« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

No Spin News - Weekend Edition - July 15, 2023

2023-07-15 | 🔗

Listen to this week's No Spin News interview with political strategist Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wisc., foreign analyst Kelley Vlahos, and former FBI agent Nicole Parker.

We also visit the No Spin News archives and Bill's conversation with Glenn Beck.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
O'reilly hear the news cycle can be overwhelming, as you know, Bill. O dot com is here to make sure you don't miss anything As a loyal listener of the no spin news audio, we are offering you a way of listening to it completely ad free you can sign up to become a bill. O'reilly dot com premium! Member today and access all the great audio content. We have. Including the riley update and much more without commercials premium and cause I members also get exclusive access to special video programming. We'll even send you a free copy of my new bestselling book, killing the legends so come a bill, o reilly, dotcom premium member today and enjoy listening to my podcast ad free. Please don't way learn more sign up today. It below riley dotcom, slash, ad free.
That's bill, O'Reilly, dot, com, slash, ad, free. Welcome to the new spin news. We candidacy, where's was absolutely crucial. Today, I'm to deal with that in a final thought. We do expect them next week, but we were lucky- and I use that word literally enough gets in RON Johnson from wisconsin to comment on my column that I wrote yesterday and the investigations by the house for its have ask. If you are you, the ranking member of the senate. Permanent subcommittee on investigations, which I think is the most important senate committee in exist because you have oversight on corruption. Ok, and you're the second ranking member. If the Senate goes the republicans in twenty four you'll, be the chair, the chairman now is Richard Blumenthal.
The liberal democrat from Kentucky, he doesn't want any part of his biden, stuff, correct. No, he doesn't and when we last time we were in the majority, I was chairman of the full committee, the committee on homeland security, governmental affairs yeah. I was working with senators ashley, the then chairman the judiciary committee, and we are investigating hundred Biden. We do not have. I did not have the support of my republican colleagues on my committee, or we didn't have the support of our conference to, for example, supplying the vines thought is too political in two thousand and twenty. Why do why didn't the republicans on your committee support you in issuing the subpoenas? Are they thought it was too political during a political campaign they thought they finally learn. Please be thought the american people would see it as a political thing and go against the republican party. That's it right. We should our report in september of twenty
twenty. It was a widely ignored by the media, but all through two thousand and twenty, both sender gras and I were accused by the media by our democratic colleagues of us listening and disseminating russian disinformation, even though our reporter was was completely based on the us records treasury records suspicious activity reports. In September twenty twenty we laid out the vast web of foreign financial entanglements, the the millions of dollars of transactions with cfc, burry, sma russia and we'd pretty well laid this out to the houses building on our on the record we provided, but The api. I was completely unhappy and unhelpful the sabotage our efforts as well. Unbelievable, so have you ever talked to Blumenthal, but I I know there's a collegiality in the senate, and there should be- I mean you guys need, talk to each other. You you know you don't want to be
you're yelling at each other. It's not the civil war, the eruptive civil war, but have you ever talked to Blumenthal and say: look you know just for the american people sake. Let's try to clarify all of these. On our answer, questions about the Biden, family finances, have you said that to Blumenthal wrote an article that the wash post ran in twenty twenty again, accusing us of assisting This information has urgent changes. My he has a j hidell. we said, the cia thought I was so dangerous. They won't even brief me. They wouldn't brief us because we'd already been briefed, for example, on android challenge, ankles built throughout two thousand and twenty the media. Our democrat colleagues were interfering in r and then the api, our interfering in our investigation, it brings change to the disclosing what was happening, the Biden's nothing shades. Even though we have whistleblowers, we have nothing's changed at all, nothing, they stole. They don't they're, not interested right right,
Ok now, did you know about Fatima graves, the wife with the? U s attorney that we uncovered is. it a divine white house twenty eight times and her husband, Have you read, refuse to cooperate with the euro? attorney in delaware on the hunter Biden situation. Did you know about Fatima graves so that that was your scoop and that's why we need investigative reporters like yourself to help us? We need whistleblowers and we we are fortunately getting more and more whistleblowers. We have people like you that are digging up the this information building on the evidence. The center Grassley I put out there but bill that there are literally three scandals here. You have the the the biden, family, corruption, you have, the corruption of the epi I apartment justice. In the year, of course, have the corruption of the complicity and corrupt mainstream media. Who cover over this cover this story. You know it is very travelling to people, and I I'm going to take
the ology out of this room. We want an honest country. is beyond any reasonable doubt the fbi's corrupted beyond any reasonable that they have been it, and now you have the media, there's nothing. Anybody can do about the media, because the first amendment protects the media. The corporations have taken it over and independent journalists, like me: have to do the heavy lifting now, because the corporations order there people not to and there's not a anybody, can do about that. But you can do stuff about the
attorney general of the united states, merrick garland, so this con. This brings me to impeachment: you have access to the Republican controlled house. Is that bubbling up impeachment against merrick garland? I think it's a real possibility, where we're going to have to sort out who's, telling the truth to David Weiss and merrick garland when Merrick garland said that he had complete authority and then David Weiss. Of course, I wrote two letters to Jim Jordan. There are also contradictory that in one case said that he had full authority and then he he hedges his bets on june thirtieth. The problem bill is it: the process has been set up procedures then epa and department.
Ashes to to basically insulate themselves from scrutiny. You said earlier in in your opening they're at they always use the excuse. Well, there's an active investigation, so I can't share information with congress that we were frustrated because we had the john durham investigation, and so we were. We couldn't get the documents that we had subpoenaed christopher wray at to turn over, even though the present united states donald trump wanted. Those documents turned over so again the department justice yappy. I have insulated themselves from effective scrutiny how do you investigate the premier investigatory agency of the congress has to do. It is the only body that can do it out of the chief law. Enforcement Let me offer this. Let me offer this because I know you talk to comment Jordan and all of those people. You ve got a situation where, garland under oath tells the house law
I gave wise full of forty yunus investigation. well he's under all saying that right too where's attorneys were requested in writing. Matthew graves, whose we referred to That is why Fatima go into the white ass twenty eight times and more in strata in california, because our allegations that hundred by receive foreign money in both of those places wise ass, both of those. U S, attorneys, to cooperate partner with him. They refuse Merrick garland, couldn't ordered them to cooperate there garland is their boys. That's where you go. That's how you get garlon will now. We also have the ira's whistleblower We'll never like let well, let's get around a moment because ireland hanging out there now. You see what I mean is this. What frustrates me
he's hanging out there. So it all now. Why so full of thought when he himself could have all. those two men to cooperate. With wise and did not out the hub up. Isn't that a country like nothing during last year's sharply is, is he he has used in the meat we are basically. Why said, I don't have the authority, so we ve got it. I think enough evidence that the house should hold hearings. in peace for hearings now not only on garland, they are old and peace for hearings on me arcas and also have the lincoln who lied to my investigators when you said he never emil hunter by your bill. There is so much here too, to a really hang these guys on, but unfortunately I lost my chairmanship. We don't have the spin authority and, as you said, the old woman
though widen. Are these folks who have no interest or no interest in building this? We have to rely on the house and by the way, what we're working with the comer and Jordan to provide what is known to help care for their interviews. Now the key question all of this is eroding my com and again, I hope people go and take the time to read the column, bill o reilly dotcom. The real important thing is whether or not- and I want to emphasise the two words or not vice president. by then vice president Biden derive money. Amazon and brothers activities. Did he get money? I dont see smoking gone yet, do you have won? I see smoke. Ok, for example, we have emails from honey, where he's emailing his daughter saying that death, unlike pop, I will make you give me half your salary.
That could be hyperbole. You know, I understand again rise more. The other thing is this John sound reported this device press reports. we're making sixteen million dollars once he left office, but then his fans full disclosure. He only discloses assets of three point: two million where'd the money go, and he also doesn't tell us exactly where that sixty million dollars came from I mean: could that be seven? The money that It was the skulls and those ten twenty three for I gotta get its appeal for that sort. So can we hope we have plenty of smoke out there right? We have spoken gun not yet, but there has not been a thorough invest Creation there we don't do me, would you do me a favor, and so I know you're busy, but sometime today, if you get com or in Jordan's attention, would you please tell him to subpoena Fatima graves the wife of Matthew graves the? U s return. In washington and ask her under oath what the deuce
she's doing in the white house twenty eight times I mean what is absolutely right. Listen if I were doing the investigations. I was subpoenaed a lot more people that have been subpoenaed so far, but again that they wanted the documents before the release. As you know, these investigations it it's a process. It takes time. I know I know, but when you have that coincidence, the word can do it see that never gonna put to stuff in writing. If this woman is carrying information from the justice department. Remember her husband work, with mirror garland in the same building in these eight she's Gary information from them over to buy
and then by the administration back to the justice department. I mean come on it built its exact same thing, anthony blake and used his wife, for she was the one emailing hundred bind, but mc blinking slipped up an email hundred himself when it came to blue star strategies and some of the recent thing. So again it's it's a tried and true method. They use their their spouses to be the conduits. So, no, will will. I will definitely bring your column up to the attention of the cameron, Jordan yeah. We sent it to them, but yeah. I know everybody's busy, but you got off. Now is the time to focus on this. I may really microwaves thing. As you know, I think you know democratic parties really worried about this There really worry that binds gonna get taken down by this ocean. worried, but again that they can always rely on the mainstream media that implicitly begin to do. As I say, If you impeach merrick garland, they have to cover that story.
And then all the evidence against merrick barlings put forth into the public arena. That's how you do it in peace for years are very important. You want to have the lady predicate haven't, is much documentation for those hearings and, as you have asked try new jane, you know has very nice of you to come on. We are busy, you are welcome any time. Stay honours because look it's my job, and I know the other media doesn't do their job anymore. Understand. Corruption in the media is unprecedented. In this country, right now, But we're gonna stay on it and is very nice vetoed to give my body and remember are already- is worldwide now, so we three other radio stations we got directv. We got the first. We got distribution on facebook, I mean where a colossus, now an analogous people, incur
I understand that so we want to funnel information through somebody doesn't answer to comcast or warner, brothers, discovery or serbia. I don't answer any boy and that's what you want to do is very, very europe hatred for common on explaining your point of view to the american people was really pretty. I abstained. I appreciate your efforts. We need more investigatory journalists, we need more whistleblowers, we need people come forward together. You need a job, Indeed, in inside the Biden whitehouse, that's what you need, but I don't know if that's all ever happen I said I will talk again soon. I thank you very much.
You're listening to the no spin news weekend edition, let's bring in a guest too, I think disagrees with me a little, and I love that you know how I like. That name is Kelly their halls. I hope I had that she works for the Quincy institute, which is a think tank and studies situations. With the world in a us context, joining us now from Washington, so where did I go wrong? Did go wrong anywhere. Well, I mean I think you might be a little optimistic ruins demise. I think There are plenty of people who we hope Then he would disappear. I guess The question is: how would it happen? I don't think Eric people are interested in another regime change war and which are tired you S, farm policies geared towards ousting other foreign leader
and having to deal with a vacuum: a power vacuum after Many experts on russia say Putin was on tomorrow are probably be more nationalistic hard line person. waiting in the wings, because that's where the power centre is right. Never let me let me this and from that analysis the military would take over russia. As you know, probably the only Other body that could run the country the oligarchy are making any money now go back the military business as usual, everybody gets rich potent can't stay there. He's been embarrassed by the bognor group, even though there's some data, in the year. Nobody believes that the russian people, don't like Putin, that nationalism is gone on. The backs of the fifty five and dead and more than a hundred thousand maimed, he can't recruit
people are leaving russia in droves. He's done manner how shocking to survive. This, in If he does I'll, have you back on and I'll say you were right and I was wrong, but I can't I'm a historian. There is no leader on the skids, like Putin, who has ever survived it and a vacuum. Soviet military takes over soviet soviet military is in business to make money and the oligarchy will come in and it'll. Back to business, and that's what I say go ahead well, I mean, I think, they're there's plenty of poland and russia as it is, clear cut, as you say that nowhere where away where it wait, you know you. If appalling outfit calls you, when you go again, sport and you're gonna get a knock on a dark. on break, but I've seen lulling my Companies that are actually trusted by the kremlin come out with with much more temporary result
internal terms of what thinking and danger in many ways. Do support the war effort in ukraine. I don't blame you every second I don't believe I rang with propaganda for a second it's like, for example, way way way: like every totalitarian regime on earth. They always put that stuff that you think the russian people are happy with this. Ukraine thing. You think you're happy with it. I don't know what else we have to go by bill when you have left after Paul. After all, that showed the russian people support the war effort all going by, but then there that you can probably just dismiss, but on an point the the russian people, have some support in this I just want to give you one example: The balmy, who is the much heralded democracy leader in
in russia, who is in jail for his his political activism, then a supporter of russia remaining in crimea, because the russian people believe, I mean, is russian. You have a similar situation where a ring, but now when too it is very important, the war effort rats, that's only is the it's very complicated areas there are russian speaking people ukraine. There are russian parts of ukraine that are supported by the people, russia and the support, russia Being able to me for if you want to say that they don't support the war, they don't support wherever who feel wise than the prior person. If what you're saying is true- and I don't believe it is not because you're being deceitful, I think you're buying into propaganda when the Wagner group rebelled a few weeks ago against moscow, no military, russian military
unit stepped up the fight them? They seized a fairly large russian city without any resistance right. In fact, six russian generals crossed over to help the volga group. All six have been arrested and they're probably dead. Now because of our new group back down. For whatever reason I dont know, my analysis is based on: u s and british intelligence what they are putting out, because I have access to some of them and they are directly contradicting. Any kind of pole, though, would be taken in a country where the people are frightened to death of saying anything negative about their government. So let's advance it a little bit long. If you were advising president Biden, what would you tell him to do right now? As far as ukraine and poor
Well, I would tell him to start opening up communications with their russian, reports where there be the secretary of state counterpart, the cia counterpart secretary of the fence counterpart and get some talking. Because I agree with you go. This is a stalemate and enjoy you wrong. Surely you know that the united states, ambassador to the vatican, was involved with pope Francis his trip to try to convince Putin to go to the peace table, so there there are avenues where the united states and great britain and and It all countries have said the putin. I will talk about peace as they say bill. Why we're gonna say when their press, but I don't see any evidence of it. I don't see any evidence that they are. They are focused
diplomatic pathway, I see a lotta would have. I would put more money into the war and the more fighting which is only destroying ukraine, because you know the best singing this is a stay only avenge use, their younger- gets better reporting to run ukraine, take it over as yos bela, roofs and george, you think I'd better in the writing is worse here, because the current forces at work, because I work a potent but its workin for ukraine because they fought in stalemate, you don't happen to have as many soldiers they don't have as many weapons they don't have. They don't have production line we just had, give them close. their munitions, because we're running out of regular artillery shells to give ukraine. We believe that all of our allies together every piece and though, that we passively you it's better lines going enough defined
and you think you think it's better for the ukrainian people to be subjugated by moscow rather than a fight for Freedom now I didn't say that I do. We need to get talks going to end the war That doesn't mean obligation, ignoring a powerful ranchers entre torrent. ignoring them. And went with the blue seeing abiden yours, ambassador and potent they only get there and like worn and eating with with washington, appalled by the emission. Of course, a cool today would watch. You would have a deal I am glad about again. Does. I don't know, I don't believe that, but I guess I don't know. Now, because if they really did it would continue the vatican to keep that show well diplomacy going we're out of opponents, say now potency.
Acknowledge that the pope is going over. There be a care do that. It's been reported widely, but they d can't say: look the poet going over there I mean my a big because security in our view that the problem is actually trying for peace. They don't the charity. Why do you think he went over his blessing to putin to baptize some kid? Of course he went over there to try to get brokered some kind of peace. Anyway, look, I put my case forth and you did a very good job. I must say I love these debates and- and I will let the viewers of course process it and thanks for coming, I hope you You come back. Thank you very much and eighty okay. This is there no spin news. We can't edition areas from miami nicole parker fbi agent for twelve years.
and she follows the agency, obviously, as an alumni very very closely In my talking point Oh, did I make any mistakes or was I unfair, missus parker. First of all, thank you for having me, I you know this kind of what we anticipated, that it was going to be. When Chris, it comes into testify, you can expect that he's probably going to fly. on many or most of the answers you know a lot of times. The answer is, you know it's an ongoing federal investigation. We can't discuss thought that ongoing personnel matter whatever it might be I think that's americans want to know the truth they feel like they are seen participation happening and what's what's happening to fix it there it there is no fixed at us, and so I think that's what americans went his way. today. They wanted to hear Chris right has testify under oath and understand the status of all these concerns one polluters,
Station issue after another at the fbi, and we didn't get that correct. You know a lot of us are left with their unanswered questions like I said there is an easy way to deflect answer. Usa, its ongoing or as an ongoing personnel matter. That's been protected things a backdoor right, very easy to know your professional on age in, and you know how to interview witnesses and people who are charged with crimes, I didn't see any perceptive questions. In that hearing today, obviously Democrats didn't one part of it, but the republicans wanted to make speeches rather than interrogate said. I you saw. You know it's a chance for people to say what they want to stay in front of christopher ray and get his reaction. But yes, I do agree that many times it's not as much of an interview and am a testimony yet that is stating what they want to get out and are the american public to hear me
speech you're, they apply for five years under ray, You were in miami most of the time correct. I was in the miami division, my entire time at the fbi, okra did you see number you work for call me who has been proven to be very political. Did you see a change in the bureau? Under re, when he came in. So I was an fbi agent under Robert smaller and then James call and then Christopher right. Super re came, and we all knew that he was coming. Anti christian country have been fired on after the operation crossfire hurricane and if it was a difference, leadership style and that's christopher re was not as much in the public eye. He was not out there speaking to the media is frequently as we were. Seeing him call me. We were true to regain our true with the american people. After what had occurred with operation profile, her came, and
unfortunately, that political seem to have continued even under Christopher. You know, even under Christopher wren did agents in miami discuss that were they all in agreement with what you just said, that the bureau is becoming more power. it s eyes, underwrite so it is. They all agents feel the same. I think that, as an fbi agent, you have relationships with those in your own field office in the miami division, but also field offices across the nation. You know whether involved in something that appears to be political. I was working violent crime crimes against children. You jimmy travel trafficking. You know active shooters things of that sort and is the political situation sleeping and regardless of what type of violation you are working. I tried to just focus on violent crime cases, but because of the constant hurrah of what association it was difficult to ignore what was happening. mosaic and regional aid. All over the country, I am aware no all happening. I just want to talk about you an example of political. What you saw
In your investigations, as far as politics are concerned,. So my particular investigations. I did not see politics involved because I was working violent crime most my career collar crime, violent crime, human trafficking In crimes his children active, shooters, mass shooters things of that sort, but what I did see was that constant. There was a barrage of information, and we were hearing about the investigations many times occurring out of w. I fell or washington headquarters, such as you know, operation, crossfire her game. I had nothing to you that that we all heard about that- and we were all you know when chris rake and they were all of these changes that were made to the process. Again, I was not involved in those types of investigations or cases that we are all held accountable for the mistakes of those that did that were involved, for instance, after proper, We press by hurricane, we all have to do something called virtual academy. We go in and study and take these exams. Talking about you know
What went wrong and that investigation? I have to tell you that doing. virtual academy training does not fix the problem, character and honesty of those working at the at the. I cannot be ingrained in someone because they are asked to take a training on virtual academy, there's no after something of this sort. There's no question about that, but the justice department, president Biden, and, to some extent Christopher wren, but lesser Have defined the major problem in the united states as right wing militia groups they say flat out. That's the biggest threat, not the human traffickers, not the drug court I not Al Qaeda. It's right wing extremists, the biggest domestic threat? Surely you knew that you heard me. I concur that that's the biggest threat.
ages on the field in ground level would not agree with that. I myself did not I agree with that. That is not what I saw a threat facing us on jobs with a blatant example of politics or give you another one, abortion clinics. So there have been hundreds of attacks on catholic churches in the last few years, hundreds but me, I has saw very few of them. I don't even know if there's any investigations into any of them, but abortion clinics. Their hall and people in white and laughed pro life people who make overstep go too close to the clinic war yell at somebody going in for information or whatever epa is all over it. That's with the richmond office did with the catholic church. It was targeted at people who were pro life, Did the fbi agents you and others? No, that was happening. We thought
opening. Like I said there was a. I don't know where this type of bee, your occurring over and over and over again for me, I personally started and during operation ross by hurricane, I also saw it. The hell? Are you going around? That's it! You answer the question you saw, you saw, you saw it the fbi bureau chiefs and all of them all around a country in miami denver seattle, wherever maybe they have to answer to washington d c. They can't go against. the prevailing political sentiment coming out of their correct step. That is one of
issues that I believe is occurring at the fbi. There is too much power at the headquarters level and up indeed, that is the area where there is w avow or whether, as you know, the baltimore field office or headquarters, the cases need to be decentralized and need to be worked out of the individual field offices. So I am correct in saying that washington want to join octopus is basically controlling all of the bureau's and the bureau chiefs? The fbi chiefs and charge. Aren't gonna go against wash it. That's something that we thought we saw you know about it. Saw that there was a lot of guidance
coming down from headquarters in your basically that's what you do each individual field office to separate right, but all this is an example of something that I find that we all saw the bureau. During the summer. Twenty twenty there were cities burning to the ground. There were federal buildings that were being damaged and there was no call out for at the eye to respond to protect those those buildings, interpol, these cities. But yet you know when it comes to a political matter. You know around january six, four the fbi wouldn't unlisted. So, Failure florida fearing that airline trust I have today we're floored riots and the end. On or again and all is the fbi. Essentially, Do it down. didn't look around ever right. Guy right, there was Never like a widespread call out like your wise for january six there. Just wasn't any. We receive multiple email, saying, hey, you know we need volunteers to come to decipher this. I never saw
a widespread call out bureau wide during twenty twenty. I just did not normal, org- is for a candour and honestly it's a service to the american people. We really appreciate it and we hope we can speak you again soon. Thank you. here's a gem from the no spin news, vault Then, as now from Dallas texas, the world famous Glenn back author of the brand new book, arguing with. socialists back before I get any. Finally, I do I gotta say yeah, you're, lookin, tad you're, lookin, Frankie avalon- is how to how did you get tat? Were. I been I painted a my barnes at the farm and been taken of trees down, so I ve been spending a lot of time outside just trying to get the outside right, I'm stuck inside painting painting. So
sale. I dont even warranted time I dont you are in a tie non away We are all about the journalism, we're not about the trappings anymore, if you're thrown that away. Right, ok, good yesterday, president transit countries can roaring back. Build it again. yeah you're. A doubter here is correct. No, I I hope that he can. I think, some of the things that he's that he is stopping the Democrats from doing will help us rebuild. I don't think this is going to be as easy as everybody thinks it is that we're just going to turn it on and arizona go back to work there's some
There's some real problems on the things that they're doing. You know we're entering by modern monetary theory now, which is just endless money printing you ve got Nancy Pelosi, calling for you, no universal basic income that that's that gonna put us into a situation more like nineteen. Thirty between ninety thirty nineteen, forty, where depression just an end, because we were experimenting with things. Let's get back to the free market? well, they're, printing money- and I have warned my audience that The dollar is at risk. If this continues, twenty five trillion dollar get for the usa, donald trump told me on the radio in an extensive interview. You may have have heard that he and his second term, if he's reelected, he's going to get that debt down that deficit down he's going to drive it down. Do you believe that.
No he's always been a dead guy, but I mean I hate to doubt and because everything he says he's going to do he's done so, but I think he's gonna be facing some severe headwinds, especially from the the congress there looking at spending in spending in spending. Now it's It's amazing they have to do it now because of the pandemic, and you have to basically provide financial relief to three out in twenty five million people, not all of us but mary. now your book arguing with socialist big new york times bestseller I know they're thrilled to have the name glenn back in the new york times
Paper yeah earlier with all believe we can only do it didn't. We can only do it together, it would be so great, maybe but their guy, I am happy. Glenn back is on the best seller less now they love it. Let us mention is arguing against socialist or right right. It's a win win for the back and ass all young men. They are. Right why in your opinion. are so many younger americans enthralled with socialism when on display is cuba, venezuela, red china? Why do they still want it? Because they see great growth, from China and they don't they're, not seeing the bad things. They think this is just a hybrid between socialism in capitalism, which it is
They don't see the oppression that is there. No one is teaching them anything about cuba. Cuba has great healthcare bill. You learn that from Michael more I mean it's, it's great, no doctors, their vote on them. yeah yeah yeah yeah laugh sutures are sutures. Are you know, give your given sutures by a chicken I think and they think that socialism is happening in Sweden. That's not a socialist country, but here's here's, the most important part bill put you self in the shoes of a twenty five year old, with the education system, the way it is yours, when he five you were born or the year that a timothy mcveigh blew up the federal building in Oklahoma city. You have no memory of that, but that's where your america begins.
Then. The next thing you probably do have some recollection on is two thousand eleven. You remember a war that were still not out of You're, remembering the economy, almost tanked people were afraid, people hated amerika. Everything we did was wrong. Then your next event is two thousand eight. The bank's collapse, They get all the money, your mom and dad probably lost their savings. Maybe they lost their job, they struggled then next event that happens. Is this one where everybody is struggling, you're losing small businesses, the banks are making money, the big businesses are making money and no these caring for the little guy. If twenty five years old. That's your view of amerika and the free market system, and I have news for you. I would be with them, because I wouldn't could this and say this doesn't work doesn't work and so the we took them attitude with the book and said, look
I agree with you. Lots of things don't work right now, but it's not folded the free market, the free market, hasn't happened for a long time. We now have this. The cronyism, capitalism, crony capitalism that is merging with giant corporations and it's the worst of all of it. Well, disagree with you somewhat on that premise, because when I was twenty five hours work in my bought off. ok, I wasn't thinking about crony capitalism or chase manhattan bank. I was work in my bought off back. I was tryin accumulate enough capital I do what I wanted to do to save some money which I was drunk in me into me by My father, ok and then I was trying to go up in my career now for money, so much by four accomplishment and saw I wasn't thinking about Karl Marx. Well, what can the government
For me, or any of that I was working. I dont think, are either bill. I I think there is a lot of people think there's a lot of people. The majority of people are not actually reading Karl Marx and thinking of that, They are seeing when you grew up and when I grew up, we had an expectation that our life would be better, that our life would be more secure, that the guru, the great horizon of amerika was just big. thing to dawn, and it was true at that time now because of the corruption and everything else for the few time? Americans don't believe that their life will be better than their parents? That that's a deal is also they are work in their bought off. They just dealt na scientists agree. I disagree, look do you know that tom, petty song Come on and take a free ride. Yeah yeah yeah yeah, that's what he did
I don't think that was a long petty, but was somebody around Tom, petty who saying that it's all right, all right, yeah dad was they knew each other. They were on the same bus Bernie Sanders is messages. The government is going to take care of you the care. Ok, and I realize this segment wants didn't we. competing to worry. part of that, though bill is part of that. Is this chase for celebrity that celebrity and stuff will make you happen. I will make you happy: That's a lie. You and I both know it, but without the foundations of morality and then face them. is very, very attractive. Nothing has meaning any more money doesn't even have meaning anymore. You remember a trillion. Dollars was a lot of money. We printed, so much money, but we if we were
actually still using a printing press. It would take us over a year to print them money that we just did the ties and spin I am. Alas, I understand if we're lucky that america is still the only place on earth there, where people can in vast and expect a return. Because that would probably like I know no more, I dont know hang on. I just don't know. If that's true bell is still coming and naked still tell tee bonds, they can still seller treasury securities still do. It looks as though there for that. so the fact you got you gotta, hay and you're born. I do. How can I come out? There I've never actually seen hey.
but why would I will fly you down? You do spend a day on the farm. All I'd fly, you paddle, chitlins, whatever they are water back, back. Then I dont know what they are either, but ok, arguing with so things that are beyond with back on a radio programme on friday, as we are weakly and by the book in very interesting harmonization. Thank you for listening to the no spend news we candidature to watch the full episodes of the notes, the noose visit bill, o reilly, dot com and sign up to become a premium or concierge member. That's billow, readily dot com site.
Transcript generated on 2023-07-31.