« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

Presidential Election Campaigning Has Begun, Pollster Patrick Basham on New Fox News Polling, Ukraine Update, Chicago's Mayoral Race, & More

2023-02-28 | 🔗

Tonight's rundown: 

  • Talking Points Memo: A new Fox News poll indicates the beginning of the 2024 presidential election campaign season. Bill breaks it down
  • Pollster Patrick Basham joins the No Spin News to discuss the latest Fox Poll as well as the Fox News election machine lawsuit (make sure to vote in BillOReilly.com's latest poll, Bill will give final results Thursday)
  • An update on Ukraine
  • Can Lori Lightfoot keep her role as mayor of Chicago?
  • This Day in History: The Witch Hunt begins in Salem, MA
  • Final Thought: The Devil

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
But the republican leader cover mccarthy says it just puts vetch in spending. to what it was formed. Ago There will be here with your message today: next The chairman of the fed is promising more pain had last. stocks dropped twenty percent. and this year could be You are right to be worried so Call the only precious metal deal, or I trust american hartford- go I'll. Show you protect your savings or retirement accounts by diversifying your portfolio with. the gold and silver since then a client and spokes person. price of gold. As appreciated more than thirty five percent Please call today and they'll have physical gold and silver delivered right to your door. put inside your eye are a or for o one kay. Hello, I'm bill, O'Reilly sent you and they will give you up to five thousand dollars of free silver. On your first order,
he's call eight seven, seven, four four for gold, Seven, seven, four: four for gold! Why tat? g, o l b gold to six five, five, three to agree eight seven, seven, four, four for gold or tax gold to six five. Five three the a council of francs on behalf of delicious oscar mire, one hundred percent be francs, has declared its official position. score meyer, one hundred percent be francs. Are one Two percent be frank: delicious this summer, she's delicious choose one hundred percent beef. Keep it oscar.
The here welcome to the no spare news, tuesday february, twenty eight, two thousand twenty three stand up for your country say goodbye, february checks. Snowed here in new york. I got out three this is where I am on long island, first time, accumulation all winter long global warming note, About it here. and I wasn't too chaotic. Usually when it snows in, an area where there are sixty million people a lot of folks, the new york city metropolitan area And I was bumper carries out on the road, but most people took today. All. I know a lot of the urgent. Did a lot of schools closed down ages scenario, bother with it
Why, tomorrow I'll be gone? So there is your weather forecast for this evening. We have a brand new paul. I just put up on billow rally: dotcom are using Why bother with this both this one's, important and interesting me so the poles? whether you who are aging and listening to me. Right now have changed your opinion about fox news. based on the election law suit. That's in play too simple, yes or no pole question will give you the result. On thursday I'll go over it again, originally exact. why should a little later on the broadcasts, but I thought you might be interested in how we hope you participate not tonight the two employs memo is on the kick off of the two thousand and twenty for presidential sweepstakes, which has pretty much happened this week I thought I told you that the poles are not going to really matter on either.
across all republicans until about may remain This thing comes up fast. I saw neck. Jeer. At this. I will already have a number of primaries don, and so the campaign starts now so that lesser known. Candidates can travel around and get people. You know interest. and that will continue now for the next ten months. I'm not gonna, really zero in on this thing until late spring, because it it just What happens now is going to be obsolete, but caught my eye it it's a fox news, Paul now, as you know, because on designers I could possibly be the fox news. Ball is not good its unreliable over.
the years it is just not been. I can't even remember ok a time when it nailed- when I was there, the pulling was much better, but they changed outfits or something anyway, I'm not gouging for the accuracy of this pole, but it caught my eye. It's a thousand six registered voters, democratic forty, three republican, forty, two independent fifty, but the question the only question, nepal that I'm interested in is a republican question. I'm gone during the list of potential candidates for the twenty four republican nomination. For president, please tell me which one you would like to see as republican presidential nominee, so I don't very well forty three percent. Rhonda saturday, twenty eight nicky seven, my pen, seven and the rest of them really to register
So that's where we are now on the last day of february, as is very good news for donald trump, who seems to be bull to whether an incredible amount of storms and still maintain a fair hi popularity rate in the grand My party, the g, o, pay its strong number four rhonda santa's, who has not declared That he's even going to run buddy is we all know that and twenty eight percent right out of the gate, that's a strong number. There are people, I would say the majority of republicans who would vote for either or trump or dissenters. Then I'll have any trouble they're going to have to pick one there would have any trouble. So this is where we are in the republican sweepstakes.
Very early on in two thousand twenty three. Let's take a look back eight years ago to where we were in two thousand sixteen in the Look inside, ok, saint Paul, fox news. It I'm gonna was the same question to sixteen, republican nominees, please tell me which one like to see their donald trump got. Forty one percent ted crews. Thirty eight, a virtual tie, john casing seventeen. Nobody else really really mattered in that Paul, okay, so the republicans and donald trump and run santa's. I remember things are going to happen. I knew people who come in all that, but the republican party has a chance, a very good chance, in my opinion, right now to take the presidency. If it doesn't
of the structure, and that goes for donald trump too. Maybe he is a tendency to self destruct and he's got a really be the elder statesmen to consolidate what it looks like it's his advantage. Now, on the other side job, It is already campaigning This is a really interesting fact. so bind today. All he did was getting there forests were on and fly over fifteen minutes to virginia beach, get out and give speech, scaring everybody that republicans are gonna, cut, back entitlements for senior citizens. Health care on and on and on and on. That's all Joe Biden did today with all vexing problems we have in this country. He did a campaign, stop in virginia state. He needs and he gave a scare speech. Ok, but the kicker is you and I paid for that speed
So the white house budget this year is sixteen million dollars, binds travel Comes under that budget, so he got a free b. To go, or every wants to go Now I gotta watch it. They can't go over the sixteen and the sixteen pays for white ass personnel for food for the parties the grooming of the grounds all that but buying it's a free ride to campaign for present In two thousand and four by saying, oh I'm going out and giving this for tone all americans just my job, it's all bull, it shouldn't happen by the way the white house budget shouldn't be used for campaigning for the incumbent president, because it gives that person a big advantage. Everybody that ok now is there a limit.
Do any of the white house, but it could they jacket up, we find any limit now trump is in as last year he had thirteen million at his disposal. I think you use all of it and he did the same thing. Trump did the same thing that binds do so I ran around came under the white house, but. This episode is brought to you. I saw the janeiro I sell de Janeiro touch, it isn't just for screens. Physical connection is so essential to how we communicate its infused in everything we offer sense, so irresistible pda is guaranteed, textures are still luscious. Skin is hug of all get into a cell de Janeiro state of mind, receive ten percent off on your first order. Unsold De Janeiro, dotcom plus free shipping with the code, so the Janeiro ten.
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From Washington dc use the director of the democracy institute, which is a think tank and keeps a close eye on the political situation. America Patrick abashing, joins us now, so this fox follow these mean. I think you alone aligns it meant so much you build out. Is it's not a tricky reliable, but what it shows you when it shows trump out in front so far, is potential republican opponents contenders for the nomination. It shows you what good shape strong may well be eight because fox historically consistently under poles from. Ah he just better, as he does many poles, and especially the first volley, does bettering primaries o clock. Is it a matter of general election in the false ball
never suggest. So it's another piece of the puzzle. The trunk campaign would like to see being put together to show that they have a really strong, viable path to the republican nomination and ultimately, almasy backs the white house. If you would just watch the media say you were born in croatia and just came over here. You would think that down. Chump is finished through, doesn't have a chance, everybody hates him he's gonna be indicted. Eighty five times, if you just watching me, that's what your immersion with big. Where is his strength? How does he pole
Well, who is standing by their man? Well, roughly one in two republican vote is standing by the man that is through caused disproportionately overwhelmingly of rapidly pro trump maggie voters, and if you want to drill down further, then you're, looking at not exclusively for disproportionately working class voters and of those interesting and importantly pass crucially for general election you're talking about increasing numbers and percentages. Of his spanish working class vouchers and of african americans working fast phone, especially male younger male, asked the americans and both male and female working class hispanics. So it's
Indeed it is, and it has a ceiling. Obviously, and trump's support has risen any candidate, but his poor. The basement on his support is really quite high and it's really enthusiastic and very very rabid. In some cases, fanatical fact that means that doesn't guarantee he wins the nomination or general election, but it means that he has definitely a very, very, very strong contained for he has a base is going to stay with him, and I know my next question: have you seen any erosion in that base? Since you lost the elections of twenty. Was january. Six. Then it is a very, very weak, mid term, for the Republicans has there been any defection from
trump base say over a guy like dissenters who is a conservative, he doesn't differ from trump and worldview too much not in the base know they. They remember increasingly from their point of view, how better things were under trump than under bite, and also they consider him to have been. Shall we say massaged out of the presidency by the system making the system broadly defined as continue to go for trump and so that they actually more loyal they mall or even milan? They weren't twenty twenty one. Twenty sixteen now you do have conservatives announcing for the scientists and other candidates respected scientists. I would say that they are. Some of them voted for trump supported trump, but I wouldn't say they were either part of his base. They are a ten more to the establishments, a republican, not necessarily the rhino republicans, and so they were sort of flexible republican, soft republic, soft trump voters. I would say- and so right now they think the scientists it is.
the rise of trump's on the decline of the wall, on it's trump thought of that, but that's their calculus, and so therefore they think the scientist is the coming that alright, the other part of this equation is the loss of fox news. So donald trump is now no longer looked upon with favor why the management of that huge operation is that going to hurt trump. It won't hurt him in terms of what the wall street journal editorial, say or probably possibly even your own coverage old part of the fox murdoch and fox, but fox news coverage is important. It's important in pushing back against usually putting pushing back against what most of the mainstream media is pushing, which obviously is rapidly anti trump, and so it is unhelpful. I don't think it stops. Him prevents him from getting the nomination or necessarily winning a general election. It just makes it a little bit harder might be the best better way to put the
it would be a little bit easier if fox news hasn't had decided to try to stand in his wet. Ok because evidently is gonna endorse the santa such where they're going. You can see it and that's what will happen. so I dont know how much the means, which is why I'm doing this pole did I want to see what people? say that everyone listening to me in watching me right now is familiar with the fox news operation and I dont know if it is as powerful as it was before this whole election thing and before they did change point of view their political point of view, which every organisation is a right to. Ok, every news organization can, on the editorial side, debate all endorse her whatever they want to do, there's nothing wrong.
That I'd like to have a little more clarity and all of them not just fox final question for you when. The debate will be this summer. Ok, Publicans already made an enormous mistake yesterday, When a road and daniel the head of the aral sea came out and said: well, you can't open Is in our debates, unless sign a pledge to support whoever the ultimate. now, many its that's insane. I mean with the aldermen we could change in things could happen and you, basically all people hostage there. So the debate started in the summer. I dont know if they're going to be as crucial as they were in sixteen when they put tromp over the top, because his
surprise element, everybody knows what they're going to get when trump walks in. How do you see it? If trump takes part in debates I mean he's not a technically great debater, but he's incredibly effective. The bakers we saw in sixteen I'd argue and twenty as well against Biden. So his potential opponents natural oppose on the republican side. They don't want to be thought of, as now they want the exposure. They hope for that magic moment when they quote unquote, take down trump, that's very unlikely to happen. It'll be damage control for them, you'd, probably steamroller over them. So I actually think the the the the the non trump the other two candidates for the republicans. They want to minimize the number of If they're exposed by trump in that format, or so it could be a sort of counter intuitive way in which this plays out on the republican side, yeah are in trouble, never sign a no, no, that hill endorsed or he could never do,
not that he wants to leave his third party, which would be disaster for the country if he runs on a third party ticket, because that will put the the Democrats back into power I'd magic. Those very much. I really appreciate your expertise in and thanks for helping us out tonight. The hit series claim to fame is back on a b c from executive producers of love is blind and hosted by superstar brothers, Kevin and franklin Jonas watch and play along as these new celebrity relatives do whatever it takes to keep their famous family a secret. Don't miss claim to fame new mondays at eight seven central on a b c and stream on hulu
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none of you crack casualties rush hour, a hundred and thirty thousand plus ukraine, saint came so their equal casualty: civilian fatalities, russia, twenty five, Ukraine's seven thousand two hundred. impact on the economy growth. Russia's down two point: three percent: ukraine's down: thirty: five percent law. Of infrastructure. Russian is really have any forty percent of energy capacity. Ukraine has been destroyed And displacement of civilians is a big one. Eight hundred thousand russians have left the country that enormous. I did not know that in ukraine! It's thirteen million thirteen million have either left the country or moved to a safer area, but the russians
Hundred thousand and most of those are draft age met anyway, that's a chart than I thought you should see. Janet Yellin, who is secretary of the treasury, Reality is hamilton's old, job, sure, the cave and she gave the government there is a linsky heading. It of course, one point to five billion dollars and that's a nice gift. Ok, that's the first instalment of our ten billion dollar. U s a commitment for humanitarian expenses, so there's janet. I like her to come over my house and she doesn't have the really give me that much but I'll take what she's got. So, if you'd like to know that janet elan germany, now over the we
and saturday four february, for there was a giant demonstration in berlin. I sponsored by the far left says. We want to surrender to potent it's uprising for peace and a basis as well. We want negotiations, baboon will negotiate so What they want is to surrender to Putin. Now germany is NATO country. How ever would people don't understand it is. Germany still has a very vibrant communist wing. Among the people. Remember, east germany was communist from nineteen, forty five until the berlin wall came down and what the early nineteen nineties late, I I can't I don't have enough top of my head, but they were communist alright for forty years, east germany and a lot of the people remain communists and that's what that was
okay, so yeah we we like Putin, who wanted to surrender to boot. I dunno how much you like them when he marches in east germany, okay on the food and fry his best friend, who do you think is best friend- is actor stevens all member him. Well. The tape the the. Ok, isn't over there Cigars, seventy years old and these burdens that A potent gave em yesterday the order of friendship award so very big deal
in russia for his great contribution to the development of international cultural and humanitarian law, I'm glad you're lucky it and kicked in his stomach over there and then cigar goes. I can't even show this to you because it so incomprehensible. We couldn't, we couldn't even pull a clip. Following everybody: hates Putin and you're alive people who do not seize and important a guy, You know he's right and very ukraine and cigars american citizen. I think he's got dual citizenship. Yes, he's citizenship and russia and serbia, so easy he's got passports there, but I thought you liked to know that stephen seagal is prudence, for chicago soda voting today and in the marriage race. I'll give you the last polling b s p research know nothing about it.
it has long life what losing pretty big k so I am paul values, nineteen percent chewy gorse, Seventeen. mayor life? Would fourteen willie wilson, twelve. This comes out of north western university. No, the poll had and has lightfoot at nineteen, but losing again so she's going to lose but nobody's going to get more. Fifty percent of the vote, and so there be a run off the top two. I don't think she's gonna make the top two, because she is a disaster right chicago, is a dangerous city. People are fleeing cook county. She doesn't how to run the place, so I think I'm hoping
I would even pray the cheese lose get out of there. You need somebody in chicago to protect the people. She will laugh. I know this is a disturbing story. so. The fbi keeps crime dad alright and that's where you go. yuppie. I website, if you want to know what the stats are in america as far as crime, so there behind right. We just got two thousand twenty one stats, and this is based on a two thousand twenty homicide clearance rate, which means they solve the murder. Somebody Prosecute stand a fifty percent of the lowest level in forty years, so you got a fifty fifty chance to get away with murder in america right
in nineteen eighty the homicide clearance rate with seventy one percent, so most killers got caught not now or I ll, two thousand twenty one. There were twenty three thousand homicides in the usa, in two thousand nineteen. There were sixteen. Thousand for twenty five, so you can see because of all a progressive nonsense. The defined. please. All of that. The murder rate skyrocketing and they're, not solving the murders and the clearance raids. for african american victims is the lowest. Now let me give you the why, on this once george floyd, that tape came out
Millions of americans turned against the police most of them temporarily, but they turned against the police and the police, rhonda defensive and in cities like saint louis minneapolis, portland, oregon san francisco, new york, allay baltimore, philadelphia on and on and on and on the city councils change the lies and made it much harder for police to clear murders, and so they are not. In addition to that, the open border of the Biden administration has broader and more narcotics than any other time in history and drug gangs, control distribution of narcotics, throughout this country. They all have gone.
and no matter what gun law you pass. Still gonna have gone if everybody understands that and these Thugs. go out and they just kill anybody. They want. That's. Why all is this happening? never get a more vivid illustration of the why behind american murder, then you just got for me. That is exactly what happened Now, in some places there trying to reverse it, but it's very very hard. As those drug gangs are established, they run just like the mexican cartels run. Mexico. These drug gangs run sections of cities. Now. Therefore, worse cities in america are detroit. St louis our lives and Milwaukee there, the worse for murder per capita guy. That's what we have.
Mayor pay, so he's being audited for using too many private jets. That's not fair! What I just said is not fair. He is being audited. And is As he used eighteen private jets, the flier out, ok so they try to figure out where there may be needed, those judge or not. He may be innocent and my initial headline basically convicted in, but I wanted to see most of the media behaves I dont so buddha Joe, He's a big global warming guy and, of course, a private playing big polluters, but he says quote: mostly fly commercial flights in economy class,
And when I do use our agencies aircraft as usual situation, we're doing so save taxpayers, money, unquote well, we'll find out, but mere pete eighteen flights up in the air. So I'd love to meet mayor pete at the airport taken a commercial flight. I wish I'd have a few words For cnn smallest monthly audience in february this month cause it ends today in a decade right, This shows that are collapsing. Are the situation room with wolf blitzer, The lead with jake tapir, no surprise, ok, and the cnn this morning programme with don lemon. Those programmes have collapse
and they used to have a few viewers, and now they are, they have any money. I don't watch em, so I can't tell you I know I've told you about tapir horrible guy, bad broadcaster. No, accident he's doing poorly? Now? You may know they hired bill more and I think it put em on Friday night for half an hour or something he did. Ok, whose last show is february. So tv get seven hundred. Eighty thousand viewers foresee it s pretty big, so I expect see more of him on cnn and I think they're going to hire Charles barkley said. Barkley is gonna. Come over there, because they're not going to it's impossible for cnn now to compete with the talent they have. Kate gives they're not going to get any better, So they gotta bring an outside p o reilly. Here the new cycle can be overwhelming. As you know,
bill, o'reilly dot com is here to make sure you don't miss anything. As a lawyer listener? The nose news audio? We are offering a way of listening to it completely ad free you can. Up to become a bill, o reilly, dotcom premium member today and access all the great audio content we have including the riley update and much more without commercials premium and cause. You members also get exclusive access to special video programming. Even send you a free copy of my new best selling book, killing the legends so come a bill orally dotcom premium. Member today and enjoy listening to my podcast ad free, please don't wait, learn more. sign up today it below riley dotcom, slash ad free, that's will riley dotcom, slash ad free. I support So this is,
to me, one of the most interesting pose we ve ever done on bill o reilly. Dotcom. That's where this pole is here is the question: has the fox news election machine law soon. Change your opinion of air and sea has the fox news, a lecture machine, lawsuit change, european of events, a yes or no Paul? You go there, you vote the way you want and I'm gonna cover this story in a fair way. Ok, I mean it hysterical headlines against fox news. Ya, know that, but remember they're coming from dominion, people who are suing and they haven't been cross examine. Yet, though, those headlines.
well, you know, I know we don't have any fairness in the media, and I know people want to destroy fox news. I worked there more than twenty years. They tried to destroy me every day, every day made up stuff smearing. I was just with those awards part of the job. Anyway, I hope you will vote in our poll bill O'Reilly, dot com. We will give you the results on thursday, okay, smart life, so there is a sweetener called erath, though era, though, or something like that. Ok, it's e r y t, H r. I t o l and it's in a lot of
thanks and it's bad for you, according to the journal of nature medicine, it says that the zero calories sweetener elevates heart attack, strokes and blood clots. Oh so you know I've been doing this, don't eat the sugar cut down on the sugar, but I don't like this. winners either. Now this Everything tall whatever it is it's in true that is the coffee and iced tea sweet, To our uv I'd sooner but the rest, I got onto it was last summer when I was real,
hammering this. Sugar is the devil story, and it is. I went to the grocery store, the upscale grocery store to try to get drinks to sample drinks, to replace coke and patsy and doktor pepper and sugar laden drinks in the ice teeth, and I got a bunch of that with this. We are in it and I couldn't drink it because the after case was so overpowering of this week. I just couldn't trick and I went then to no sugar knows sweetener, which is worked out. For me, a bunch of good ice teas and water is fine. For me. You know you can put lemon and lime in the water. You can do a bunch of things, so that's worked out, but I did try that line of drink, and I just will
too much what millions and millions of people do drink it. So if you're, one of them be careful. day in history february, twenty eight! Sixteen ninety two world with three hundred thirty one years ago, the witch hunt begins and sale of massachusetts. You knew I was gonna who does cause? I'm writing. Let's get it up killing the which is law? from salem Massachusetts. In fact later, afternoon, after I finish taping new garden, I are writing almost the last chapter of this thing, and it is one of the most fascinating projects I have ever been involved with. So on this day, young girls in salem, started to accuse, formally people are being witches and they and into the court, and they said
this one this when this one is as bewitched us, demonic, possession ok and the courts. Ok, we'll arrest them racy, who is insane but there was a secret reason why many of those people accuse witches were arrested, and you will learn that reason. In my book it was It appeared to be all the time, but anyway, twenty human beings were killed as witches executed by the massachusetts bay work is twenty and in europe it was where more than that and so
that all began three hundred and thirty one years ago. Today, you could pre order killing the witches we got it for you, it'll be out september. Twenty six. I believe you will love this book is mesmerizing, ok, quick break back with male and a final thought about satan. Ok, let's go to the male bar ferris taught massachusetts to you're right bill about the politics of envy. My grandfather arrive from ireland at the age of twelve, with five dollars started, a successful roofing business, he my grandmother, also off the boat, spent their winters at the breakers and palm beach. He was applaud it at the time, for achieving american greame. Now he would be reviled as a capital is paid out on the message board
bill. I worked hard. All my life never hit it big, but made a good living. Have a comfortable retirement here in Montana, where the fishing is good, it's better than good montana. We want to fish, that's where you go: I could care less about the all hotel I'm down, never like fancy or uppity, and never giving thought to those who did headed big its I couldn't care less, everybody says and I'm picking an owl and I shouldn't be because he's a good guy everybody says I could care less, that's not what it is. If you could care less, then there's something it's. I couldn't care less. See what you learn here state my electric bill here in illinois is three times rate is was last year and I'm using less electricity we is commonly harris talking about she does.
I know what she is talking about, steve, It is just a little annoyed everywhere I column, post bill rallied. I can't come on you guys. You gotta go there. You edict I'm your vote. Nepal. We got the message of the day. We got everything there. My com, on cobble say anything would put in front of unofficial, say no bedding Mary river and California, it seems as if we now have totally incompetent people in charge and they lie just The old stalinists days is no doubt that Modern american politicians have taken propaganda techniques from Joseph Stalin, and the nazis in germany is no doubt that donald warner for oaks north
aligning spent several months since republicans took control the house, I'm still waiting for the first action on getting Rid may arcas reducing spending proceeding on hundred binds illegal activities, looks like this, same thing all over again, all smoke no fire month and a half since the house went g, o p k and congress cannot remove, may orcas unless they impeach him and convicted and that'll never happen in the senate. As everybody knows, so, that's off the table. Hunter Biden They got to compile information. Okay, I assume they're doing it. I don't know for sure, but I assume they're doing it. They have to do it. They don't do it. It's going to be a pretty big scandal, so you gotta be patient. This is a lumbering bureaucracy in DC. Nobody could even imagine how lumbering it is. Dave Jones, chandler, arizona why
AL peo, not in the mix on a republican ticket because he's not well known yet I mean the new was secretary of state but he's not showing up in the polling. Yet he's got number one. He hasn't declared I dunno if he will, because he's got a raise, a lot of money and I dunno if he will but he's smart, he could run frank, frightfully, a bramble tin virginia: do you think president trouble run as a third party candidate? I can predict that no, you can predict with donald trump will or will not do Nobody can. I is a very special letter that I'm happy to read from Doug. Ok,. bill. If you are reading this, we are listening to the nose been news I saw in my lovely girl friend, patricia marie weird. king along car ride to families home, as you speak I have a ring in my pocket:
engagement. Ring that's right on proposing on the no spin news to patricia Marie. Would you encourage her to say yes dog, I'm gonna take a chance to say. Yes, I hope she does and I'm happy to do this for you as a concierge member doug is a concierge member, I'm happy to help him. So let me know what happens all right and I'll. Tell everybody I team normal. That's us you! You want team normal. We got the gear common and so bill, built dot com. You can order it you get to have. We got the monks, we got the shirts, we get the bumper sick as we got everything this is great ring and summer gear. You'll love it so all over the country we're moving them like crazy. Everybody wants to be on
he normal. Who is no arm all see, that's the qualification, so we go there in order bunch of stuff, where did the day do not be a var lect. v. I r l e t why let when May bilbil o reilly dotcom bill. Reilly, dotcom name in town, if you wish to all pine back with a final thought about satan in a moment. So, as I mentioned, I'm writing killing the witches, and this is about demonic possession as what it's about you strip it all down. So in sailor, massachusetts messages bay, colony, the puritans came over and they believed in demonic possession. They believe that the devil could come in and make you will which, which is due the devil's bid
that's. The pipeline puritans believe that the people who came over on the mayflower, primarily appearance, believed in Europe. They believed it. Now. There are thirty two mentions of demonic possession in the bible. This is the stuff that we get and for our book. Sixteen in the old testament. Way back Moses mentioned it and sixteen in the new testament. If you I will reader or know anything about the bible. Jesus cast out spirits, demonic, possession in modern times and we do get into modern times and killing the witches, all through that, and then we can accelerate to now. Most people don't believe in an active devil, satan,
on a position. They dont believe that there is an malevolent presence on this planet that can actually hurt you. oh do garden. I been investigating that get outta. There is an unbelievable stuff about it. It's very quiet, because the media, of course I have so many media, even deny that Jesus existed. That's how out there they are so you'll be kind of careful and we are we're documenting everything, but I believe it. I do, I believe, as a force of evil. that's present on the spot. Thank you for watching and listening to god knows where news or see you tomorrow,
Transcript generated on 2023-07-03.