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O'Reilly Update Morning Edition, February 23, 2022


Rethinking Vladimir Putin and Joe Biden.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Nor I were here and I'm warming offer from the an hour I dot net studios in new york. stand by for the o reilly update morning. Edition on this wednesday. It is time to rethink old vlad putin, the guy or hunts tigers populace for absolutely no reason whatsoever. He has partially invaded the sovereign nation of ukraine being order in the world. I didn't think the lad. Sure would do it because in the end, russia will suffer enormously its economy. We'll be battered, its people, deprived even further than they are now put knows that but went ahead anyway. He's playing long eyes at the west will not hurt him economically because are too weak to do it. I believe Putin is made a drastic mistake about, the west. But then again I was wrong about lad, invading We may also have to reassess old Joe Biden he now
the lead, nato and other countries against the putin threat. Biden was wrapped in not imposing sanctions. Before putin made his illegal move. because that would have allowed anti american people the claim the usa ignited the ukraine fiasco, but now bide mustache I do what he said he would do apply draconian sanctions against russia. Does Joe have the stomach to be a tougher guy than blad. Can he keep the nato countries united? Those are the vital If Biden falters, any may the I say will lose enormous credibility in the world. China will likely move on taiwan. Iran will finish up its nuke worldwide order will collapse. That is what is at stake now. This mobile phone companies say they offer home internet, but if they are internet comes from a cell phone network, you should know it's just phone internet, not home internet,
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Transcript generated on 2023-01-13.