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O'Reilly Update Morning Edition, August 17, 2021


Biden voters: are you happy with his performance so far?

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The O'Reilly here and I'm warming up from the n r I a dot net studios in new york. Stand by for the really update morning edition on this tuesday. As you may know, I am a simple man ma style is direct. I ask simple questions and I demand answers to those questions. Don't believe me go to bill o dot com and watch us here's. My question today, if you vote for Joe Biden. Are you happy now with that vote. Consider the collapse of Afghanistan, the collapse what're security in the usa, much higher gas and food prices. All in seven months, happy
the vitamin restoration is in trouble, and maybe that is what is needed for america too self correct. Do you like the cancel culture about the woke madness about critical race theory being taught to children enjoy all at the progressive left is using a diminished president, Joe Biden, to try to fundamentally change america to wipe out capitalism, to impose racial equity and on and on and on.
Are you down with all that hope not now? This are you gonna. Do it? Is twenty twenty three the year you're going to actually make the investment in new windows for your home? Ask around window world placement windows is the name, you're gonna, hear time and again, and they offer a full lineup of hurricane impact rated windows and doors call for a free in home estimate, eight five zero zero, seven, seventy nine nineteen or go online. We the world, panama, city, dot, com, That is the morning o update more analysis later on
Transcript generated on 2023-01-15.