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O'Reilly Update Morning Edition, May 6, 2021


The demise of CNN...

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Nor I live here and of warming outwardly an hour. I dot net studios in new york. stand by for the really update morning edition on this, Thursday, I must admit I am enjoying the collapse of sea and again in the ratings, but not as much. I suspect, as Donald trump is now all three cable news operations are down big. Since donald trump left the oval office but see an end, has declined the most. It is hard to hate a ghost president Tromp was these star of all cable news for five years, just about every segment on the three networks.
Was about him, but now very little and see their terms gone, and they don't know what to talk about. So All viewers argon see it and is down about sixty percent. Since Joe Biden took office that is catastrophic its morning programme, which is you a big generator of revenue for all networks and cable operations. The morning programme on cnn, is evaporating less than a hundred thousand people. Twenty five to fifty four watched. It yes Today, that's like having nothing on the air, so cnn in dire trouble, Donald trump gloating. Now this.
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Transcript generated on 2023-01-19.