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O'Reilly Update Morning Edition, January 28, 2021


Biden the radical...

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Nor I was here and of warming offer me an hour. I dot net studios in new york Stand by for the o reilly update morning edition on this thursday. I am thinking about president Biden in office, listen eight days and already defining himself as a radical progressive. As we have been reporting. Mr binds executive orders are causing joy in the far left community, for example, he stopped all deportations of undertakings, Do people for a while, including criminals. Well, that order was immediately challenged by the state of texas and it has been blocked by the federal government already a federal court. So why is Mr Biden moving so far to the left?
A fast, in my opinion, based upon his appointments like susan rise as his top domestic adviser, Joe Biden, is listening to his committed left advisers and they are telling him that this country needs a complete overhaul because we're not a good country, a fair country, because people of color. and other groups are marginalized, so Joe Biden's out there saying well, I'm going to correct that immediately and I'm going to do it by taking tax money from all working americans and giving it to certain americans who I Joe Biden, think need help. That's called equity, but we have always been a society, at least in theory, based on equality. Let's get back to that job.
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Transcript generated on 2023-01-20.