« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

No Spin News, May 26, 2020


Is President Trump in danger? Where has Joe Biden been?

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
i don't really got com premium average welcome to the no spin news tuesday may twenty sixty thousand twenty five for your freedom and for your health good weekend i was busy i wrote a com i hope you re called escape from new york if you saw that movie star incurred russell again identify with the column even more but even if you didn't see it what's happening here in new york where i am right now is a disaster the store with the present tromp his birds on the pandemic or not good now i know many of you are trumps supporters
and you often write to me and said well what about this and what about that and what about the economy and what about china on and on and on and i will tell you again that come november most americans now you but most americans will vote emotionally emotionally right doesn't matter what happened in the past how their feeling now now being over so keep that in mind donald trump to me is done a decent job maybe a little bit better because he did stop the flight from from china before anybody else so would say a good job on the panda but at this point at the end of may he is now on focused on focused
and these numbers are going down now given to you in a moment what has to happen if donald trump wants to be reelected i believe he does want it but he's lucky because you drew a very weak candidate joe biden and president trump may be overconfident but if you really wants to be reelected he's got to do things that he is not doing now on i'll tell you what they are so first the numbers for the pandemic approval donald trump as a forty three point four percent approval rating fifty four point three disapprove this is according to the real clear politics average of polls average of polls job approval donald trump
forty four disapprove fifty four so that's about to say it's got a ten point deficit now these polls are not reflective of what's going to happen two weeks from now if there's a virus vaccine there's a medicine if the thing collapses the pandemic collapses trump's numbers will rise there's no doubt about that but right now he's making two mistakes
the president's making two mistakes number one he's losing and he's losing his edge when it comes to the most important issue how the country should behave in the face of this vicious virus so let me give you specifics he takes the hydro drug why did that do him any good now it did now you can defend his use of the drug his doctor obviously signed off on it alright do i care whether prison trump took the hydro drug no i don't it's prescription medicine if you want to take you to your doktor ass a sign off on it i don't know anything about but i do know that by taking the hydro drug donald trump the present the united states diverge
attention away from the pandemic and gave his enemies two weeks to hammer him in the so what good do that do and the answer is it didn't do him any good at all again you can defend it you can rationalize do whatever you want but did it do the president of the united states any benefit the answer is not you are listening to a free excerpt from bill o reilly dotcom no spin news broadcasts where are you actually see me we'll be right back after this message
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listen you gotta come see as when you come to new york vp by well is a long way until november we got more questions you got more commercially by joint if you have a problem fragrant our dear for mere trump and you ain't black prepared to say that i have a record of over forty years and then i'm going to be joe why look at my record you he's going to beat himself video by now look i make me thanks i make gaffes everybody does but biden does it every minute of every day i'm going to beat yo by doesn't know what he's saying he just does now whether it is mental metal thing i lack of concentration in old age i don't know but he wants to be the
later of the most powerful country on earth and he doesn't know what he's saying have the top trump card a huge break here because it is going to get worse for by not gonna get that now the most important thing that i picked up on by was a tweet from me twenty and put it on a screen if you would when we emerge from this crisis the pandemic we can't just go back to the way things were before we need to take this country to a place where we ve never been when we finally live up to our highest ideals and everyone gets a full share of the american dream on call that is message to bernie sanders and his supporters that hey ongoing socialism because it's the only way in theory that every american gives full share of the american dream because some americans don't wanna work
some americans are addicted to substance some americans are mentally ill americans are evil sons of you no what you can't give them an equal share of the american dream it's impossible you can provide them as liberal precincts do and so elysium does with a bare minimum so that is what biden that tweet and i don't believe biden writes his tweets trump does in the morning and but biden does and this is basic we have bernie sanders and socialists when i get in there i'm going to move this country wave way left and he will roll of tape on this we'll be right back ready to put the question your love sparkle with blue nile blue nile his help millions of couples create their perfect engagement ring there
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Transcript generated on 2023-01-22.