« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

O'Reilly Update Morning Edition, September 29, 2023


Do you want Biden to go down for influence peddling?

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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your wallet. Mr president, so I have to say, though, is americans would like to see Joe Biden vaporized sunday with donald trump? We live in a hateful political time. No question, I, your humble corresponded, bear no personal animosity towards president Biden. But I fervently believe he is hurting the country I backed up nearly every day with no spin news analysis, but some folks do not believe Mr Biden is a failure about. Forty percent of voters still support him according to polling those people believe what they want to believe. Not what is. visible right before there are, however, the anti Biden crew that thinks Joseph phelan is also
believing what they want to believe. There is no direct evidence yet that he actually took money or service it, but he might have that's what the house impeachment inquiry is all about now, as a christian, I'm not supposed to root for personal destruction, but I am compelled to seek justice.
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Transcript generated on 2023-09-30.