« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

No Spin News - Weekend Edition - July 22, 2023

2023-07-22 | 🔗

Listen to this week's No Spin News interview with former Fox News commentator Geraldo Rivera, Cato Institute's Gene Healy, and Sen. Ted Cruz.

We also visit the No Spin News archives and Bill's conversation with Bernard Goldberg.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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Come a bill o reilly, dotcom premium member today and enjoy listening to my podcast ad free. Please don't way. Learn more sign up today. It below riley, dotcom, slash ad free That's bill, O'Reilly, dot, com, slash, ad, free. Welcome to the no spin news weekend edition. I remember you guys vibrate, remember, there's a two thousand and sixteen trump wouldn't go to a fox debate because of megyn Kelly megyn Kelly, ambushed them in the first debate and then in the second fox debate trump didn't show up. I thought I can convince trump to show up and he came on my show he came on a fat burner to go. I gotta go you gotta go. I thought I had them. I thought I had him. No, he didn't show up and I don't think he's going to show up this time. If he does, then it should be. two moderators bill, o reilly, Rollo vera who joined. Eyes now from eastern
long island worries he's doing out, there is certainly not getting a haircut There are a lot of barbershops out where you are now treat you. You re years all rivera being able. You look like you're one of the rolling stones coma. We're all my all my aid. This reminds me of my sunday night, like the news for the hard of hearing anywhere, really blasted right. It deals with I hear a whoa those guys where we could do a much better job, moderating debate. We trump anybody else. I'm sorry, that's true did to go to orlando's today to get my hair cut, but there was traffic and I got the late. I guess I'm running late, sir. I aborted my mission I promised next time I am scene, by tomorrow. Hopefully I will they get a dignity to power. More were to do that, so be careful. So I saw you
adobe view last week, and- and there was one thing you said that I think you were wrong about, but you handle yourself pretty well. What people don't understand is guys, like you and me are professionals we go way way back okay and when somebody pays you over a period of time and it's not classy to trash them, even if you want to trash that, would you agree with that? I absolutely I took fox's money for twenty three years. I think they would be the height of ingratitude for me to then attack the the people who put food on my family's table. Lo these many years, I had lots of friends at at fox. Are you among them during the during the day? Even though we had ferocious debates,
When I I we could at the end of it, you know dust ourselves off and shake hands and and go on to another day. I really I I care deeply for a lot of them. I'll start naming them. If you want, I you know, I just got I get jammed up. It was one of those personality conflicts. I had a toxic relationship with one of the. Cast members on our guy fell, but that's not what it was. That's not what it was when function is now is not the same operation that it was eight years ago. Seven years ago, total management change, toto philosophy, change. Everything has changed so dinosaurs, like you and me, we don't belong there any longer, because I know you for a long time. You actually want to know that
true about whatever it may be? What am I correct in stating that he C4? Ok, wine? So do I it's no longer and play not a fox specifically anywhere any television news operation day. The truth is about knife down on the list. It get the audience that is your choir and give the choir the saw They want and that's why fox got in trouble with the voting machines. Ok, so you and I do not fit into that puzzle any longer it puzzle make still makes a lot of money, but not
nearly what it did, make it's a deterioration across the board and if you look at the popular polls, whether people trust the media or not, nobody trusts the media any longer because they know they're being patronized and lie to buy a lot of these people. Am I wrong? Well, I think that, in terms of patronizing, I think for sure whether they're conscious falsehoods. That's where fox got in the big jam when they discover that a conscious falsehood, that is, that the twenty twenty election was rigged and that I, that trump was the legitimate president that he could.
Use any means necessary to hold onto office when they understood that there was an audience with that bologna. That's we're. Fucked stepped off a cliff of course, but if I were there at eight o clock, I never what I bet you know it wouldn't have happened. I think that it would have been a whole different equation. I would have high blue got out of the water here on my independent loser I blew that out of a water three weeks after the vote I lost premium. Members? I don't want to hear it, but if I were on fox at that time,
Well, nothing right out of the water and nobody would have gone up against me because that's how powerful a factor was, but they don't want to have that now there is no control again, no control, it cnn, no control! It NBC news, a b c, a CBS. They are running, not it's not a bunko operation. It's an operation that doesn't care about the truth. They care about money. Now, let me get into where the I quibble with you on the view. I have investigated this as thoroughly as it can be investigated. Donald trump did not instigate january. Sixth, he failed on the day because he panicked and he froze, but he didn't instigated. He wasn't saying I want
I once at this at the capitol in fact, did even to occur to him that it might happen until early morning and again he didn't mobilise. He didn't do what he should have done by calling that off really fast and a hard way he did not, but he didn't instigated, and the week before proves it with the back and forth with the pentagon. Put the national guard on alert the back and forth with a capital authorities common out of the white house. It's provable! That's why he has not been indicted on that. insurrection business and he won't be an mp. He was like you said on the view that he instigated it and you're wrong. I believe I believe they act to clean up one thing and then let me address that what I want to clean up. It is not sufficient to say that
everybody does it. Everybody a nigerian had written, began a rating. I think that that what fox did was unique, at least it was you need in terms of the paper trail left. The digital trail left there, where they could do with it, showed certain hosts, saying something then going on there and say something else. I think that that was it would if it was not unique, it was certainly the most egregious exam now in terms of what trump did I supported donald trump, wipe known as you have for decades. I love this guy. I'm lost friends over the path. I supported him and he had a pretty good presidency and he was a viable candidate for reelection, but when he lost was scared, they lay hold of you. That's all well different issue
you're right it. Let me get to your. Let me get to europe when, when the last time trump used to call my house every week without fear, the last time we spoke was friday, the thirteenth of november. I said: what are you going to do? He said, he's a realist, so I said: okay he's a risk, it's a slow count, an extraordinary circumstances, the pandemic and so forth. He'll see the light, as we are all seeing the light he never did. In fact he went the opposite direction. He got more and or a rational in terms. In my opinion, you give your opinion. Let me give my opinion. In my opinion, you get more more rational. More
radicalized? He screwed up the the boat in georgia because he was such an eagle tested out it and then, if he did not incite that right, who did it wasn't a spontaneous combustion, he listeners its roots, there's a difference between inside and instigate. So you can make an up a subject of argument that, because he was so vehement that the election was fixed, that where these people, the violence, you can make tat philosophical argument, but the argument that the view No, ladies, are making said he wanted that violence, the capital. That's not true, and I know it's not true. Now as far as him, believing that the election was fraudulent, he believes because people believe what they want to believe. Hurrah low
I know that and I think he would have if he had given up his office, would you have? Would he have at some point succumb to the inevitable. And watch the vice president sign the electoral documents and alone of those things were wrong believe in history. He did a good job governing, but that's gonna ride. What are you did before your ip address? AL gore could have done the same thing when he hung it up again. It's me longer, he could I it
you didn't do it agree and tromp just wont to this moment. Let it go. He won't. You know what I did my for history tours with him. You know about those shows right now gets I told him you can even mention the election, because I'm not going to sit there and feed into that are needed for four shoves, not once, but I know for a fact that he believes it, because people believe what they want to believe. Well, last question cause: I know you have to go and take a nap before your haircut. Okay, I want to use you on a regular basis that I'm not going to torture you, but maybe once or twice a month on media, because the media is calling I've seen before our eyes and you who me
We know the media in this country better than any body. So are you willing to put up with me to do that? I didn't putting up with you for decades arising. Because you're going with you're gonna have the name names sprites, you're gonna. The name names like got felled harpoons? You you didn't name on and I admire. Who cares about their? Who cares about little people hear about god felt I I I put, god fell on a factor with bernard mcguirk and that he ascended, but what I'm trying to get across to you is. I know why you didn't mention goodfellas name on the view and in other interviews, but going forward you're going to have to name the names The billions in the media are you willing to do that? Well, I am willing to point out what fox there
any other. You know when it drafts grass to everybody that I have always. I have always been unafraid. You cannot scare me I'm my legacy is and I I appreciate your statements when I did finally give it up when I did finally quit after I was fired from the view from the view from the five, whereas fire from the five. I quit fox news because I said screw you you take. It took away the number one rated show: I'm not going to stick around. Why let? But I am. I worked hard all my life. thank god. I am beholding to none right now, except my family. I don't have to go running off to go to work for anyone else. I can be on my boat. If that is what I care to do, I can participate in the national dialogue. If that's what I
I care to do. If you know you and I get a conversation going as you do with Chris Cuomo. I think that's great. I think that That's one! That's what we're gonna do work. One visit and weakens. We can say that any of these people will any these big corporate people in the big markets in the high rollers screw you we had. I try that I run my own show now. your semi rita. Sorry, but I don't want you to retire, so I'm going to bring you know, I'm going to torture, you and the best part. Is you and I we don't see things eye to eye The problem would cable news, is they bring on gas and everybody agrees. it's no longer o reilly, geraldo shoot it out over criminal illegal aliens. And if you didn't see that you gotta Google, ad there's always a either. I point or low point and cable news appendix I hear the point of view.
I will see you soon my group will be the saving grace in this country? Ok, tell barbara to give your more walk tomorrow, care I wanna see next time. I see you IRAN, our there. Everybody demand. you're. Listening to the no span news, we candidature not one of them, albums that president Biden, as in he's in trouble Biden's in trouble, because these investigations are starting to accumulate, Instead, he was involved with his son and brother. To some extent we don't know what extent ok, but in addition to that, as I said in today's message of the day read it on o reilly. Dotcom binding is by far the most liberal president. This country has ever
Way more liberal than obama obama may have been in his heart as liberal as Biden, but he was cautious, fdr way more conservative than Joe Biden, even though, if the r opened up the government because of the depression and world war two now because he is so far left by an identified with woke, An affirmative action and forgiveness of daddy has no power to forgive and on and on, and on that there is a lot, built in resentment, just like there is against trump would for different reasons. Ok, so journeys. Nationalism Virginia is a senior vice president, a policy for the Cato institute in KEDO institute I mean it leans right in my opinion, but it it's pretty fact base I mean I read it and I see what there too
do here and as bringing information, I can't be challenge, so you re column, you didn't read caught your colleague, TIM carney wrote a piece four cato and he went down a lot of the things that Biden is doing that are anti democratic or or so far left. It goes against traditional america gimme a few headlines from cato point of view about that. I am speaking for myself, not necessarily for everyone cato, but what both tim corner you now reacting to. Was it a bit it a spin from the new york times about how President Biden,
staying above the fray on culture war issues, the argument was, you know he seems like a nice old guy in some panty messes up left wing jargon. So therefore, he's managed to keep himself distant from a lot of the most divisive issues in the country and from both our perspectives. It's a load of malarkey, because what really matters is what you're, using the powers of the presidency to do, and the president Biden has intervened with the pen and the phone, using the full powers of the presidency to try to settle some of the most divisive issues in american politics, you know, for example, his new title lying order makes the present
essentially the commander in chief of the girls room ah for every k, twelve public school in the country in most colleges, this order will give him the the power to save which kid goes to which bathroom and maybe which kids get the beyond the girls swim team. That's not staying above the fray. That's using that's! Essentially, because I culture warrior and chief and using the powers of the presidency to force a settlement on issues where americans ought to be free to disagree. But with the title, nine basically is in a suggestion is dictum that you can't. Ah, the schools. Cannot deny trans students anything anything they want to go to. The girl have implicates right. That's what I don't know people understand title nine it
so, if you're, a biological male transitions into a female, and you want to go into take a shower with all the other girls girls, ugo shower by the presidential decree. My correct. right working to settle this issue on which people have really intensely help. Preferences were on which people are really device We're gonna have the same rule for the people's republic of berkeley, a school there and fairer ice random The city delta you're absolutely right that additional Biden behind that one hundred percent he's also behind the equity thing that just got thrown out by the supreme court about hiring. About college admissions. He wants
hiring college emissions and everything else to be based on skin color, correct, he's alive, even industry, soon, with the so called anti racist activists who think that any difference in outcome, whether its test scores or take home pay, is evidence of oppression. Discrimination tat his use, the powers of the president's heated to wage, an assault on the american concept of color blind lop. I mean even went as far in twenty twenty one and left leg of the cope it banned damage. It states that were found following f d, a guidelines from Biden's f d, a minority status could move you to the front of the line for potentially life saving covert anti virus, and that's not the way the law is.
was the work in america based on the notion that by you, stay out of the woke issues and of these hotly disputed battles over recent trans rights, and that sort of thing it just is that's supported by the facts at all. Are you surprised the new york times lied about that on its front page, you not promised. Ok, I'll answer all ask and answer my questions: people should understand that the reason the programme. Of laughed seizes upon cope with climate change and other controversy this is because a progressive left wants a strong. Twill government in DC to control all aspects of american life. That's the bottom lie here. So you take a climate change. Take covered man Aids and you enhance the power of the federal government
HU, a level where they tell every american how to live, Do you believe it Joe Biden himself, based upon his senate experience vice president? Now, president believes that. You know it's really hard to say after forty seven years there, how long was in politics before he got to the presidency after that much time as a professional politician, do you really have any deeply held convictions at all? Any more I think these are able to position itself politically, as if these night, you certainly not leaning in to culture where issues in the way. That said the santer says he is not wearing the baby Of woke warrior with one exception, but at the end of the day, what really matters is. Why is being done with the powers of the present
It's ok! Let me disagree with years. Are let me let me disagree with you at the end, of every day. Joe Biden, is the most radical le president, we ve ever had and all point to this here. do not believe there should be any restrains legal restrictions on abortion up until birth. So if it's a half an hour before the woman is birth, a baby in the woman suddenly says I really want this baby as a panic attack or whatever it may be. Buying is ok with terminating the baby dude be born in a half an hour that is so radical. Such an x, Dream position that would you in the nazi camp that's what they did in the third like they do in china or abortion we'd all its. Even if the in china, even if the babies born after birth and a baby
he's deformed or have some problem electrocute the baby, China is no law against that. Biden has done that and then, despite the fact that these mass every sunday which drives me crazy, because the cowardly catholic clergy in america, they turn the other way they turn their back to it and they should so that's where I disagree with you. I think this guy Is harbouring very, very radical left believes even though we so fuzzy and he saw befuddled, he can't articulate them well, At the other day, I don't blow that it matters have deeply held this. These convictions are you know what matters is what's being done with the powers of the presidency. The panel
Phone and what I worry about is if we take their doesn't as with abortion, so too, with the with trades rights, I dont know why there needs to be one national rule for which kid gets the gonna, which bathroom for every every school in the country. But if we start having every culture war finally be decided. Winner takes all at the furthest level from the people you know just based on which political party happens to win. The presidency were in a very dangerous place, your because it it's really something that starts convincing people that its do or die every presidential election erases the stakes of our differences, which ought to be settled closer to home, indifferent policies in deep red territory in deep blue territory.
stead of one size fits all based on the dictates of one president right that there really that's in a busy in the founding fathers- did not want israeli thanks very much taken time are really appreciate the discussion very interesting. This is the no spin news weekend edition of bring and sen ted cruz d c, our taxes. You know you know fairly crude, even if you don't recognize him behind a beard, and I ran into him a couple of months ago in washington and he was attending the best friends foundation dinner. Where I was a speaker and an santa cruz didn't have to do that. Get there were a couple of politicians they're, the best friends foundation helps inner city black kids. You know, kids, who are disadvantaged, don't have one
father, whatever some mentoring organization, I've been with it for years, and you you know me I mean I'm. I bet these people, so I grab crews and reach out for a little bit, but I'm very pleased that he's on a programme tonight. So let's go to the trump situation. You see this indictment about this color of law thing I mean what is This well, sadly, bell you're right. It's completely unsurprising and in what we ve seen the last two and a half years, the bided ministration we have seen an almost complete and total weapon, asean and political position of the department of justice of the fbi, the machineries of law of law enforcement. The last book, I rode is entitled justice corrupted how the left his weapon ized our legal system and at work
It's through house, starting with Barack obama, the machinery of justice began directed at the opponents of the obama white house, whether it was the irs's targeting conservatives or the f b I or the department of justice going after those who were political opponents. It then traces how, when Donald trump became president many of those hard core partisans burrowed into career positions, at the department of justice and throughout the federal government. for the four years tromp was president: they waged war against donald trump. They wanted to bring down the democratically elected president united states. Now that Biden as president, they are out in the open. They are brazen jack smith is some One who sadly, has been involved in partisan prosecutions before jack smith was involved in the prosecution of bob nano
I got the governor of Virginia republican governor- was a credible presidential candidate. Until d o J went after him, they prosecuted him, they convicted him and the case went up to the: u s supreme court, the! U s Supreme court reversed the conviction, nine did: nothing every justice and ours, and undoubtedly baseless governor mcdonnel, accepting gifts from certain people, what to do with the supreme court. Now in the senate do any of your democratic colleagues. Would they agree privately that this is what is taking place in sadly, wouldn't none of them one of the real economy. That is, I think it's not one of them real. What one of the sad consequences of the age of trump Is that it broke the democrat party that they hate donald trump, so much that one of the things it's done as its eliminated?
moderate democrats, when I arrived in the senate, twenty thirteen there was The thing is moderate democrats today, there fury and rage of trumpets driven them to the far left, so you were talking just a minute, about the irish whistleblowers. Multiple long time, career irish employees risk their entire careers to come forward and say what they're saying with this hunter bide investigation is corrupt. But it's a political cover up and what they allege is the attorney general of the united states. Merrick garland has committed multiple felonies that he law I'd under oath to congress in response to questioning from me before the Senate judiciary committee, and they committed obstruction of justice and the amazing thing bill, not a single set of democratic. any interest in learning whether or not the attorney general's committed, multiple felony things, because only they are wearing eighteen jersey. I do believe
the garland will be impeached in the house. I great think that will happen in late september, early october, but of course, he's not going to be convicted in this. however, and I ll be damaging garland. Who is not a strong man I point out, I don't want to do this after you leave us that bill Barr was involved with this a republican and Eric holder, the three attorney generals who started in two thousand and fourteen with one hundred Biden, all three looked the other way and in garland's case he facilitated the slow, walk and helped the Biden family
but bar the republic in he knew what we have to look the other way. Do you agree with that? I look there's. No doubt that bar should have been much more vigorous and going after this. If you look at the press repeats all the time, you know David wise, the. U s attorney is whose bringing this investigation is a quote trump appointed useter every two sec other near that right, that's technically true, but the way it works in the senate for a: u S, attorney he's the: u s attorney from delaware. He cannot get nominated unless both senators from delaware sign off their two democrat senators from delaware, tom carper and chris coons, which remains is a practical matter. David wife was chosen by two democrat senators and to be clear: the state of delaware, Joe Biden, is the godfather, so to speak of every damn.
brad, and so I look I gotta say the allegations are really significant that the way this investigation was conducted, the department of justice is number. One objective was to protect Joe Biden that so that the esther. Gaiters were forbidden from asking about the things ass. You not money going to Joe Biden. No question that I'd hunter was set up was, as the fall guy in the patsy essentially well hunter took the money and soda Jim and, where you Jim,
now one more question about politics and I will get onto the Biden situation and you ran against trump in sixteen and now trump's were the polls. Do sanders was thought to be a competitor but dissenters not gotten off to a good start, primarily because he doesn't and it's really difficult. As you know, you went through it. I mean to switch from a state or senate or the house into this massive national campaign and governor says not particularly charismatic individual up against. You know that probably the most charismatic president, whether you like them or not, trump we've ever had in your view, right Now will tromp get this nomination? You know, I don't know. I think we have right now. Basically, a two man raised on the republican side and I gotta say six months ago. The conventional wisdom was that
trump was a dead man walking that he couldn't possibly win. I thought that was wildly overstated six months ago. right now today in the conventional wisdom, is the trumpets unbeatable and it's a coordination and the races over. I think that's overstated as well. We're. Gonna have a real primary, I'm good friends with president drop. There was no it was a stronger ally of his when he was president that I was in the united states Senate and I am also good friends with rhonda scientists. I think he's done a terrific as governor of florida, and I think, we'll have a real race. I'm staying out of the prison Mary, I am switzerland on this, whoever wins the nomination. I will enthusiastically support because I think the agenda we're saying from Joe Biden the Democrats has been- disastrous for the country alright, if, where you gotta know how to yodel the do, you know how to yodel that yeah, sadly bill I'm going to make a terrible admission. I actually played max sound music in high school, and I yodel onstage, and no will not do it for you and your show today.
what are one of the most overlooked things in this Biden situation, and it came up again today, I know don't know whether you follow me or what I'm doing here in our independent news agency, which is both a combination of radio and television. So we have a big reach, Is that Matthew graves district, the? U s attorney in washington and Estrada Martin strada in LOS angeles, central california, we're both ass by wise in delaware to help the reason was that hunter Biden receive money physically received it in both dc and california. Both graves and estrada said no more, not helping you married
darling could have ordered them to help does not want correct. Absolutely correct. Ok did you know, and we brought the story two weeks ago that Matthew graves is wife, fatima grapes. as visible, visited the by white house twenty eight time same ass, the present was elected. Did you know that that fact I did not know? I have followed this story very closely, but then his life has been visited, white house. I didn't know that we broke it. There is no reason for that a who is a left wing activist? She has a left wing group to have twenty eight visits in the white house. Now you take that fact, and now I'm Becky. That Fatima graves was
intermediary, going back and forth between the justice department, remember matthew, graves and merrick garland work in the same building carrying messages and what else? Because you can't put them in writing they'll, be subpoenaed, can't do it on a phone because they're all taped. All the calls are tape as what I think was going on here. So look I! I have no idea what communications were happening with grapes, his wife. What I can tell you is that that that Matthew, grave was was a donor to Joe Biden, that estrada in California was a donor to common law harris and that merrick garland in response to questioning from me was told, told congress under oath that that David Weiss and the prosecution would had everything it needed with no political.
interference and, and when graves and and and and Estrada said no to prosecuting hunter, those were the most serious violations. Those were the violations that carried real jail time right and they're, saying know what it meant is that, even though hunter Biden had committed multiple felonies, he got a slap on the wrist and zero jail. Top right, but it's almost unprecedented that two years ago These were turn down another. U s attorney was asking for help I've never heard that before, but anyway, let's get out of here law jaw lie first, two thousand fifteen thirty, two year old age. Finally, walkin whither dad in the embarcadero district of san francisco shot dead by an illegal criminal jose
as a rattay. Alright, zero rattay subsequently put on trial and he the jury do a rule that it was an accident. He dropped the gun, blah blah blah right. They have been deported five times. He was a drug dealer. He had multiple arrests in this country and I put forth that it should be kate's law where, if you are deported after a commission of a crime, and I say- and you come back- that's a crime in itself. Will you get five years made a moment ago, federal penitentiary, now that law picked up a lot of steam, because I was doing the arrival factor and you were involved with it and I got filibustered out in the senate because Mitch Mcconnell wooden put it up as a stand alone bill he attached it to something else that he knew wasn't gonna get by the Democrats and it died. But now your back correct, you re introducing it
Yes, my lord s eyes. Yet let me let me start bill by saying thank you for your passionate advocacy of case law, because you have had a big and loud megaphone advocating for it. This is a common sense provision. It says that people who are- your baited felons who repeatedly enter the country illegally, will face a mandatory minimum presence and send an end it something I've, authored, cates law in the senate, I've repeatedly forced a vote on the senate flora. cates law and sadly, every time we vote on it. Every single democrat votes now, just in the party line vote? You know, I have had the opportunity to to visit with kate steinle his family, her beautiful family, her father kate, died in her father's arms and her last words to where her dad were but were daddy help me, you know I gotta say as a father. I cannot imagine a greater agony, then
losing your child and feeling helpless to save your child's life and an end. It is indefensible that the Democrats continue to to block. This common sense law, overwhelming majority, the american people support cakes law, locking up violent criminals are repeatedly enter the country illegally, and yet today's democrat party is so extreme they side with the criminals over innocent american citizens. Now do you have any estimate when they vote or come up or when you reconcile with the house, because I know it's in the house to the process here at look where we're going to continue pressing and using the vehicles that are available to press for a vote. I hope we will get a vote. We ve gotten a vote twice previously before using a lot of the senate. Getting a vote is opera genetic you ve got to find a vehicle, that's moving. We have an opportunity to press it forward
but but I believe, will force another vote and then the democratic and add to decide where they are. I will say one dynamic that is different, which is the last time voted on it? We had not had two and a half years of open borders. Under Joe Biden we hadn't had the worst illegal immigration or our nations history. Seven million people have crossed illegally under Joe Biden we hadn't had last year. Eight hundred and fifty three migrants died crossing a legally into this country. We hadn't had hundreds of thousands or even millions of children physically and sexually assaulted by you.
And traffickers we hadn't had hundreds of thousands or even millions of women brutalized by human traffickers. We hadn't had what we had last year. More than a hundred thousand drug overdose is the highest in history, seventy percent of which came from chinese fetnah crossing our southern border, and I will say, the context is different, but one when we get a vote, it's gonna come down the senate Democrats. There, their constituents support, cates law and they're gonna have to decide today and for this
indian security of families in their states or as partisan politics. Their top priority know you've got to embarrass them and then, if the in the two thousand and four election of republicans get the white house and the senate and keep the house then you'll get it passed, can't say enough, senator very good to see you thank you and check out that check out that fatima grave story, because that will do that. Yeah I mean she needs to come in front of a congressional committee and testify on what the deuce she was doing in there, while her husband was up to his neck in trying to protect hunter by thanks again so that see soon. Thank you bill. Here's the gm from the nose spin news, vault reimbursed its goal by his say: Bernie Sanders I log aborigines ended, The programme by burning Goldberg is with us from north carolina. He was a of a very fine website that you would enjoy. So please
I bernard Goldberg, one word dot com, I saw you heard me- might be an unfair to seven novels. First, if you help me as a guest on your program. The least you could do need a night today, it's burning, ogilvy, ok, all gone. Berg yeah What's your story, girl at nobody's gonna go use george, that an atlas with mike walls or or with you for that matter, because Michael Alice you or I would have asked if you follow questions. Let me give you just two examples: we covered really bill and the border on the covert legal resident by correctly said most arrogance, the true of the relief bill? According to the pole, He is absolutely right. I would have said
and I think you would have said, unlike what it said, do you think that most americans also approve of the, where did the bill, where you're giving taxpayers money to convicted airlines who still in prison. You think they know that that part without a single republican boat and the Democrats would compromise on that. by the way while we're on the subject. Mr president, why is that? In the bill? The relief, in the first place. That's because it really I'm the border. president is not taking responsibility, edge, usurper, anything anything he's blaming the former president. What's going on in the water, I would have said- I think you would have said MIKE Wallis said. Mr president,. You announced to the whole world that if you come in this country legally or otherwise. You get free healthcare,
you announced that you, you won't build any war war You announced that you have instructed ice now. To deport anyone who's been charged. With the salt or drunk driving. You also announced that you, I give obviously not only the dreamers what the immigrant One workers were alien immigrants, Do you really think, MR president, that that didn't encourage the surge of immigrants- of water right now, as we speak, but he didn't do any of that. Joe Biden has a knack for speaking like a moderate but governing like a progressive line- this and he gets away with that because it becomes media, because of interviews like the one we saw today with georgia. it was on Do you know, George personally, I don't.
I'm only to accept that he's a nice guy, but as you can, we said, journalism is weighed down on the list of how are you describe himself or hell any reasonable person would describe them. Ok, so I know em. Ah- and he interviewed me a number of times- and he was pretty fair to me. I I have to say he never did cheap shots or anything like that. But when I watch him, I know that this is in a guy who wants to, awful any feathers ever so. My question then becomes: why would disney the parent com? not have you know that other people in whose organization it ABC, who can conduct a hard news interview Why wouldn't they say now? This is the guy. That's gonna! Do. Why I think you already answered because they don't care. This is not
This is not about journalism. As far as a company like this nay, is concerned. It is these that good things, it's the apc news better question would be. Why did the present? I beg news that george They ve been the interview. and the answer is because the present, a baby sinews, doesn't carry their out show business bill. Well you have all the corporate media for you and I came opt in system. Where there was at least some effort to glean information all right arena, we use it. We used a clip of edward armor or the other day taken apart a senator mccarthy of wisconsin in the fifties. So I was a system that you and I came up here and now that system is gone. I agree with you. Corporations don't care at all
All of them. They are not one that wants to win warm the american public not want only. How much of a danger is that to the american people, it's a very good question. because what we saw today We see in a compliant media Is it only about the media's reputation which is shot through? Because of what we ve been about the past few minutes. It's all about the american people's right to know certain things in a free country. We need information to make decisions We're gonna get interviews like one we got today where he was why he was civil and that's all good, but he wasn't rising anything then people don't know why
Incidents on the covert relief bill. Why. People who committed heinous crimes or still in prison or get money. that's almost like was suddenly night live skid, and yet we don't know the answer to that because it wasn't asked so it is only about the refugees. journalists. It's also about the american. people's right to know corporate. I agree with you, none of them, not the not it you seem CBS the cable stations there, just one ratings numbers and the money that goes along with it, we're pregnant at me said there were. Is that's a success and they want access last questioning a lot of letters. From people who sail all seven apple is gay by the questions in advance He knew or ways calming the negotiation to do.
the interview. The interview happened in Darby pennsylvania. When yesterday Joe Biden went to visit some store in chester pennsylvania, these suburbs of philadelphia and then he said, wait over and he sat down with stepping up to do it. The negotiation between Biden, people and the producers, not stuff and apples himself, but the producers, we see always involve. What are you gonna ask and how you and ask it right? Well, you're you're, touching on something very very important what they should have. Before this interview started by air camel, rather with this. I've done it said. Mister president, That's just review the ground we ve made, promises are what we may ask you. We re not asking if that was the case. They should they should do what Oprah did with the her in and make it
we didn't pay. You waiting We didn't give you any questions in advance. Nothing is right was watching this and I was wondering apparently what you're wondering deal did they make war the conditions that should have been made public What do you know? Why wasn't it it's not sinister, you I generally like one he's a journalist admiral A journalist, although not anymore, in that category. We would risk we think of this thing. They don't think of these things anymore. They just don't, nine I and they got the interview and everybody wanted it so, but I'm not going to accuse Stephanopoulos of giving them the questions or anything like that. I'm I'm not! I never do of that suggesting that I'm just saying I know I'm sick. We want everyone equally clear by and by the way we're gonna be running a collar, very subject for my website.
Nor goldberg one word bernard Goldberg you dont have to put the always, even though it saint Patrick, stay you'll get there as you do of our guy got a very thanks, though very interesting, we'll talk you soon. I hope Thank you for listening to the no spend news we candidature to watch the full episodes of the no spare nous visit, billow, readily dot com and sign up to become a premium or concierge member. That's bill readily dot com site
Transcript generated on 2023-07-31.