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O'Reilly Update Morning Edition, August 31, 2023


The media's relationship with Trump...

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hey. I shall spicy here. I've got a brand new show and I hope you will subscribe to it. Don't want to miss an episode you can get it on. You, too rumble any of the audio platforms like itunes or spider. Five plus, you can catch me every night at six o clock on the first ebay below riley here and I'm warning on stand by for the orally update morning edition, but first on this thursday. Just about eight years ago, Megyn Kelly launched a verbal rocket at donald trump. During the first republican campaign debate of the two thousand and sixteen cycle, the subject was mister trump's disparaging comments about selecting women, not confrontation, changed the dynamic, between the media and donald trump up until then, the press actively pursue the business man because he was good for business. But any media honeymoon quickly disappear. It wasn't, it
but above all, as the american press corps is overwhelmingly liberal in his belief system. It has been that way since the vietnam war, Donald trump, has never run as a standard conservative, but he was aggressively going after Hillary Clinton. So the press through in with the Clinton campaign and created russian collusion today. the former president as few media allies, as you know, but it really doesn't matter whose presence is so overwhelming All negative information about em is rejected by his supporters. Even as it is embraced by his detractors, very few americans are agnostic on trump. So am I want to change. Media attacked exhibit I now I don't even know the name of trump spokesperson, but the candidate. I consider having him or her fight some.
is ongoing battles which can drain any human being saved the big stuff for the dawn. Back after this, discover credit cards automatically double all the cash back. You earn at the end of your first year, which meet way way way hold up question for the. Yo engineer. Did I read that right discover medically doubles all your cash back switch scriptures. If I get to discover gardener right now, I can earn twice the cash back a unlimited first, your cash back match only discover, see terms I discovered outcome, slash match, It is the morning o reilly update more analysis later on
Transcript generated on 2023-09-01.