« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

Press Conference Preview, Overhaul of Gun Laws, and Free Money in California


Tonight’s rundown:  

  • Tomorrow is the big day! Bill previews Joe Biden’s first press conference since entering the White House 65 days ago!
  • Gas prices have skyrocketed since Biden took office, but will he address the increase in his press conference tomorrow?
  • After the latest mass shootings, the second amendment is once again front and center – but will we ever see a compromise among gun owners and the left?
  • It was a mistake for Donald Trump to associate himself with Sidney Powell and now everyone can see why
  • Oakland, California will begin handing out $500 to low-income families, with NO RULES on how they can spend it! But will it affect taxpayers’ pockets?
  • Seems Bernie Sanders is missing Donald Trump’s twitter feed, but the reason why might surprise you
  • This Day in History, 1958: Elvis Presley is inducted into the U.S. Army
  • Final Thought: Bill is no longer the strictest parent in the neighborhood!

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The really here welcome to the nose spin news, Wednesday march twenty four thousand. Twenty one stand up for your country We're going have a special report on guns in america and I'm gonna give you some information and no one else will about gun crimes. So that has come. but first we are leading again with President Biden in his schedule. We do this every day for you let you know, busy. The president is- and here we go so ten a m miss. Biden had his daily briefings such entailing covert together then- twelve thirty. He had lunch with vice president harris, a to b em. The vice president and the president met with Emma
nation advisers LA I wish I was at that meeting and then Fifteen present abide meets with the american women soccer team, that's megan, rap uno and those people a lot of I urge the white house. I don't know whether the ladys are kneeling in that meeting with the sitting by nor or why So that's a schedule, not a our of heavy lifting. Now gotta got to assume he's rehearsing for tomorrow's press conference. A first one sixty four days they broke the record for not holding a presidential press conference after inauguration. But you gotta assume that in all their, so let me ass this, MR president and ears, how we think you might want to answer and we'll get into all of that come up now. The headline, of course is the border, and a gun situation.
In colorado and atlanta Those are the two that the white house press corps. They're gonna be fervent about it. Now you might say. well, the gun thing is a slam. Dunk for a president Biden, he's going to go are going to ban the assault weapons and we gotta have a background check me know what he's going to do but the borders a little bit more difficult for and we'll get into that here's, how it works- and I know this as a primary Of course I knew communications people in three administration, so here is how it works. Mr Bonde, we'll get a less a sheet of paper like this. Ok and on the list will be one abc news, John Carl, to NBC news, whoever it maybe and the name will be there of the corresponding. There are You still have everybody come in and I couldn't go to this press conference. If I wanted to
is the white house correspondence association, those news agencies, assign people so you'll have a list of about fifteen or so people that he's going to call Now under the list will be what the communications department in the white house thinks they're gonna ask because remember: the communications department talks to report is well time and this is probably gonna go here- there would have, depending on the person nothing any wrong with any of this is every president. Does this. now Donald trump was much more shootin from the hip heating care, what was on He would go yo yo yo, you didn't care, you didn't care with a war with their names were, is out there with them. different tools that the wider Press corps wanted to hurt donald trump they to harm him. Making look foolish debate in insulting Jim cost us
in it, whatever maybe that's what they were. Therefore, they went there to call information there'll be, erin. Eighty degrees opposite tomorrow. Don't accept, expect the white house press corps to be obsequious. Okay. I don't expect them to be that, because then that would be death. But they'll ask a hard question, but they won't follow up. They won't push it. They won't debate it. That's what I think is going to happen. It could be wrong, of course, now the prisoners and problems, because today mexican president obama door criticized Joe, and about the border quote. Expectations were created that, with the government of President Biden, it would be a better treatment of migrants. This is quite central american migrants and also from our country wanting to cross a border thinking, as
if you have to do unquote and obrador has got a problem, he's got hundreds of thousands of people parading through his country's got drug cartels shaken those people down he's got violence he's got unattended children here not happy about this overdue. All arrest. Number one to vice president hairs, gave a preview today on this. b s morning, news will take there are five hundred children a day, and we don't have enough housing already or crossing the border. What do we do in the meantime to stop it, well, we do what we need to do to be actually reconstruct the system's anthony that are about processing these cases and that is taking some time. Look. We ve been in office less than a hundred days. We are addressing it we're dealing with it, but it's gonna take some time. Well, that's not gonna fly That answer, and by the way, anthony mason CBS correspond on a morning programme, did a good job. Today
asking very precise questions that not going fly all right so for the last six months of the trumpet administration, and we investigated my staff investigators though, in a problem with migrants. Coming to you is that they had stopped. It the mexicans- their army on the northern and southern border with guatemala? Wasn't that what he said? is buying, was elected and set off dove about we're gonna pay for migrant healthcare, we're going to legalise we're gonna? Do this work. Oh when the vice presidents as well, we have to reconstruct the system's anthony. What did you do that before. What is it, what do you do that before one july, some kind of anticipation here. Surprise to me: I think it's a surprise to you watching and listening is it? Are you surprised when I knew this was going to happen,
so calmly hours didn't know is going to happen. You tear down everything. A trump did coding having the wall building and you reply with nothing but now that there's hundreds of thousands coming across. Oh well, we're going to reconstruct it. Anthony well come on. Is that responsible? You know. I've said this many times and I'll say it again who wins here? Who is this whole border thing benefiting who the drug cartels in mexico? That's who that benefiting the children, Certainly, not people get hurt down their kill down their awful so buying you gonna have to answer some of that. I guess I hope gas prices. This is aaa the best source.
So in the first week of this year, two thousand twenty one average gallon of gas regulate two twenty six, two dollars: twenty six cents now to eighty seven and that's because president Biden attacked the gas and oil companies know. That's why I hope he gives a question about Because that's hurt and every working person and final thing is an embarrassing situation that happened, uncertain with the homeland security chief out of hundred may yorkists, so hundreds you'll, remember, I'm not gonna run a samurai because I did yesterday said hey of a closed border, reporting mostly dots, that's what he said needed. Five shows That was his rap we'll never want to such role. At this late hour,
through his own border patrol. So this is not true I shall listen to this. Fifty nine posts, of all migrants who commanded illegally. According to the border, patrol are released, into the wind. Fifty nine percent. Maybe, MR my orchids doesn't know that she is in charge. And one hundred percent of all the miners outcome in don't get deported, don't get back. So my opening question have, if I were lucky enough to be an approach. conference tomorrow. It is president, your homeland security chief out, a hundred may orca said on Sunday shows that the board is closing your deporting adults, adult migrants. Well, your own border patrols is a true did you scold the homeland security chafed? It did you take him to task.
What did you do when he told an untruth to the entire world? Did you When anything. Are you aware of it? That's why question tougher him, the dodge it you gotta have the stats and the facts at your hand when you quiz president, and I have interviewed five of them. Gonna have the stats because not just wander into wherever they want to do so. I've had my hey, let's bring in a guy who's smarter than merely. She tells me that doctor be a bird of it say assistant professor at boston university in old school of communication and the doktor is smart, I am even though we leans Democrat he's not a cool aid, drinker
So, in my run up to set up MR binds press conference tomorrow. Was I unfair to him doktor now I think you are fair, and I think you in fact analyzed how the press tends to deal with these situations. Really is home court advantage for the president and unless the present messes up, he should be able to handle this. The thing about Joe Biden is what president like to do is a monologue, Obama was a master it that you ask a question and he runs down the clock. If old, if Biden does that Biden probably will cause himself more trouble than if the press, in fact asked him additional question, so I think that's a trap that Biden could fallen because he'd make gas
if he starts to do a monologue. Is that what you're, implying because she'll sort of wander away from the top key points, and what's really important for the president is to be crisp. Try to answer a question as best as possible, which most of the time for most presidents is avoiding answering the question. Of course, trump did the exact opposite trump just went hammer and tong, ah fighting with the press, that's very different from what most presidents do why You think President Biden delayed having a press conference of four sixty four days. Basically just stalled and in fact, if I was working in the white house, that makes a lot of sense. You know you'd want to do no harm and if he has a press conference, what benefit does it do for the white house
it'll, let the press say yes now the president is addressing our questions to the american people most of the american people. This is not at the top of their west for what's most important as a presidential press conference. So the why house really just delayed having any kind of press covers by the way? It's not just press conferences on the rope line here. Who takes any questions? He'll take, maybe one soul Do any answer and wander away during follow up. Two at a factory floor or anywhere he doesn't take questions. So it's really not just a press conference its The strategy of the white house is to avoid having Biden answer almost anything directly, but by doing that they put more pressure on him tomorrow? So come off the stairway falling down. is now in, and people I was on
hannity radio programme today and harry was talking about the stairway situation and he asked me to put it in perspective. A number one. I said, and I said on this program as well. Nobody should be happy that Joe Biden fell down on the stairway. I mean that's that's not a good thing. If you're happy about it, you might want to re evaluate that. But in my opinion as an american citizen he's in decline, Joe Biden's in decline physically and mentally, from what I've seen in sixty four days. I could be wrong, but that's my assessment. If, tomorrow, he doesn't come off as you put it crisp. and able to perry, then that's gonna be on steroids. That is in decline. Is it not, Yes, there is a lot of pressure on Joe Biden to do well
to show that he is in command of the facts that he can article. Laid his point of view and when reading the teleprompter in small bits, he usually can do ok What he will do is try to show empathy and compassion. That's really been his em all during any of his speeches, but if a specific, challenging question that he needs to answer. Yes, no back up with facts that could be pride. I gonna do that. He's gonna blame tromp for everything. I think I don't think you'll the way with that with the american people that'll, be that if he does that that'll be the headline I mean all the news organization have to take that and they'll say look at this, and all of that do you expect him to blame trump for everything. He probably will blame trump for the mess on the southern.
Furthermore that has been the strategy and he does want to take responsibility for the situation that we are in now. So, yes, he'll do that. You know by the way, haven't really spoken at all about covered about the vaccination roll out. I don't but you build a mighty darn excited that I can have a hot dog in my back yard. I am, but I know that you have stressed all went well: press isn't gonna, go there very much its fairly well defined. I what's happening. Is that a lotta controversy people are getting vaccine? People, as you just said, are looking forward to being no all again I don't know the press is gonna. Do that and it's a t up, you give you good bye, Nicole did he's gonna run all day long. We do this. We did that we wait out of abode at that. You know it
well anthony FAO, cheese, saying stuff that isn't true they're not going to do that to Biden. So I expect it's going to be border and then it's going to be guns and that's a t up to Biden too. But here's my my last question for you and again. We really appreciate your time and know you're a busy ward, So my assessment of the white horse press corps. They wanted to hurt donald trump. That was what eighty percent of them were in business. To do wasn't about getting information. Or giving the president fair say it was make em look stupid. and I know a fact that those people were ordered to do that by certain news organisations.
Do you concur with my analysis. Yet this is a really slippery slope for the white house prescott. On the one hand, they can't look like their lap dogs, which, most of the time they are, but none of them want to be the one who is the one who started bringing down the Joe Biden white house, so they sort of have to ask a somewhat joel in question, but none of them wanted asked the question that is gonna, be a mass. That's gonna cause a big problem that just isn't in there. he'll how site, but you knew agree with me: they wanted to her tromp generally speaking oh apps locate. and I'm not general, that's the big difference. Do you see a fox news? He will try to herd Biden. Let's be honest, he's try to hurt him
but I don't know deuces even gonna- get a question. It is about people now that he's gonna try to hurt the president always nice to talk to you. does everybody had com? They still remember me up there in Boston, you I don't know if that's a good thing. Alright, professor thanks wow, thanks very much for your help straight senior. Ok, thank you. Let me introduce you to accompany the does things right, grip six makes belt right here in the usa, and those belts are incredible. They are infinitely adjustable. Let me refer. that infinitely adjustable their patented system mean they always fit right and feel great with no holes. Ugly, strap hanging ugly, hanging strap or extra bulk. They are so easy uncomfortably use and they look right
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and I'm gonna give you some stats in it I always suggested to watch this programme with a pen and paper stats report. So we have ten dead Colorado, syrian guy comes in with a rifle and shooting down there. coming off last week in Atlanta. We get twenty one year old, emotionally disturbed guy shoots down a bunch of people in asian businesses. Ok, so the fbi keeps very exact stats of gun, so called gun crimes right cry. Committed by people with guns. So two thousand nineteen last stats available There were ten thousand two hundred fifty eight gun homicides. Ten thousand to fifty eight.
That was seventy four percent of all homicides. Remember we live in a country of three hundred thirty in people and another eleven twelve illegal aliens right- saw three, fifty, probably with tourists and stuff like that. So again, seventy four percent of all homicides. In the year two thousand nineteen were caused by people using firearms man.
As public shootings that colorado and atlanta. What percentage of you think mass public shootings, two thousand and nineteen zero point two percent, this okay. Now they get big headlines and they're horrible, because random shooting isn't like drug gangs shooting it out. You know the difference to people in a grocery store and all of a sudden, their debt, okay, but zero. Point two percent, as it now that would number was from two thousand eighteen from a study by the university of California dave's very little school. So keep that in mind when I run this down, for you
So Joe Biden immediately exploits maybe that's too harsh words, the colorado. Links and I want to ban assault weapons and I want to ban magazines, and I wanna do back wrenching whatever it may be. now reasonable people, not people who are I did by emotion or ideology, but reasonable people can sit down and I believe in this country could come up with public safety laws that do not intrude on a constitution. I believe that, but now we can't do that, because the polarisation between
the conservative, traditional gun owner and guns supporters, and the left is so big you can't breach. It saw the progressive left wants to ban all guns. in private hands. Maybe they would give you a hunting rifle. Maybe what I'll hang guns all heavier weapons. Now, that's what the progressive left want. Conservatives understand that our day, they understand that the liberal people don't want. I am gone in the hands of private citizens now the conservative right believes that the government is generally oppressive. The federal government is oppressive and a threat to them.
Right they want smaller government, so conservatives want they don't want to be told what to do by the government. And they understand that the second amendment gives them the right to defend themselves. Now, most people defend themselves with a hand or a rifle. But som want the a rs, the bigger weaponry and that's where the debate should lie? Okay, but that's not the debate, because the right and the traditional people aren't going to give an inch Because they don't trust the government or if we give them this, if we the eight hours you have to register them or you are banned whatever, then the next step is a hand. That's the slippery slope.
The left basically says we don't care what you neanderthals deplorable thing. We want a major, for in this country, with a federal government calls all the shots, not two states are right: the fits all the shots. what protection you gonna have how much money you can What we want, so you see the two forces so far apart but neither of them are going to give anything so I'm getting anything done now, by my daughter, an executive order he can't so Anthony mason after mentioned CBS corresponded asked calmly harris Is the president do an executive order limiting its harris, wouldn't answer because he's not because
twenty minutes after you did that a federal judge in tat a florida or wyoming or a wherever was a you can't do it I'm blackening. By knows that, The only way we're gonna get any kind of change. Way that guns are licensed is if congress makes a new law.
And, as I said, reasonable people can come to some public safety conclusions, but we're not talking about reason now we're talking about a titanic struggle about how this country is being run and that believes over pardon upon into the gun crime area. One final thing: most of the gun crime, as I just proved to you- are criminals, killing people, For money for drug turf wars for hold ups, for assassinations for extortion,
he's gone wrong, that's what most gun homicides are. The federal government would do anything about them, and chicago is the best example. For decades we have had tens of thousands thousands of african americans killed or maimed by guns? Who was wielding the guns, other Forget american criminals that to have you seen, Anything from the federal government, any kind of mitigation there? No, I you're the pritzker, the governor of illinois, is the worst governor history of this country and the mayors of, Cargo are ridiculous a seven year old could do better job, but unless, federal government says- and this is congress
we're gonna make all gun crimes federal crimes, and if you have a gun in the commission of a crime, any crime. you get a mandatory eight years and a federal penitentiary on top What are the crime you did now? Federal government would do that, and certainly they should right, because criminal with a gun is a deadly threat. It's a deadly threat. You have no right to commit a crime of the gun, and the state of illinois cities, cargo. Don't do anything to you, This guy's all day long with guns, gang or gang members, though at the same day. The look here. They want to take the guns away from the law abiding people, but they would do anything about the criminal element, but if congress It's ok. In addition to banning the arse we're going to slap on man
tori federal prison terms for any drug, guy with a gun or burglar, with a gun or robber with a gun. We're gonna do that too, because there would bring down the gun, homicides right. Yes, I'm right. then the conservatives. would say all right, you're trying to deal with the problem in a fair way. Because nobody wants armed, an old roman around right, but no If I submitted tomorrow to the democratic congress to pollution and what I just told you Please federalized all gone crimes and give their mandatory? Is the criminals who commit crimes with guns? They wouldn't know it? They wouldn't
in fact, in chicago in new york and allay and other places there. Let these gun criminals out, but we can't do that. Oh no, No, their ancestors were slaves how we can, all it's ought therefore, so conservatives in traditional americans are not going to compromise. Knowing that it's it's a sham congress doesn't want to stop gonna homicides I wasn't biden- would never get behind. What I just told you trump didn't: obama didn't bush the younger didn't bill Clinton, didn't none of them will which wiped us out. Alright,.
my sex beloved bill, o'reilly dot com want to disagree or- and you know and don't be a nut. When you write to me please, just if you disagree, I love that, but don't be alone. Sidney pow now and power, rudy giuliani with one's, ran around a country toto. The election was a fraud and they said that the dominion voting machines were fraudulent and all that you remember ok So I didn't really do much on giuliani as any power because they produce no hard evidence but a lot of you, maybe most of you, listening and watching me tonight- believe them believe already giuliani in sydney power that the election was fraught. Ok now
said on january eleventh when sidney pow was first sued by dominion. This go swimming, the judge is fair and the evidence is not destroyed. I'm glad dominion suits in power that can, hopefully create room for discovery, and we would know the truth. All right that interesting. Take on this lloyd, but I miss thousand trouble and she is a trouble, but I also agreed with the letter writer that this was a good thing, because it gave sidney Powell a chance to show what she had on dominion because you being sued right, that's called this. very well turns out on march twenty second, miss pals defence attorney is put out a statement on put it on. The screen quote: plaintives themselves, categorize statements at issue as wild accusations and outlined his claims.
they are repeatedly labelled, inherently improbable and even impossible. Such care accusations of the allegedly defamatory statements further support defendants position that sidney pow that reasonable people would not accept such statements, as fact, but view them only as claims, That away testing by the courts through adversary process, so miss powell is admitting that what she said was in fact, and that's why it uncovered. I know a lotta got mad at me, but there is a discipline to covering the news. I know it's gone. I know you don't see it very often. On tv,
particular newspapers, they're shot, is a discipline to doing what I'm doing where the facts. I gave you the facts on guns, okay, there in stone, zero point: two percent of gun homicides involve civilian, mass shootings. That's a fact. The big problem is with criminals wielding guns. The government doesn't want to take care of the criminals wielding guns. It just wants to take guns away from law abiding citizens. That's a fact. We just proved it sidney. Powell didn't know what she was talking about. Have nothing yet ran around implying that the election was a fraud. It may have been a fraud and maybe down the road. There will be evidence of that, but now,
it does not exist. Open california will begin paying five hundred dollars to low income, minority families, families of color. So if you move to oakland and believe me, some people, will you get five hundred bucks. the month. No rules, no strings. You buy some heroin oxy caught in cocaine. Okay and now I'm not implying that poor people- that's all they do with their money, I'm not. That would be unfair, and I am not doing that. I am going to tell you that most of the homeless people are addicted. and then, if you give people five hundred dollars and you dont know those people are there's a chance that many of them will be attics. Ok, oakland doesn't care
I saw Libby schaff. The mayor says this is a privately funded programme, really whose privately funding this machine she doesn't say. I oakland is selected six hundred families color to get the five hundred a month. Now. This is what the far left wants: guaranteed income no strings attached that socialism that's what they want. That's what I'm doing this Bernie sanders. Okay, so everybody knows that there is a threat from the social media companies, facebook, twitter, all of those ok, because their banning peep, here's. What senator sanders said about donald trump, But if you are asking me, do I feel particularly comfortable with the president then present the united states could
express his views on twitter. I don't feel comfortable about it good for him good for sanders. Now. Sanders is about as hardcore socialist as you can get. Just don't be. You know don't be fooled and the democratic party knew that if he got the nomination, he wouldn't win and that's why Biden sitting there but sanders at least I think, is an honest man. I don't think he's dishonest. and he knows the threat of banning people and social media this day in history march, twenty fourth, nineteen, He ate elvis presley in doc. Did into the army there's the king. These twenty four years already was drafted. I'd and they delay the draft four elvis. So he could finish the movie king creole, actually not a bad flick. So I always was drafted in our world I'd store is enormous.
You came up here to new jersey, afore dicks did is basic. and then he got shipped over to germany, where he drove An army vehicle and ours pre soft time of, I have to say over there was a war. Nineteen. Fifty eight was no vietnam, korea, now is over there. You know the Elvis peoples is gonna, be good for his image, where put them out as a kind of clean cut. Guy loves his country, so was won over and then he got out on march twenty third night t or sixty four ok to die the dates Stack, he was only in there for two years: ok, those eighteen sixty he got out. Left our duty march. Fifth, nineteen sixty
my mistake. It is here on the sheet so for two years, and then he got out and then he went while he saw location. I guess he sold a hundred and forty seven million records. Third to the beatles and garth brooks to guard brooks, beat him back with the mail and a final thought: pneumonia. The way the leckie landslides you can get lucky just about anywhere german speaker. We've got clear runway or the weather's far, but we're just going to circle up here. Awhile and good luck. I know none of them like that. It's just these cash prizes add up quick. So I suggest you sit back. Keep your tray table upright and start getting lucky cipher free at legoland science, dot com. Are you feeling lucky no purchase necessary void where prohibited by law? Eighteen plus terms and conditions apply, see website for details.
Okay, let's use a male, always a highlight of the no spin news you want to reach me bill that bill O'Reilly, dot, com, billet, bill, O'Reilly, dot, com, James look sunnyside new york bill. Thank you for your recent column creating racism as white person. Could you please define the term white culture doesn't exist? There is no white culture of K. Its whites are the majority here in amerika, that's not gonna. Last much longer whites have most of the power oh that's, not a culture that is a socio economic situation. but when you hear the words white culture, that means- you and me and every other caucasian, we are oppressors. That's what they're trying to save lives!
a crazy, far left pushing racist ideas in our public schools is a disgrace. Just don't understand why parents put up with this bs or all parents stupid. I dunno, that's a good question liz. I send my kids to private school because I'm not going to put up with public school madness. That's why do it so I dunno what the parents a lot of parents, don't care. I can tell you that from being a teacher, that fifty percent of parents don't care about their kids, so lop caroline cause. Here's member, which means caroline, gets direct access to me. yeah tonight I wrote a post on the message board of bill: O'Reilly, dot com, saying in public schools. Continue this critical race teaching. I would not pay my school taxes, I'm going to start a movement to encourage other taxpayers. Stopping school taxes: well, if you do that, you're gonna get hurt. so I m going to advise against I caroline theirs, What you like what you descent? You don't pay attack.
They are going to add on penalties in the Senate and you're, going to wind up having to pay it where they're gonna put you in jail or they're going to slap lean on your bank account or your house. You don't want. Michael christian, libido, colorado, burma. Premium, member enjoying an immensely question where the emigrants getting the printed t, shirts and flags on the border mexican opportune entrepreneurs they make it people think all these virus don't have any money their money. They pay and cartels, bring em up here, their money, but teacher. You know the flag would have Penny I live in the midwest gas prices in my town of god from dollar. Seventy nine, a gallon too Eighty nine a gallon will I see eighty nine out where you are penny they will be three and a quarter by memorial, that make you Joe Biden Bashir.
vision, edam, avail, colorado, lovely place, villainy. Some hope tell us if and how Publicans can stop and rewind some of these binding policy They were in the house and Senate two thousand twenty two next year they get rwanda teresa lip kansas city, Missouri. Do you think Joe Biden is president by what nancy Reagan was to her husband? Yes, very similar, very good point, very good question: theresa Joe Biden looks out for job by no doubt about it. carolan so sad bill. Our country is in my prayers every night I know the lord is watching and I believe he will intervene. So do I always happen to our history were at low points. We come back up Kay maria shots. Watertown new york about more and therein and the old kinda hook story when you
okay, I say old, kinderhook, those who trespass one of your best books. I first write about okay and Martin Van buren in those who trespass it's a novel was my first book. So I'm glad you like it maria countries, membership, which means you can email me with any question directly. We reply in twenty four hours, the less it's a great great service. I think, if you trust me and my judgement, so you might want to check that out. word of the day, do not be fatuous of a t? U o? U s! Fatuous back with a final thought on me, being a strict parent. Alright! Last week, here's a final thought of the day I mention that the urchins admire chins think on the strictest parent in my long island neighbourhood. Well, People saw and heard that, and now there is controversy because
The kids you say no, Mr Reilly is a district is as other lady. Is she stricter than MR o reilly, so like a big thing back and forth here. So I know the other lady and I know her urchins and all those urchins turned out really well. So, if she's stricter a good for idle. Think on that strict apparent on that demanding anything other than the urchins be responsible. we have one rule we have. We have rules. I gotta clean up your rome, you gotta Your person need you gotta, go to church yeah. We have that, but nothing onerous, just regular rules but the one thing that I absolutely having pose is the o reilly philosophy-
you say you are going to do it. You do it even if it a little thing. Even if it's, why texture you text, that's our philosophy, you say you're going to do it, you do it now, strict that strict, I'm just trying to lay a pathway to success, and I believe parents have to have rules in order for success to happen on the urchin front, we'll see tomorrow.
Transcript generated on 2023-01-20.