« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

No Spin News - Weekend Edition - December 16, 2023

2023-12-16 | 🔗

Listen to this week's No Spin News interview with Former U.S. Attorney Brett Tolman, Author Seamus Bruner on the Billionaire Elite, and Author Kara Dansky on Gender Identity.

We also visit the No Spin News archives and Bill's conversation with Presidential Historian, Douglas Brinkley.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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twas, the first night home for the holidays and all through your town, not one son- was quiet. A lot of swiping going down. You created the perfect bumble profile with care in hopes that your dream, guy or gal, maybe out there will want to you're wondering eyes should appear, but a ton of faces. You haven't seen in years there's a rando for my school, your ex from eighth grade a kid you used to babysit and your literal uncle dave as cringe as this feels. The only thing worse would be if one of them stumbled upon your profile first, but there's no need to panic or raise your face from the app you can go. Incognito with one simple tap disappear from the others till you say: they're a match and have more fun finding your next home town, catch with peace of mind in your profile, hidden from sight, happy holidays to all and to all a good night, happy holiday thing with incognito mode from bumble download today.
Welcome to the no spin news we Candide, the national archives is set to hand over to the house oversight committee. Sixty two thousand pages. of Joe Biden records when he was vice. President phone calls stuff, like that. Because Joe Biden used a pseudonym, a phoney name, on a number of times. And missions that he made All of this data is coming this week. To the house oversight committee right now, confused. which is not a good thing, there is, the presidential records act, which says that a vice president, end president, all of their correspondence. To be logged. and when they leave office.
it has to be given to the national archive. That is the presidential records kay. But with you use in private, Gizmo like this under follow me name is Joe Biden, did all right. That is the archives know that how do they know it? Member here cleaner raised all this stuff and this in our who better to tell us, is the former: u s attorney for utah, breton one who joins us now from salt lake city. How do they know how to the archives get all the stuff from vice president Biden, eight years using pseudonyms is used in his private phone issues and public. How did you get it.
they'll hates round me and I think, there's really two possibilities here. The first is the presidential records act does not distinguish between personal devices and official, so any communication or any record this created, while he is vice president, doesn't matter the device now most president's and vice president's will take control about the leak they'll do away with personal information that they don't want the archives to it to have, but if they do the archives of the ones who they had, the computer, forensic experts that come in and they take devices and they take laptops and everything else and they extract from it all records. So even if you re stuff bacon, reconstituted right, that's correct, Let's go keep it binds ballet work right now so Biden has to turn over all things that he did for eight years, any communication, private or public
He by law has to turn over to the national archives right. yeah. That's correct, though it is right as soon as these none being an office, the ownership of that transfers to the actual national arca archivist so the irish is no longer Joe Biden and he asked to transfer it over and nay. Then take the time to go through it. You know the other way in which they can make they can take possession of mind out about these documents is the sloppiness of Joe Biden. he uses his other devices is, is official, computers are laptops or funds, and he uses those emails, and it's you know any any device that you use, whether its official or not. You have access to all of you re not account there might. Yes, it was a combination of both sloppiness by vice president and then turning over the records and the arc of us than retrieved all documents
I'll. Get you guys all if you'd all turn em all were you can be charged with a cry. My donald trump is being charged with for all the stuff. We had these biological basement right, That's correct had still not used or agreement handle that way, those negotiations in your hand over, and they they eventually you both sides are satisfied, but you, you can violate the law and we see that that said issue eyes, while reclined it and I wonder if they reconstituted that stuff but anyway so sick the two thousand pages of, off from Joe Biden as vice president, some of which he used a pseudonym. A phoney name is coming into the house. He's getting a wild swore through all of that. ok now my column, that I rode either is one of the best coms I've written On bill o reilly, dodge com, just details, tales of corruption- because I Wanna he said she said Don't want
two sides to this story All I want to do is report what we know to be true. you do, I leave out anything or do I do anything that wasn't accurate is very, very timely and and hit hit me personally, because then I've been wondering how individuals that are on the last and still supporting biting. You know. Why did they they come to the conclusion that nothing? You know that nothing has been found and improper, and
I spoke to a lawyer friend of mine in new york and we had a conversation. He is very left of center and he he had no idea what I was talking about when I outlined some of the things that you and I have discussed about. What's been, you know, what's come out in the investigation, what the house has uncovered the monies them and- and I was flabbergasted- but it tells you that we're all in these silos and and he's walking away thinking to himself that this is all you know, fake and phony on the right while we sit there and we look at this end- were stunned by it. So your column was perfect to point out that everybody's, you know manipulated by the media. That is corruption. but it's the lazy and that are not going to find out the truth. Okay, so You know as a historian we're going through now every president coming out with a new book in September.
coincide with the election cycle of twenty four, the presidential election we're goin over everyone, the sky, And those they the problems they had. U s. Grand and a lot of problems with his cabinet harding was ridiculous. Single is absurd, and I think that A port in the taping after J Afk and Johnson and then nick syn. Now all calls going into the white house were taped right. Coolness correct there are there. All days are all right. All right eight the law that goes to the archives to just these new devices, and I'm sure there are ways to get around on, but I'll be interested to see the analysis of the sixty two thousand pages coming in to the house this cycle last, Why you're here have been around for a long time.
the fbi is supposed to be the primary investigating agency. Corruption at this level correct, It is broad lines, it is. The fbi chief re works for marriage garland, the attorney general merrick garland works. Joe Biden present, so you ve got, sage agency, with without absolutely nothing to investing the Biden family graft. They know it's up between, Twenty and thirty million and no wages have been assigned to investigate it at all. And building You look at that indictment, An entire half of the investigation is missing. Typically, a task forces formed between the irish and the fbi and the b, I ai chases down the other half the investigation, which is the movement of the money, the establishment of the conspiracy, the fake.
Funny. You know companies and then the movement of international money into the united states that all that is handled by the f b. I they are the front runners on on pure corruption. Cases like this, it should have been done. It's it's! It's so obvious to those of us who have worked on these types of cases that that case in California. was absolutely a product of let's get out there. You know a few of these charges against hunter and hopefully in the flax from that we are missing half of the entire investigation. Now estrada guy. You know him. I, I do not. I do not know, and I'm I'm shocked, that dumb, you never used to be a time that used to be a time when, u s, attorneys laden take their marching orders from main justice in Washington DC. That time is, is over and went away any stiller, and this is backed Amira garland. The attorney general is going to go down in history, is one of the most corrupt attorney general's. I've ever had
bread, tom and everybody, merry christmas bread thanks for helping to sell, really appreciate it. you're. Listening to the no span news weekend edition.
Twas the first night home for the holidays and all through your town, not one son was quiet. A lot of swiping going down. You created the perfect bumble profile with care in hopes that your dream, guy or gal, maybe out there will want to you're wondering eyes should appear, but a ton of faces. You haven't seen in years, there's a rando from high school, your ex from eighth grade a kid who used to babysit and your literal uncle dave as cringe as this feels. The only thing worse would be if one of them stumbled upon your profile first, but there's no need to panic or erase your face from the app you can go. Incognito with one simple tap disappear from the others, too. You say: they're a match and have more fun: finding your next home town, catch with peace of mind in your profile, hidden from sight, happy holidays to all and to all a good night, happy holiday thing with incognito mode from bumble download. Today,
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journalism. Tallahassee Florida is manning, Seamus Brunner, Got a new book out called: can oligarchs exposed the billionaire class, their secret deals and the globalist plot to dominate your life Why dont like that, so you got soros mark Zuckerberg bill gates, klaus. Wa buddha. founder of the world economic forum, Jeff Bezos, there, they are the billionaires to dominate my life, like that, Shame on you, gotta! Stop it, ngos that are right. Now so you got this davos thing coming up in january, in which, let me do it every year, right always billy there's go in there and they do secret stuff. Are you go in the davos this year? Are you gonna, be there.
I'm thinking about it, I don't think they'd. Let me in though, is notoriously secretive and in others they might just arrest me if I showed up so that it can actually get about that will see the others with the swiss authorities can arrest you an account on you. Don't have counties in switzerland of cantons, They will bother you now. If you try to crash private meeting, then the body large that'll, be there would beat the tar out of you. So we care but if you want to go where low key, apa, just gonna potter around you can go now Having finished your all both but I've, I've read enough of it to get the flavour of it. You cannot veer in and out of the conspiracy stuff saying this as a negative, but there's a big crew. that believes, These billionaires want to dominate the world in a variety of different weights. Try and they do all kinds of nefarious things to mass, even more power
what I want to do today is run down one by one. All right, we know about sorrows, we don't have to that's establish beyond any doubt trying to undermine judeo christian traditions in america, he's been doing it for dec aids. His son Alex is now in charge What about mark zuckerberg on page to thirty four Controlling arcs, you mention Zuckerberg p four hundred million dollars in two. The two thousand twenty election, where Biden beat drop in tromp, says it was crooked. I haven't been investigating that as well, because I caught my eye, I can't come up with where this four hundred million actually went. And what did we? you're, smarter than I am tell me, where's the four hundred million so he prompted through to non profit, and you see that that's a common theme. I mean you see it with these add boycotts where sorrows is pumping money through tides through the
into media matters. Loreen power, jobs, features in this book and she's doing the same thing through organizations like acronym which it was their funding and other add boycott nanda jim Nan dini jama leaping giants, who I know you're familiar with them, but me Zuckerberg does the same thing: he puts it into the center for attacking. Civic engagement in another. Equally, the sort of obscure sounding organization sounds totally innocent men, but those organizations did is they went into mostly blue areas in purple districts and they put the drop oxygen. They funded the action infrastructure which has now been banned in a lot of states. By the way the soccer bucks have been banned, Fortunately, what hasn't and in its Speech I mean right. Soros will say that funding media matters is free speech, but that's just
You know another example of the many ways these control guards are kind of putting their fingers on the scales of our election. You know it's They say that money is the free speech, but then there censoring shows guy. You know yours in others there trying to anyway they want to do the ad boycotts and stuff. that's their very against first amendment, although they hide behind it, are let's get back to the four hundred million, so dropbox is ok, there were legal in which continent in michigan and states like that, where a lot of this money when it do, you think that soccer bird financing anything that illegal. Well, I'm not a lawyer, I'm sure many lawyers have looked into it. The states have changed their laws. That was kind of the problem is and that's the problem. So many of the things we investigated the government accountability institute is it's actually legal. It just now
steam bright, a billionaire, should be eight others. I am founded either. Although this extraordinary amount of money going into twenty county use, all of which I voted for by night- believe Wallen did This guy, I don't know really shady now abe is billionaire and for me all it does is buying stuff for himself. He also washington, post. Ok, that's you're not so far left Progressive organ: But there's ways I mean every time I turn around is buying a yard or another house, and he and his girlfriend, or will there when I is, he a threat, bays aisles. Will you keep it on two of the more libertarian at least they were originally.
If the controller guards mark Zuckerberg and Jeff phasers, I mean I, I trace their their leanings. All the way back to their beginnings in in basil was to his credit. It originally quite live terry, and but in recent years you know he goes to Davos ease. He set up these key I'm a change initiatives like the bases of fund this put years, poor, ten billion dollars into that, and so on its surface the climate change initiatives, that's probably his biggest philanthropic endeavour that climate change initiative seem great. You know it's saving. The plan is a very ambitious goal, but what we? see with the climate change initiatives- are there really about seizing control over the energy sector? And so I'll give you an example. You know, imagine you it's the middle of winter! Imagine you go to your thermostat. You just woke up in the middle of the night shivering and you try turn up the he in your home, while Can't it's been locked. You you ve lost control over your own thermostat. This may sound like a conspiracy theory, but it actually ask the residents of denver colorado,
in texas, this has happened in income. Forty over these flex alerts. There taking over control of the smart thermostats. Now this is made by companies like amazon in Google, and you didn't really realise when you click the I agree box to have the mark home temperature monitoring, but that's it Actually, what you're doing is your turning your home temperature right so before you, like anything you'd better now What about bill gates mean is one of the first microsoft guy and a lot of money in running around when you find out about him. You always waging war on our small small holder, farmers generation, owned farms. He's is waging war on privacy through his digital idea initiatives I mean a couple of weeks ago, he in the united nations announced that they will be rolling out a digital. I b I regime in fifty countries with five years. That's,
Totally obliterate your privacy, you know, though, so you under the guise of convenience. I don't know about you, but it's it's not very hard for me to pull my driver's license out of my wallet. I don't need it centralized into my her soft database. he's is waging war. On the other things to information, I don't see why we want. What does he want that digital idea, which the rationale behind it. He's he's been in you invested in and very interested in digital idea for over fifty in twenty years. He says it's a great way to store, are things like you're back The nation records in your medical, your medical records, I mean ultimately what he likes his collar. Seeing lots and lots of data and data according to the world economic forum, visionary Yuval, Noah, harare, the people who control the data controllers entire world, and so what this is all leading towards actually bill is
a universal basic income driven by artificial intelligence, draw job loss. Now, SAM Altman yeah, it's little glitterati you saw but the think last question: if we gauges nefarious think or just misguided. There's a difference between a sorrows is a bad guy. and somebody use climate change You crazy or in all wants the idea, because it's easier whatever we do. speed. In your opinion, you wrote the book, your inexpert nefarious. let's strong word. You know I read all the memoirs of is no his dad and his relatives sister said he nasty his day. Said that he was constantly at war for control with his parents, as mother pleaded
im pleaded with them to be more charitable. You know, as he was, you know, accumulating what amounted to making him the world's richest man billions and billions of dollars, his mother begged him to give it away to charity. He wouldn't so. It was really only after the justice department started investigating microsoft that he sets up his philanthropic foundation in re brandt ends matter no by column nefarious, but I would definitely say he's control. Happy he likes to control things, that's a direct quote from him him and his parents, and so yeah I think, he's a he's. Just a trying to get. Control of as much as possible, the is controller guards by Seamus nice irish name brunner. We appreciate James thanks to come on. listening to harass might help your mental house
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and we have one of them on right up name is care. dance key she used to be a progressive. she has no book I'll, call the reckoning how the academic right and the left betrayed. Women and girls. So you missed ascii were a very committed, left wing individual right, And now you're not. Is that what I understand it. I would actually refrain that thanks so much for having me. First of all, so you can solely as myself I registered. Is it cried in ninety? Ninety, when I turned eighteen, I'm still a registered the ad and when I argue in the book is that so called gender identity or trans is actually regrettably regret it.
so currently, I'm the president of an organization called women's declaration international us chapter and we grew paying. What we think is a leftist feminist critique of so called gender identity or trans and part of the you- and I both well is because I am greatly concerned because We know from holding- americans across the political spectrum, are gravely concerned about men and boys being able to be in women spaces male prisoners being able to be women. It presents male athletes invading women sports, we know it- From holding that has been done and viewers would never know this from looking at media outlets. But Democrats, and most people who identify as liberal or very liberal, are completely with us lefty radical feminists on this issue, but we don't
a platform inmost mainstream media outlets, which is part of my answer. That's a hundred percent eiger, but our are really want and what I want to. through your thinking Ok! So in chapter one of your book- and I do it all book, but when I do an interview with anybody, I know pretty much. their point of view. As you say, people force legally and socially the lives of gender identity. What are the lies of gender identity, very specifically,. Thanks for asking so every single human being on a piece of the puzzle, it is either female or mail, and it doesn't matter if any individual people have an identity that They claim that makes them somehow of the opposite sex or no sets or some sort of material at some sort of birds. That's that simply doesn't exist, and so, when I talk about the lie of gender identity, I'm talking about a political movement that
very well funded an extremely powerful okay. That aside, let me stop you there, so you believe biology as millions of people your boy, neither a male or female, now in your mind, if you want to change your gender! You can do that now because of medical advances, if you just want to identify a woman, even though you're not gonna, get the surgery, you freedom to do that under our constitution. what you are saying that the progressive left is taking this further and disturbing right women, By allowing men biological men into facilities there. Forcing the women to accept by. logical men in their facilities? That's the primary beef right.
That's definitely one of them. We do need to clarify, though, that no matter how many hormones a person takes or how many surgeries a person has middle whenever changes, that's it just happened. So there are some people who been lying to and persuaded to undergo invasive damaging and harmful or level treatments and surgeries now gravely regret it. They were Hold and promised by the medical professionals that they could change sex and they can No one can ever change trends. Ah man, man gone a woman can't bear a child. Your corrected, here is the most important question that I have for you. Why Why is the progressive left want to create gender chaos, which is what I call it. among children and then support
words all this pronoun garbage all of this kind of stuff. Why? What is what is driving that. So there is a tremendous amount of money behind this movement, which I talk about in chapter six of the book. I talk about big farmer and what I refer to as the rules in the medical establishment, who actually are very actively promoting the idea that people can change sets, even though they know it's not true. Ok and economic burst, but on top and philosophically you are absolutely correct. You can not be a liberal american in this country. Any more. If you don't accept the fact that peace, We can change their gender and then should have full rights. Whatever gender they go to. You can operate, Within the level precincts of you don't believe that anymore. Why why why.
ignited. This. What kind of what I'm trying to do with my book is established that you actually can you actually can be a liberal or progressive if you like, and pushed back against the roma phobic sexist lying one parts and always gone not in this country within a visiting just walk, and the ability know and that's how I make you're, not gonna, do it, so you can do it, but nobody is going to do it because there'll be hammered by the media that is sympathetic to the trans situation, you know, that's true and I say in the book- is even one member of the democratic party in congress- and I would love it if it were a woman but I'll- take it if its a man if one member of one democrat in the united states congress stood up and said, no men are women. Then the whole thing would crumble because It's all built on a house of cards
The president's ever ever. Gonna media's ever go to admit that of what you are saying, and I think That person be torn to pieces as an example to other people who may dare so good. As you want more questionable change, the wording you might be right on your right. Where you don t where are you need a plot air from plugging blocker right? That's why you, The book is the reckoning how the Democrats and left betrayed women and girls all right. Now you You are a very devoted, progressive leftist, you still apart from this issue. Well, absolutely, but I will away and in the book. Yes, I have. absolutely no intention of voting in the twenty twenty four presidential election. Unless the Democrats change worse, you might be right that they won't I
to accept only right I believe, a bearing to accept that. But what I'm saying is that if they don't then democratic women need to speak up with our voices and with our votes, character, thank you very much. We appreciate it. I have a great holiday season. These parts asked sponsored by tax base. You know when you're really stressed, or not feeling so great about your life, her about yourself talking to someone who understands can really help, but who that person, how do you find them? Where do you even start talks base? Alex base makes it easy to get the support. You need witty. space, you can go online answer a few questions about your preferences and be matched with a therapist and because you'll meet you therapist online. You don't have to take time off work or range childcare. You on your schedule whenever you feel most at ease if you're depressed stressed struggling with a relationship or If you want some counselling for you in your partner,
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Well, you know a bill. It's fascinating because most president's get out in out of office and try to quickly do a memoir I noticed a president trump has a book down about more about kind of photo type of book, but you're really developing a transcript in world history of trump and its it is sub judice. I find fascinating in the sense that I think he put up his main dance on January sex with you, which is that he did request from the secretary of defence into policy. There would be more troops surrounding the capital and I think that's important to follow that path, because that will be donald trump defence. One of the congressional commission and second wind easily said nice things about Barack obama and was pretty com about the binding family
It showed me if you're correct, and I believe you are that he's going to be running for president all things considered it twenty twenty four. He did. I mean it. Twenty twenty! he did seem too what You know one is shown himself as moving a little bit more towards central right now hard right. You know it when he came. painting. He really goes after people, but I think he's taking this exercise with you seriously. creating a more Over a mine get less euphoric unit type a bum memory for peace Oh and I at its strategic movies at the way he's playing this right now well, and I did have extensive conversations I'll tell you again that I did not tell president tromp any of the court.
I never do that. I'm a journalist journalists they'll do that. Ok, but I did say that this is very serious because we have four cameras. boarding, everything we are getting transcripts and the only two people any transcripts will Of them in the world is me and him they're not going out to the press and are going anywhere. I say you want to establish a baseline of your presidency See here is where you can do it and you're in front of twelve thousand witnesses Ok, so I think the audience were a little stunned. As I said, some of them thought it was, going to be some rally and we're gonna go seeing country music songs, not, but I must compliment the forty four present in the united states. He didn't break what he didn't tell me anything that wasn't untrue and believe me, we checked so we check christopher miller
and everything that he said. We checked all right because that's where we are- and so I think the importance of this is vast and then the success of a dog shows the country. How much the press hate donald trump and that a hatred gonna grow and even when he has a success like these shows me more than thirty thousand tickets sold in the middle of a pandemic. Hope you remind me, volunteered arose about. It was the last if the president who was sitting president and then decided to run again as expressive, we talked about grover cleveland, doing that in the nineteenth century the Theodore Roosevelt did it in the twentieth. The differences the problem is not going to run? A third party, like t argue with the bull moose he's got here pulling together the geo p m. I think
see graham early on ad warned him, this year. They don't need to go for a ride. anymore. They love you you contact a little bit What's the centre, and I felt that that was a baseline that he was making with you, and I think your word baselines the perfect word. I thought that these really starting to leave. Try acts on almost like doing the memoir with you, which is gonna, Great historic value- and these will get out- you at present, a drum my known, the transcripts, but the leak out somewhere. Somehow somebody the crowd that big will have them. So he, to err on the side, I would think of caution when he's deal With anything that might have legal implications, but he was trying to come up as a good guy, with you with the way. I think he answered that obama question. now these known for the bertha it with a bomb on hearing saying I like them both and that will play well Furthermore, more sector
Conservatives, but not not the hard right. Well, look I when he asked me about running, I said to him and, as I said many times, Ugh president's from bill Clinton one have asked me my opinion on certain things and as an american I'm if a president asked me an opinion, I'm going to give him the opinion alright. So I said if you gonna run again, if you really to do that because you know they're gonna put you through Hell and then, as I said, was going more it possible. I don't know if that's possible, they are Ok, you gotta run on your record. you gotta run eureka. You can't run on drain and a swamp or the action was of raw or any of that you gonna run on, What you did foreign affairs? Ok, what you did on board, but you did and economics how you contain inflation, and I said that's what this is all about
It ask him about economy, not a lot, because the economy is kind of a ponderous thing in people understand, but you know what he didn't take a lot of cheap shots on by heat a few a few that, because I asked and flat out, I said: do you think he's a diminish man? Do you think he knows what he's doing it now don't get away a line at he said. President Tromp said I think other people are advising him. Unease is doing what they tell him. Do and by the way, do you think that, as a presidential historian about eurobonds, banks had a very rough year and I could have. I would have thought that trump on these rallies would have just been seeing the way by making inflation guess you talking about the failure in afghanistan. The problems with vaccinate in dissemination, but instead he again it is taking a little different tack. I'd be curious to ask you bill
I'm kobe damages he seemed to be proud of operation warp. Speed up. Is that something he's gonna run on? They don't know about you. I don't know if you're run already, I think he's gonna run more on. China owes us and everybody else money was hard- are not reparations thing which he had never said before, but what he did say in the area that I got into his dodgers a deal maker? That's how he he conducted presidency, making individual deals. Well, he all, then, those pharmaceutical companies in he said. If you can do this, I'll pay you this amount of money, all right, the government. Hey you billions and billions of dollars, and you can do it. That's how it got done. Because I went back and of woe we're gonna get all his money, so we full court press it and I he why wasn
Well, the one I did it, I did it, I did it like, he usually does or a donald trump dos does that a lot? He didn't do that this time he just said, and we made a deal, as maybe the godfather one said they good reviews, and I worked with you built set, are bringing these out in a book form with with president trump I don't know I mean I am just trying to get through the next to sugar. The people, you know he's gonna, be judged by crowd sites. That's gonna, be the media story is how large or the crowds and you're feeling is. They couldn't be big, Well I mean a if you do for shows And you ve sold already thirty thousand tickets with a probably another four or five thousand com you do the math you do map. Nobody can do that no why I think I think
steps presents people judge how much it needs money they get for their memoir, how much the brok obama get paid? or how my aunt Hannah drum wanted trumpets. The book you mention and trot had sold two hundred thousand copies at seventy five bucks, a pop in IRAN. Anna books, so I dont, but I'm not even valve with that, and I can't anybody how much president trump's getting paid my production company, as I mentioned its putting this on but I'll, tell you What there's nobody in the world command. kind of money that he's making and the audience that is already purchase the tickets If you read on the internet, you would think that this is a bomb. Is nobody there, and that brings me last question for you. This is change. This is a game chain.
Your dog. When you can lie about the president of the united states with impunity. You can say whatever you want to say, no matter how unfair and inaccurate. It is then, where are we? Go from there. What's the anecdote to that. like big. Why? Here? They don't do that. Well, I think it's some you're, it's just showing. Looks like you're doing in showing the enthusiasm people are always know whenever your future performances are. I know you're going to used in Dallas everybody's looking for trouble a blunder, something that's going to be destructive to his career in the media world he weighs if he can come out of all this unscathed. I think he will be advanced. I had one quick question: is there any person, billy bill in the scenario of him becoming speak.
Rub my house, as some have intimated. If ninety eight, you think that's just then. So what they tromp rap. Radishes now is fun raising for the next round. that's how I around familiar. How is he crops, media organization, gonna play in that kings, united, not involved with his campaign at all had to deal with them as far as marketing these shows. So I don't I can answer that question. What I can say with certainty is that he wants to be president again He believes that he has enough votes to win, particularly because president Biden is doing so poorly and he doesn't believe president obama compassion I need to come back? You know with inflation away. It is now in november eight point three percent dub. Now we're talking to pain level.
so it may be too early for the Republican, party will see next amid terms but trouble. Really believes that he can do it and that's where a hundred percent of his energies focused. And he seemed very calm and collected that surprise you that their that his demeanor was, I call them if he was in calm and collected dad. I would have to hang around with a more and he didn't want their right, so that was it inside it. And I always the whip guy. he's the one who told the people who saudi Ellen knock it off. Ok, we do any. I was the better sir anyway dog. Look, I hope, to see the use and show if you do get to see it. I'd like you to come back, maybe next week and we'll talk about it and thank you very much for your comments today. Thank you bill merry christmas to you
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Transcript generated on 2023-12-18.