« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

No Spin News - Weekend Edition - December 23, 2023

2023-12-23 | 🔗

Listen to this week's No Spin News interview with Bernie Goldberg, Bishop Robert Barron, Pollster Sean Bartlett, and Former NYPD captain and criminal justice professor John Eterno.

We also visit the No Spin News archives and Bill's conversation with Speaker of the House, Kevin McCarthy.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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welcome to the no spin news we edition journeys, south florida, purveyor of bernard Goldberg, dot, com, very fine website, I will be on that website interviewed grilled mercilessly MR harbour, I believe I'm gonna be on a wednesday right. You put me on Wednesday. The correct you'll be grilled by a white strayed, jewish male, who apparently I didn't know this is an oppressor. I'm here. I mean you're, bringing a guest hosting. ok, so I'm looking forward to that grilling, which will take place on wednesday now. I just can't eighteen it. wanting in americans even all I've got two of em. I've got two of em right.
I am one of them really is astute, the a key, but They don't know anything back over when you were eighteen. Twenty, if I was horrified. I was just a war. I should have been deported. I were any eighteen and twenty four grew. Well, the problem with the eighteen to twenty bore group is that they're not going to be eighteen to twenty four forever. the they're going to carry the this anti semitic garbage with them when they get older. You think that you know their daryl evolve. Add that as many in the vietnam era dead that's how it usually works, but who who would have thought that I forget the percentage you gave of young people who think. Then the massacre, the slaughter on october, seventh. was it wasn't a terrorist attack and the percentage of things
Jews or oppressors who would have thought that those numbers would exist. So yes, some somewhat wise up. But a lot won't now. I think that. most americans Are not anti semitic and I agree totally In your career, you been everywhere done everything You rival me as far as I've been to eighty five countries. I think you probably in close today. I've been into a lot of places now, not india. And and not in the arab world, I've been to Israel, but you haven't a lot of places. Ok, In your experience at CBS news coming on up work in your way up to the core, spot a position and then, through We now have you Bernie Goldberg, experienced anti semitism. Can I begin earlier than serious in high school?
So I had one I think america is a great place and it's a great place for jewish people. So I may disappoint you and then I don't have too many examples, but high school one kid one kid Confronted me in the kapital erica about something I wrote in the student newspaper that he didn't like, and he used in our jewish slur at me. It almost became a broad like you know, like an animal house brawl in the cafeteria, but a christian friend of mine intervened on my behalf. Got between us before I got out of hand, but that was only one incident, but when I was at cbs- and it wasn't other CBS people those ganem a guy stoner. Out of you know the name bill, yeah you're not,
a world class bigot. I mean he set things in public that I wouldn't repeat on your show in public about louder. I know is right and he represented James Earl ray and the fbi suspected a jb stoner of being involved in the murder of martin market, so he's a lawyer and he's covering the somebody who kidnapped the publisher of the big newspaper in atlanta, so he go to his house and he can meet us in the yard and the camera man. A good old boy from nashville, says. I got it I'll, introduce everybody I don't want. I don't want your name going out here, so he introduces the sound man. The light panel in dude introduces himself as John smith. That was his real name, and then he introduces me as an here's. Our correspondent, Bernie Nolan jamie Slota goes into his house yearning, for this goes into a thousand hands as bumper stickers,
This was during the arab oil boycott. The bumper sticker says oil. Yes, jew No, why Yes, juice, no and one of the people, one of my friends in the crew. I assume it was. Without my knowledge puts it on the bumper sticker, my rare bumper sticker and I'm driving on land for three or four days, I usually gotten that guy boy, I hope you got him I was doing it. but I am actually I'm actually glad to hear that you did run up against a lot anti semitism in your life, I believe that my man, workings most them I'd, say. Eighty percent of them are not anti semitic, but the media drives us anti semitic thing that you know it. DR and it is concentrating on the nuts Coronel and at columbia, harvard at pan at mit
zero and gives them all kinds of air time, but the good college, kids, kids zilch. They get nothing So it's skew. Am I wrong no you're, hitting on a very important point actually- and that is those Students you're talking about are in their ingrained wouldn t? I do diversity, inclusion, what he and inclusion which is which is a farce in and of itself but but the eyes we basically comes down to this, it's a simple as there are. There are two groups, the oppressed group and the oppressor group, If your white. and you're a straight white, male or jewish, even female you're in the oppressor group. And the difference between them, the anti jewish big. It's on the right. They white supremacist, neo nazis. We know that their idiots.
These people are professors, their administrators at a lead colleges there Students, adelaide colleges, And they can say only want that their none and I jewish their day, Israel, but when they say nothing, absolutely nothing about the atrocities that go on daily in the arab world where If you're gay, you can be thrown up a building. If you're a woman, you don't have rights, They say nothing about that, and the only time they go out and demonstrate is when its israel, the only jewish stain on the planet. So there contention that their anti israel, not anti jewish. I don't think so. I think the rabbi jewish and from the progressive elite left. no doubt about in my mind. From the very beginning, the progressive movement has been anti israel. I bet I will see you on Wednesday on Bernard Goldberg, dot com, I'm ready for it,
for they are whatever you throw out me Are you a very interesting deal? Are you ready to our Look not ready Ok, I'm ready ok thanks for helping us out, and you have a happy holiday down there. Okay, we really appreciate it. Merry christmas to you and all the people listening to us. Thank you. This episode is brought to you by invigorated hamper few routine with invigorates online when superfluity jake you're a natural and delicious, with twenty grams of clean grass fed way protein, and only one hundred and seventy calories. It's the perfect balance to help you build lean muscle, manage weight and control hunger and its nutrition is to prove for kids. Six enough. Try and figure today with specifies exclusive promo code shape for twenty dollars off your first order with no hassle money back guarantee.
dear santa? All I want for christmas. Is the time to appreciate the holiday spirit, to revel in the old family traditions and savor, delicious foods surrounded by loved ones, to do all that had all need several of food cities, freshly prepared party trays, their handmade candies, all the fresh produce and certified angus beef hand cut by their real butchers on second thought. Santa I got this because nobody does food or the holidays like food city you're listening to the no span news we candidature. let's now turned to the christian view of anti semitism and I'm gonna bring in perhaps most eloquent high profile spokesperson for the catholic faith in america is name, is bishop Robert baron? He's out of the dies of an owner, rochester minnesota, he has found it. A group called word on fire at that.
catholics, red and pay attention to our average abuse hurt burning Goldberg. Now, when I was in catholic school, sometimes in solitary confinement. By putting from the nuns I was taught that anti semitism was a sin against the catholic church, MR religion, against Jeez. God I was taught it was fairly significant sent zat hold. Yeah- that's true- I mean prejudice against any group- would be a sin but in a very special way, I'd say: prejudice against Jews highest. The eleven said that we christians are all spiritually semites them we're all jews by our spiritual inheritance. Jesus we say is the fulfilment of Israel. vatican to in its statement nostra tat day- made a very strong statement against any form of anti semitism. So I The nuns who taught you were right on target and they ve been
Confirmed by the church is teaching ever since now there has been controversy between Israel and the catholic church, particularly of francis who does it want Israel, too. wage war against the palestinians? He just came out yesterday because they were too Catholics who were killed, allegedly by israeli forces- but we it so foggy and urge very hard to tell- and then when jewish people hear that. the pub saying criticising young government, some of them believe that puts not simple to the jewish religion at all. get out of it, this fair. When he was in argentina. He was very close to the jewish community and counts. A number a permanent rabbis among his friends? I mean, I don't think it's true at all of it. personally, anti semitic
I think what he saying bill is: Israel has a right to self defence as part of catholic social teaching, but also, as you know, in the just war theory in waging a war, we have to be both discriminating and proportional and so I think, what is urging that those two principles be honoured the inner. It's always a prudential judgment to what degree were legitimately proportional indiscriminating. But, as I read him, I think he's just insisting upon that part of of the churches, social teaching. Yeah and there is a in the catholic church, a righteous defence which are allowed to defend yourself the evil doors, and I mean look, there's nobody on earth. Knows more about terrorism than I do, because I wrote the book killing the killers and hamas in the top of the chart. Top of the chart. Yeah shifted to christmas. As you know, bishop and I expect to get the Heaven because of this I say- christmas in america,
I don't know where you worried that point, but it was You can campaign, in the early part of the century for, retailers in towns and counties to bear. I wish the word christmas. And we went on fox news night after night and we just put up this department store was ordering employees not to say the word christmas there. Town was taken a crash out, all of that stuff and we want because money because the people listening to me- and I got a huge amount of attention- wouldn't go to the stores that I name that wouldn't say the word christmas. So we want here in the northeast christmas is back Almost everywhere you go with merry christmas. They say happy how these two by christmas dominates is that now over the controversy about not saving christmas is that over.
I hope so I think your ways change the course of my lifetime. I think it was many years we watched it move from a certain antipathy towards a greater acceptance, and you are quite right in that year. The way you forty years ago, there was a fight worth having as it was. A stupid position say that some christians have to hide their christianity in the public forum. As you well know, there's nothing in the family documents or in the ethos of our country. That would dictate that we to hide our religion in the public square. then we don't have an officially recognised religion in our country. Sure that's one thing, but then say for a second. There were if to hide our our our religion publicly. So that was a good fight to have I'm glad we had it, and I think one of the most important things today is that really the people can, come together in the public square and have it conversation, a real argument, there's a middle ground between religious violence and a kind of religious indifference. Ism
it's called religious engagement and argument in the public square. That's what I'm for ok, The christian point of view is that we honor Jesus birthday and it wasn't on December twenty fifth, you know you read killing Jesus and we did the whole history there, but it's a nice data. Have it it's dark and cold, and many plays in particular where you are minnesota, so nice data in and sees but the worthiness of Chris was picked up by: u s grant presently the united states is that I'm designating this day federal holiday out of spent, not portion. Religion but out of respect for theology that is the united states and it, It really buddy, I say to my nine: friends and even the people who hate catholics, because scandals and other things I say: look.
if everybody followed what the nasa reading put forth would have any worse would have any strife. Would we and why why should be honoured, and that's what we're doing here in amerika. Well, I think, to the church, fathers summed up cristiani with the phrase guy became man. That man might become god what they men was by this great active, the incarnation gods, inviting deification that we can become shares in god's nature or there. The political implications of it, because that's where human dignity is grounded yes in our intelligence, our will and our freedom and so on, but ultimately, in our destiny there, Destined to be citizens in Heaven, and from their destiny comes our dignity, and I would say that that any healthy democracy has to rest. Finally upon
keen sense of human dignity, which is why I would link christmas and the great claim that it makes to the ideals of our democracy. Well, the founding fathers did. There was a brawl between Patrick Henry and his crew, that wanted the united states to be designated a christian country, and then franklin madison jefferson, as I write about and killing the witches going to send you that book. You need to read that book better, because I remember that yet yeah that that's a good one for you, because it was a real tug in the beginning of this country. About how to handle the religious aspect and ended all stem from salem. It also from our that that went on there so I'm gonna give you the last word your view christmas, in amerika, two thousand in twenty three go I think, is important for us as americans is as christians to celebrate christmas. For the reason I just articulated, there's no greater guarantee of our of our dignity
god has reached out to us, has become small that he might raise us up that the conviction and whether you are explicitly christian or not there. Basic conviction, I think, is essential to our democracy when we lose a sense of god's embrace of us in pretty short order you Move toward totalitarianism, you move towards an indifference to human life, but the I I'm with Tom holland here, the greater the english historian that so many of our values, whether we know it or not, are grounded in these christian claims, and one of them is the incarnation which leads to deification That's where our sense of human dignity, I think ultimately comes from Thanks for helping us out, we no you once again thank Bernie Goldberg, one of our best discussions of the year. I think sergeant and mrs smith you're, going to love this house this,
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Sean bartley is coming to us from ash linda ohio. He is opposed to for american pulse research and pulling Ok, my numbers from monmouth and again, I'm I'm not endorsing the moment. Paul it's not been great in the past, but this I coincide with what you're saying. yeah we're we're seeing these kind of numbers everywhere. Wall street journal hand, president Biden at its lowest approval rating in the history of their survey with him as president, are american pulse, pulling of shut and shown the same thing. really is the binds approval rating tracking with approval rating on the economy. and you you got right to it, the the economic number specifically for what people,
the feeling at the gas pump and at the grocery store those aren't changing. And it's what they're going to experience here in the next couple of weeks and through the end of the year. That's what they're going to have when they, when they were having people over for christmas dinner. It's what they're going to have when they're traveling, and that's what they're going to have on the inflation numbers on the mama poll is what they're going to have when they pay for christmas, either this year or next year. Okay, I I do. As I said, I don't expect. The bending a problem for the american public any better, but You have a situation now: where were we stare stepping to the conventions, the summer, so iowa looks like a lock for president tromp former president tromp right now. So would you guys have
yeah? That's that's what we're seeing everywhere. If you go to the des moines register poll and which is considered the gold standard out there and chose a president trump actually in their december poll and over two percent for the first time. Ok, so I assume it try. wednesday, along the lines. What did the morn register saying? That means you sent? Is he's gotta go right? because the scientists made a stand in iowa and he's not going to get any money to broaden his campaign if he gets whacked in iowa, which would it look like he would say what you will like the habit yeah! Well, I think one of the things you you're gonna see is all the numbers of shown Nicky Nicky Hayley gaining on that second place. That used to be that the deadline to spot- and I won- t secular and then you go to new hampshire,
the clear second place person you go to south carolina where she used to be governor she's in second place again. So, ok, I don't expect clearly to be in second place and I think to scientists will beat her, but I think that trouble why, when so dominant dissenters gets out of the race and he's going to have to? most of those waters are gonna, go to tromp. I think europe, that's right. They concern has been rule, goes over a trap. Our american coleslaw appalling, we ass to your second place: choice of republican, primary voters and the second place choice of the santos voters was donald trump Nicky, I haven't you that I'm really wasn't registered as with the media is not telling anybody that in addressing this thing- and I will come and of january, fifteen very very quickly could, very well help donald trump, no new have just out of friendly state trump.
Christy is bank everything they're not gonna make it. harry. I think I'll do well in new Hampshire. I think chill and then of media will get behind hayley, After that, and then they go on, I think south carolina and actually that what you south carolina, that's correct, yoga and then I've carolinas trump territory, but Haley's a favorite daughter there as the governor of the state without us aunt is dissenters. Voters go to trump from, should we pretty heavily so here: The question sean. Yes he's at all over after south carolina, is that it then try well, you know and are in error in and our most recent bowl of republican primary boat or seventy percent server. But they think donald trump, as the nominee so
even people who are in voting forms a loaded and a book is in london, elaborate big I'd trump. You know big to nominate final question for you. You know the Democrats they're pretty sophisticated in their way. They run their campaigns Everybody knows Biden is in severe severe trouble. Is there any Indication of a number two by does submit his resignation for health reasons, which is what I would do, Is there any indication of who then move it from your paulie yeah. So we we basques that of folks like who would you want to see? First, really, a third of by only a third of voters, definitely want Biden to stay at the top of the tickets and then a third and say that they definitely want somebody else and when asked to do they want
gave a new. Some is somebody who jumped up there, but the You know that's really shaping up just the way that they created the the primary calendar that we're talkin. They may only waited that they're gonna be able to change nominees. This point is to do it it convention and that it can get on the ballot I know that, but that's the goal again go into the convention with the delegates, a biden, stone and they'll like somebody nuisance, a very strong? I don't think he will be strong, he's run california into the ground, but that's just my opinion has shown a merry christmas thanks for helping us out really appreciate it. Merry christmas. I forever me. You're listening to the no span news weekend edition. so I looked around for a criminologists in This area, we found a good one, to John eternal,
He teaches at malloy university on long island. He was a captain, party. Captain n Y p d in two thousand for joint snuff joins us centre, Damn I say your name right turn, always correct you. Ok, I'd say: you're you're on the job. For twenty years I mean, and in the time you were there, you saw the worst of it, the crack war. and then you saw Giuliani bloomberg to mayors, pretty turn it around, so that the the bad guys we're on the run now the art back to the bad guys, are ruling the streets. What is the essential problem in new york city? As you see it. new york city, as another problems. First, I think the mayor needs to get more behind the police is rhetoric at times is at work?
he needs to stand behind. The police. Judges need to stand up by the police, but most of all politicians, the real numbers things going on in new york city, one of them being The city council is passing a bill. they want to leave the required every single incident messages. every single approaches were, let me explain a doctor, so the liberal city council in new york, any interaction that a police officer has with civilian. Please I've gotta go back to the precinct and write it up, stakes em off the street. Nypd is undermined as it is a mere Adams leave. It was a former police officer, absolve maven cut the forced down from here to pay for the migrants. I mean this is so and say, but when the police union, won't stand up and say all
Crazy political stuff is putting our officers endanger doctor. Can you figure out why that man wouldn't do that Mine is good, but in my view, a chair and ass, you really need to advertise. You ve gotta, get on every program you possibly can, and let people know how difficult the job you police officer is particularly in a democracy the officers of the front line of democracy a work. This is what, do. I wonder the tap in in a somewhat for something is minimal, as smoking is? Is it something that an affront to the public, not just that front to the officers themselves. This is enough, want democracy. You know the offices in the street I get a tat life is this. That is true. because the last line of defence, the savages and the folks are the police?
Did you feel and physical danger when you are on the job doctor, absolutely That's what I'm gonna do it with guns, nice people the spirit near but today is what I'm trying to say. Politicians What kind of dutch point into line at that point in time you knew you get backed up by your union and most of the time by the police chiefs right kelly bill? all the same. I now that that it now Finally, we got me, I knew the union would stand behind me. I must the politicians and that going to say all over, but most of them stood behind the police. Can you the state of many of these officers, something like bail reform was just unconscionable people. Even think of that and learning these he's are two thugs. get out on on being released on the distance. Is this
crazy day all violence? the digital problem, dodges, police, but the public have be say, walking in the streets in walking in a subway. We don't have that protection. that we should feel from politicians, police leaders from our union leaders? We need that protection. We need. That is a difficult job as it is, but Not a had that back! It is on it is, it is I heard a more as a journalist covered the city for decades, I've never seen this before I've never seen a union president run and not stick up risk guys you can, in the face of a police officer now in new york city. You can curses them push them nothing. You would even being brought in for that These guys well done the cops and bend. Them
and they were in four, maybe three hours, nobel doing whatever they want to do so. You I feel- and this is the last question the people on the job, the cops on a job? They know. nobody as their back last word. Yet. There is no doubt that police officers is the front line of democracy. Unfortunately, they have no choice. they're out there, it's a tough job. fortunately for them they don't feel bad and they need to feel that backing of the public politicians and of their happening, and that's why they're all leaving en masse doktor merry christmas. Thanks for helping to sow, we really regularly christopher. Here's, a gem from the no spin news, vault
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So journeys from Washington is the speaker of the house given mccarthy, oh seventeen years in the house of representatives representing the bakers, feel district of california. So a busy guy. We really appreciate taken time just today carrying jean Pierre called you a mega fanatic and all of that, and the context was that the budget hearings are coming up and do some pressure, by white house to at least make a compromise, would Republicans they get a budget dawn. Let's walk we through the process. It looks like the last time you met with president Biden was February. First. Is that true? That's true, fairer. First, I want to say
the word or time whether debts in the budget as a whole different issue, the dead ceiling is three revealers is like giving your child a credit card. They charged all the way up. You hit the limit few just raised to limit your response. paying what they charged on it, but you just raise the limit on you. Look at what their spending before you do that now America's hit their limit worth thirty one trillion dollars in that region We ve never been this high with the percentage of gdp, our data so largest bigger than our economy class. Twenty percent. We ve only been in the situation what war too? I answer the real reason. The reason I'm in the budget is because you can't get a budget on you guys agree on how much government spending is gonna, go forward and the, trade? I understand correct me if I'm wrong, You will raise the debt limit in return for assurance. Is that the next ten years there will be a cap on spending? Is that correct? That is correct?
we will raise the debt level, we need to raise the debt limit, but would you just raise the debt limit without looking you're spending, all in all, we already Adriano programme. Nobody look. the party will just spend into oblivion. That's what they do and the republican party want fiscal restrain. Voters can choose what they want. So you you talk to Biden in person february. First, no more meetings have you talked to him on the phone about it No, he hasn't called me now. I'm I've run interim other times like the not it's all right. I just I just wanna structure. If you want to get to Joe by How does that happened? How does your people put you together? Whose control holding access to him in the white house. Well, you know it's talk, Oh he's got representatives that worked for him and I guess they they won't meet with us. So it's really.
word. Jimmy and aim is that susan rice saying that always right was saying now, as it is not susan rice, its he's got representatives that come to that After all, that are his ledge people. I've had my chief of staff talk to his people, and the I told the present I sat down with a well. We had saint Patrick stayed much ass. It was present. we should get together again and he keeps telling me like he saw me at the programme is the day after our first me we're gonna get together. He went to the Democrats congress. Retreat recess, I've got a meeting with cabin. The only problem is he's, never scheduled one with Well, you know I've been very open. It is in our meetings with our. I don't want to I d. I urge him before you came on a year, not in a person. Way, but I don't think he's a good precedent. In fact, I think he's a second worst president in our history. Next James view canning, and
Well, let's get into the euro three house investigations that my vast audience are very entered. did it number one Do you follow these investigations yourselves closely club sleep, but I dont managed. I trust people I believe in the gym collins, good degraded great, so you you're not you're, not micromanaging it, but you're, not micromanaging I'll catch. We we keep in touch the chairs and we meet, but then the decision, so the oversight committee is looking into hunt. Biden and the source of his income abroad, and whether or not then vice president Joe Biden got anything from that Can you tell my audience to really needs to be updated? Yes, how
Far along is this investigation, and what do you think of it? I think this is the investigation is going exactly correct. I give a lot of credit to the chairman. Call me what he's going about doing in his own knowledge, through the financial markets and through banking be systematically in the end, the frustration that some of your viewers will have is they want information? quickly. But one thing you always want to do in your investigating somebody is making sure crossing the cheese dotting the eyes you're not jumping is something you're actually looking and reassuring and testing is this true and just last week and look: The problem we have is the treasury has bought us all along the way for us to get information the way they treated when dinner, that's when majority much difference so com or just went down, wouldn't give him some of the bank statement. He sure ok I'll come to treasure. You don't need to send him to meet any
the appalling that the more were fighting and since we began this investigation, what we have found so far is more violence. Family has been being paid and was very interesting. Your finding as the foreign areas that this money has been cut and it's always coming to one entity than going in paying the Biden family so we'll continuing to follow where ever the money taxes and it might not get your answer tomorrow, but at the end of the day we will fall wherever it takes his and get the american public exactly what we find in the night I will watch. I'm glad to hear that, because we, the people deserve to know, was reduces, go on. the judiciary committee, Jim Jordan, is after alvin brag because he indicted former president trump. aw judge, ruled in favour of jordan and brag has to come to washington. To testify in front of the committee is
something that you are aware of. What is the direction of the questioning going to be? You know? Yes, yes, I work which enjoy closely and what it is it album brag as you In federal money, now we didn't say Alvin bragg, we didn't subpoena alvin bragg to come and we went and subpoenaed another individual who used to be a prosecutor with Alvin bragg left being a prosecutor had written a look and when we are even though brag gonna show up it's the guy who wrote the book is: name is colombo, colombo, ripe, columbo, saturday night, Oh he's gonna come but alvin brag, but albin brag without two blockers from talking, I know is a man, and you know it was a worthy wrote about what is a worthy knew so colombo come it into a strong. Well, this is about what you do in any investigation. Is you get all your information and before you want to, but we're trying to find out how much petrodollars? What did they planted? Was this all political in the background? So what you're trying to find it
as all the facts that you could have before you get to the individual. Where you want to brag he called down. I I would assume that he could he's going to be he's going to happen. Then, The third one is that the border and the over site committee, and homeland security. This is perhaps the most outrageous situation other than inflation. In this whole, six point: six million migrants estimated to have entered the country under binds administration and record numbers of hard narcotics coming across. The border as well may org is an embarrassment every time he gets up there doesn't know always this and that I do believe. the Biden administration would be this incompetent. But there's. To be a reason. Why We are allowing the narcotics and migrants in
Do you know the reason? Look I dunno the exact reason. I can speculate a lot, but that your your one hundred percent right that this is the one of the most biggest problems we have, because our border is that we don't have operational control of our border. I've been to almost every avenue of it and each one is different depending upon what cartel controls it. If you go to tucson arizona well, this is the highest number percentage of godwits the people who come across. They wear the exact same thing, cause of sinaloa cartels. They have to pay. They wear camouflage outfits, they have. on their shoes it has the most got away, because it's a vast and you got a border situation that we'd have balloons to go up to be. Well to monitor and see him this administration has that now cut them to try to lower their numbers, but actually run up, but you don't have any. Why behind it? I just don't understand why you guys
why would you allow more americans die every single day, the fitting all that's coming here and will? This is what I think people really need to have to think about it, the thin that comes from china, and I had this discussion with the president on February. First, I said why don't you call president XI and tell him to end this and that you take real action about it, because what they're doing is it's the number one killer of people between the ages of eighteen and forty five? I want your viewers to think for a moment. What do you do between the ages of eighteen and forty five? This is when you reproduce this is your most productive year in business, but this is also the age group, the defense, Those in the military to defend our freedom and their destroying three hundred people a day will die from guy now and when I looked she's gonna do it would he doesn't care about that? Its while I would say in the law, asked administration president trump personally called she and we found the chemicals got stop, but now these cartels, they don't have to wait to have a budget negotiations, no where they're gonna be funded.
There are making billions of dollars to enshrine remedy for controlling our southern border. the agenda two thousand. It knows it. Yeah, with wisely allowing it, and we can get an answer to that- I'm not asking you to speculate by the way. I don't think that's the fair thing to do, but it I'm on a g hard to find out why are present in the united states will allow this to happen. I still look well there's a regulation that he wants. Mass migration too. You know voting patterns change in the united states, as they change in California, your home state. You know that. Well, that's too speculation, but let me get onto it january six and the tape that you released a talker karlsson Honest man, you know that I'm sorry I shoot straight. I don't get it The thing out and I take it all- I got nothing out of it. I got a bunch of political people screaming to me this in that in hindsight, should you have done that differently?
No, I think I think I did it right, and this is what we are doing right. So the Democrats told me there was like fourteen thousand hours of tape. Will we find there's three four times more than what I did? I didn't release the tape. I let Tucker's people come in and see it just like. I had allowed you to come and see it. I gave I gave a a forward ability for those who are defendants to come, see it. I believe, the more transparency you are. This The more honest, but also the american people have a right to know this, so their views about their own judgment. with the americans, are going to use its politicize like everything is that's than ever and it wasn't, but it was politicized from the very beginning ass. It were policy. Would not let, and so what I m trying to do is take the politics out of it, because I dont predetermined. Let people show and see what it is. Not that much can
Yes, as speaker of the house, do you have any role in the upcoming republican primaries at all I mean: do you speak to tromp and dissent nicky a and wherever is gonna get in me what's your role in that primary system, no official rolled a pick and choose who should be the person but, as speaker has the who knows all I talked all of them all the time there out on the road there hearing feedback. I want to hear it, but I also want them to know what we're doing in the house for the same perspective, I don't know, I think we're up to and in the end will you endorse? I mean you know after their debates and stop, we you throw. I think there is a ban chance and endorse, but I dont determine gonna win or others, but I think I need to work with. You ever is going to be our nominee and I gotta weren't you may endures on before the actual we might say on this figure it out, and I think this is the best person you might do that yes I hope you come back here and tell us
because we really appreciate you now, and I know how it works and I've been doing is a long time. You didn't have to do this. And I just want my audience to know that I ran into the superbowl. We had a nice, conversely, I had never met you before and you said it all come on in Ozma knows, will kick it around and your manager word your stand up. Guy want everybody to know that, and I really appreciate your time. Mr speaker, I appreciate you and I look forward to color.
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Transcript generated on 2023-12-25.