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O'Reilly Update Morning Edition, February 13, 2020


Who does President Trump want to run against...?

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
the bill o'reilly here and i'm warming on standby for the o'reilly update morning edition blood first deborah's home was stolen i don't mean thieves stole stuff i mean scammers stalled her home criminals found the title to her home online filed fraudulent documents claiming they owned it and eighty five thousand in equity gone you should immediately go to home title loc dot com and register to see if your home's title has been tampered with and while you're there i got you sixty risk free days actually please visit home title loc dot com home title loc dot com president trump would very much like to run against bernie sanders as opposed to mike bloomberg or even pete buddha judge a recent gallup poll says fifty three percent of american voters will not support a socialist no matter what
add to that sanders saying the usa is a racist nation i miss droplet likely defeat the seventy eight year old senator by a wide margin as for joe biden mr trump does not fear him but the former vice president would gather far more minority votes than sanders buddha judge and bloomberg
if you've read my book the united states of trump you know the primary reason hillary clinton lost to donald trump is that tens of thousands of african american voters stayed home in places like pennsylvania and michigan president trump received just eight percent of the black vote in two thousand and sixteen this year he is hoping to double that because of the good economy joe biden's campaign is in trouble but he's not out just yet if he loses south carolina he will be but a biden makes a comeback there he might be able to give the president some competition that's why donald trump really really wants bernie sanders as an opponent if you're old enough to remember nineteen seventy two a trump sanders run would be almost exactly
like richard nixon against senator george mcgovern that turned out to be a land slide for nixon now this while immediate distracts you with the latest headlines there are threats to our health and safety that nobody talks about until it's too late economic turmoil quarantines civil unrest can happen overnight you either make a plan or risk being with a panic masses staring at empty store shelves please go to prepare like bill dot com for forty five percent off a two week emergency food kit from my patriots supply while supplies last fm we're like bill dot com that is the morning o'reilly update more analysis later on
Transcript generated on 2023-01-23.