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O'Reilly Update Morning Edition, October 25, 2021


A blue Christmas for the Biden administration.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Nor here and I'm warming up from the an hour I dot net studios in new york. Stand by for the really update morning edition, On this one day, it will not be a good christmas for president Biden. I predict for one simple reason: his policies are hurting the folks every day, americans who work hard, that is undeniable Inflation up more than five percent you're, paying more for everything. You need: gasolene, food, clothing, electronics, you name it it's marks
pensive. There is, even as I have reported, a shortage of turkeys for thanksgiving. If you have to heat your home this winter, you are going to pay double than what you paid last year at this time and open borders, drugs common across. Ah it just never ends. So all of this is going to congeal word of the day, congeal into one mass anti Biden movement. So his polling numbers are coming down fast now, but wait till you see when people can't get what they want for christmas. It is going to be visible,
I grew up in the streets of the usa. Meantime, Joe Biden has no solutions to any of these problems. Again, I'm not even going to say merry christmas to the president. Now this. This episode has brought you buy pollster a car brand designing a future. That's one hundred percent electric pollsters saying no for all the right reasons: no empty promises. because poor start turns visions into reality, no green washing because their words are set in stone, no conquering mars, because earth is their priority, no compromises, because the planet deserves real action, get the full story and explore the pole star too, at pollstar dot com. That is the morning o'reilly update more analysis later on.
Transcript generated on 2023-01-13.