« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

O'Reilly Update Morning Edition, December 1, 2020


The problem with politics...

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
bill arrival here and i'm warming on stand by for the o update morning edition let first introduce you to accompany the does things right grip six makes belts
right here in the usa and those belts are incredible they are infinitely adjustable let me repeat that infinitely adjustable their patented system means they always fit right and feel great with no holes ugly strap hanging ugly hanging strap or extra bulk they are so easy and comfortable to use and they look great if that weren't enough they are guaranteed for life with unmatched customer service and fast shipping buy a grip six belt you will never have to purchase another belt again and you'll look great and you'll be supporting american manufacturing from the ground up plus it's a perfect gift because the belts last forever and you really have to see these belts to know what i'm talking about so please go to grip six dot com make sure to use the code bill twenty
check out to get twenty percent off your bill that's g are ip six the number dot com code bill two zero on this tuesday i am thinking about politics which gives me heartburn because i dont like politics even i make my living analyzing politics is not that i don't like my job it's just that i dont like most of the people who hold off it's why because they're not looking out for you or me they want power they want influence they want to walk into restaurants and be catered to they are not problem solvers and that is the key what is happening now it looks like a pandemic will subside with the advent of a vaccine once again america has done this
we are saving the world once again but we have severe problems in america we are people who are desperately poor now there is a reason for that by politicians have to spell out the reason it's not the capitalist system which affords the most opportunity in the world what do you think tens millions of people have snuck into the united states they want opportunity and we have it but politicians don't try very hard to solve problems it's all about posturing it's all about p r and that's why i don't like it we do have problems they can be solved but it's hard so let's get on the stick you newly elected people in washington include
you joe biden now this let me introduce you to accompany the does things right grip six makes belts
right here in the usa and those belts are incredible they are infinitely adjustable let me repeat that infinitely adjustable their patented system means they always fit right and feel great with no holes ugly strap hanging ugly hanging strap or extra bulk they are so easy and comfortable to use and they look great if that weren't enough they are guaranteed for life with unmatched customer service and fast shipping buy a grip six belt you will never have to purchase another belt again and you'll look great and you'll be supporting american manufacturing from the ground up plus it's a perfect gift because the belts last forever and you really have to see these belts to know what i'm talking about so please go to grip six dot com make sure to use the code
bill twenty a check out to get twenty percent off your bill that's g are ip six the number that cop code bill two zero that is the morning o update more analysis later on
Transcript generated on 2023-01-21.