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O'Reilly Update Morning Edition, September 12, 2023


Where's Chuck Schumer on the NYC migrant crisis?

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Imagine all the hits you love in one collection. Live it up with favorites I, why did you hear me by one poor? There was treasure, I just one five thousand dollars and who can forget all time, classic look who's going out again, get your hands on the cash loading needs to gauge the election, that more nearest tennessee lottery retailer and lead the good times role. Only for the tennessee lottery came. Changing fun please play responsibly Bill O'Riley here and I'm warming on standby video riley update morning edition blood first Tuesday where's shock new, What city is in deep distress because more than one hundred thousand far enough, Let's have arrived, first of all need intense financial support, this
we can mayor Eric atoms, announced a five percent cut of city services, including police protection, in order to pay for the migrants. mike worship and where a senator charles humor, the second most powerful politician in the country as senate majority, leader chuck. brooklyn guy and I were always deeply affected by the migrant incoming one- might expect schumann, be working with president Biden to increase border protection. Temporarily, suspend asylum applications, those the only two things that could bring quick relief to the migrant problem, which is now completely out of control but shot is largely silent. understand he has asked for more federal money by president Biden, says now: chalk want instant work. In papers for all migrants, but that's an obvious.
Asian for more to cross the border and come to new york city senator humor is a great example of a machine politician who will never go against the machine, even if his constituents are getting hurt, which they are chalk, wilma criticizes longtime. Pal Joe Biden, the master of disaster so wrong gone chalk. Humor, we ve got your number, but you'll never answer the call back after this, if you like mortgage rate has convinced due to stay put in your house for a while. Now is the time to protect your homes, value when it comes to prioritizing home improvement projects. Your foundation comes first. If you have or suspend foundation damage the time to call ram jack is now don't let foundation issues the state, the value of your home, choose the professionals rammed jack train to identify foundation, damage and offer permanent, affordable solutions. Schedule on side evaluation. Today, at rammed jack dotcom, that's ram jack dog com
is the morning o reilly, update more analysis later on
Transcript generated on 2023-09-13.