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O'Reilly Update Morning Edition, June 1, 2023


The FBI plays hardball with congress.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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to provide clarity about important matters citing ongoing investigations. but he array through an fbi spokesman up the ante saying lives might be put at risk if it gives the house of representatives the allegations how so miss director? How speaker Kevin Mccarthy says that contempt of congress charges will be levelled against re for defining this
Pina a so so you may remember that that Obama's attorney general Eric holder refused to hand over information about the fast and furious gun scandal that involved mexico and nothing happened to MR hold. So I think it safe to say that christopher re will not be fretting over his shrimp cocktail anytime soon. This entire biden- controversy, tells honest americans, two things. First, that the fbi continues to be a corrupt enterprise, as its director could certainly explain the overall situation without jeopardy. icing, anyone other than the Biden family and, second, that we, the people, are once again being denied our right to make responsible decisions about our leaders back
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Transcript generated on 2023-07-02.