« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

President Biden Insults the Entire Country; LeBron James Loses Credibility & Happy Earth Day!


Tonight’s rundown:  

  • Another light day for President Biden – with two small activities centering around Earth Day
  • President Biden has insulted the entire country by alleging that the American system is racist and in doing that he indicted every single American. But what facts does he have to back up that insane statement? 
  • LeBron James has lost all credibility by posting a tweet that threatened a Columbus, Ohio police officer
  • Another example of a corrupt corporate press – NPR issues INSANE disclaimer, claiming they may be reporting ‘wrong’ information
  • The state of California goes after BLM Co-Founder’s nonprofit for failing to file financial disclosers 
  • O’Reilly’s take on Earth Day - a worthy cause but the entire environmental movement has been hijacked by the radical loons to advance their far left policies. 
  • New Gallup poll shows American church membership is below 50% for the first time in eight decades. 
  • This Day in History 1945: Hitler admits defeat. 
  • Final Thought: Wounded Heroes Day. Looking for a way to give back? Check out www.indendencefund.org

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The bill O'Riley. Here. Welcome to that I was big news, thursday April twenty second, two thousand and twenty one stand up for your country. Well, it's been an interesting news week. If you didn't see us, yesterday and you are bill, o'reilly dot, com premium members, you can access that show. That was very important program yesterday and this one will be to a lot of information that you should have that you should know. So I want to give you a heads up on that. We begin with prisoners By the schedule, as we usually do so there was the big earth day conference, among the leaders of the free world and china, the free world and china janet free they all today
we're going to cooperate on global warming and add some good lad. I'll get the earth day and the summit for a while and then a prisoner, receded, cove id briefing that you now I mean the summer with the global warming. At least that was something right. Mister by usually doesn't do anything except make ridiculous statements that are harmful to every single american, even though millions of people don't understand how harmful it is. So I am talking about after the verdict came in and the floyd case in minneapolis, the chief executive officer of the united states of america did something that no other president has ever done. The history of this republic, Joe Biden trashed his country, will attain. It was a murder. full light of day the blind resolve and the whole world to see.
Janet graces and the vice president just referred to. There are systemic reasons as day our nation stall, The knee on the neck of just For black americans. The found, fear and trauma. the pain the exhaustion I can round America's experience every single day. Ok, so In that thirty seconds, sound by the presence of the united states, allianz aided eighty percent of the country and here's how we did it number one. There are eight hundred and twelve thousand law enforcement agents in america right now, eight hundred and twelve thousand that man just so that every single one of them by saying that policing is corrupt,
that black and brown americans live in fear of their lives. Now, if you're, a law enforcement agent- and you are trying to protect everybody, including minority americans, how do you take that? Have you taken the second group that he insulted was every public servant in congress, including himself all right so congress? After all of these decades has not been able to contain or stamp out quote, unquote systemic racism? Now in nineteen? Ninety four, as you've heard in conservative media, Joe Biden passed a very tough on crime law and he made some negative references to african american criminals, but now he's woke alright, so Joe Biden is wool. Kiev's evolved.
and actually the crime law and ninety four was pretty good law. It brought crime across the country down drastically and now, of course, crime is going up drastically. So he insulted law enforcement. He insulted politicians, elected people and then, So did you and me, I don't live in a world of systemic races. I know african americans, I employ african americans. My world isn't system racist in any way at all about your world. You out and try to hurt minority people. African americans do. I don't think sign of that you be watching you listening to me. If you did his I've condemn that all time I dont do it I want to be told by a guy who barely get a sentence out of his mouth and who I am,
really believe does not know what he sang. Songs excuse. Certainly his wife knows what he said. These incapacitated nita. No, she should step up, but I won't be too by this guy that I'm contributing to systemic racism that I'm a white supremacist that I have white privilege. I don't want to hear that from him because it Why and when a person lies to me to my face. That's the end of that person. I have zero tolerance for that. Okay. So my question to president Biden, if I were interviewing him, which he would never and told me face to face at a washington chorus It's dinner. I was talking to him and I said you know Barack Obama. Your boss is interviewed three times with me. Can't you come in and sit and he goes I've never. Have you with you all riley me laugh implying that he couldn't do it, which is true
but if I were to interview him, my first question is: can you back up this systemic racism stuff? Do you have any stats to back it up, because I have stats to back up that there is not systemic racism, in mainly the staff is that in two thousand nineteen twelve unarmed black people were shot by. Yes, and in two thousand twenty than number was eighteen. Remember there more than eighty thousand law enforcement agents, and in two years we have already unarmed black people and most of those people had another weapon. War were trying to run over an officer a car in wages, walking down the street
So I would ask with respect to you: can you back this up? Under present tromp your predecessor, black incomes for working african americans, rose faster than any other group. Kay million incomes, so you know show me some data to back up what you say, he can process the daddy? Even if you had it now when we pause here it sounds like I'm being too rough on job I, but this is serious business. When you get
if they're in front of the entire world and accuse your own country of being a racist state sounds like south africa or something that's what he did now. The media played it down, as it always did always going to protect Biden, but that's what he did. He condemned his own country and ideal bite. I'm going to solve this problem for you, which is just malarkey, as he would say,. My second to solve any problems these incapable of that he can't do it all. This is a giant power play to convince miners. many groups in america that Biden is their saviour and anyone who opposes Biden and the far left Democrats is a racist. That's what this is. It's a power play a political power play. Ok. So when I'm listening to this as a historian, now.
Not as a contemporary analysed, I'm saying it myself. americans elected the most leftist president, five far in the history of this Public now it was a reaction to down from the no doubt about it. Barton didn't even campaign. That was a referendum on trump, yes or no. so now we have to suffer. for another three and a half years and we will suffer. We will suffer under an incompetent man. Who apparently has no regard for the legacy, traditions and freedoms that the united states has none he's willing to besmirch that again, what he should have said is system works.
The officer who obviously demonstrated depraved indifference can argue with that. He did in Minneapolis he's gone, prison doesn't bring back. George Floyd should have never happened, When you have eighty thousand law enforcement agents in intense life and death situation, sometimes skype the the end game from the progressives who control Joe by again he's being control. Susan rice is top debate. To devise a wrong clean, his considerably airy R d guy. He depends on for everything. These are very far less progressive people and, of course, as you know, this rice very close friends with Iraq and
Obama, that's were Biden, is getting his stuff. His statements from that crew, so now I eat a lot of mail about this. Is that Pelosi is that Schumer is not the party hacks? They don't have access to by very few people have access to him he's isolated. Alright, he better. only as scheduled doesn't do anything all day long they put stuff in front of him. He signs they put speeches in front of him. He says he's got an address, a congress last swaying next wednesday. Somebody will write. It me maybe he'll read it, he has to read it on a teleprompter they after rehearsal, but does he have any import into it? Now? How do I know
But believe me, I know the structure, that's in the white house right now. Okay, so you can see that Joe Biden is a pawn he's being manipulated. Now what are the progressives? What they want a full takeover of the american system? They want to wipe the states
out, so the states would have no power. All the power would reside in Washington DC, and that means that the progressives would control the economy and bring it into socialism. They control policing. They control education to indoctrinate so that there would be no challenge to the progressive leadership down the road they control, how you defend yourself with guns, they control how much money you can have by taxation all right. They control every facet of every american's life. That's what socialism is. I hope you all understand it so. If things are in play right now, the first one is on the policing bill as a policing bill hasn't gotten a lot of media attention because
The media knows the smarter of the media, not the cable news, people, smarter they know what's going on now, leasing bill. Basically ties will grant money in two. Wrestle view of how you police an area. That means everybody's, a body can solve. If anything goes wrong, we can emerge hours or indict the cop. That means no protections for any police officer. Anybody can sue them so criminal busted for aid turn around get a sleazy lawyer lawyer, sues to cop that means here the guidelines and progressives want you follow that local police, chief, local sheriff state police and if it all
when asked any anti money now get any federal money. That's the policing bill past the house on a party vote. Ok, I don't think it'll even be voted upon in the senate. Mcconnell find a way not to bring it up right, like the progressive one control of american police. The best the easiest way to do that, is to demonize the police. As and you're violent. You hate, blacks, you're, persecuting blacks. We gotta wipe out all the police number one number to control education. Alright, so I forgot one more thing: on policing: the goal of the progressive movement is to not incarcerate any criminal who is inviolate. So if somebody steals your car.
Don't put him in jail breaks into your house. Takes you stuff, no jail time. Ok, somebody lays hands on you, raped. You murders, you a solitary, then you'll have to, but every other crime don't put it because it's not their fault. She sat there what if there are poor and they want to steal, they can steal shop live guy at prostitution, if I have saw heroin nonviolent, go ahead, sell at heroin, do whatever you want: destroy people sell poison. When I put in jail, we don't want you in jail. That's a progressive view of law enforcement. That's what they want. That's the goal now: education. so president Biden is seeking to elevate critical race theory, see archie, ok into every classroom in every public school in his country, and I'm gonna quote you, but the objective is culturally responsive teaching and learning in the school.
As for projects that incorporate racially ethnically culturally and linguistically divers perspectives are, this is the guidance from the department of education And they want the sixteen nineteen project. That's the new york times thing where it says that our capitalist system was built and main I on slavery and now cheap labour and capital is our evil. So if you do that, if your school district does it you'll get some federal funding. If you don't, you won't say you see the pattern of Happening abides on board all of this He never used to be on board with it think it was a senator overthrow, seven years. He was one of those conservative democrats. He bath bad mouth black people all the time he threw impediments interact
If you heard come up la heresy and the debates he did, he was buddies with Robert byrd, the senator from west Virginia, who was a klan member. He and Biden were like that, but now he's woke now he's the hero. Okay. So what I'm telling you is a hug it percent true and accurate any of your friends or your liberal family members? What if they deny that they're, not speaking the truth, and I backed everything that I said up- this is what is happening. A progressive takeover, War of the entire government now before you go out- and you know: bang your head against a wall in two thousand twenty two, I believe republicans- will take the house and the Senate now put an end to this temporarily. Alright and.
Virginia the state of Virginia has already implemented already implement this progressive view in education, the director of the virginia education department, office policies, woman named leslie, sale. She now is putting forth to the legislature enrichment. There should No difference in diplomas. right now there are three levels of diplomas for high school kids. If you take what they call a peak horses college, great courses, you get one diploma. If you take special horses like in new york, they call em regions, you get another and then in the third tier is a general diploma.
Don't want to wipe that out, because it's not fair to the minority. Kids, who can't take the college courses, use their grades and are good enough. There's some truth to the fact that if you're, a bad parents and you're poor you're, not gonna, be as well off academically as the rich kid with good parents. Who knows that So now a virginia look: we're not going to do the marriage thing anymore, because it's not fair to the pork we know why, but all out be one diploma the real goal is, is no great news that soon saw the progressive love. This is not fair to give actual grades, it should all be passed fail because the poor kids with the bad pair since they can't get as good great, is a rich kids with the good parents. So we raise what more out that's coming right, so
oh meritocracy anymore, pass fell and then the college's you're gonna try to wipe out the s a t's and all that they'd have to. I don't know why the admissions policy would be. I don't know why, but the progressives will come up with something. Oh policing, and by the way, a tax on police officers are up. Ninety percent in since the floyd case, So the respect for police and inhibit the inhibitions of attack a police officer breaking down just so. You know that that's in play as well and summing up these progresses are smart. They are shrewd, they have control the media. The media is not going to report any of this.
They don't say what they really want. It's all incremental stare step. They have a guy in a white house, he doesn't know what he's doing right. He'll do. Whatever they want him to do, no push back at all and I have a sound bite. I'm gonna play the sun by tee this saki sound bite up. This soundbites was shocking, so. was it yesterday. I think it was yesterday. Sixteen year old girl named Makiya bryant in Columbus, ohio. You gotta feel sorry for this. For this girl she's in foster care in franklin, county foster care. Imagine not having parents, so
She's an angry girl, mchugh brian somebody calls nine one one and the police arise because mc here at night. I this is on tape and she was in the process of trying to stab. A couple of other girls, so the police officer, nicholls ridden, gets out of the car with his firearm right there's a thing you can see the knife. right and is another girl pink behind her? This knife might go into this girl's heart at any time. So the officer nicholas residences, dropped the knife she doesn't and she's in a thrust position you can see, but that up again you can see to pay Alright knives in her hand, she's in a thrust position.
I second that knife can be in the girl behind her chest, so the officers shoots mickey O'Brien okay. Now what you do. There are two mandates to use deadly force, but one of the police officers, life is in danger or a civilian life is in danger. Those are the mandates. What would you do not shoot the girl, who's got the knife ready to plunge into the other girl. What, if that happened? What if he didn't shooter And the other girl is dead, I mean come on so ridden shoots mickey and kills him right. Brian immediately the white house gets involved with saki go, the killing of sixteen year old, mikhail, o brien by the congress, places tragic. She was a child or thinking
for friends and family in the communities that are hurting engraving, her loss. We know that violence just proportionally, impacts lacking the tina people and communities in that black women and girls like black men and boys, expense. higher rates of police violence, disgraceful Instead of saying I'm not going to comment into, we know the full extent of the story. all and I'm not going to quit the officer not doing out here I'm gonna, wait and see what all the facts it I'm saying to you. If you in that situation, now we just saw what do you do? Ok, so the president's spokeswoman. So a word no mention of the trauma on the officer. where the other girls life was endanger. No mention of those two individuals just issues,
child and we know that there's just violence against african americans. We know it's just a disgrace, there's no attempt to being fair or putting anything the perspective or due process or anything. This is the white house. This isn't maxine waters. This is a president who got eighty million votes. It's just a shocking, so then lebron James gets involved. I have no animist ward, lebron James. I don't know him. He is a tremendous athlete, but there's something wrong here, so it as soon as the story breaks james tweets, a photo.
Of the police officer and says your next threatening the police officer and referencing derek shove. It you're next, I so james in LOS Angeles kin, dick The police officer in cologne is why, without knowing anything, what's wrong with the man, what is wrong with him. So we have to take it down his agent, I'm sure a la brine. You can't do this, so they lifted there, but it's over it's over. No, more, no clear thinking, fair minded person can respect lebron James any longer issues. I count
it. Wasn't the kneeling destroyed capron ex image? It was the socks with the police depicted as pig. That's what did it when people sought out. I now know this james done done. Now you can play to his crew. The hate him the crew, the hate cop crew. He complained of them, but fair minded americans. Now. Let me introduce you to accompany the does things right: grip six makes belt right here in the usa and those belts are incredible. They are infinitely adjustable. Let me refer that infinitely adjustable their patented system mean They always fit right and feel great with no holes ugly, strap hanging ugly. Hanging strap or extra bulk,
they are so easy uncomfortably use and they look right thou art and off. They are guaranteed for life with unmatched customer service and finance shipping by a grip. Six well, you will never have to purchase another belt again and you look great be supporting american manufacturer from the ground up, plus it's a perfect gap, because the belts last forever And you really have to see these belts to know what I'm talking about. So please go to grip, six dot com, make sure to use the code bill. Twenty a check out to get twenty percent off your bill, that's g are ip six. The number that cop code bill to zero. and pr to npr has no interest in reporting anything accurately.
And it right away as much of the media did starts to condemn the cop, but it puts up a disclaimer put it up on the screen. This is a developing story. Some facts reported by the media may later turn out to be wrong. We will focus on reports from police officials and other things These credible news outlets and reporters were at the scene. Will up? Did you as a situation, develops and pure wait? A minute? You don't report anything unless you know it's true, especially, an explosive situation like this, you said to your audience: npr national public radio. We don't know. There's a sixteen year old who was shot A police officer, we don't know why or what led up to it now.
Well, we'll get italian whenever we are, but I could be wrong off their stated. The media. Ok, let's shift gear here is a story. No one has told patrice colors put her picture up there. Please one of the three founders of black lives matter: global foundation, a marxist self admit it recently bought one million four hundred thousand dollars worth of property with no viz. low income. She teaches at a very small college Nobody knows wish it comes up with a million for, but ok. So in march, in march california, officials right notified patrice- dollars that they are warning her her
organizations, in addition to black lives, matter global foundation. She heads up dignity and power. Now nonprofit groups, alright those groups, dignity and power. Now those two groups have not filed financial disclosures, oh and californian city. California says you have to fire. This happened in march. This is out of the California attorney general office. They notified colors. Third warning tell us where the money is how much money well about two point: one million. You know these are pretty big numbers, so colors and again she's in charge, basically ignored to warnings and say to California nash is the third.
This is the same woman, as I mentioned, who boy all property. Now when she was asked about the property she said this whole point of these articles, and these recent attacks against me are to discredit me but also discredit the movement and we have stay focused. We have to stay focused white supremacy I am not a white supremacist, I admit it billion ere? I am not the catholic church acquiring land everywhere. I am a single black woman, who is support, my family and supporting. Community and a tournedos. That's what she's doing ok earth day I like her because I like the planet- and I appreciate the planet and I've been to eighty two countries and I've been all around the world and I have seen the best of it and the worst of it and I m a diver now
If you know and the Oceans are very, very important to me. Earth day is good. Pollution is bad. We can get electric cars in this country we should but right now, You lie my skin tesla. Those cars are too expensive for working people, gotta bring it down. Why should bring it down? an electric cars are easy to obtain then I would recommend it, everybody switch and I would tax the gas call. far more than the electric cars. I would do that, so you know K because the less pollution, the better earth day. If I see somebody littering I confront that person- and I did that, as I told you yesterday, the other day you throw garbage out on the street, you do that, and I see it. I want to say something to you:
Ok, so the green new deal, that's a political. that's not an environmental thing. The socialists and far less progressive use. The green new deal too. Tax money away from workers put it into anything, they want. I have to do with the environment fact. Very little of it goes to the environment, wind, solar non viable, yet so Biden shuts down the oil pipeline without any alternative and gas prices go up a buck again. Not a shark a job, because georgia's employed gases call yoda, doesn't know anything, you don't wipe out fossil fuels until you ever replacement. Since a genius thing so Biden is on the phone with she, china, the worst pollution country in the world, China and india are the worst and their excuses. Will we have so many people
at the polluter make money to feed people. Ok, but she, is on a call. And all the developed nations. Ok, we're gonna do every they went to fight global warming about about good god, fight global warming. I'm on bore with that. We don't want environmental catastrophe. We don't want all the ice melting in the arctic. That's not good. is it happening because of all carbon? I dont know. God knows I'm not smart enough to know What I am smart enough to know is the less pollution a better, but am Smart enough to know I'm not gonna be conned by. Alexandria, ocasio, cortez, trillions of dollars on called environmental stop when very little of it goes to the embargo. Birthday celebrate be clean, recycle, no plastics in the water, no garbage, on the street merganser abandoning church Are you knew that
but I'll give you the grizzly facts? Gallup poll, Thousand adults, findings in nineteen. Ninety eight and two thousand put it on the screen. Only eight percent of americans head identification with religion, eight percent. Twenty years later, twenty one percent. Don't have any religion at all. Don't care about religion. They are secularists. Atheists, agnostics, millennia, the boy in nineteen eighty one and after uk thirty one percent have no religious affiliation, so you can see where this country's headed and the downside. If you're a secular person, you still can be a good person. Are you still can you move can be better than most religious people, but many secular many non believers. They have,
Religion of themselves, all about me, it's good for me. That's what one want. Other people, judeo christian philosophy, not religion philosophy! Is you neighbour, support an issue: So we're heading four secularism here, oscar disaster academy awards of sunday. I will not watch a second of it, though. If you're nominees, the father Judas in a black messiah mank benare, nomad land that probably win missing young woman, sound a metal trial of chicago seven, haven't seen any of em nobody's, seen em. Ninety ninety one, thirty years ago, best picture nominees. Ninety one ghost the godfather. part: three good fellows dances with wolves and awakenings and it was an error, misery and area. Think misery was up for something but anyway look
All those movies, except for awakenings, are classics and advances with wolves want that's Kevin costner, for three men million forty, three million viewers watch, the oscar telecast and ninety ninety one lesson: ten million wash they can't even get a house billy crystal hosted, backed and ears billy. He was out, they can't even get a host. They can't even do it alright and it's a disaster. Why cancel culture? Far left politics have crippled hollywood film industry crippled in this day in history April. Twenty second nineteen, forty five adolf hitler met
with his council in berlin and the general said we don't have any more soldiers. We can't stop the russians from marching in here, and basically, hitler knew the war was lost. Seventy six years ago, today, a days later, he committed suicide with his wife, eva braun. Hitler was fifty six years old. You want the best, and I mean the best assessment of the fall of the nazis, killing pattern, my book killing pet. Alright, you will not get a better view. Of what happened, can take a quick break and get some lively mail and a final thought will be right there. Let me introduce you to a company that does things right, grip, six makes belt
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Make sure to use the code bill twenty a check out to get twenty percent off your bill, That's g are ip six. The number that cop code bill to zero. I ask you to male concierge member new wreaked rights to me, really. I don't agree with your statement that Joe Biden is the most left as president. ever. He really is an imbecile and its whole. Say and how to behave not charge of his faculties and for sure not in charge of this one. A country well married- I mean- maybe that's true, but I dont think that you have examined him medically yet by his pronouncements and his deeds. He is by far the most leftist president in history. That is a fact.
Margaret Schenk cleveland tennessee bill, I'm not a racist and have historically look only at a person's character, however, reached vets have maybe more suspicious and threatened by black people. Don't succumb to the temptation. That's all I can say most black americans are good. Folks. Honourable people don't succumb to that. Mark Turley fraser avoiding it like you bill. I'm upset with Joe Biden in his comments about america being systemically racist. It will We should go down as said tragic day for america. It would go down if the media actually reported it like a protected. As everybody knows, just crew Is my emmi florida, though, of a new member of the no spin news family, but I've watched you for a long time on events seat?
never say I agree, also views, but, above all appreciate. Your integrity, however, was taken aback. a common you made yesterday when talking about the opportunity citizens of this country. Have you mentioned that a spanish and blacks have a hard time succeeding, but with that statement, aren't you victimizing those groups jessica? That's an excellent question, excellent. What I'm not victimizing, I'm telling you the reality of life in America today. Ok, there are bigots in all race, all races, k and if you have a skin color, that's darker, if you're non quotation its harder in some places in some situations to succeed. That's true. However, it is an impossible, as you prove jessica right, you can have a rate life in this country is just have to be
It's a little more. You have to persevere a little bit more laura burning, portland Oregon, I'm a subscriber and long time listener. What is your source on twenty percent of americans racist, my life? I've been every state every major. City. I lived in poland. As you may know, I anchored the news on channel to their from what I've seen about one out of five americans is raised, Donna and tony beggin lobbying falls new york. My husband and I. I follow you for many years on the factor been premium member since the beginning of your pockets,. there is something we do not understand. Why does corporate amerika support a socialist agenda were come to fruition, wouldn't harm them. It's all about the personalities, the people that run the corporations, not the board of directors, so much the ceos. I want to be invited to the parties they did. You want to be
In this crew, they wanna be lionize by the media. They want to see and be seen as a good things about what it's about heard, how louis din she can't building your message. You stated the press is protecting fall of people. I could argue the press is not just protecting them, their glorifying that I, when argue with that court marilyn cause here. I remember very good information great flow tonight on the no spin news. For all you do and always keeping a level mine. What many of us don't always see the full truth, especially of what's going on around us, but we know we can come to you bill for clarity. May god keep you well and in his grace very very nice. Thank you very, very much marilyn for that,
Thank you, okay, so if you order killing the mob on bill, o'reilly dot com, we ship the book to you, beginning sunday, you get it before anybody else. The book comes out on may. Fourth, if you preorder it from us, you get fifty percent off killing crazy horse, which is now approaching six hundred thousand in sales, Normally I so there is an excerpt on below riley dotcom of killing them off. Its free can read it, and mother and father stay come up, your mom and dad grander grandma premium or concierge membership? You get. mob or any my books free. This is a great deal and they'll find Where did the day? No do not be do not be vainglorious when writing to us vainglorious great word right back with a final thought This is Brian dean right former cia operations officer by now you
probably heard of my podcast, the president's daily brief. We try, Around the world talking about the most pressing news of the day, and the goal is to take complicated issues both here and abroad, then really simple to understand. We also about solutions to the problems that we discuss. Just like the actual brief deliver to the president each day in the oval office, so download and subscribe to the president's daily brief available on all major podcast platforms, starting at six. A m eastern monday through friday, it be a pleasure. Join us I find yesterday was wounded heroes day I neglected to mention it, but obviously not just military by police. We ve been killed and wounded in the line of duty. Protecting us deserve to be recognised.
And our military charity. The independents, fun dot, org participated in wounded heroes day. If you have some charitable money to give independence fond. One word: independent fund, dot org by those high check track chairs, for this severely wounded, vets and police. We have police in there now you might want to check that out wounded heroes. Death can. As always. I really appreciate your loyalty that watch us if there is something we do you dont like we want to hear from you, of course, will see you again soon.
Transcript generated on 2023-01-19.