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O'Reilly Update Morning Edition, October 7, 2021


My tour with President Trump.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The riley here and I'm warming up for the n r. I a dot net studios in new york. stand by for the really update morning edition. On this thursday. One week from today, I will be down in palm beach florida interviewing donald trump. The forty four president is feeling pretty good these days National Pauline gives him higher approval ratings Joe Biden in iowa, the first press, potential voting state doin red Nepal has MR trump surging in popularity. Now. This is because the binding administration is having a very hard taught- and we all know it so I put together a show, a tour call. The trump o reilly history, tour and I've done that, because what
as an accomplished in his four years in the oval office has not been reported. I who followed stop very closely, and I know donald trump for more than thirty years. I dont know how he got the vaccine what his relationship was with the taliban. I dont know a lot of things and I want to ask him pointed questions in front of a live audits, now, though, shows will begin in december. First, one in four lauderdale sunrise, florida, then the next day we'll be in orlando, the next weekend in Houston and ours. We talk in the eleven twelve and eighteen nine of december for tickets, go to bill, o reilly, dot com or flip you right over to the box office? Now this for all dura lex golden age call my bread, jerry pie by said jerry pliable electric today segment, a boar twenties,
sixty six? Seventy four twenty, seven sixty six sixty plus years when it comes to come here. or residential best, jerry pipe us electric Is the morning o reilly, update more analysis later on
Transcript generated on 2023-01-14.