« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

O'Reilly Update Morning Edition, June 2, 2020


Who's involved in the civil unrest around the nation...

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
bill arrival here and i'm warming up stand by for the o reilly update morning edition but first bill o reilly here with a big announcement i am back on tv please join me every night at eight p m then the news only on the first tv our leaders are bickering the media totally out of control puddens parade from channel a channel pushing nothing but speculation that stops now please watch the nose spin in so much more at the first tv dot com no cost no spin no agenda the no spin news on the first tv not on this tuesday i want to give you some clarity about the disturbances across the country is instructive that when covering a complicated story like national racial unrest based on it
these killing americans cannot even get an accurate picture of what is actually happening on television especially the coverage is dismal because many anchors commentators are scared witless of saying thus we have an unending pereda virtue signalling and anti american statements that go largely unchallenged so here's the deal as joe biden might say the protests are driven by three separate groups that are basically merged the first is inhabited by sincere protestors who believe in erica does not police the police in a rigorous way and not allows constant law enforcement violence towards african americans at violence is reflective of quotes systemic bias that is their belief the second group on the streets of criminals who want to steal these looters use social media to pick out targets for destruction
the third crew with a hard core anarchists who also use social media is euro went on soft targets this is the anti for movement that is actively trying to destroy the fabric of america these are all true dangerous people who berne and kill with no conscience so let me ask you have you seen or heard those facts that i just gave you reported anywhere if answer is no ask yourself why now this alma stakes offering a variety of amazing packages perfect for dad for fathers day please go to omaha stake start common undercoat bill in the search box
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Transcript generated on 2023-01-22.