« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

No Spin News: Trump's Executive Privilege; Rep. Ilhan Omar's Radical Rally


Trump may block his counsel from testifying while the Democratic machine tries to keep the Mueller story alive.

Also: Bernie Sanders is out, Denver is done, and Congresswoman Omar's Radical Rally.

And the final thought: who do you trust?

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
welcome to the no spin news thursday may second two thousand and nineteen take your country back now interesting thing that very few people picked up on today president tromp said you know what i may use executive privilege its smaller thing continued anyway so with the presence gonna goes he's gonna say i'm not gonna at my council began to spy for anybody here's the order executive privilege am i going to let bar does vary more for anybody that's gonna happen because as i reported almost exclusively anybody else reported this the i have decided does the argonauts longer mahler thing until the election you'll find some way to keep it alive
through their surrogates cnn your times washing posts and be seen that's for pretty powerful circuits and he'll keep this remember the mauler letter so homo letter which related amount to much to me was leaked out our leak out to the washington post bowers bar so always does really mean anything other than donald trump skinner do the executor privilege thing and then it'll wind its way record or forever and next week bar gets his revenge maybe because michael horowitz the inspector general of the just buy me fine then it really his report on how the fbi and other agencies investigating russian collusion in hillary clinton emails
you heard it here right on this broadcast joe digenova and we're going to try to get them on and get a monday one hundred percent certainty they're going to be criminal referrals in that report now i don't know if true i took me back a little bit one hundred percent in general a smart guy genova works in dc knows everybody what he said so what and we reported this yesterday on one be repetitive but in case you didn't see it the democrat strategy is diminished bar and put bar in a position that if he does charge james call me for example that the democrats are now oh you didn't charge president trump with obstruction how can you pot charging by yup that's the game plan not gonna work because mahler himself didn't charge or suggest that charges be doing an obstruction all do we all have it
the questions and i answer a bunch of them for concierge members who remember if you're a concierge member on bill o'reilly that got you get to ask me directly whatever you want to ask me i answer by him today but just email me or put it on a message board now on monday go over and because you have and i think i knelt down pretty tightly what's goin on what's gonna campaign bernie sanders is dawn d o n e dont biden has wiped out but even a binding go into the raise the fact that bernie sanders senator the united states wants felons to vote violent felons terrorist conjectures inside prison
is beyond the pale now i can see outside you pay you dare to society maybe you get the restoration of the vote i would like to see a law passed seem commerce does but i don't think i object to that but inside prison when you're serving your debt to society i know and terrorists so bernie so so far out there that his crew you know they know it's over it's over for murray now he's not going to quit much fun for him to go right and he may get votes in iowa new hampshire amy but he's mark my words younger was best but it's not the same city as it was the first is an out if you are over the age of fifty i have an important message for you there is a true alternative to a a r p the liberal retirement group that lobbies in favour
progressive policies for less than twenty hours a year and a mac member gives you members only pricing on car insurance roadside assistance disk on hotels and travel cell phone plans discount dental plans and on and on and on and are so please you more than one million fellow americans right now at a map dot u s that's a mac dot you and yes i am a member visit a mac dot us amen dot u s now this initiative three hundred right to survive initiative it says if you are a person in denver you can rest
and or shelter yourselves in any public facility in a quote not obstructed map i mean she can't block a doorway but if you want to catch up sleep hook go to the bathroom whatever you want to do on a public facility in denver colorado you do it the end of the city as yet observers got about almost run now one of the reasons is that legalised marijuana report head with a thousand miles around more than usual paddled we'll take other drugs so almost the population of homeless is eighty percent substance abuse
there that's what they're doing so san francisco you see what's happening all town rap wrapped asked mohammed them i'll keep people about congressmen omar from it
soda all right so she also rally yesterday in dc and only one hundred people show up which is pretty surprising since dc is very far left and the word went out oh yeah only one hundred people showed up to hear homage to an omar where is anti semitic no doubt about it he hates israel she's from somali alright roll the tape the occupant of the white house as my sister a a and annex the golan and his allies are doing everything that they can to distance themselves and misinform the public from the monsters that they created that is terrorizing the jewish community and the muslim
maybe because when we are talking about anti semitism we must also talk about surround the full pia is two sides of the same coin of bigotry i'd like lives matter and other radical groups sponsor that rally were under people showed up in no more went on to say that america is no longer the country of white people ok look everybody knows what it is and who she is not an army you guys in minnesota i mean i know you elected al franklin senator which was just beyond the pale but this woman you uttered progress really minnesota another quick break it back with the final thought who do you trust you really
is anyone right back with it recently i had a great conversation with the ceo of the hartford goal group sanford man he's a true entrepreneur like those gonna guys looking to provide customers with the best possible use ryan's when they invest in physical gold and silver so right now a hard forego group is giving you a free silver coin the viewer the no spin news exclusively you just go w w w dot hartford our group dot com forwards no spin you can give get a call at aids execs void four zero five one seven eight six eggs or aid for zero five one seven no really said you get the free gift
five today are the alpha so johnny carson began his television your career with a crucial called who do you trust those of you who are of a certain age remember that of course he went on to superstardom and it's nice well do surveys out two thousand americans conducted by one poll and ask
do you have anybody you can find it twenty five percent of americans say they do not okay on that happy note i'm finishing up the trump book that should be done in two weeks and you're in love this book even if you don't like donald trump on every page you're going to learn something not just about donald trump but history and all it's history book on him but it's hard to write it but i'm almost done september seventeenth right now and i september i i think it will hold it on the makeshift date a day or two and we will will be checking in over the weekend on a regular basis and we'll see you again on monday
Transcript generated on 2023-01-24.