« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

President Biden in Israel, Gaza Hospital Bombing, Col. David Hunt on Iran's Involvement, Republican House Madness, George Soros Latest. and More

2023-10-18 | 🔗
Hey BillOReilly.com Premium and Concierge Members, welcome to the No Spin News for Wednesday October 18, 2023. Stand Up for Your Country.Tonight's rundown:
  • Talking Points Memo: Bill breaks down President Biden's trip to Israel, media coverage, and the bombing of a Gaza hospital.
  • Col. David Hunt joins the No Spin News.
  • We give you an upodate on the House vote for a Republican Speaker.
  • George Soros is shutting down offices. Why?
  • This Day in History: Hillary's emails.
  • Final Thought: Tipping
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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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As usual republican party madness, I can't get it together, they'll, never get it together. I'm gonna tell you. later on in the broadcast. How this affects the country and it's not good- but to do this on a daily basis, it's like the budget raising a budget ceiling. I just have to wear and see what happens? Ok so in lower that we're gonna go back to the hamas Israel, war and president Biden over there- that is the subject of the talking points mammal so about eleven, a m local time in Israel. The president arrive a good night's sleep on air force, one I've been on the plain and joy Bad issues, I'd be it in a luxury apartment, can't get everything you need every food. You could why every service should want. You get jammies, which
down, you fall asleep. They wake you up for breakfast is not rigorous trap, I saw he lands about eleven about forty minutes later. He meets with Netanyahu the leader of Israel. Then, after that he meets with the war cabinet and then, after that, he meets with but the families who had people murdered by Hamas and hears But he said gap ask committed atrocities call the worst ravages of isis. Only in pure unadulterated, evil upon the world. There's no rationalize! You know scuse me period. The brutality we saw would cut deep anywhere in the world, but it that's deeper here in Israel october with which was sacred. Do a sacred jewish holiday. You can the deadliest day for the jewish people since the holocaust. Brought to the surface, painful memories, the scar,
but by millennia, anti semitism, the genocide of the jewish people, the world watched. Then it knew and the world did nothing we not stand by and do nothing again, not today not tomorrow not ever standard issue speech, nothing wrong with it. The world stood by that's, not True, the world took care, the third reich great expense to human life. there were people who didn't want to get into war war to there. People who looked away from the jewish atrocities there? That's true, but you don't miss and he just range which put in front of him there. and it wasn't bad, I mean he's- got to show the world, and this is very important that the it states in all its power Is aligned with Israel has to do that
Because of Israel's on its own, then he attacked you're gonna be much more ferocious towards Israel and we'll get into that in a moment after meeting with the israeli officials Biden, as you know, was both go to jordan to meet with the head of the palace. Authority which does not really exist, and there too, Egypt, which does exist and could help out. and the jordanian people. While I was called off because of the hospital bombing so broke yesterday and immediately people america came out and said: Israel blew up a hostile. As on a radio was shown harry, had it good research on this and ran down all the eight p c b it's news. They all initially reported. Israel blew up the hospital. and I really had a less ok, that's true. They did
out any evidence, nothing. taken on a word of Hamas, my set course mosque and said it. Now it looks like and s intelligence has come out. For whatever that is worth and said it was miss fired rocket from terrorists that blew up the hospital, so Islamic fanatics killed the poor people in the hospital, not Israel produced tapes and end footage, drone, forage and ordinance which starts to me. One so the audience and hit the hospital didn't have any israeli markings on. I was there. I dont know a hundred percent, but the heavy heavy weight of evidence. It Israel did not find the rocket into that hospital, that's a prevailing evidence that has been paid
my says imbues anything other than saying the Jews did. But people believe what they want to believe. You know that that is a tenant of this programme. It doesn't. After today, jus aid earthy haters, Israel haters- that The terrorists hit the hospital. They want to believe Israel that as a that in places like indonesia, IRAN, muslim, these around the world. There is no free press. the people here what the government wants to hear. And a government wants a near. The Jews were up fright. There's a debate, or you know that, Spain news. I mean we go into those countries, but you You have a private server to get us. So at this point and again I'm falling back on. U s intelligence, because I wrote Killing the killers and you
then tell pretty damn good. They say. No, it was amiss. Fire from the machaerus they caused a hospital debacle in all dead people. So now buying comes right back and I make sense guy, because money want to hang around here There's gonna be more violence, and I'm not speculating here is a short term play right. it's gonna be more violence, because People want to destroy israel. They see an opening now right She demonstrations, they attacked Embassies are trying to do that in Beirut. All that. short term is going to be more violent. Sets would always happy to long term. I don't know. I do know this- that the ridiculous news, media in america, and it is ridiculous. You guys know that. That's why you watch those in and make around says. It's gonna do x Y around here. Do jack.
I know my way you look at the map rang, can't get any ground troops close to the situation. To if I anything Israel just take out its a oil and its ports Israeli air foreshadowing bomb melody elevator right to stop it and that I put IRAN. I couldn't feed their people, or do anything I'm through with. They always do they ll spend money in and train the terrorists. To do these cowardly attacks on it, if that's what iran dutch asked what they do. Now there is still an argument between cnn and wall street journal. Another article in Europe today says: hey moss, was right behind on Gaza attack rabies and IRAN did it they're the ones that set it up, and see, and ngos. They're around it have anything. Do it.
I told you I was gonna, get to the bottom up its eighty percent. Now from my investigation, That iran was behind the moss attack, I'm not in it. definitively till I have a hundred percent but I'll get it and then see, I know what she is anything, don't say anything: they don't care, they make mistakes or miss report. Now. Why would they Since then business day of truth, but anyway actual iran, Iraq, they can often puff, like the big bang of all day long. They can't do anything overtly with troops or anything like that. But no not, as the news me and mo RON are going to go and then everybody gets panicked case. Stock bar It goes down. I'm not diminishing this will be violence and be the usual suspects attacking american interests,
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first question is to you: I'm right about IRAN. Then automatic capacity to attack Israel correct when they attack Israel to proxies like a and hezbollah, IRAN is great weak there, a problem where they're they're, probably the center of the universe them at least partly because what we did in iraq, but not at all. Another jacket, israel directly. Your jacket is your right now to mass and We will see how will I comes on the north or dairy. Commander was back I'll get so, as you say, is the same scenario that it's always been You mentioned a rack there before our time there drones launched by terrorists toward are air base. in western iraq, where there are? U s special forces bates we took care, the drowns I didn't get through, but
I don't think many americans now that we have forces. still in iraq- that police. Syria, any surrounding tara hotspots, correct. We ve got twenty five hundred soldiers, don't mind. Vision nine months there in syria, Iraq, mostly we guard visions, I'm patrolling, but that twenty five motorman force has been going on for getting over recent months, couple years. Not so we got forces there and you need them there, because the remnants of isis and and Qaeda Qaeda no snow flowers around, and we also a military in turkey. Correct. Absolutely huge uterus raise huge he they do, but that problematic because of the usa to get involved with iran Or another muslim nation I dont know: if He's gonna be down
without and let us use that base to attack people. they didn't in iraq. As you know, they, wouldn't they wouldn't do it right. Twenty years we in Iraq by always want to adapt Gonna to himself, my god is Nobody will let us do it, kay. So why are we then? Why are we have all this big base in turkey? What we accomplish by doing it again closer to that some of our enemies. We have been there, but the turks as you know the, and if we boy nato member s, question is there we could There's a good argument. We made the point but there's a lot of the cia. There on that base there's a lot of intel. Do you have any idea? why.
the israeli and american intel was taken by surprise by the moss attack. This does no good explanation for forty upbraid crossing sites break developed by a mass theirs. there's an theirs. They captured it really, Audrey bases, peeping number classes, at least two hundred besides women in kids data. Israel, generals this This is a complete disaster from from love, usually standpoint, as worse than it does now made the seventy three war when they met. The syrian and egyptian tanks. Tax Macedonia boy there just there's no explanation. We get most of our intelligence from it from Israel, but this complete failure and has to be addressed because
but the same intelligence. To me. It's gonna be used on the attack in the garden and waste figure out why and how you mistress. You got a disaster and going into gaza Yeah I mean I was surprised to see. I mistake as they have a big presence. in TEL Aviv at the american, where we american embassies been moved to Jerusalem, gets an ever presence in Jerusalem, but they also big presence in I tel aviv- and I work very closely with the israeli intelligence. They both missed it since a real chilling message. As far as our self protection is concerned, they gonna That would also they mention. You know. Then a stir. The taliban coming back some north to south. did not disaster pull up few geologists barrier and nobody paper on. One wonders questions. Having asked the last ten days
These relations are murdered. My patch on ads- they don't worry about that now. Will fight is more well. Now you ve got to get you up, yet he answered Can we leave their independence question. The aircraft carriers got the? U s as ford already in the mediterranean, nother big carrier coming in. This is basically to send a message that Yet all we're gonna, protect, u s interests and we? Bomb, the hell out of you from the sea this and sends a message to IRAN. You better not mess around or There are more to it than that at primary mission, I also regret the normal window on both those greco abound woods How do you put breach on our there's going to be another evacuation, a large graduation. U s under threat
and they all emerald spell supply intelligence and logistical support. As we do in my mouth, Israel, for as long as the text we have, the main one is up political statement, military stable just like you said your ma you're not from around keep Hezbollah in levant, lebanon and keep it all. unit you haven't was back his battle, it was named for that and those vessels are nos carriers are capable of reaching as will lie in all that stuff taken this morning right out of their rights. absolutely and we got some submarines. Sarah. They can reach a man, This issue has become a reach out with a stick They don't advise. You know, that's a lot of ships drowning in agriculture time present cylinder penetrating I following the best news presentation in the country, which of course, is me I've. Been setting off this controversy. Twinning
wall street journal which flat out, says I most behind moss attack and cnn and which was not of an opinion on a hundred per cent the aaron as back generously l flamm finance. This train dream up this every two years. where the planning on where you he going to do, last year question about it. Europe is like a break, but we don't want mechanisms we don't want to deal with. the midlands, doing ukraine and helping israel. It no other reason is Israel, says, guarantee Gabriel. I dont, you know, I don't care about s, I'll keep working on this with the club. colonel David on coming to us from may we appreciate is always stay well up. There will talk again soon. I help. Thank you.
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to some kind of party ideology, but in practice it shows the people of the country there's one party, that's organised and a party that is so I dunno how this thing's gonna come out. This house thing: How does a guy named Mc Henry and could be speak approach. Tat, maybe that'll happen, I'm not even a guess. I'm gonna tell you that. The president Biden has done so much damage to this country at the border. with inflation on necessities with regulations on everything with. Sainz government spending, and I mean outward literally insane with a week. Foreign policy that encourages Hamas and others to do awful things, buyers and so much damage.
but the only way to correct the damage in the short term is for republican party to win across the board in november twenty four they have to take the house, the senate and the president's. If they don't take off, three. Then the damage is going to linger. I don't binds gonna run. You know that the Democrats They can win. I guess Even all everybody. country knows The disaster the by demonstration is, I I assume that maybe they hate trump so much because I trouble the nomination that they'll say stay home or whatever I don't know all I know is republican party has got to be you, and the reason it is- and I have said this before us sorry from our repetitive,
There's no leader trump is not a republic, it he's a populist, doesn't care about. public and politics he runs on. I take it because the matter People in other supporters are primarily they republic, it ok. He's not the leader of the party Mitch Mcconnell is unaware. He is he's bad is by he's too all he's be fought. All nobody likes him he's a and already leader in the senate, And now you have a later, they threw mccarthy mccarthyite mccarthy was ok, I'm not looking at it from a party or ideological thing that I think he is reasonable Any boat em out because, a hard line right? One What they want now and have never gonna get it. So they put him out its call, a pyrrhic victory,
yeah. I got him out now what you got. So that's my analysis as it stands will cover the story. Ridiculous. In my opinion, new york city there's a hospital lennox hill. And it is now owned by north. Well, noise was a huge medical provider. all over the new york area. There is a doctor, Dana do your job She is an emergency room. She is very the pathetic to Hamas. She quote zionist settlers getting a taste of their own medicine. Unquote, they fired her is the council culture coming back at the progressives who invented it. As we said yesterday, it's a fascinating thing. So now the cancer culture which was invent it also alone ski to straw. Any opposition to the progressive movement now turn around
so by by doktor the odd and is all about other people get the acts all over the country, Biden. Administration, apart from the middle east, is done a couple of things you should know about It has reached a legal settlement with the american civil liberties union, a c l you, which is a political organization, not a free speech organization. Imo, far left progressive organ so four thousand migrants who were separated when illegally crossed the border by the trumpet administration, because were times when you had to take people and let them so children were put here, People would say warm. The father didn't turn out that way. They warrant the father. Anyway, there were four thousand families separate. All those families now our goal
to get three years of government entitlements. Gate taxpayer gonna give them housing. Health, legal assistance to apply for asylum all on. Our diet by did under the radar K. Four thousand are gonna, get that then the homeless health this is one of the biggest scams I've ever seen. So the? U s, centres, hermetic care and medicate medicare is federal health insurance. I get that medicaid is state health insurance. Poor people get that wouldn't qualify, for that so now under the bite administration street medicine provider visited
The sword believe street medicine provider who treat the homeless on. there are ten villagers or anywhere Not in a hospital not clinic no Supervision. They are going to be reimbursed by medicate so I don't even know these people are they registered nurses or they? Doctors are the physicians assistance. I don't even know right, but There are six hundred thousand almost people estimated right now about four hundred Fifty thousand of the six hundred are drug attics, ok they're taking drugs all day. that's what they do. That's why they can afford to live in a partner out. So these people- I guess we're gonna wander around these-
treat medicine providers with a bandage people up Do it know cause they're all they all maladies did you know? I didn't notice the life expectancy of a homo. person in the usa is forty, eight years where do seventy six for the overall population? And why. with forty acres, they all are kill, kill by drugs. They kill themselves. But now the vitamin straighten, I said, ok just put in your little voucher and will pay for it. Do you think, be a billion fraud here? Might there be a little fraud. Whoa, but this is why this is in the I that story by the way, if you knew it. Tell me where you heard a bill bill, o reilly darken bill bill, o reilly, darker name in town. I bet you never heard that story.
Because the media doesn't report this insane stuff. You ask as a sea plus in retirement, so The mercer institute for pension, global pensions to think tank- I guess there's study and they got forty six countries. I guess or something like that. So we are not forty, seven countries. U s is twenty second in retirement benefits. Out of the forty seven. so retirement benefits are what the government gives you combined with, which you can say. The netherlands is number one. So the netherlands is that eighteen million people. And the government very generous cradle, gave entitlements, and then they take all your money when you earn it just why there are more
people here in the united states, the perimeter in the netherlands because We can't make any money, but when you get all the government takes care of you in and then you can have your four or one case whatever so their number one, the one country on a planet or The forty seven studied is argentina, totally chaotic and This has been in the economic growth. United states, as I said, is twenty second now pensions at all that this speaks to self reliance. That's who speaks to and a lot of people are not self reliant, they spend all their money, most power can submit, don't have enough for routine I meant social security costs you pay into it get medicare. Should pay into. It
just get back, but we ve already paid, but then why you're lucky enough to work for company gives you a pension, it's nice, but those are going down. I don't get a pension from company. I get a pension from after, sag my union union. It just went on strike k. I get a pension from them. Because I maintain those for forty years into the union, so I have that stream common ends on fire I'd be fine anyway, because my father Told me when I was seventeen years old. Every pay check. You save ten percent of your money and I did some seventy. I say it most people, don't so usa is a lot of self reliance here and that's a key to living out you see new year's income. Joyce was closing offices in baltimore
barcelona and places in africa, six offices in africa, this is the open society foundation, which is trying to cover up the whole world. Making all world into socialists enterprise with no borders, no crime control. That's george soros his vision, now, don't write me a letter going. Why is he doing that? I am not a psychiatrist. He is a destructive man. he has done a lot of money to hurt me gang because I've been after him for a long time. anyways honour ropes, and we like that. What percent reduction in the workforce of the open society foundation? All george, whose ninety we he handed in his home operation over to his son, Alex in june So does the alex is doing all this, but still very potent
I was short and more about how much source monies going into the Biden campaign. as well. You need to know about your by is a big source monies in Conan Doyle. You need to know a lot of weight, smart light. So these million studies about nutrition. At the until nutrition group in raleigh north carolina, they put out five snacks. that I'll help. You are good for you. So, as we all know, sugar is the devil. Was a ridiculous study out utterly the sweets and sugar as a addictive is cocaine and heroin. That's all those archer, but your views addictive, but not is addictive. Cocaine air, because we need Oh my god, it's ok, fine, but if you eat a lot of sugar, You're gonna die off because it kills your immune system. We'll sugar, but a lot of sugar, you Diana.
And you're gonna die painful, dusky, denmark, so you're the best snacks. Smart life programme remember this is the only show that does smart life. Rio, greek yogurt I am protein- keeps you fall. I pro Oh blueberries on it, it does not taste good right, I'm not looking forward to it, but I hate it full job. More blueberries or robberies when I got nothin seeds pumpkin see its disease, They're good almonds walnut, I e the cash I have the almonds care she's, a little taster freight Hamas that symbols once in awhile months. Whole grain, crackers and cheese, I hate that
I gotta get all green crackers, not the sugar crackers. I is slice little trees off greg, we'll dairy in all five? yo, it's got and it up, and finally, my favorite apple slightly apple and peanut butter Now some people put the peanut butter ani apple, not me, gay I'll put the Peanut butter on a whole green cracker. But if you eat some slices apples, peanut butter on a cracker you'll before after the ice cream and cookies and a candy right, so maybe, when the kids contribute treating go, go like oh and some cheese on a whole great and I'll go nuts. I want the reason I am bigger cia, veteran and host of the president's daily brief podcast stay informed on the rapidly unfolding conflict.
Between Israel and Hamas, as Israel responds to the deadly terrorist attacks tune in monday through friday for the most up to date, insights, download and listen on apple pod, guests, spotify or wherever you get your pod guest, get back stay ahead with the president's daily brief o reilly. Here, the new cycle can be overwhelming, as you know, but bill o reilly dot com is here to make sure you don't miss anything as a loyal listener. Of the no spin news audio, we are offering you a way of listening to it completely ad free. You can sign up to become a bill o reilly, dotcom premium member today,
And access all the great audio content we have, including the riley update and much more without commercials premium and cause you urge members also get exclusive access to special video programming will even send you a free copy of my new best selling book killing the legends so become a bill o reilly, dotcom premium member today and enjoy listening to my podcast ad free. Please don't wait, learn more sign up today below riley dotcom, slash ad! free that's bill orally dotcom, slash ad free status. We October two thousand nineteen, the state department run by palm peo under trump, are. I completes its invest Geisha Hillary Clinton emails the job four years ago, Here are the find it so. They found. I love this three. Your investigation by the state of war,
found a massive amount of documents on Hilary Clinton's private server. Nature of any trouble is that they were there but the investigators found quote no. Vase of evidence of systemic deliberate mishandling classified information. Then, why was it Why, or is it allows convenience abundant above all about up, but here something really interesting. That we found out The attorney general time which could have brought charges against Hillary Clinton, who did not was bill bar. We mark he said in his book, The book is one damn thing after another quote, president trump, went on to make a comment about Hillary Clinton that surprised me? He said Why the chance locker up from someone support? Is he felt that, after Sixteen election email matter should be dropped guilty. He said
watching winter to see prosecution of the loser would make the country look like a banana republic. On quote, I think it's true. Following trump, had any any motivation to go after hillary stay in history male segment day, fauna, flora chipping, which I think is a boy right. Ok, let's go to the male weighing conti urge member and again concierge membership bill orally dotcom problem. What more information about something you want to run than by me. That's where you go. We have special email it All confidential everything under present does your question or your comment. I see it. I reply within twenty four hours. It's a good service.
I says I donated aided doctors without borders a number of years back. I gave one donation for many I got solicitations asked me to donate a get. Every charity does that, unfortunately, everyone I just wrong way: here's another email from another way, and I don't think this. it'd, be the same guys or wayne is getting a two for it, because it is a good email. Reilly. My orders is not do it a bad job, He is doing exactly what has been told to do, which is open up the bordering get as many people in here as fast as possible. So they can vote that's about joplin by waiting immigration laws badger. I don't care what he started up. I'll, do something you shouldn't. Do you reside badger Kevin, wheeler, british columbia, canada, What do you make? I hate that phrase though, but I appreciate your writing Heaven, but I what do you make it that
Others are reporting that Netanyahu has been encouraging. The arab countries to prop up hamas, along with iran, ordered undermine any possibility of a two state solution, conspiracy, dumb stuff, that's what I make of it. We want occurrence august in georgia so angry, the democratic deliberately stalling the election and speaker of the house Immigrants have nothing to do with it. Russia never going to vote for republic and to be speaking with as ever under any circumstances that once the when it. Its gates and all those people comma, be fair Law, as we all do on our resolve, your remarks about the left, her marriage college, mere taken mirrors exactly what happened in my alma mater hartwick, it's an upstate new york. I know it look. Many colleges view.
Shortly to the left and you're a long I've. You know like that. Don't get any money, my exact em, the troll pennsylvania love those been news. You reported that much of the millions raised by democratic party comes from hollywood people. I know you say you're, not a boycott person, but I am an I'm gonna watch these films. Well, look the entertainment industry is listing. Let's put it that way. It's not linger. at all- and I mean all go to see a movie if I'm interested in it? But I know who is behind the hollywood stuff? I dont like them. But I'm not going to let it seep into my life at that level. so you west I mobile florida- would agree break down? You did bill on the origins and middle EAST yesterday very informative, I'm sure most people have no idea how it started. We do a unique combination of history and journalists. I and unique is the word: who else does that nobody,
and that's why you're here, I hope. ok bill. Rallied outcome story said yesterday: you want sign books for gifts coming up the holidays is already at the end of october. Now. I gotta get your orders in and I'm not kidding, because I can't sign physically sign that many books I thousand today, when I was doing a book tour radio book tour for killing the witches premier put it together was great and we think everybody you interviewed me I was cited in and answer questions same time on a radio so assigned a thousand today. But in my hands like this, I looked like bore. Karla here, so, if you want sign books for gifts and they do the great yes You go to bill O'Riley a common autumn that now new york state of mind on the live show in october twenty seven, we will have
sign books in the lobby. If you want to buy them their broad, Guys, common, a big crowd so we'll have books and lobby there. And what are the day? Do not be a miscreant am I see or a anti virus to me again bill of bill o reilly, dotcom, village, billow rallied back on and we tweet three today, a day add bill. It's acts its tweet, whatever it is signed. You get pictures, I detect a dog and try to get her in air at billow rode back in a moment. The final thought Ok, I'm out to dinner last night, this final for tonight and do good dinner. I'm not restaurants. Now I don't business to do all add, but serve as a good, and under tipp? The little I didn't mean to I just the math was fuzzy in my mind. Not a lot guy the very well, but I bothered me.
so now I've impose a new rule on myself If the service is good on tipp and twenty percent. They're not easy math in my mind, right now, Some people say you should be tipping on tax. You shouldn't have to tip twenty percent on drinks. I was going to tip across the board twenty percent because his are working people and I was surprised that he didn't leave me. I you know it was that my a very small mistake, but it was there now and I you know I should have left a guy, another ten bucks and because again it's hard. It's hard when you're working person is hard, so my advice, if you can do it And if you live in day to day than you can, but if you can do it, twenty percent off from fifty be fifty now busy enough when I was in england,
last week in the week before Anyway. The we're before there they add the tippit now and it's thirteen percent. So I kicked the future sounds to those servers they're all from eastern europe. Nobody was english anywhere nice and I could tell and they were so grateful, so they get thirteen built into the check and I keep them. So I felt good about that. but my new philosophy is chipping. Twenty percent miranda make sense. I think that's fair we're all in this together help everybody. If you have a little extra money, it's going to be generous with it, and that is the final thought. That is no spin news. Thank you very much for why king and listening on our hundreds radio stations this evening and will seek animal
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Transcript generated on 2023-10-20.