more of a danger in this area. Then the school system, is, would I be wrong. I think so with all due respect, because what I describe this critical consciousness that Pollo frere was talking about. He was talking about teaching children to view the world through a marxist world view to put people in a demographic either as an oppressor or as oppressed and this world view this critical consciousness, it exists in every single classroom in our country under the heading of social, emotional learning, I'm sure you ve heard about it it's
skies just being values, education, but its teaching children to view the world through the lens of an oppressor or oppressed. I think that's incredibly dangerous, we're seeing the fruits of that. We see how many young people have turned against america have turned against white people are indeed in critical race theory, the trans ideology. Even this kind of grooming that happens in schools is affected I think it's over to you again. If we see the number of children, do you think it's a north dakota? You think it's all over the place that this wave of woe, and I agree with you that the strategy to make kid into a victim, particularly minority children. You're a victim don't worry about. If you fail, you don't do anything because its society that make sure you know oppressed, I get it, but I'm not Oh sure, I'm gonna give you the last word on it that this,
the prevailing wisdom outside of the big urban centres. Last word. What was then I think I had a similar experience to a lot of parents, my daughter's two and a half years old, and when she was born, my husband and I were discussing where to send her to school. I'm a big, rounded of home schooling. He wanted descended the local public school and I said you know what I don't think we should do that. I think there's a lot of poison there in there and he said not in our neighbourhood, though not in our local community public school and I think One of the things that happened during covered as a lot of parents, my husband included, had their eyes. Opened to the fact that you know what this is in our neighbourhood, because its embedded into curriculum that teachers, even if the teachers don't adhere to this ideology or don't understand what their propagating they are required to teach these students. It's it's part of national standards, are sort of state standards and interesting, It I haven't seen a textbooks for a while, but I am going to look into that. So the book is lives. Wheeler, huh.
your children, supposing art is beyond the attack in america's lists. Thanks very much will see on the first. Ok thanks I appreciate it. Art, your smartphone, One of the keys to a happy life learning and having at the same time It has been a key to my life. I saw acquire tremendous amount of knowledge, but it's fun why I rode Killing series tomorrow, killing the witches as we mention comes into the marketplace. This is the thirteenth book the most successful nonsense, in book series in story of all time. Nobody stopped at nineteen million. Copies of my books in print and it comes out. It's really three books in war and its on two red tremendous halloween book. Obviously come back to me, so history, books,
right. The first one is which one mayflower you the sixty sixth day voyage from england to cape cod. Right. Where do you see what happened on the mayflower then, Won't you down in Massachusetts bay colony, where all kinds of chaos and some of the people, all of whom are puritans religious fanatics, move up north It wasn't any boston yet to sail Kay land, is free, If I get a settlement there are feel logically in, say. So after a few decades, the witch stuff begin and we go right through it. Boom boom boom boom boom and aids. Grisly guy just before war, not On ten and eleven year old kids, say thirteen fourteen if their bright.
then. Young, Benjamin franklin, a teenager in boston, gets onto this, which stuff. We show you how we take you through. stays with him. His whole life. He brings it into philip, alpha, where their forging the constitution, Where do you see the bra between pay? trick henry who want it I get to be a theocracy, a christian nation and. Franklin and jefferson and madison some brow. In the last four, the book as modern times. demon possession, because that's what witchcraft is all about demon possession, where do you see what happened on the movie set of the exorcist o pardon upon So and then I get into the
a chance. The cancel culture in the afterward of the So I can guarantee you, you will learn enormous amount, but it's fun at the same time be harder, down comes out tomorrow. We hope you will consider
we. So take you from moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. You could show off your skin again, and you know what that means each day as a tick. Two inhibitor so take two is the only once daily pill of it's kind for adults with moderate to severe plaque. Psoriasis. Ask your dermatologist about so to today and learn more at so clearly you dot com that so clearly? U dotcom has to take to the kravis. Fitness is a prescription treatment for adults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, who may benefit from systemic therapy or phototherapy, don't take if you're allergic. To so take two serious reactions can occur before treatment. Get checked for infections, including tuberculosis, so take two can lower your ability to fight infections. Don't start if you have one serious infections: cancers, including lymphoma muscle problems and changes in certain labs, have occurred. Tell your doctor, if you have a history of these events or if you have an infection or symptoms like fever, sweats chills, muscle aches or cough, or if you have history of hepatitis b or c liver or kidney problems, high triglycerides or had a vaccine or plan to so take two inhibits take two which is part of the jack family people. Fifty and older, with heart disease risk factors who use a Jak inhibitor are at increased risk for certain side effects, sometimes fatal. It's unknown. If so, take two has the same risks as Jak inhibitors call one. Eight eight eight eso t Y k to you to learn more.
Imagine having your own personal spy available to every single morning, introducing the president's daily brief with MIKE baker from below. The desk of a seasoned intelligence officer, MIKE breaks down globally, been sent away once reserved for the president of the united states. New episodes every weekday morning get brief Stay ahead. The prison stately brief with MIKE baker scribe now, wherever you get your upon casts. Stay in history september, temperate, twenty fifth, seventeen, eighty, nine first, united states congress, the first congress already beaten grape writ twelve amendments which form the bill of rights, so the top five war congress should make no law. Respecting establishment of religion is what I was talking about well regulated militia hasta happen so
all citizens have the right to be armed. do the people to be secure in their homes. take the door and without a warrant and war, criminal prosecutions gotta have a fair trial, and finally, a powers not regulated to the federal government or the perverse. of the states. Was the role the way happened at sea two hundred fifty four years ago to day I lively male segment and a final thought about my adventure this weekend with billy job back in a moment Ok, let's go to the male. We got richard middlemen, Pasadena California bill, isn't The invasion of the border caused by binds refusal to enforce immigration laws not be enough to impeach yes the invasion is on violence policies. You could impeach him for not. Forcing immigration law, but
Would never lead to a conviction in the Senate which you could do it. Linda brown, junction city or again can congress refused a fund, the government until the border is shut down Storm around. Budgets or even pass it's time around they could do with. If republicans gain control, But if there's a republican president, he Or she Nicky Hayley gonna, reverse at policy and positive Gary hold anchorage alaska. I must agree with your column this. sunday column. Except the last time? I checked Punishment, you propose for gun crimes so ready on the box. No, its, not each state Has its own got lots. So. Virginia the live different than new york, though I propose
all gone crimes be federalized by kidnapping, because The gun situation is a threat to public safety everywhere. Emil dormant the villages florida. I fully understand why Donald trump does attended debates. However, I believe the majority of american voters want to see him at the debates. He's so far ahead. It would be foolish. My opinion I've gone over to me. Oh, I mean I think, you're rising beta be livelier tromp with there, John small warren michigan- bill. What a pleasant surprise I had today, saturday for John I brought it my mail and there was your new book killing the witches three days before the official released state premium member and that's why you ve got it early. Premium in Gaza. Urge members and bill o back on get everything early,
and if you become wine, you get killing know which is free nor right. But you know membership has benefits here. villa bill, o reilly, dotcom, billet, bill, O'Reilly, dot, com, name in town, still getting a lot of letters without name in town and some good ones. I want to use gonna, throw your name in town and. What billow rally dot com. for a man is underway, killing the legend is killing the killer. Any mug of your choice, forty two ninety five stock up on this and you got all your. Listen and holiday, give giving you get it done for a fraction of the cost and p they. What this stop. And then we have on twitter and That brings me to talk her heart. So I'm gonna manhattan right after the taping and we're gonna sit out. it causes gonna interview me, but you know what a big mouth I am probably be interview in him to it'll, be back and forth.
no one of her ex twitter, so Tomorrow, but tell you where you can see that and I'll tell ya our doubts that ours gone I mean it's about killing the witches. I've worked the book and ask you question about that But it should be. I have no idea how to come out. Look forward to that Where are the day, do not be a plank or, and I'm sure talkers not gonna, be a plank or p l, and k e r, p l, oh aunt, Kate e- are back when the phone one moment. I here is a final thought of day, so I go off the boston. I told you I was going and I didn't fly. Thank god. It was a tsunami here because or failure down a north carolina was a non. operator wind here so drove off and I had some new stuff to do. A cambridge
massachusetts, red cross, Charles river from Boston and then united sorts of friends and all that and on saturday, went down a fox. The patriots play to see the billy, Joel Stevie next cancer. I saw a big fan of both Joel and stephen, and I've known, billy Joel since I'm fourteen years old. We look a little bit different now than we did when we met fourteen in our It's our neighbor who And it was really go to see him. I it really was now he had a hip replacement and you know, but he's really looking good now and we had a few laughs, backstage and so His bad members went to the same high school. I went there with a lot in common. But the most important thing I can tell you is that in their mid seventies,
billy jaw and stevie necks are fantastic performers. I mean it's incredible: how good they both and I have to give proper to the new england crowd. These in that stadium- and it was pouring now a big covered stage. Ok, me, I'm in a swede, get rain dyke. I feel guilty It know I'm their there dry and these four all they paid all this money to and it was worth taking for me, as I said, to see these vintage performers and beach boys. In the same way, I mean what is love, Pulls the eighty now and there's still pop in it out. by John himself about an hour. Forty five
He didn't listen, no, I'm pretty I'm in a lot of shows, I know in it phone deanna when you're not. and both of them and they did a duet of tom, petty, stop dragging my heart around. I was, I mean really. so anyway, it was very, and I draw back to the island. Long island two in the morning wanna face, The traffic on sunday and rain that you would have to do so, but I was good, everybody was nice and it was good to see everybody in new england. I've got how many harvard students know me. I'm pose pictures on this matter. Aren't you guys study way? The watch me I give for watching and listening to the no spin news, consider witches and we will see you tomorrow,
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Transcript generated on 2023-09-27.