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O'Reilly Update Morning Edition, March 2, 2020


Joe Biden wins the South Carolina primary. Here's what you can expect for Super Tuesday...

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
bill arrival here and i'm warming up stand by for the o reilly update morning edition but first are you ready to lead an active balanced life with a michael felt swim spa i masters boss you can exercise women relax at home without stress on your joints or on your schedule the year round pool alternative features in adjustable swim card and massage jets for ultimate wellness masters vas is offering fifteen hundred dollars offer michael phelps swim spot so please go to mass response dotcom slash bill say fifteen hundred bucks at me asters bars dot com slash bill so say goodbye to peat buddha judge and tom star if you ever said a load of them after this half care a primary on saturday which joe biden one pretty handily those too are out of the democratic sweepstakes
now bernie sanders has to be a little bit concerned he is if leader in the big states like california and virginia african americans don't really want to vote for bernie that was very very clear in south carolina sanders in fact got less votes than he did four years ago in south carolina he has persuaded a lot of african american voters and in some states mostly in the south north carolina alabama afric american primary voters dominate so on tuesday i expect centre to win most of the state's texas will be interesting but biden is still there and bloomberg for the first i'm well beyond the ballad bloomer guy you know he's not really that attractive a candidate but some democratic
i feel look centres can never be donald trump because americans aren't gonna beaufort socialist candidate and me be bloomberg could beat him so i might throw my support mayor mike it's a lot of aids and maybe in there i understand that but we do know is that elizabeth worn and amy clover chart i done why they stay in the race for super tuesday i don't know so comes down abiden sanders and mayor mike now this you go to bed at night and everything is fine the troubles of the world far away and you wake up in the march it is ruling out of control a new quarantine may have been announced and this is an eye verbal its fact so get prepared with my patriots supply please go to prepare like bill dot com and reserve you're too weak emergency
food kid today they are still honouring their forty five percent off special but don't wait prepare like bill dot com prepare like bill dotcom that is the morning o'reilly update more analysis later on
Transcript generated on 2023-01-22.