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O'Reilly Update Morning Edition, February 13, 2023


Team normal vs. team crazy.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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in seven, four, four for gold, eight, seven, seven, four, four. for gold or tax geo. The gold to six five five. Three to again, eight evans, And for four for gold or tax gold to six five, five, three bill arriving here and I'm warming on standby video riley update morning edition Monday, I'd like to tell you about a team, normal verses team, crazy. So if you listen to governor huckabee standards of speech. After the He said to the union by president Biden last tuesday: you the feeling there were or I should say to tee aims in the usa now miss could be Santer, says: she's on team normal and alleges that
Joe Biden and his advisors are on team crazy. Well, that depends on your point of view, of course, but what I have to say they do on bill o reilly dot com is market team, normal gear, so hats, shirts, mugs, bumper stickers, very simple, judge team normal. Now this is being done in a spirit of good humour, so, People might say riley's on team normal? No way I wanna be on that team. I understand that, but team normal represents traditional america. I think and team crazy represents the woke zealots we're doing all kinds of naughty things. In my humble opinion, so which team are you team, normal or two
crazy, I know the deck is stacked. No that would have you are committed, team, normal person? bill o reilly, dot com and show those collars back in a moment skip bayliss. Here I want to tell you about my podcast. The skiff taylor show on the show my show I go deeper than I ever have taken you behind the scenes of some of the biggest moments in sports behind the headlines. Even peeling back the curtain. On my own personal bikes, I like to call the an undisputed instead of debating my partnership and sharp I'll tell you stories you ve never heard before, and let you in on what makes me
he may make sure you listened to the skipping must show on your favorite podcast. That is the morning o update more analysis later on.
Transcript generated on 2023-07-03.