« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

O'Reilly Update Morning Edition, June 03, 2021


Joe Biden's schedule...

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The O'Reilly here and I'm warming up for the n a dot net studios in new york, stand by for the really update morning. Edition on this, thursday Joe Biden is back home in delaware. Again, here We shout enjoying a early summer vacation, but you can't go their weak. The secret service, guys and gals will not allow every day. I study. President Biden is daily schedule. It takes about ten seconds. In fact, I put his daily schedule on the tv screen. All doing the no spin news which you can access it bill, o reilly, dot com or the first tv, so Biden schedule on the tv screen again for about ten seconds, because there is not much on it. The truth is that president Biden,
Thus, I do very much compared to brok, obama and donald trump, who were energize or bunny above ban had packed schedules. They operated a Lee brok, obama came down very early to the oval office tromp, not so early, but donald trump worked well into the night, Joe Biden is a man of leisure, nothing wrong. with that I don't think he's ribbon and where gall bud He may be Tommy bahama, very, very relaxed. Some of his critics say that's good. Then don't want Joe Biden do and very much. I descent, I think Mr Biden has to put in some more time, because this country is not in good shape. Right now,.
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Transcript generated on 2023-01-18.